Wednesday, October 28, 2020

2020 - The Year of Lilith, A Tale of Two Cities

The wind is rushing after us, and the clouds are flying after us, and the moon is plunging after us, and the whole wild night is in pursuit of us; but, so far, we are pursued by nothing else.


A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens


The Yellow Phase is to be dominated by inverted/''Qliphothic'' stories of the wind/air, west, yellow themes and the citrinatis (food).  If we are following a similar design structure to the previous phases we can expect the ''easy stuff'' i.e. the elemental and directional themes to have been completed by now as they set the tone or draw focus for the more ambitious demolition work.  Over the next few months we should now enjoy the yellow themes as much as we enjoy yellow snow, with extra points being awarded again for skilful and elegant attempts at blending the themes.

The virus ''mutated'' into an aerosol form as opposed to being completely transmitted by heavier water droplets in mucus and sneezes.  Scientists had begun to establish this over the Summer where infections were spreading rapidly in meat packing plants and other arenas with a sealed atmosphere and air conditioning but this knowledge has now begun to reach the majority of the population as they spent more time indoors with closed windows.  The virus could be effectively the same as the Wuhan virus where people were forced to wear goggles as well as masks, so what has really happened is that the science has been very slowly communicated to the public to create what we referred to before as the epidemiological whiplash for ''The Great Reset''.  Although Germany tried to fight this by keeping windows open most of Europe, including the epicenter where I am at, are now heading into various forms of severe lockdown.  Alongside this more rural states in the US are seeing their first wave as the virus has taken that long to diffuse into less densely populated areas.  It seems strange not to compare population density when making grand claims about various countries efforts but for the record the density is around 25 per square km in Sweden vs around 400 in England.  It also worth noting that the virus will now last 28 days on surfaces because of fomites, this means the winds are blowing it around and then it is settling all over the place.  I've certainly noticed an uptick in ''chemtrails'' and other strange sky effects over the last month and we have had several days of that lovely refrigerated rain at a time, these rains will, of course, wash the streets and other exposed surfaces, flushing the virus into the sewers.  I see you NATO.

The Arctic has begun to fart, as Northern Siberia continues to melt and release methane gas - as scientists expected this represents another tipping point and climate change will continue to accelerate from this moment on.  On that note BP has announced it will be involved in carbon capture.  For everyone who is opposed to climate engineering it might be worth realising that burning fossil fuels is climate engineering.  If you are basing arguments on what is natural, its worth realising that burning ancient graveyards of dead lizards to obtain dark electrical power is not natural.  You don't see fish manning oil rigs or seagulls sailing oil tankers.  In this vein, Hurricane Zeta is preparing to batter Louisiana for the third time this hurricane season, whereas the remains of Hurricane Epsilon threaten to cause more flooding and widespread damage in the UK.  This Hurricane season is currently expected to be the worst on record for 170 years other than 2005.  Let's hold its beer for it and see whether that prediction holds itself.

As the financial crisis in the travel industry spreads from hotels and airlines, airports themselves are now beginning to be hit - coincidentally completing the effort to draw down the carbon.  If slapping 80 pounds per person on the price of a ticket to buy an immunity passport wasn't enough to price the poor out of air travel they will make sure you can't even find a plane if you want to get on one!  I still think that ultimately those surplus planes are destined to be retrofitted to spray aerosol, although I know that seems far out at the moment.

Before moving on to the ''two cities'', its worth recognising that the discovery of water on the Moon, like ''Operation Moonshot'' and other name dropping is drawing our focus (priming) to the Moon where according to the theory there will be a lot of action next year 2021 being the Qliphoth of Yesod (Moon in the G.D. system). 


As part of Britain's mid-life crisis romantic desire to return to an earlier stage of its development the country now seems to be LARPing Oliver Twist. Marcus Rashford, a footballer, started a political campaign to make sure hungry children get to eat outside of school as well as inside.  The Government, rather stingily resisted this extension of free meals for poor children, and have passed the duty on to the corporate and charity sector.  Coupled with this we see food prices rising generally as a result of Lilifluenza's economic disruption and further disruption in the future as a result of Brexit.  Not only does Brexit lead to borders appearing within our own country (between Northern Ireland/mainland UK and Kent!) it also necessitates a drop in food standards in order to open the country up for big trade deals with the US and India.

To fit in with the theme of pre-20th century UK a few days ago the oil tanker Nave Andromeda had a few problems with corsairs so the Crown had to send some of her buccaneers to deal with them or something.  I think the ultimate purpose of messing around with the hyper-stitional nature of the Perseus myth that we saw in the last post is that if Perseus is not around, having failed in an early boss fight and ended up decapitated by Medusa, he is not around later to save Andromeda (the fallen daughter, Malkuth) from the tender embrace of Cthulhu Cetus.


In trying to understand why these occultists would spend this much time on manipulating colours, names, etc what you have to understand is that these occultists believe the word is more real than the physical object, the physical object is only the manifestation of the word.  If you can draw attention to a name then the reciting of the name becomes an incantation which leads to a summoning, this is how theatrical ritual magick works by tapping into the unconscious power of an unsuspecting public.  London as one of the global centres of freemasonry has been very successful at mechanically hitting all the key beats of the Yellow Phase thus far.


Je suis professeur.  After the beheading of a history teacher in France who was making a point to his class about freedom of speech, Macron has gone on the offensive against Islam, projecting the offending images onto buildings and guarding them with police.  This is quite an astute move politically speaking as it outmaneuvers the right wing and if Islamists don't like it then they can hardly vote for Le Pen can they?  It also takes some of the wind out of the sails of the Gilet Jaunes as it is clearly part of that anti-globalist populist movement that combine xenophobia/islamophobia with animosity towards the EU and internationalism en generale. Having blown one of their whistles for them, the Yellow Jackets now only have one note left to blow.

To what extent is Macron our Sun King?  We started the Yellow Phase of 2019 with the Gilets Jaune and we expected our attention to return there in this final act.  Unlike Johnson and Trump the other scions of the ''West'' Macron is overtly rationalist, internationalist, environmentalist and pro European integration.  The Jupiterian is very much their man and we can expect Macron to triumph if Johnson and Trump are to be humiliated.  Je Suis Professeur (as an element air is associated with the intellect and thoughts, remember Paris masonry is classier and ''artsier'' than London's) seems to be the first move of the final quarter on this front. As someone who fell in love with his much older teacher at high school to what extent is Macron an inversion of the King in Yellow, if we associate this, via True Detective, as a symbol of pederasty and pedophiles?  Is he a victim? There seems to be something here, but I can't quite tease it out of the astral yet.

Do not forget that we have not even really started the Yellow Phase yet, the pieces in play have been put on the table but they are still capable of mixing in surprising ways.  Along with the Food Crisis, the humiliation of Yellow Kings and the Winds, these Yellow themes should be arriving and/or intensifying soon:  Sulfur; Yellowcake; ''Bilirubin''; Gold; Venezuela; Brexit; China: The Yellow Peril; more revelations on the King in Yellow via Epstein, the Repairer of Reputations.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.


A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens


  1. 1- We should just abandon Petroleum and just go back to using Whale Oil. Not enough whales left? Clone them! And then kill them for their oil.

    2- Some of the most reliable studies I've seen (on The Market Ticker - Karl Denninger's blog), make it clear that Covid-19 is being spread over 90% of the time by *fecal* residue on the hands, which is why it was so devastating initially in China, the Middle-East and Third World Countries, they have lower hygiene practices, especially when it comes to taking a s**t.

    So washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water was always more effective than wearing a mask. *But*, if the virus truly has mutated and become a real, airborne plague (as the f**kers in charge intended), well... wearing a mask still won't protect you, unless it's a N-95, which cost more and are no longer available most places.

    3- If they're resurrecting the Greek myths, bring back Achilles, the model for Captain America. He was destined to dethrone Zeus (Satan, according to Revelations), ruling over the world in his stead.

    1. 1. It'll be CRISPR edited algal biofuel - the rising water levels are a real estate opportunity for the astute.

      2. Washing hands ain't stoppin' no faecal- aerosol transmission ;-) Maybe that's why Pythagoras was so scared of beans - afraid of the farts spreading plague through his cult compound. Rational man. incidentally the faecal transmission (aerosol or otherwise) occurred initially during the Nigredo... There is doubt over whether it survived in sewage waters (but if we follow revelations on the blazing star then these ''waters were poisoned'' by ''the blazing star'' of COVID). Cultural practices aside sanitizing fluid/toilet roll is expensive for poorer countries and maybe impossible to supply in countries that are at war - all the more reason to provide aid and secure global peace.

      Luckily they've supplied all Agents of the Crown with N-95s so ''I'm all right Jack'' ;-)

      3. They've resurrected the myths, ''Gods wear spandex'', etc, now they are *inverting* them.


    3. If they're very straigtforwardly reversing the myths, then Achilles would remain a draftdodger and never go to war, so the Trojans would win and the West would be conquered.

    4. Or just have Paris give the Golden Apple to Eris? ;-) That saucy minx.

      You could argue that the ''Athenian'' spirit of democracy and civic duty always runs to the West and the Eastern (Persian?) spirit of autocracy runs to the East. In the 90s that Athenian spirit moved from the US to Japan, and now is centred in South Korea (the most ''Western'' part of the world right now) and implies that within a decade there will be democratic reform in China as Athena finds her new home. Conversely the Eastern Spirit will move to the West and traditionally ''Western states'' will find themselves becoming ''oriental'' (traditionally associated with autocracy, despotism, technological backwardness).

  2. Blogos, I've been meaning to talk to you about this: From my own experience on the other side, the Kaballistic Tree of Life seems to be *upside down*, with our world Malkuth at the top, the entire spiritual world literally being an UNDER/NETHER-world *beneath* physical reality.

    It *would* make perfect sense for Kether the crown to be at the base of the Tree, since everything "grows out" from God.

    1. So this is partially to do with the problem of the various symbolisms of the Tree over the years, how they are blended and how that connects with the symbolism of the Qliphoth and partially to do with the problem of representing a 5d hyper-continuum in a 2d visual aid. For instance the Sefiroth shouldn't really be visualised as Spheres, they are more like vertices but they are blown up as spheres because a) the erroneous connection between sphere and sefira and also b) as ''boxes'' for the text.

      Another point worth considering is that the imagery is reversed in Yetzirah, but then is reversed again in Briah. So although it looks ''upside down'' in Yetzirah, its right-side up in Briah. Useful correlates in understanding this are how the eye works, genotype/phenotype or perhaps better how mRNA transcription and protein synthesis occur. Its a series of reflections.

      So one rendition of the imagery of the Tree has Keter as the root. But how do you map this over with the idea of the Qliphoth? Do the Sefiroth then form the root system and the Qliphoth the Tree that emerges - that seems very weird. The neo-classical idea has it that the Tree of Life is that magical Tree in the Garden and the Tree of Hell is well, in hell underneath. When trying to understand what they are doing it's worth recognising that the GD system has contradictions like this, it was created from multiple conflicting sources that all had variations of the core correspondences. For Isaac Luria the Klippot were ''husks'' so the idea of the soil as husks seems to be one that connects with ''under the Tree''. Its not as if the Qliphoth then have their own Tree persay but that pathogens (generated by decay in the soil, rotting excrement etc) can then be classified by a Sefiroth system because of what organ systems they affect. For example the Gamaliel are the set of pathogens that afflict the genitals, Samael is part of a set of pathogens that affect the kidney, etc.

      Back to the beginning then, in terms of really understanding the Tree of Life it is of course 5d. Keeping as close to the SY as possible the Saadia Tree at the top of the page in the web version shows this so Keter is ''the Beginning of the Beginning'', ''the Depth of the Future'', ''the World to Come'', which is ''the root'' and Malkuth, where we are is the Depth of the Past, the ''leaves/petals''. This is a bit difficult to explain as it seems counterintuitive but you'll get your head around it. The ToL is an arrangement of the ''Ten Depths'' and these are linked by the Letters of Foundation (astrological glyphs) in the most rational order according to the text (Chaldean order). Some variations crept in over the centuries and the G.D. system seems to have its planetary order based on Dee/Kelly and is very different from the Chaldean Order. This is one of the reasons why their auras get messed up. That and the conflations between Planet and Sefira.

      Here is the SY Gra Version which breaks the text down according to Sefira and Letter. Its the best place to start with the text as it makes it easier to read and understand but the Saadia Version of the Tree of Life is based on the Saadia Version of the SY which arranges the text differently.

    2. In terms of disease then Lilith as the Qlipha of Malkuth is a disease of ''the feet'' which are representative of the totality of the being (see reflexology). Therefore lilifluenza is a multi-system disease. 2021 will then be about a ''sexually transmitted disease'' but I think the focus will be on a ''digitally'' sexually transmitted disease as opposed to a physical one because of the fact that everyone will be isolated in their entertainment boxes. Sexual contact of various forms across the internet and via technology like VR will be the focus as will be the dangers of internet porn addiction in general i.e. we will be dealing with the sexual consequences of the lockdown and everyone getting even more weird sexually speaking.

      The Qliphoth of Hod then (Samael, the Poison), as the first set of ''kidney diseases'' will be centred in metaphors for cleaning the blood of toxins and/or adrenaline. The Qliphoth of Netzach will also focus on kidney disease but the hormonal shift will be to cortisol - the stress hormone. From this we can expect some diseases of the ''skin'' in general as well. This is to do with the adrenal glands above the kidneys creating those two hormones, the adrenal gland splitting into the adrenal cortex (Netzach) and the adrenal medulla (Hod).

    3. Everything you wrote here, and everything that has been written by other sages in the past, is all very interesting, but it is all "speculative" compared to actual first-hand experience; no offense, but I can only rely on what I saw.

      The Tree, as a hyper-dimensional super-structure perceived from a 3-D point of view, was quite clearly upside down. I was falling downwards, shrouded in darkness, a hell of a lot of electrical pathways and spheres of light, all the way down to Chockmah, where I met Pan among the stars. I get the very powerful intuition and deductive reasoning that the Celtic Pan, Cernunnos, was an attempt of portraying God in a state of profound meditation further down at Kether, the Tree of Life emerging from his mind like the antlers of a very old stag.

    4. Fair enough. Your own undisputed astral mastery aside ;-) I trust Isaac Luria. Seriously though many of these initiates regularly projected to the ''higher''/''deeper'' realms and recorded what they saw. This is the basis of a lot of theosophical Kabbalistic text but also a great deal of the Gnostic Corpus. The image at the top of the Hermetic Lessons web version is the Sefiroth as Ispaklariot or ''lenses'' ie speculum. When you know how to QBListically ''speculate'' the word takes on a richer meaning. What I am saying is that your experience, like all astral experience was in Yetzirah, but in Briah its the ''rightside'' ''up''. You can't get there with a ''you'' attached. Only a few mystics have managed to ''de-you'' themselves to the point where they can. During that Yetzirah experience you were falling ''back'' to the ''future''. That feels like ''down'' or ''in'' but its actually ''back'' we just can't see it in 4d exactly.

      I don't doubt your OBE/NDE experience in Yetzirah though, things are reversed there from our perspective. There is a lot of universality in them so we know that this is an ''objective'' place its just ''objective'' takes on a different meaning as well. When you see something, including a vision of the afterlife, you are translating your experiences into a visual metaphor. ''Light'' *is* timelessness. And yes ''Pan'' could have been ''God'' ''thinking'' duality into existence, duality represented by the horns.

      Chokmah as Reshit is the Beginning as in the Beginning of Wisdom is the fear of the lord. I associate this with the Depth of Good as in ''He saw that it was Good''. Keter is more the Beit in Bereshit, Beit which translates to ''within'' or ''in'' - ''in'' is the beginning of ''in the beginning''.

      Kether has a number of alternate names in Kabbalah around the Bahir time, like Machashavah (Thought) Hefsed (Obliteration/Annihilation), He'der (Absence), Hoshekh (Darkness) that are worth reflecting on in coming to terms with the nature of the Primum Mobile. Also the Pantheistic Kabbalists didn't differentiate Keter from ''God'', i.e. God is Kether not God causes Kether.

    5. "You can't get there with a "you" attached. Only a few mystics have managed to "de-you" themselves to the point where they can."

      I might be mistaken, but I think I did, albeit unintentionally, when I completely detached myself from my fear of pain, fear of death and very coldly and calmly severed my right jugular, then the left one. Never before or since have I experienced such "terrible willpower", as my doctor at the time put it, which is in fact abandonning your own ego and illusions of Earthly belonging/materialistic control.

      What blows me away is finding out over the years that Aleister Crowley had already described the whole ritualistic "NOX" proceedure decades before I was born, and that KBL/Neo-Pagan practitioners have been expounding this for centuries. Never expected to meet the Great God Pan, knew very little about him or any of this occult stuff beforehand. Just goes to show how amazing breakthroughs are sometimes self-occuring, by accident. It's as if I got lost in the wilderness and accidentally stumbled upon a stargate.

    6. Get where to Briah? I just gave you an overview of the type of the four worlds type thinking that explains why things are reversed on Yetzirah but also the problem with the clashing symbolism of the Trees/Roots/Soil as they've tried to present those ideas over the centuries. If things seemed flipped around from your normal perspective then it's more likely that you were in Yetzirah, as that reversal is very normal, but honestly its probably not worth discussing or thinking about in these terms until you've studied it for a while (don't feel forced though!) because it is like another language. ''Ego'' is used in a variety of ways by lots of different sources and can be a confusing/misleading term in itself.

      Of course killing yourself is the short sharp trip straight to *a* Kether, of one of the four worlds, but, as I am sure you know, its unwise karmically and physically. Getting there is easy, coming back is tricky to say the least, right? Look at the movie Flatliners! The series OA explores the MKUltra experiments of killing people and then reviving them too. Better to learn to project while living. Its possible though, make of it what you will. I just tried to answer your question from the perspective of the Kabbalah that I know, my knowledge is far from complete. Especially on the Qliphoth, as I don't dabble in such things myself, I am just trying to provide insights from they who do dabble. Those damned dabblers. I stick to angels and alchemy, for tax reasons.

    7. JB, this is correct for the practitioner if the tree is properly planted.

    8. Also Blogos, great information all around.

  3. My dreams are sending me to a lot of places lately.... I'm tired of dreaming so much. What I perceive is happening is an Age collapse, like the Bronze Age before. Some argue that It's about the Kali Yuga, and that we entered this cycle then, and we are leaving it now. There is also a Grand Solar Minimum coupled with this.... So it's like the gears of this world we live are aligning themselves, with the earthquakes, famine, and everything else a deep solar minimum brings to the table. And that could be why you need a Christ or Sun son deity to save afterwards. The priest class that survived all the previous ages are trying to survive this time, and in this I agree with ZoD, they are trying to save their knowledge and tech, that's why they are so invested in the controlled demolition called "the big r e s 3 t"
    But in this context, when the sun of god comes back, what will happen to destroy the evil of the world? And if the GSM last for a century or more, how can we pass good knowledge like this page?

    1. There is no doubt that this is a transition between ages, between the industrial age and the post-industrial age and there is also no doubt that the same powers that be would like to maintain their power in the new age. See BP being into carbon capture as exhibit A. Generally when any civilization fucks up the forest around it too much it gets destroyed by floods etc. This is happening on a global scale now but it doesn't need ''Planet X'' to do it. I entertain those ideas but recognise that these theories take a lot of otherwise good investigators out of the game. I know I've ran to the hills a few times based on them, and they've cried wolf too many times for me. Zod has been saying the same thing for a long time and no one has been obliterated yet. That's the advantage of having a very vague apocalypse time frame. We're all dead *tomorrow* by global cataclysm or maybe in the next 50 years. :-)

      Honestly the way to pass on good knowledge is old school anyway. I got the knowledge from my ''prior'' incarnation's (depending on your temporal perspective) memory palaces, then books + mentors (these you can acquire and repeat karmically as well) and then application of the techniques. The internet, as it is currently, is making people less reliant on their memories so its mainly having a negative effect on learning as well as dumbing everyone into infantilized cartoon versions of themselves to boost sales.

      As far as we can tell the future is quite a low-key happy place for a lot of people, Earth does become a kind of garden utopia for a while. The 20s are extremely rough, the 30s less so and there is a Utopian ''we can make the world a better place'' attitude and the 40s are generally ''quite nice'' if you like that sort of solar powered farmers market hipster paradise kind of thing. Free energy of a form rolls out in the 40s.

    2. I do not know if we have a secret sun or not, but I do get that we live in a cyclic vogage through the galactic center. I don't know if an ELE is on the way, but it has happened before.... And yes, the time frames and scales are on another level of magnitude, so for us is hard to stimate. What I do think it's different now it's the strong GSM, how deep and difficult it will be i don't know, but cities are very unstable now, so I'm now more than running to the hills, I want to live there the years I have left in me.... The vibrations and noise in the city are now too much for me.

    3. I got out of the city just over a year ago now, and I couldn't be happier. Just in time for da rona.

  4. Isn't macron's wife like 30 years older. Don't know of that means anything

  5. Just in case anyone is wondering that Earthquake in the Aegean was the Kraken (Cetus) being released.

    1. Oh. Do I need to get "giant sea monster" insurance?

    2. Should we start to worry?

  6. Jesus Christ. I cannot confirm the following information, nor tell you the source, but please take into consideration:

    -By end of december 2020: second worldwide lockdown, much stricter.

    -First quarter 2021: universal basic income program for everyone, appearance of much worse Covid-21.

    -Second quarter 2021: third worldwide lockdown, no travel of any sort between countries or cities allowed.

    -Third quarter 2021: supply chain broken and inventory gone. Military everywhere.

    Total relief of all debt of any sort by IMF, now known as "World Debt Reset Program", but guaranteed universal basic income and individual debt relief on condition of release of all property and assets forever, as well as, of course, be given Covid-21 vaccine. World Debt Reset Program now in charge of everything.

    Those who take new vaccine will receive photo id "Health Pass", no more lockdown or restrictions for them. Those individuals who refuse sent to isolation facilities - internment camps, "public safety risk" - indefinitely (or until they change their minds).

    Prime Minister Trudeau and main members of Liberal Party in Canada already agreed to this in private, they were told "it'll be the same everywhere on Earth".

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