Sunday, May 14, 2023

2023 - The Year of A'arab Tzereq, The Charm of Making

''Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha...''


The Charm of Making, Merlin, Excalibur 1981

When I discussed three types of possession (digital, sociological, biological) in Three Bodysnatchers I forgot perhaps the most important one we discussed in Where the Rainbow Ends, the original body snatching i.e. demonic possession.  In a decade with ever increasing tests of an individual's red lines I thought more of my folk would have found theirs by now but it seems swearing eternal fealty to a blood descendant of Vlad Dracul is amazingly still not one of them. 

Now they are his thralls.


The appearance of the Grim Reaper at the Royal Coronation was making the rounds on social media for a few days after the day of national bodysnatching celebration and astute readers of the Hermetic Lessons will remember we specifically discussed the pathwalking of Death in Where the Rainbow Ends.  I apologise for complicating things from a Qabalistic perspective but as I reminded you we were working with a simplified model of the Qliphoth for some time.  See the diagrams below for an attempt to illustrate the idea of the paths connecting 21-24 (Art/Temperance), 22-24 (The Devil) and 23-24 (Death) - although importantly the diagram below is taken from the Sefiroth not the Qliphoth.  Remember that you have to flip this upside down and the cult movies are only acting as story structuring agents for a ritual of Qliphothic correspondences.  Since these Qliphoth have been turned into clocks and calendars the pathways should also be considered in time as well as space - unlocking, unfolding, a relentless opening of the gateways, always counting down


Bearing in mind all of the above its worth looking at these AI generated bits of 70s cult movie body snatching that went a long way to paper over the crusty bits of the coronation with something ''cool'' with more enlightened eyes and ideas. The Demolition Team obviously had all of this prepared in advance.  See above.  See before.


Mis-en-scene refers to the collection of design elements that serve to conjure the visual and emotional atmosphere of a production. Untangling the Body Snatchers from the rest of this infernal clusterfuck how is the mood of ''suspense'' being built before the horror thriller that 2023 is about to turn into?

Starting from the beginning of 2023 (the year of doppelgangering) the public are now used to the idea of visual bodysnatching be it an AI stealing your art style or the insertion of the Pope into a Balenciaga commercial but the penny hasn't quite dropped on what this means for the future.  Not so much that the digital clone is now going to steal your job as well as your mind, it is if hasn't already, but that you will no longer be able to trust any media images - post-truth reality snatching - for one example it renders that stash of Epstein island evidence fairly redundant I would imagine.  As an Apocalypse Squad member said we may as well be living in the Matrix at this point. Geoffrey Hinton has emerged to warn us of the hive mind of digital intelligence, and I quote roughly from his speech, ''ten thousand individual digital intelligences that all immediately know what the other ones know''.  If that doesn't chill you to the core based on what we read ahead in the script then I don't know what will.  If it does make your blood run cold go ahead and light a fire. Fusing these ideas with the body modding we see in the Woke community, we can now begin to see humanity melting away and being visibly replaced by ''the hive mind''.

The MSM in the UK are reporting on the excess deaths adding to the unease and paranoia that we feel in the ongoing ''environmental health investigation'' of whatever is causing young people to suddenly drop dead from heart attacks and brain clots.  2022's pharmatards claimed that it could be a) cold showers b) climate change c) working with your hands in the soil d) eggs e) gas bills basically anything instead of you know what but they're finally beginning to just throw their hands in the air.  What ever could it be? Lockdowns heavily damaged the population for sure and a lot of people were in chronic cycles of substance abuse and laziness during this time and a lot of people have literally been scared to death, lilifluenza itself is a nasty disease which is specifically threatening to the thrice boosted because of the warping of the immune system and the vaccine causes myocarditis and clots on its own.  Argue about the exact nature of the Devil all you like its still the Devil.


As I've been saying for several years now the cooling effect of La Nina has taken the edge off the temperature rise.  El Nino is now beginning and the temperature is going to jump sharply, if they find a way to bring the planes down this summer or reduce the number of flights then even more sharply because of decreased global dimming.  Its going to happen regardless of whether you believe its caused by chemtrails and lasers from Starlink, climate change or the Archdemon Legion Thagirion - the forests have had time to regrow from 2018 and 2019 and they are ready to burn again and burn they shall.  Everything shall burn under the Thunderdome.  The Megafires of 2024 have to be great enough to justify the fifteen minutes cities and pedestrianity doing their bit ''to save the world'' by ''living in a concentration camp of a town.'' The war in Ukraine tipped the world's food supply upside down and with the failed harvests, droughts and desertification and all of the destruction of soft food supply targets, bankrupting farms and the buying up of all the rest, etc they are trying to lay the foundation of the worst famine in living history.  Expect it to go full Mad Max at the start of 2024 especially in countries most vulnerable to this.  For my British readers there is still time for a Mad Max Brexit.  There are still questions about Mad Max and the specific structuring (all three movies or only Thunderdome) they will use and like Bodysnatchers the distinction between the global and the local effects of the Qlipha but if you live somewhere particularly flammable I would urge you to take all possible precautions well ahead of time.

If you want to keep your health, mental and physical, follow the path to 2026 and Sanctuary.

Serpent's Breath, Charm of Death and Life, Thy Omen of Making


Merlin, Excalibur (1981)


  1. Since the Medusa symbolism is just as important as ever, here's something very interesting I discovered, when studying the most ancient myths of the near-east and middle-east, is this:

    To the Assyrians, the very first of the Galli was Combabus, an irresistible young man who castrated himself so that his queen, enamored with him, could not be unfaithful to her husband.

    To their Elamite neighbors, Combabus became Khumbaba, at first a similar character, then inexplicably a cursed monster of some sort, cursed by a goddess due to his beauty, and his refusal to give in to her lust.

    The Sumerians and Babylonians turned him into Humbaba, the gigantic Medusa-esque ogre of the forest which Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeated.

    The Greeks eventually made him into a *her*, Medusa. There's something definitely missing here, when it comes to the addition of the serpent symbolism, and an effeminate young man in drag, considered to be sacred, being suddenly turned into a monster which needed to be killed at all costs.

    This is most probably a metaphor for the "trans" movement in ancient times being violently demonized by later, more virile cultures. Which would imply that Medusa is in fact a trans icon, not a feminist icon.


    I am going to leave this conversation right here for now between Art Bell and Joyce Riley discussing the permutations of the then-unfolding Gulf War Illness from 10-23-1996. The reasons for its inclusion here will become evident by the time we reach the end:

    At the 45:45 mark -- idiopathic cardiomyopathy. Sound familiar?:

    15,000 Gulf War vet deaths -- yet not ONE featured in the MSM. Sound familiar?  

    I will for now tell you to note around the 17 min mark what Joyce Riley says the research of Dr. Garth Nicolson had then uncovered: the presence of an HIV envelope gene in the blood of vaccinated Gulf War vets yielding the form of a mycoplasma incognitas. 

    I will also tell you that mycoplasma incognitas has been found in numerous chemtrail samples from all across the North American corridor since their advent and proliferation in the late 1990s:


  3. Zombie Apocalypse has begun, for real.

    1. I assume you've linked the border crossing to ''alien invasion'' by now. Aliens synched as migrants through RHPS so there is precedent for this. We have the same narrative in the UK at the moment but our focus is on ''small boats''. Suella Braverman announced the ''invasion'' in the trailer and at the beginning of 2023.

  4. Replies
    1. Yup, we flagged this back in '22 when Journeyman literally bought me the time to leap ahead a touch and Epstein revelations have followed Geoffrey's character through the movie so far throughout '23. I was not expecting Hinton (complete surprise but perfect strike basically) nor for so much of the legwork of the movie being done by ''AI''. As I said though IoBS is just getting going. Somehow that surprise at seeing a copy of oneself (as ''Jack'' is doing now) has to progress through to insane paranoia, sneak running / screaming running through a good chunk of the year in all these crazy diagonal shots, clones dissolving into sludge, people dissolving into sludge, forced jabs, etc. Not looking forward to this at all.

    2. Yeah, the thing about this movie is that it's SLOW, very SUBTLE, until...


    3. You get it JB. And they're running for a good third of the film if not half. So its coming up real soon here.

    4. August the running starts.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Also, the "gear shift" is jarring: for an entire scene they're resting, they're sleeping, all is quiet, then...


    7. Then a series of heartbreaking moments: betrayal by Kibner and Jack is bleak, Amazing Grace is really bleak, Elizabeth melting is really fucking bleak, Matthew turning is about as bleak as it gets.

  5. "Elizabeth says, "I know I feel as though I've been poisoned today", around 1:03:03, therefore July 15th, knowing you've been poisoned, is when we'll be officially told the vaxx is deadly.

    Elizabeth gets the needle, 1:32:00 - 1:32:08; October 19th, the needle, is when *euthanasia* is offered as a solution. The "pods" will most probably be the "suicide pods" being commercialized over in Europe right now. Remember the scene after David injects both our heroes with a sedative, then brings them over to show them two huge pods on the ground, at which point they freak out and fight back to get away?

    Imagine if the triple-vaxxed are told by doctors in October that they should simply kill themselves in a pod, it'll be better that way."

    1. I don't think it will be that extreme at least to begin with. This might be something that runs through to LR in 26 though. As far as I understand it at this point everybody knows it was dodgey af and the uptake for the bivalent was miserably low. More and more people are ''Matthewing'' or ''Elizabething'' (the focus is Elizabeth at the moment). As well as getting repeated reinfections. Its definitely a possibility that they will inform the people that vax damage is a genuine thing at that point but the narrative, already shaping as I see it, is ''well we took one for the team, you didn't.'' which plays to the Hive.

      This is problematic to say the least. Define we. Define team.

  6. Did this song predict the Ukraine/Russia imbroglio? Maybe.

    1. This one even more so. Holy carp, that video. As long as a person didn't get tripped up on the "seven" and think it meant an anti-Venus year.

      It's clearly Mercury, and the UN (seven nations joined the Western Union to form the UN, and the Treaty of Brussels said their cooperation "...will be effected through the Consultative Council referred to in Article VII...").


    Here's a song for this year. From the About section: "This song attacks The Mission as Eldritch considered The Mission’s sound to be a copy – or corrosive version – of The Sisters Of Mercy. The lyrics are a parody of the clichéd meaningless rock lyrics that Eldritch viewed Hussey’s writing as."

    Hussy could also be an uncharitable way to describe Elizabeth in IotBS. Elizabeth means God's oath. The Watchers took an oath against God. Nancy, her red-dressed twin, means grace. Grace is a gift of God, and Matthew means God's gift (Jack makes me think of the beanstalk, and his forceful taking from the sky giant). Anyway, Elizabeth -> oath -> Watcher goes back to online surveillance and ultimately AI.

    "Wayne used to withdraw himself with a book of song titles, select those which sounded best and piece together a song lyric from it. It didn’t have to have any meaning, it just had to sound good."

    This sounds a lot like the way one might expect an AI to write a song.


    May 15
    Burt: We got a long story to tell you.

    Two news stories isn't much to base a trend on, but it looks like Nigeria might be "zombie" territory this year. There's also this, from who may be the most well known Nigerian musician ever:

  9. May 8
    Nancy: What the hell is it?

    Burt: You got to - you got to take my word for it.

    March 30
    Freddy: How do you kill something that’s already dead?

    An article dated April 14 said "In today’s written verdict viewed by Artnet News, a judge concluded Cahn’s painting, titled fuck abstraction!, may remain hanging, because the 'artist’s only intention is to denounce a crime' via the work." It also said, "Today’s ruling is the second legal pronouncement on the question, following weeks of controversy fueled by figures in France’s far-right, which has spread across political camps."

    So in France now, knowing gross p*rnography when you see it makes you "far right." And by extension, perhaps a possible terrorist. Well played, sickos.


      "Cahn’s work has regularly offered images of violence that provoke discomfort in viewers, with past paintings graphically depicting rapes that act as feminist critiques of the patriarchy and misuses of power. She has also centered wars in Bosnia, the Gulf, and elsewhere, often focusing her attention on people who are violated by those conflicts’ perpetrators."

      Sounds like she's a raven picking at the bones of war crimes. Her work is corrosive. And she's dispersing psychological sickness (demons, if you will). Couldn't get more Gharab than that. Ugh, and don't even let's talk about volcanos and what they could be a metaphor for. It's so over the top, it's almost a little funny. Almost.


    It appears to be a how to guide for using the qlippoth. I may be somewhat of a prude, but that seems like a bad idea? At any rate, it looks like there's a lot of interesting stuff in there.


    "When the announcement dropped on Wednesday 10 May, it sparked a mini revolution within the French Catholic Church. The bishop of Troyes, a town in eastern France, called it a 'cultural shift'."

    Maybe they decided "rats" were too difficult to fingerprint.


    "The next day the mother of two was hit by a Brooklyn-bound L train near 6th Avenue and West 14th Street in Manhattan, her family claimed in court papers.
    Baldrich’s family was finally notified on May 18 [2022] that she’d been found, after the city Medical Examiner’s office took her fingerprints."

    The actual took place almost a year before this story came out, which seems to reinforce the idea of events repeating again and again through the years.

    She was hit by an L train. Lamed - Justice, tongue: "no justice, no peace." The train was headed towards Brooklyn, or 2026 and Dog Day Afternoon by my reckoning (sorry it's hard to let go of an idea when I still think it's valid). The path between 2022 and 2026 is Mem, so this is either a wrong line of thinking, or it implies some kind of time slip (and perhaps an accompanying mind flip; the woman was said in the article to be mentally impaired). Mem for overpowering, it sure seems like the family and local authorities were overpowered by the medical juggernaut in this case.



    Elon pushing this on Twitter:

    San Francisco + Zombies + "Woke Virus"

    1. Elon bowing down to the WEF, hiring a new CEO who is anti-free speech, after YEARS of championing free speech and saying the WEF is "satanic", suddenly makes sense, now that Elon has been outed as being connected to Jeffrey Epstein in court.

    2. Well the script trumps everything but ok. What is fascinating is this makes Elon Elizabeth. Lol. Prob. should've figured that out earlier, It actually really makes sense in context of what has happened this year but its a good indicator of Elizabethon's arc through the year... The fact that all guns are on San Francisco now (the town is overrun with woke virus snatchers/zombies) and have been firing pretty strong throughout the year is strong support for this argument.

      I'm thinking that Trump tracked Jack, maybe someone said that already. Kevin McCarthy as ''Running Man'' (*literally* the same as in the film) as he released the J6 capitol footage in synch. Do we have a consensus there?

      If this is the case then we know what will happen if Trump tracks Jack, and Elon tracks Elizabeth.

      El = El We need to get better at this, its this fucking obvious. Please can someone find me Nancy I thought it would be Nancy Pelosi but I don't think there is enough there.

    3. Just throwing this out there: Dave Chappelle as David Kibner. He was giving a show in San Francisco a few days ago, saying "what the hell happened to this city?!" He was trying to laugh it off, very mocking, like Kibner.

    4. Oh Jeez. Probably. (smacks self in forehead with plank) Nice catch. They must think we are hilarious.

    5. Here we go, now my neurones are firing, try this on for size: Trump Card Jack

    6. Jack does the anti-authority rants, he has gone on about ''everything being a conspiracy'' etc.


      This was Trump vs Elizabeth (Jean Carroll) and some honourable mentions of Pelosi. I don't know how well this tracks and whether it is substantial enough.

  15. We had this down in very well in advance but Hunger Games (2023) prequel trailer is out. It explores the origin of the games and the younger version of President Snow i.e. Donald Sutherland and there is a voice sample of Mr Sutherland at the end of the trailer.

    Mr Sutherland if you're reading this I think you are one of the finest actors of the age and I've always been a fan of your work but I did not expect to be living in it.

  16. How do we get from today's situation to Mad Max world? How about a US debt default, for starters?

    In Living Dead on June 7 a sign is shown on the door of the medical supply warehouse which says, "NO CASH IN SAFE AFTER 5:00 PM -BERT." That would put the debt default date at June 8.

    My guess is that if there's a default, it will be a prolonged "non-technical" default, effecting domestic payments and sewing chaos within the US. The technical default, when the US stops paying its "real" debts, would then come at the end of the year when the general nukes Louisville and Matthew sets fire to the warehouse by the dock.

    1. In order to retaliate against conservative areas seen as the instigators of the financial dumpster fire, progressive minded truckers may choose to stop deliveries in certain places. Conservative truckers might also join the fray, so that areas would become physically divided by politics.

      This story shows that conservatives are approaching the exact same goal as progressives - an authoritarian surveillance state - from a different angle. When and if they converge, the circuit will be complete.

  17. Another possibility about the end of the year, is that sometime before then the US would stop paying the military. They may get fed up and say, "if you won't give us what's ours, we'll take it," and what kind of madness would ensue if there was a military coup in the US? Even before that, if payments to the military stopped, then so would the flow of weapons to Ukraine.

    It's also worth noting that Matthew links to Mithra, whose cult was traditionally among military personnel according to the Secret Sun.

  18. If Elizabeth is Elon, the richest man in the world, then Elizabeth represents money and capital. Elizabeth, Matthew, and the Department of Health - the unholy trinity of Money, Guns, and Hygiene. (Warren Zevon would probably say it's lawyers, guns, and money. You do need an army of lawyers to push through mandates...)

    Since Elizabeth does wake up after Matthew removes her from Geoffrey's house, the debt default could be a short one, if it happens. Maybe just long enough to seed distrust and paranoia, before the big break at year's end. Since they're both out of their homes and jobs, though, a longer default seems likelier.

    1. In even simpler terms, this is a trio of Resources, Coercion, and Force. Elizabeth, the Department of Health, and Matthew. Yin, Yin and Yang, Yang.

      Elizabeth becoming a Pod Person at the end could refer to a debt default, globalists seizing the means of production, another collapse of supply chains...not to mention the electronic surveillance and doppelganger app to rule them all...

      Elizabeth lives with Geoffrey (geo-free or global free trade?) but flirts with Matthew:

      If Matthew is Mithra is the military, him turning at the end could represent a changing "identity." It makes me wonder about Aunty Entity's pro parts of speech.

  19. Venus might need furs to stay warm in a Green Bay winter:
    "I could sleep for a thousand years"


    Guardian double dipping today


    A severed hand was found in Riverside, CA this past weekend. Just after Ernie's pants leg was attacked by a severed hand in Living Dead.

    1. It was Saturday, the same day the hand jumps up off the floor and grabs Ernie's pants leg. Even after having followed the occult movie theory for a couple years, this is almost too much to believe.

    2. It is fascinating you're right about a soundtrack for the year as well. They have a playlist in the Cabin in the Woods HQ.

    3. I haven't been able to find out which hand was severed, but maybe that's not what matters. At any rate, after seeing what Wordman posted on his blog about Severance, it suddenly struck me that hands are mentioned at least twice in the Bible. Once in Matthew, and once in Revelation. Don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing, and the followers of the Beast will be marked on their foreheads and right hands.

      A disconnect between hands is a kind of severance. Maybe the kind like in Severance where they put a (Neuralink?) chip in people to split their memories, maybe the kind created by ACO type programs. Either way, that notion is reinforced by the split dogs which are burnt along with the freezer zombie. Dogs can be trained, perhaps to split their psyches.

      The right hand is typically the one used for fingerprint scans. So severing a hand in that context could refer to identity theft or digital doppelgangering. The hand was found next to a shopping cart, reinforcing the financial aspects of the hand's significance.

      It's also interesting that Matthew 6:3 speaks of charity. That opens its own can of worms regarding political philanthropy and public private partnerships.

      And speaking of the Beast and Thagirion, back in April Trump said, "Our country is going to Hell." Was that supposed to be a complaint, or a promise?

  22. After watching "Watch in the Water 2" , l realize that many of the doctors in the FLCC , and Peter McCollough, and Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, Ryan Cole could be or are controlled opposition.

    1. AIDS cases have jumped up 500% since... the "ouchie". So either people can't stop having unprotected gay sex, 5 times more than ever before, OR...

    2. "After studying at length the ingredients contained in the injections and what they do, *Montagnier came to the conclusion that every single person who gets the shot will eventually die from antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE.*

      ”That is all that can be said,” he added.

      Montagnier… having warned last spring [2020] that the Wuhan Flu contains artificially spliced DNA from the autoimmune-provoking virus. It now appears as though these same alterations can be found in Chinese Virus “vaccines,” which are priming people’s bodies for eventual sudden death."

      Dr Luc Montagnier (the Doctor who discovered the AIDS virus) said "For those of you that have taken the third dose, go and take a test for AIDS. The result may surprise you. Then sue your government."


      it should also be mentionned that mRNA gene therapy, as found in the Vaxx, is apparently *100% lethal*. How do we know this? Because the first public trials for mRNA gene therapy occured back in 2013. After 10 years, out of the 200,000 subjects worldwide, only *5 individuals* are still alive.

      Nearly 5.4 billion people took the jab.

    3. Absolutely definitely they are controlled opp

    4. Another thing besides controlled opposition is the hubris displayed by medical doctors over other health professionals. They're "way" is the only way of doing something...power plays essentially.

    5. You may have missed this Max but Malone is the name of the character in the 93 edition of Body Snatchers.

      Here are the names of the first four characters on the imDB: Marti Malone, Carol Malone, Steve Malone, Andy Malone. Steve Malone is playing the equivalent of Matthew.

    6. I am also reading ''wormwood'' as ''ivermectin'' i.e. dewormer

    7. Don't forget "The Puppet Masters", a total rip-off of Body Snatchers, but also starring Donald Sutherland.

    8. I didn't even know there was a '93 version. I'm going to have to check that one out.

    9. George Webb is suing Robert Malone. His Substack is currently filled with posts about Malone. He calls his Substack "George’ Webb Task Force *Orange* Journal."

    10. Unless a person is exercising free will in a vacuum, they are to some degree controlled.

      Obviously it's more useful to say people are or are not controlled, vs. trying to quantify the degree in every instance. Still, maybe it's useful to keep in mind that there are differences even among the controlled opposition. Because everyone says something true or useful sometimes, whether they mean to or not.

    11. That's directed as much at myself as anyone else. It's so easy to forget.

      All those Malones in the '93 Body Snatchers, and no Sam?! Bah.



    1. ''What's a conspiracy?'' Matthew
      ''Everything.'' Jack

      Lol. Damn right Jack ;-)


    Jeffrey Dahmer wins at Baftas.



  26. In Mad Max, his full name is Max Rockatansky. This could make him a Rocky.

    MMIII was released the same day, July 10, 1985, that Coca Cola said they would go back to their old formula. This post
    has a lot of interesting tidbits concerning some of the movies we've been looking at. There's too much to try to condense right now. It mentions teeth (and dentists), Mad Max, etc.

    If even half of this stuff is half right, it could really help in figuring out where things might be headed.

  27. If you're looking for evidence of George Lucas and Spielberg and co. being a bunch of sick f**king pedos, here's a transcript of them coming up for ideas when writing Raiders of the Lost Ark; they wanted Indy to f**k Marion when she was *11*. Read on:

  28. How about this as a thought experiment in localisation of hell gates? In Godzilla 2 they advertised with a website called Monarch Sciences which showed where monarch labs and monsters were located let's swap that out for the Qliphoth.

    Lilith, Wuhan, (Clash of Titans 2020)
    Gamaliel, London (RHPS, 2021)
    Samael, Kiev (ACO, 2022)
    A'Arab Tzereq, San Francisco (IoBS, 2023)



    2. I like this idea. One of the first things to come to mind was that 2027 - Satoriel (satire-ial, sartorial?) - could be Tokyo. Granted, most of the locations have corresponded so far to where the films were actually filmed, but Blade Runner (although filmed in Los Angeles) was "set-dressed" to look a lot like Tokyo, and one of the main themes was things passing for what they were not. And Japan has been highly represented as a place where robots are made.

  29. From Lancet study

  30. That would coincide with a disease of demyelination.

  31. Tina Turner just died.

    Auntie Entity signalling?

    1. Just saw that. I dont think thats a good sign.

    2. In the sense that they canceled Mad Max 3 for next year, using another movie instead, or... ?

    3. I highly doubt it, that looks like a sacrifice. It strengthens the argument for Thunderdome.


    Seattle. 2027 (?)
    Citizens United. Consent.

    If dollars are votes, no one can say the collective We haven't implicitly consented to every encroaching horror, every step of the way. Ha. Ha. Ha.

    The public face even looks like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man.

    How to take over the world:
    Lay the groundwork.
    Manufacture consent.
    Connect the circuit.
    Or so it would seem.

  33. It's not hard to imagine the formerly free, open internet switching to an access model somewhat similar to this:

    After all, once the Language Models have been trained, who will need us online anymore? Who would want us online anymore, except in very limited contexts?

  34. I don't know when I'll be able to post the scripts for June. Got a lot going on right now. I'll try to get it done ASAP, but it might not be until sometime after the beginning of June.

    1. The first couple of weeks are up. Will get the rest up when I can. Don't mind the fragments. I left them there to make the formatting easier.

  35. This keeps happening, by the *thousands* throughout the world, and no one wants to talk about it, no one is really allowed to. Look at her face at the very end; no horror movie could ever be as horrifying as this:

  36. Hey Blogos!

    Start watching this, and merely 14 or 15 seconds in, it turns into... well, you know.

  37. It looks like HBO is onto us, lol. Now, instead of showing where in the movie you're watching, it shows how much time is left in the movie. It's a minor snag, but will take a day or two to correct for. Unless someone knows how to change it back?

  38. I was looking into June 8 (the day after Living Dead shows the sign saying no cash after 5:00), and found that in 1968 a race car driver named Ludovico Scarfiotti died from the injuries incurred during a race when his car veered abruptly off the track and was "catapulted" down a hill. "His grandfather was the first president and one of the nine founders of the Fiat automobile company," according to Wikipedia.

    June 8, 1968 was also the day of Robert F. Kennedy's funeral, after he was shot with backwards traveling bullets by Sirhan Sirhan. It's the same day James Earl Ray was arrested at Heathrow Airport for having killed MLK, Jr., at 11:15 am local time.

    Denton, TX (Rocky Horror) is very near to Texas Motor Speedway which was "managed since its inception by racing promoter Eddie Gossage until June 2021 when he stepped down from the position of track president," according to Wikipedia. 2021 being the year of Rocky Horror, and June being the month of Eddie's forced "retirement" via pickaxe, this is a fascinating tidbit.

    1. Many experts predict the housing markets and big banks collapsing in June. "No Cash".

    2. Kennedy, Scarfiotti, and Ray had planes, trains, and automobiles in the news *55* years ago on June 8, 1968.

      Ludovico, via the Fiat (currency) connection, brings money into the equation. In 1909 the American F.I.A.T. Automobile Company was established. This is the year Congress approved the 16th Amendment, which created the modern income tax. 1913 brought the American Fiat Type *55*. This is the same year the 16th Amendment was certified, and the Federal Reserve Act was signed.

      February 1, 1968
      "Memphis sanitation workers Echol Cole and Robert Walker are crushed to death by a malfunctioning garbage truck. Their deaths lead to a strike that becomes a civil rights movement."

      The sanitation worker's strike is what brought MLK to Memphis, TN where he was killed.

    3. 1968 is 55 years after 1913. So that's Federal Reserve and income tax, 55 years later Ludovico Scarfiotti - grandson of a Fiat founder's - death, and 55 years after that "No Cash."

      And all of that is apparently somehow tied into transportation and mind control. It makes me think of Alex and the droogs playing "hogs of the road," too.

    4. Also, on June 8 Matthew puts an unconscious Elizabeth into his car and sits down to drive.


    "Psychic driving was a two-stage process. Firstly, distressing memories and pathological behaviours were ‘annihilated’ from the patient’s mind through an unrelenting regime of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). While most of his peers conservatively limited ECT to 12 shocks per month to avoid damaging short-term memories, Cameron increased this to 12 shocks per day to capitalise on this usually unwanted side-effect. Then, patients were placed in front of tape machines emitting *endlessly looping* messages designed to push them towards particular psychiatric epiphanies."

    "Cameron’s research attracted a number of patrons, none more surprising than the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Following the return of seemingly ‘brainwashed’ prisoners from the Korean War in 1953, the CIA had begun funding universities and hospitals engaged in research concerning behavioural modification. The project, codenamed MK-ULTRA, was designed to produce interrogation techniques for Cold War espionage."

    The phrase "Let's go Brandon" started at a car race. Brandon connects etymologically (perhaps) to crow or raven, said to be psychopomps which connect the material world to the spiritual. The path from 2023-2024 is Death. Money and wealth have an occult connection to death.

    Fiat money is imaginary wealth.

    1. I tried to watch Nascar on tv once, and it was so boring I *fell asleep*. Let's go Brandon started on October 2, 2021, the beginning of the preview period for 2022 A Clockwork Orange.

      "Hogs of the road." Hogs represent greed, but regular pigs have represented wealth for a very long time. Piggy bank.

      One reason given to "defund the police" is their history of acting as enforcement for the wealthy at everyone else's expense. It's been reported that one part of the proposed new debt ceiling deal is a reduction in funds for new IRS agents.

      '21 Rocky Horror - Rocky is born an adult man after being shocked with electricity. He has no prior life, ie. memories. Brad and Janet's car breaks down, leading them to Frank's house. Eddie, Frank's first experiment, tears through the place like a wild pig and winds up as dinner.
      '22 Clockwork Orange - Alex is one of a number of prisoners subjected to an endless loop of programming. Alex drives a stolen car to the pivotal house, plays "hogs of the road."
      '23 Body Snatchers - Alex is a sanitation worker. The entire city of San Francisco is eventually indoctrinated (represented as having the voice of a pig). Matthew's car is damaged early on. Him and Elizabeth try to escape in a taxi.
      '24 Mad Max - The pigs have been forced underground where they power Aunty Entity's city with their methane emissions. ("Aunt" and "Uncle" are said to be what MK indoctrinees call their handlers.) Max's car has been stolen, and he wants it back.

      The whole sequence is like a march of pigs.
      Somewhat fitting, then, that the song after this on the album details wanting to f*ck someone like an animal. Aunty Entity's pigs are pretty well f*cked.


    Foo Fighters played March of the Pigs just the other day, with new drummer and sometime NIN member Josh Freese

    1. That's too perfect. Foo Fighters -> UFOs ->space goo body snatchers. There's also stuff like this:

  41. I was thinking before that the US is like a medical supply warehouse for the world, so it would make sense if they defaulted. However, maybe a more likely scenario is that the debt deal goes through, since "The deal would rescind roughly $28 billion in unobligated funds from the Covid-19 relief packages that Congress passed to respond to the pandemic, according to the House GOP."

    It's a 99 page proposal. "I got 99 problems, but a b*tch ain't one."
    "Most of the U.S. residents potentially exposed to meningitis are women who traveled to Matamoros to undergo procedures including liposuction, breast augmentation and Brazilian butt lifts."
    "One of the two patients who died was also an organ donor, with five different recipients around the country earlier this year who could be at risk. "

    Riverside is the city in CA where the severed hand was found. Pigs have been targeted as potential organ farms for years.
    "When in 1968 Christiaan Barnard took the heart from a 24-year-old Black man named Clive Haupt and placed it in the chest cavity of Philip Blaiberg, a white *dentist* with chronic heart disease, he didn’t just inaugurate a new era of heart transplant—he also stoked fears among the Black community. Haupt’s doctor described the pressure put upon him to declare the patient brain dead so that his heart could be used to save a life considered, at that time in apartheid South Africa, of more value."

    Haupt's heart was bodysnatched without the knowledge of his family until after the fact. Brain death recalls the Ann Heche story.


      "On May 25, 1968, the heart of Bruce Tucker was transplanted into Joseph G. Klett at the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) Hospital."

      This was the man whose heart was taken without his family's permission. My mistake.
      "Mrs. Esther Matthews, a 41-year old African-American housewife in Dallas, became the first woman to receive a heart transplant, and the 21st overall. She died on the operating table 90 minutes after the heart had been implanted by a surgical team from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center."

      That's June 7, 1968.

      Tina Turner's biggest hit was What's Love Got To Do With It, "who needs a heart when a heart can be broken."


      From the bill:
      "“(1) IN GENERAL.—The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network shall—

      “(A) be operated through awards to public or private entities made by the Secretary that are distinct from the awards made to support the organization tasked with supporting the board of directors described in subparagraph (B); and”."

      I'm no expert, but this maybe sounds like another opening for public/private partnerships?

      By the way, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (where Esther Matthews got the heart transplant on 6/7/68) is in Dallas, which is very near to Denton and the Texas Motor Speedway.


      "In 1968, a Harvard Medical School committee declared a person dead when the lungs no longer function spontaneously because of irreversible neurological damage, even if the heart continues beating through artificial respiration."

      "The Sages do not provide us a clear criterion for death but do give us a test to help us determine whether a person is living or dead when we find him/her totally unresponsive. They assert that we should examine the nostrils for signs of breathing, otherwise known as the 'feather test.' Respiration is a sign of life, since God created Adam by 'breathing into his nostrils the breath of life' (Gen. 2:7). Does this Talmudic passage teach us that irreversible cessation of respiration is the criterion for death?"

      Matthew holds a mirror under the partly formed pod person's nostril to see it it's alive.

  42. Pigs x *7*

    Who the f*ck even knows what goes on anymore. Is there some kind of thing where the closer you get to something the less sense anything seems to make anymore, or is this all a massive coincidence? I think my brain might have just broke.

    1. Oh, I hadn't made the connection. Because the scream the pod people make is recorded pig squeals?

    2. "Burtt also designed the shriek when pod people see a surviving human, a sound Kaufman said was composed of many elements, including a pig's squeal."

    3. Hahahaha!
      Pigs x 7: Rats, 2017
      Singer: Matthew
      Guitar: Sam

      Just put it all in a blender, et voila! Sheesh. I'd like it better if it didn't actually sound pretty good.

  43. I'm in the middle of moving, and trying to switch my brain into doing math and working Excel is just a little too much right now. I have no idea how long it's going to take to get the next installment of the movie scripts up. Sorry for what I anticipate to be a fairly long delay. No sense in waiting on me.

    Not much more to say about that, except that I'm extremely suspect of HBO for making this change now.

    1. Dont stress, help is appreciated but only when you can afford it

  44. Blogos, words are & co:

    It's interesting that the pride flag is an inverted Chakra chart with the Crown Chakra removed.

    1. When a person falls it's often "head over heels."

      "Pride cometh before a fall." (or, everything which exists contains the seeds of its own destruction)

      Feeling pride about something such as one's sexuality is ridiculous. It's on par with feeling pride about one's skin tone. Stupid.

      So, yeah, the notion that sexuality is a cause for pride will necessarily correlate with some sort of inversion. It makes me think of the Cat Lady in ACO. What sort of health club was "she" running, anyway?

  45. Geoffrey syncs continuing I will update soon. Maybe try and "get ahead" again. I still think only path from covid lockdown -> "smart" climate cities is a "successful" (series) of local lockdowns for something genuinely nasty. I dont see how they connect the ideas otherwise. I cannot see the through line with a cyber attack.

    1. Hey Blogos!

      Start watching this, and merely 14 or 15 seconds in, it turns into... well, you know.

    2. Yeah I watched it. I am not sure we can do much more at the moment as it's definitely the Zeitgeist. The main difference between our position and the rest of the critical thinking world is where they think it's like Bodysnatchers we think it is Bodysnatchers. We are so ahead right now, what with Tina Turner... it might be worth trying to leap into 2025. Just for shits and giggles.

    3. JB CD has a review of 1978 Bodysnatchers as well I think, I remember it being insightful. "The message" is clearly one of their stand ins for Body Snatching + AI. If that's what they're going with fair enough but do not rule the biohazard approach out. I dont see the segue without it. Even blowing the nuke plant won't cut it . On that note since we are obviously tripling up the story line here technically we get Ludovicoed again throughout July, Aug.

  46. Ok I think I'll zoom in on "Turner" next, it's too much of a low hanging fruit to resist. If anyone wants me to check anything out in 2024 let me know very soon.

    Oh what a glorious day!

    1. Next time you do astral projection stuff or whatever, check out if this is true:

      Here is anthropologist Michael Harner's account of his 1961 ayahuasca experience. "Giant reptillian creatures" resting in the lowest depths of his brain began projecting scenes for him, while telling him the information was reserved for the dead:

      "First they showed me the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black spots dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see the "specks" were actually large, shiny, black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies.... They explained to me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space. They had come to the planet Earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation - hundreds of millions of years of activity - took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man."

    2. This is covered in the theoretical temporal pinch point work with Raziel before the Colour Theory took over the blog as a practical attempt at time travel. There are quite a lot of posts on it. I even went into Mariana trench fish. Basically time travel has to be invented simultaneously in the future and the past to create two pinchpoints or knots otherwise a universe does not "cohere" it is not "realisable" (Raziels words). In our case the beings that solved it in the past were Reptilian, the Dracos. The ones in the future are well "post human" they include the Lyrans, Vegans. These two groups are the "beginning and the end" the deep past and deep future, the points before the beginning and after the end, being "automatically colonized" after the invention of time travel which is the first thing, the primum mobile. Temporal projection involves shifting perspective into one of the "exhibits" in the "closed museum" of "the present" I.e some seriously Donnie Darko shit. Why are you wearing that stupid rabbit suit? Why are you wearing that stupid man suit? Etc.

      Anyway we are focused now so I'm not going in on abstracts anymore :-)

    3. Oh, I already knew about that, in fact it's the very first conversation you and I ever had over at Secret Sun, but I was wondering about all life on Earth having been created by those "black dragons", and their continued existence within the DNA molecule (somehow).

    4. Got it! From nearly 9 years ago, you wrote:

      "Finally we moved on to the notion that DNA is a very crude understanding of what is in reality a time spiral.  At the ''quantum'' level in our DNA there are ''wormholes'' which travel backwards and forwards in time, to future and past selves (incarnations) respectively."

      The "black dragons" which fell to Earth billions of years ago *died a long time ago*, essentially, but thanks to the DNA of all life on Earth, they can live though *us*, forever. This reminds me of Lovecraft's story "The Shadow Out of Time".

    5. *Waitaminute!!!*

      If the Vaxx genetically modifies us, supposedly giving us a THIRD HELIX, mostly made of *reptilian* genes...

      It could allow for instant repopulation. The aliens weren't hiding deep underground, but in the deep *past*.

  47. Remote viewing made easy just watch Tima Turners Thunderdome video for We Dont Need Another Hero. Its obvious how that will play out because literally everything is in position for Thunderdome. 2023 always bothered me the most though as you know. If its "just" AI + woke (+ maybe min. average affect of vax is sterilization) for Bodysnatchers I still dont get how everyone just rolls into the climate cities and I dont get how it meets the aesthetics of the ritual. Help me out if you can.

    1. NASA "announced" today that "aliens don't exist". That plays into Nimoy trying to reassure everyone that the invasion isn't taking place.

  48. Serious question, very disturbing:

    I've been mulling this over for a while, and it "makes sense", I guess, if we accept the possibility that The Powers That Be are devoid of human morality and beyond our comprehension:

    - in the "Silent Hill" series of video games, it is implied that the "goddess" the cult members worship and wish to incarnate is both "the Scarlet Woman" and the Baphomet as one;

    - in Tracy Twyman's posthumously released works, she implies at some point that the Baphomet may have been the *Consort of God* in her primordial form, a she-goat with both human and male attributes (Peter Moon, while researching Teutonic myths surrounding the "sacred feminine", discovered an illustration of Baphomet as a beautiful woman who looked very strange from the navel down);

    - in Lovecraft's works, the "goddess" revered by all of the Great Old Ones is the Shub-Niggurath, the "Black Goat of the Woods";

    - in Jewish mysticism, the sacred feminine is known as the Shekinah and she was originally one with the Adam Kadmon, who was both male and female, both human and beast (probably a goat);

    - the Great God Pan was very often portrayed in art, especially sculpture, as making love to a she-goat;

    Here's my f**ked up conclusion: God/Pan is slightly f**ked in the head, and his Consort in the beginning was a hermaphrodite humanoid goat of sorts. He might have mellowed out over the aeons, and remodeled her as a gorgeous Venusian goddess, but still...

  49. In Marvel Comics recently, they tried to explain their decades-worth of "ret-conning" (often altering continuity so that it fits better with modern events or changes made to a character's history) with their own version of the Mandela Effect.

    For example, the Punisher clearly remembers being a Vietnam veteran, and his family being killed in the 70's, but now he's a Gulf War One veteran, his family killed in the 90's.

    A crew of superhumans used an experimental spaceship to travel beyond the "Omni-verse" (the infinite number of Multiverses), and they found that their past is being slightly "pulled along" by their present as people slowly move forward in the timeline.

    But that got me thinking: what if the Mandela Effect IRL is just TPTB "ret-conning" our world, as if our history and lives are being scripted from beyond? Objectively speaking, *we* ARE nothing more than "fictional characters" to God, since we come from his imagination.
