Tuesday, August 4, 2020

2020 - The Year of Lilith, The Green Phase II, These Calm Little Moments

I used to get mad at my school
The teachers who taught me weren't cool,
You're holding me down,
Turning me round,
Filling me up with your rules
I've got to admit its getting better,
A little better all the time
I have to admit its getting better
It's getting better since you've been mine
Getting Better, the Beatles

With Biden's announcement of $2 trillion to invest in a Green Recovery and ''Building Back Better'', you should be now able to see how this plan comes together in the end - a New World Order - a grand ''Green'' alliance between Europe and America extending to the rest of the world via a restructured U.N.  i.e. what was expected all along. Britain will be caught in the half-turn as Trump falls and the USA and the EU reconnect but will eventually arrive at this party along with the rest of the ''Commonwealth 2.0.''   Nativist populism (the ''blond yellow spirits'' from a previous post) will be brutally shamed in Britain and the literal sick man of Europe will be held up as an example of what happens if you go it alone.  A financial crisis of the magnitude that requires rejigging the world order via Bitcoin or SDRs or a ''Euro-dollar'' will move the UK along faster as London will not be able to function and a more obviously semi-criminal off-shore banking platform aligned with Russia, China and Saudi Arabia is looking less and less attractive to the middle ground.  If anyone needed extra encouragement the de-greening fires don't look like they are dying down any time soon and fungal zombie locusts have been added in with the murder hornets for Abaddon swarm stories.


The Guardian presents with a long read on Malkuth XR (Extinction Rebellion) today and as you can see the similarity between the logo for XR and the quaternary structure of Malkuth is no coincidence.  XR rose to fame during 2019 (Year of Malkuth) where they were introduced heavily into the mainstream with Greta Thunberg and School Strikes in the Green Phase (for those really into this XR would be the Green Lion). In terms of the problem-reaction-solution social engine - Gilet Jaunes (blond native populism) and XR (internationalist emergency environmentalism) are the forces that are in true tension.  The synthesis (solution) runs along these kinds of lines: Nativists want their jobs back and Environmentalists don't want so much carbon intense international trade and exploitation of developing nations to feed luxury items to the developed world.  So food (and cash crop) production will be localised creating lots of new peasant agricultural labour for all the people made destitute by the collapse of the world economy.  Etc.  Again, if you want to get ahead of the weather, think about what would be agreed by these opposing sides if you were arguing towards agreement rather than away from it.  There is a synthesis here that keeps the centre ground very happy.

This woolly mammoth being pulled from a Siberian lake has echoes of the transition event of the freak die-off of three hundred and fifty elephants by green (algal infected?) lakes - but is also tied to ''the North''.  The pangolin was presented a potential source of the outbreak of Lilifluenza, now this strange beast is being rolled out again as a symbol of conservation and why we should not meddle with nature because we might cause these kinds of pandemics.  Access to nature is going to be more and more restricted as the decade rolls on - some areas will be out of people's reach because of the shattered economy and travel industry, some areas will be restricted on the grounds that people can no longer be trusted to not touch off a fire, litter, or do other criminal damage. Driving this message home is a story about another wildfire in California, apparently started by a malfunctioning vehicle.  Could the name Apple Fire be conjuring the idea of green flames? We had a taste of how these restrictions will be enforced during lockdown when people were driven out of the countryside or beaches via drones.  The truth is though, and this is beyond the remits of this particular post, that Nature is going to get even more strangely weird and vicious than it already has - people going missing, dying in strange ways, etc, but more on this later as an awareness of that change begins to develop.  Were these sailors really ''saved'' by SOS signal from pikelot island - I think you may have wanted to stay there people.  Liberate Tuteme Ex Infirnis.

Finally I want to end with another screed on logic and logical contradictions.  You [broad sweeping inclusive generalization] cannot say that people in general are ridiculous for believing in a demonic witchcraft cult behind the power elite if a) you are a demon trafficking witch yourself and b) you have stated previously that the power elite have their own spiritual protection - it's as amusing, confusing and somehow willfully naive as people who sign NDAs all the time saying conspiracies can't happen because no one can keep a secret.  To those assembled, if magic is as real as you claim, then it has been industrialised/militarised and people can keep a secret, and if you can't, maybe look around you and that will explain your life situation.  Will, Know, Dare, Keep Silent.  Similarly you can't snub people believing in aliens and spiritual possession as full of ''ridicularity'' if you yourself believe in probability-altering interdimensional entities that you can propitiate and/or will do your bidding.  You can't snub an 8 ball if you turn to tarot or teacups - you understand?  I know that many ''witches'' have issues with popularity and in-crowd mechanics from their experiences at high school but please recognise that in spite of years and years of Netflix based propaganda you remain as ''lunatic fringe'' for your beliefs as do the other occupants of this zone.   The fact that people are now more afraid of witches may well be to do with the success of this propaganda and the fact that you go on about hexing people all the time - you might want to start watching that when it turns.  If a) you are talking about hexing people and magical defences then b) don't be surprised if people start believing in hexes and defences and react accordingly.  Please watch your logical contradictions as your positions are becoming untenable and you will eventually pay the price.  Similarly its worth coming back to some conspiracy judo at this point - if you are an ''Ickian'' style conspiracy theorist (magickal or otherwise) please bear in mind that you have been played so you are now the ''reaction'' part of the problem-reaction-solution. Have a think and you will see, because the people who did that to you thought long and hard and many moves ahead of you. In many ways Icke (and others) has been hoisted by his own petard.


While we have a few ''calm little moments'' let's always remember: Courage; Reason; Compassion;  Enlightenment.  OM NAMAH SHIVAYA.

Me used to be angry young man
Me hiding my head in the sand
You gave me the word, I finally heard,
I'm doing the best that I can
I've got to admit its getting better,
A little better all the time
I have to admit its getting better
It's getting better since you've been mine
Getting Better, The Beatles


  1. The only "Working" I was ever involved in revealed to me that most esoteric patterns seem to be SELF-occuring:

    When I commited suicide back in '11, I possessed neither the occult knowledge nor the intention to peform any sort of ritual, I just wanted to stop suffering and f**king end it all. It is only YEARS later, after a tremendous amount of research attempting to understand the deeper meaning of what I saw and went through on the other side that I finally realized I had UN-intentionally fullfilled Crowley's "NOX" ritual:

    -the pouring out of all my blood to the Scarlet Woman (in this case my redheaded ex-gf who had viciously broken my heart);

    -"Kill Thyself!" (Crowley meant it symbolically, whereas I was quite kitchen-knife-meet-jugular literal);

    -the "Night of Pan", even though I had zero expectations about the afterlife, I did meet the Great God Pan among the stars, which immediately healed my pain and destroyed my ego;

    -the crossing of the abyss, meeting my late beloved aunt whom acted as my guardian angel (it's only recently that I realized my aunt's name, Gaetane, is the feminine of Gaetan, which is french for "Watcher");

    -my godson, which would have been named James after me, died in his mother's womb apparently the very moment I returned to life early the next morning. A part of the NOX ritual is a mock sacrifice and pretending to be lost in the lightless womb of the Great Mother. To this day I wonder if that baby would have lived if I would have remained dead.

    ALL of these things and more were self-occuring, and I'm a f**king nobody. So imagine if you're a VIP of sorts. Rituals everywhere.

    To quote Reed Richards, when he realized that the Marvel Universe kept repeating the same patterns: "Our reality might not be made of elements and molecules after all, but rather of STORIES that NEED to be told over and over again..."

  2. Well when you do that all kinds of things can happen - Have you heard of the walk-in? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walk-in
    As food for thought, great mediums (and great actors) do something more like a ''step-aside'', lesser ones then struggle to get back in. They've experimented, militarised and industrialised these processes as is intimated in shows like Stranger Things and the OA (by inducing death and then resurrecting the person or just subjecting them to extreme trauma). When you smash a few layers off the ego ''really weird shit'' pops out. Like a talking hatchet fish weird. They've almost certainly classified and can manipulate a great deal of that weird shit. None of this is strictly necessary if you have the working ''memory'' of an adept - although it is if you are making new ones... I was watching Mandy ( for the third time, trying to figure it out and nearly there ;-) ) last night and my sister texts me with ''we need to know more about ''44''. I didn't tell her I was watching it, I don't think she has even heard of this film, she's a kind of free roaming intuitive remote viewer. I've seen her do it in real time, it's extremely impressive.

    I hear you on redheads, they are a different species, a kind of ''ultra-white''.

    Yetzirah is the world of stories in that it is made of words and letters and meanings and they are more real than these shadowlands around us. That's why just ''green'' or ''black'' signalling can have such a strong effect. The words are ''more real'' than the matter they manifest in. Technically Briah is the world of ''character'' (still another form of intermediate sunthemata if you are working it practically) which of course stories themselves depend upon. Atziluth a world of ''points'' is all ''maths'' (noetic sunthemata) involved in processing time itself which of course ''characters'' (archetypal god forms) depend upon. You met the Time Goat.

  3. BLOGOS, an apparent NUKE has just gone off in Lebanon, at Beirut Port. Look it up at the top of the page on Zerohedge. Things are ACCELERATING.

    1. Look at the flag of Lebanon.

    2. A green tree! But yes that is a crazy blast - they are saying from the fireworks depot that was on fire. I think it could be a ''signal'' and not a nuke persay, but we'll see!

    3. Could be priming as well...

    4. Homes damaged 10km away? Reminds me of this...


    5. Oh, I thought it might be a reference to the KBL Tree of Life/Yggdrasil being set ablaze when the end comes. The Cedar of Lebanon was an important part of the story of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian/Babylonian Nimrod, cutting down the sacred tree/building the Tower of Babel, in defiance of the gods.

    6. That is not a fireworks factory (or if it was then it was being used a cover for something else) - blast radius 4 odd km, and apparently people heard it in Cyprus 145 miles away.

      Yes, all this on the Cedar of Lebanon and more, for sure. Brace for impact. Defying the Gods doesn't end well.

      Feel a bit weird now as I got up this morning and I randomly dream-channeled that Gary Oldman character from Leon for some reason. Then I looked at the pills he is taking and saw they are green and yellow. I called this post ''Calm Little Moments'', quoting from his line ''I love these calm little moments before the storm, reminds me of Beethoven''.

      Now that title looks a bit ... as ... what a storm!

    7. I'm curious, what is the "goat-demon talking to a blonde boy (?)" picture all in orange from? I've never seen that movie/series.

    8. Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. Netflix. Another one where they are name dropping Lilith *a lot*.

    9. Read my (brief) article on "The Meta-logic Café" blog (top of the page on Google) entitled "What is the difference between an alien from Venus and the angel of the Morning Star?", for MY take on Lilith, whom I love so dearly.

  4. Hey Blogos,
    I have been following your blog for a while on Feedly, and today I actually came to your blogspot page and saw that your profile picture is of a poet I hold very close to my heart. Did you know he and Crowley actually met once in Portugal? Best wishes, thanks you for your blog.

    1. Yes. He is very close to my heart as well. ''I have destroyed myself in order to create, I am the empty stage where various actors act out their plays''. A lot of my esoterica is, well let's just say very strongly influenced by him, in one way or another. You can find several posts quoting him and ''inspired'' by him especially in the earlier years. The Book of Disquiet is one of the best books on the planet - even more so, because it was never truly a book.

      They say I pretend or lie

      All I write. No such thing.

      It simply is that I

      Feel by imagining.

      I don’t use the heart-string.

  5. Further Lilith info you might find of interest:

    Being French (Canadian), I've always wondered why we were called "Frogs", the idea that it has to do with people in France occasionally eating frogs seemed like bs. So after much research, I discovered that it dates back to the Christian conversion of the Celtic peoples of Gaul: on their shields, they painted three blue frogs, in honor of their blue amphibian goddess Melusine (who was only SYMBOLICALLY represented as half serpent, or more precisely half "hydra", a common water serpent found in rivers over there). After the conversion, they recycled those three blue frogs into an early prototype for the Fleur-de-lys, which was an "inside joke" for the former Celtic folks, since the "Fleur de Lys" was originally the "Fleur de LUS", Lus being short for MeLUSine (same thing in english, regardless of more proper experts' opinions, "Lily Flower" being the flower of LILITH, same mermaid/siren).

    So when you see a Fleur-de-lys, remember: it is secretly a symbol for a prehistoric, Lovecraftian blue amphibian goddess, the members of Royalty claiming to have inherited her Venusian "blue blood". Many "conventional explanations" to cover-up our distant pagan past.

    Btw Blogos, since it is entirely possible WWIII is right around the corner, and internet lines might get cut, I just want you to know that I love you as a human being, and that I hope you are spared most of the suffering to come.

  6. And now TRUMP said that, according to his top military experts, "it was an ATTACK, some sort of bomb", over at Etemenanki they're interpreting it was meaning that "TOMORROW (August 5th) it begins"...

    1. Hmmm... I did notice it was fertilizer (apparently)... I could see fertilizer blowing up as a concept playing into the degreening. But hey who knows at the moment! There were quite clearly demons in the blast cloud.

  7. THIS should please you: Alexandro Jodorowsky's latest comic book masterpiece is entitled "CITRINITAS", and of course the cover/subject is all about a secret society's initiation being about the colour yellow. The brilliant Jodorowsky had written several books about the Kaballah, the Tarot, magic, etc.

    1. On that note, Denis Villeneuve's Dune is out in November - yellow circle, Dune, black background. I imagine it will be full of yellow palette washes.

      None of this particular pleases me. I'm undertaking this work mainly out of a sense of duty/service not for pleasure - I like to puzzle solve but this is a particularly disturbing and graphic image forming out of the jigsaw.

      There is so very much wrong with the Kircher Tree of Life but it is presented as THE Tree of Life by these groups as opposed to one of the lowest quality and most corrupted variants. 777 has that awful 32 = 34 stuff in the correspondence tables. There's the shoehorning of four (or even five) elements into a three element system (the Sefer Yetzirah only has air, water, fire). There's the misattribution of paths etc. No wonder these guys aurae look like mashed Mr Potatoheads. No wonder so many of them go nuts. Crowley knew something was wrong but didn't solve it (he did that flip in some of the letters). His student Charles Stansfeld Jones, flipped the whole thing on its head and also argued for other structures.

      The Saadia Tree developed here is the closest I can come to a logical setting (its referred to as ''the Sword'' or Elijah's sword by my allies) based on the earliest and most elegant copy of SY, The Saadia Version, but there is an alternative arrangement called the Tree of Gates (Etz Ha Shaarei) as well where you imagine each Sefira to be the wheel of 231 creating something almost like a bank vault lock system where you can adjust the paths as you wish. I only use the Gates (as a mesh) to project though. In all other circumstances I rely on Elijah's sword.

      All the later work on this site on esoteric genetics and time travel deploys the Saadia Tree not the Kircher Tree. Having to handle the Kircher in the way I am I have to be in a psychic hazmat suit. So no, not really pleasurable *at all*.

    2. The Etz Ha Shaarei is the cover image for the Hermetic Lessons, the 231 gates here also blending with the idea of Ispaklariot (or ''lenses''). The Saadia Tree is on the top right. I only say this because you can't see these things if you are accessing the site from a phone and not a PC.

      On things I don't like, I also don't like goetia and demonology. BUT it looks like a lot of the predictions for the Tree of Hell (the inverted Malkuth of Lilith) this year are just going to roll out now (they are even predicting the mother of all hurricane seasons for yellow phase i.e. the air-wind phase) and I am not sure I want to just do ''ha see I was right'' posts - well, too much. I would like to get ahead again and maybe focus on 2021. They've just released the new graphic engine which *is* unreal, I can see the whole headspace thing virtual meeting, virtual sexing etc unfolding now but the public don't register Gamaliel in the same way they do Lilith so I am curious as to how the name will be manifested... Maybe they'll just drop the word ''obscene'' over and over again. Maybe it will be the name of the drug...? Hmmm.

  8. I only meant "please" in the figurative sense of finding yet another piece of the puzzle which confirms your great work, but I get it, this s**t is depressing, laying out evidence there is 10 years of HELL in front of us.

    As far as the Kaballistic Tree of Life is concerned, all I know for certain, after my death experience with the Great God Pan, is that Chokmah and Daath are very REAL, VERY close to each other (almost one), and it's possible to go "straight there" without bothering with the rest of the Tree somehow (remember, I knew nothing of the occult beforehand, only in my years of research afterwards did I realize where I had gone).

    1. Yeah I know, I'm sorry, just being clear if there was any confusion. I do not do any ''work'' with the Kircher Tree. Its not really my Great Work though - my Great Work is ''The Metabolism of Time'' - although the theory may well be uncapitalised great work :-)

      Chris Knowles had made the observation about the use of orange in movies, 2017 (so 1 + 7 = 8 (Hod + orange) and I had just seen David Lynch do the whole Tree of Life (ascending) in The Return. So I just backchecked the idea that they were connecting the movies and made a simple prediction for 2018 and then it came very true. The Return in some ways is a criticism of this whole aspect of the ritualised production process in Hollywood, that's why some of the symbolism is obviously stapled on or spurious - like Lucky 7 insurance with Dougie wearing that awful green jacket etc - Lynch is kind of mocking it as well as doing it. I think you could possibly backcheck the political aspects of the colour theory as well, looking at what was happening historically and linking to the T-o-L but I think it's beyond my time limits to do that.

      If you are going to coordinate something like this your only option is numbers and colours really, after that the correspondences get more complex - astrological, Gods, God-names, etc - and so way more difficult to communicate to a less well informed production team. And since this emerges from ''signals intelligence'' when they had to raise and lower flags to signal to other ships I think there is a sentimental aspect to the way they work with colour as well. The problem with the numbers, although I think they do use it in a very limited way, is its very easy for Gematria to lead you somewhere incorrect or random. Iamblichus has a nice criticism of gematria/isopsephy I'll post it sometime.

  9. A new pattern possibly emerging: the "falling of BIRDS". The internet platform Twitter (bird) is taking a beating at the hands of the government, another internet thing "Robin hood" (bird symbol again) is now R.I.P., immediately under this news article, a story about a Boeing airplane almost going down because of a "bird strike"... not sure what this might amount to symbolically.

    1. The play ''The Birds'', do you know the story? Its worth checking out, if you believe the cult are anti-God(s). Although that is difficult to follow. Aristophanes, not Conor McPherson!

      Lilith works through birds generally though so it could be that. The fire-raptors at the beginning were said to be spreading the australian fires.

  10. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/aug/10/gene-manipulation-using-algae-could-grow-more-crops-with-less-water

    Algae - I put quite a bit into that prediction so distressed but pleased with this confirmation :-) it was in the ''degreening'' predictions early on

    1. Remember the "Manna Machine"? Mentionned on "Ancient Aliens" and many books, it was possible to reconstruct the Manna Machine of the Hebrew people, which allows the feeding of hungry masses in the middle of the desert using, precisely, GREEN ALGAE. Modern scientists have even reproduced something similar in a green house. FOR WELL OVER 20-30 YEARS, it's been possible to feed starving people EVERYWHERE for almost free, NEVER aplied on a large scale.
