Monday, June 5, 2023

2024 - The Year of Thagirion, We Don't Need Another Hero

Remember where you are. This is Thunderdome.  Death is listening and will take the first man that screams.


Auntie Entity, Mad Max 3: Beyond Thunderdome


Important Note for the Wise: These diagrams I used in the Charm of Making are based on the Sefirot not the Qliphoth/Klippot so what you see above should technically be upside down.  Very few diagrams show the Qliphoth and the associations so I am adapting this one for expediency not for accuracy.  But for any regular reader the point I have been making should now be very well illustratedTina Turner has died on the Path of Death that links 2023, Invasion of the Body Snatchers to 2024, Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.  In light of everything else we have witnessed, seriously, what are the odds?


  • Establishing shots, setting: Water + food crisis + civil wars in the developing world focused on desert countries + megafires, droughts, crop failures, civil unrest, energy crisis, ultra violence in developed world
  • Mad Max: Donald Trump
  • Auntie Entity: Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Oprah
  • Jebediah: Civil Aviation, Airforce
  • Master Blaster: Putin + BRICS
  • Barter Town: Stock Market, US+EU
  • Underworld: Gas Supply, BRICS + OPEC
  • Savannah Nix: Great Thunberg
  • Primitve Tribe of Eco Kids: Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil, etc
  • Tomorrow Morrow Land: Promise of Ecotopia
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome is not an especially complicated ''film'' and in parts it is as campy as Rocky Horror and as cheesy as Avatar.  Beyond Thunderdome is far from being Fury Road which in many ways is a relief.  But since this ''movie'' is going to be aimed at the modern audience as opposed to the 80s I reckon the establishing shots, i.e. the creation of the Mad Max setting are going to feel very much like Fury Road.  Using this basic ''cast'' (we can argue about details later) you can read the synopsis and it should be very clear what will happen in 2024, even simpler is just to tune into Clair Audience and listen to ''We Don't Need Another Hero'' maybe watch the music video as it gives a good sample of the film and the tone in rough chronological order. While this song plays into the anti-hero thing they've had going on since 2010 ( I mean anti hero)  this song could easily be part of a campaign message for a certain political party.

One more note on Thunderdome, after Kevin McCarthy's role in this year's movie I think they are going to push it even more metawards.  In that spirit I think we may see Mel Gibson guest starring as Mad Max next year, at least in one important sequence.  This is also consistent with the ''role'' they have just given to Tina Turner.


Bodysnatchers has gone fully mainstream, its clearly the Zeitgeist (although I will leave some space for Living Dead for sure - but zombie apocalypse conversation I've observed in various places often confined/focused to San Francisco as a prime example of said apocalypse) and the only fundamental difference between the cinematomancers, if you will, and the rest of the still thinking free world is they think its ''like'' Bodysnatchers whereas we think it is Bodysnatchers.  I still maintain that AI (Deep Fake) + Woke Mind Virus, although very much examples of body snatching, is still not enough to carry the ''film'', those ideas are not true enough to the aesthetics of the 1978 version, and although they are clearly both part of ''depopulation'' they are not directly linkable to climate security for the pedestrian, whereas biosecurity is.  A failure in biosecurity returns pedestrianity to the lockdown hell of 2020 - 2022 and biosecurity is already closely linked with climate change i.e. blaming covid on people encroaching into wildlife areas they shouldn't as opposed to lableaks.  On that note you have both the WHO Pandemic Treaty and Disease X (X steganography again) being flagged up at the moment.  For me the only narrative that currently makes sense and is true to the movie are (possibly successful) local lockdowns in response to Disease X as I think a global lockdown is not possible.  As an example of what may be coming this story of a 5000 mile seaweed blob full of flesh eating bacteria is very much on the nose of the Bodysnatchers aesthetic, so are the reports of MDR fungal growths.  I'll repeat what I said before a local lockdown in a city because of Disease X that can be blamed on climate change and that will go along with it without too much fuss i.e. San Francisco (high % of vaccinated + woke + work from home types) managed by the W.H.O., seemingly successfully, provides all the opportunities for cinematography necessitated by the ''movie'' and plays into the overall narrative arc.  Remember people watching from the outside will probably want the lockdown to ''work''.  Climate change has to be flagged up somehow because of all the semiotic precursors (the green pass, living in a green zone, just stop oil being orange etc) and because... Mad Max is ''coming soon''.

Bartertown Crowd: Two men enter, one man leave.


Beyond Thunderdome (1985)


  1. From nearly 9 years ago, you wrote:

    "Finally we moved on to the notion that DNA is a very crude understanding of what is in reality a time spiral.  At the ''quantum'' level in our DNA there are ''wormholes'' which travel backwards and forwards in time, to future and past selves (incarnations) respectively."

    The "black dragons" which fell to Earth billions of years ago *died a long time ago*, essentially, but thanks to the DNA of all life on Earth, they can live though *us*, forever. This reminds me of Lovecraft's story "The Shadow Out of Time".

    If the Vaxx genetically modifies us, supposedly giving us a THIRD HELIX, mostly made of *reptilian* genes...

    It could allow for instant repopulation. The aliens weren't hiding deep underground, but in the deep *past*.

    1. Well yes this is quite intense Raziel level stuff though for people reading, and my earnest reply is not for everyone and do not dwell on it too long yourself. For people who should not see it. Sleep. Sleep now. Dream.

      The dragons (pre-humans) are in us, and the post-humans such as the ''mantis'' (really a ''free-scaling'' suit of some form in my understanding), Vegan etc are in us too. As far as I am aware it is possible to project into the view point of any individual ''exhibit'' (or from any object) in the museum so there are literally millions of lizards looking out of everyone's eyes at any point but also angels from the future ;-) This is too much of an insane idea to contemplate for too long but seriously though from an ''ex' ''temporal'' point of view, if such a thing can be said to exist, you can project into anything so why bother with humans when you can project into an insect flying through a rose bush, imagine the sensorium. And I am sure they do. This is how everything is populated and vivified by ''spirit'', seeing this is how the world becomes ''numinous.''

      An old close friend of mine who operated in ''intelligence circles'' told me that these extradimensional entities were not ''invading'' (there is absolutely no need to do that since in Raziels words this is already a ''museum'' from their ex-temporal point of view) that they were ''sampling''. Maybe not from a scientific angle but more like a wine tasting. Entities can also be theoretically locked inside the museum as a punishment (or maybe experience, these will be post-human ethics) unable to alter anything since it has already happened, knowing what will happen and being unable to stop it, etc. Bizarrely ''Night at the Museum'' the comedy may be worth another look in this respect.

    2. Later on Raziel spoke about ''instant colonization''. These communications were very concise but very very dense. He was referring to the pinchpoint in our ''future'' that closes off the museum at that end. I think the logic is fairly easy to follow but have a go, maybe you already did. The invention of time travel itself serves as the pinch point so ''the moment'' it is invented becomes a kind of temporal Mecca (again a kind of primum mobile) and trillions of time travellers, literally materialise because they are appearing from the future which is ''already colonised'' at the earliest point they can, the invention of the thing that allows them to travel and everyone goes insane and into the ex-temporal vortex and thats pretty much game over for space time as we experience it. The reason they cannot appear (but only project into or look from) before the invention of time travel is the Grandfather Paradox. This is what creates the Museum. The pinchpoints are the entrances and the exits, so they are like the entrance to the Louvre on a very busy day in Paris but with Mantises. The dragons are at the entrance, the mantises are at the exit, so to speak. The idea that time travel could have been invented in the past works but only if you evoke retrocausality and a ''reversiverse'' which Raziel did.

      The guy who accidentally/purposefully invents time travel is therefore going to find himself very surprised indeed.

    3. When, around the end of 1997, I was briefly "inhabited" by a mantis being (lol), it really did feel almost like it had a clipboard and was taking notes. To the extent that the possibility of it being some sort of intelligence-affiliated human using the mantis form as a mask took equal consideration, along it being a real alien, or me just being crazy. But if it was a person, the feeling I got from it of being amused by humans' warmth and mammal-ness doesn't exactly jibe.

      Part of the reason it was so hard to accept and integrate the 2014 thing was that the man who showed up at the end asked me if I "want to play a time trick," and extracted a "yes" from my belly and out my mouth before I even had time to process the question. So I was worried that if it was real, then maybe what was coming would be partly my fault for having "consented" in a way.

      It's all still pretty weird to think about.

    4. OK when I say post human let me clarify with a paraphrased quote from Mothman Prophecies. ''Have you ever to talk to a cockroach? Well thats what an angel feels like trying to talk to you'' or words to that effect. My one encounter with a mantis being (angelic alien insectoid) I surprised it and I got a second maybe before it completely took over my mind with a sense of profound empathy, not amusement but a kind of sorrow, if memory serves me, and then kicked me off the astral. But yes all the posthumans are psychic to a point way beyond our understanding. So a person, but not a person in the modern sense of the word. Same with the pre-humans may as well be completely alien. That's why you don't need space travel, time travel on our own plane (within the confines of the museum) affords the possibilities of millions of alien planets in one.

    5. The first time I astral projected was around age 18 months or so, and realized my parents were crazy when they yelled and yelled about the water in the lake coming up, and asked over and over if I wanted to drown. (In retrospect, they did have a point.)

      The second time age 7-8 I thought I'd try meditation and that was a short part of the experience. Flew or whatever a short ways from home and then came back to see what was next. The whole thing ended when I realized my parents might be home soon and thought my dad might literally kill me if he found me doing something so weird. Issues, lol.

      Anyway, they were both short and accidental. I didn't see any entities, and have no idea how someone might do it on purpose. One funny thing, though, is that - I think it was sometime after the second time - I saw a wave/particle thing go through the room in a straight line. I stepped out of its path and it just kept going, through the wall and on its way. I still wonder what it was, and what (if anything) would have happened if I hadn't gotten out of its way.

      I can think of two possibilities. One is that having just had a pretty wild meditation experience had opened me up to perceiving something that would have been there anyway. The other is that I'd somehow attracted it. I don't think I've ever seen anything in the literature about such a thing.

  2. Serious question: what happens if "they" *fail*?

    If they fail in imposing the overall narrative, and no matter how many rectifications they make, the whole thing keeps falling apart?

    What happens if humanity gets "stuck" in the middle of the descent of the Qliphoth?

    1. Good question but I doubt any of it will fail short of us getting hit by a random meteor in which yes we are going to be in hell for a long fucking time. Also this S/Q process could have been going on for some time pick a decade to blow things up with the Qliphoth then rebuild with the Sephiroth. Q was ''raised'' by the woke LGTBQ and Q was ''raised'' by the right Q-Anon. One of covids nicknames was the coof, i.e. Qoph. Societies always need to upgrade to the latest tech and to environmental changes and that necessitates destroying the old less useful tech/ideas. Obv. we can argue over who gets to decide what ''useful'' means but anyway. This may have been used as a way to systematise that process for a long time, I don't know. I think its more likely we are actually in a Cabin in the Woods situation though...

  3. Mad Max could also refer to G Maxwell and pals, with the focus on children. By extension, prisons (and institutions in general) as well. Grooming could be seen as a kind of psychic driving.

  4. Now that corporations are considered "people," Thunderdome could be a business showdown. I think we're already seeing the prelude to this, with truckers being told they shouldn't take merchandise to areas they disagree with politically. And the Budweiser/Target boycotts.

    One thing a lot of people may not have considered is that all of the businesses in their area may turn out to be "woke," and by driving them out of business as they are revealed one by one, they leave themselves eventually with no way to get anything.

    With that in mind:

    "A Utah-based bus company says the neighboring state of Nevada has 'declared war' on its interstate travel services, seizing one of its passenger vans and leaving 20 passengers stranded with no ride based on false allegations of operating unsafe vehicles."

    1. Thats a very nice segue from IoBS to MM3 possibly. In the UK we are kind of drifting towards general strikes which will achieve the same thing. Hmmm.

  5. Yes this kind of thing is some serious Body Snatchers biosecurity action. At the moment it's all rumours but if one of these things get lit like Marburg or "Black Fungus" or whatever then its game on for WHO. Still think it'll be local or confined to a few locales though. Remember currently no city on earth is in lockdown but it hasnt actually been that way for all that long. Chins ended lockdown five months ago ish... thats 20 weeks ish.

  6. I think we should try a more ambitious leap soon. Flash Gordon 2025. Let's open a fresh can of metaphysical worms.

  7. Ive just had an insight but it involves another level of complication in the way we see the Sefiroth or Qliphoth themselves. Most people conflate Sefir with Sphere but its not exactly right as Scholem himself points out. The Sefirot are more like infinite yet infinitessimal ''points'' where the lines meet, vertices if you will. The circles you see on the diagram above are acting more like text boxes for the info than as representatives of the Sefiroth themselves.

    To put it in simpler terms its only actually ''2023'' for one moment before its 2023.1 or 2023.25 or whatever etc. So if you want to dive deep into the pathwalking maybe forget the idea of the years as Sefiroth or Qliphoth for a moment and dig into the timelines laid into the paths themselves, the story in question plays along the paths as opposed to within the Qlipha itself. This would also allow for (a few) more narratives, for instance Clash of Titans may have been the Qliphothic equivalent of ''Tav'' instead of ''Malkuth''. Maybe even imagine them as fuses that are lit and the calendar rolls on as the time line burns down to Thagirion, this may help with understanding the ''clockwork'' mechanism but it may be too complicated that it will hinder comms. Anyway a thought on structuring the apocalypse there.

    1. Nah, next year is all about Albert Pyun's 1990 god-awful low-budget "Captain America" movie. Why? Because they had re-named the Red Skull *De Santis*, making him an italian mobster for no apparent reason. So Trump versus De Santis next year will be a really lame Captain America wannabe versus a cartoonish crook with a sunburn.

    2. Trump will obliterate De Santis in short order and soon. De Santis could easily just be a function of ACO '22-'24 as opposed to ACO '21-'22 I can't tell you exactly how its working as I haven't quite figured out the mechanism but it may be something like that. Trump may not win the Presidential election though.

    3. Without being a supporter anymore, I'm still positive he won in 2020.

    4. I've only gotten a very short part of the way through this,
      but it is absolutely hilarious in the depths of conspiracy to which it points. The fact that no one has really laid out, at least as far as I'm aware, some of the potential implications in just the first dozen or so pages really says a lot about the state of media these days.

      Or maybe just cowardice in general, because I sure don't want to lay it out myself. Haha. If you read it, though, it's pretty plain to see that "I know you are, but what am I," is a pretty decent way to sum up the accusations of interference.

    5. The basic gist, as I read it, is that the FBI knew the Clinton campaign was going to try to paint Trump as a Russian collaborator, and then to all appearances collaborated in that effort themselves. The summary from pages 7-19.

    6. Even going so far as to use information in their investigation which may have possibly come from Russian misinformation. It's ridiculous. If I read this in a novel, I'd be like, pfft whatever.


    In terms of narrative. Actual aliens would be the hard hypothesis kind of escalation. Woke/AI/migrants are soft hypothesis. Biosecurity is medium hypothesis. But we are going too see some escalation very soon. Curious as to whether this is another "balloon" event or going somewhere.

    1. That's also a David by the way. David Grusch is the name of the whistleblower. Last Pentagon whistblower was called Jack.

    2. From "anonymous", about the recent "disclosure":

      "As Vallee once said, 'For them, Reality is negotiable.' That means both conscious reality and material reality. We think of a projection as immaterial... perhaps with sufficiently advanced technology, one can project material objects as easily as we do CGI."

      — Garry P. Nolan, February 7, 2022

      "Nolan is currently angling for Pentagon UFO research money and hopes to become the government’s top UFO wreckage researcher ...he is the real person behind the pseudonymous James in Diana Pasulka’s American Cosmic. In that book, James describes a lifelong obsession with space aliens and his belief that as a kindergartener he had been visited by gnome-like little people *in his bedroom while his body was paralyzed*."

    3. Flash Gordon feels like it exists within the same type of universe as Jupiter Ascending wouldn't you say?

  9. I just woke up from a dream that airplanes or jets were flying in formation and leaving a line of very closely spaced trails, which quickly turned into a black cloud and seemed to force itself into the house I had seen them from. Me and the person whose house it was managed to get the windows closed in the front, but the cloud came in through the back windows. We managed to push some doors closed between the back windows and the main house, and noticed that the cloud had left sparks on the floor, which were burning. After getting the sparks put out we tried to open the doors again to close the back windows. When we opened one door the cloud tried to push into the main house so we just tried to close the door, but the cloud acted like a finger to prevent closing the door. By then it was pouring rain, and the wood of the doors had warped like crazy even though it had only just started to rain. The person whose house it was has been struggling lately with a health issue I suspect to be connected to the Lilith potion. The cloud seemed to become more sentient, solid, and willful as the dream went on. It had definitely started with the planes/jets, though.

    Part of the problem with following stories, both fictional and in the news (lol) is that it's hard to tell if some dreams are anything to take note of, or just regurgitated stories. This one was more intense than a normal dream, though.

    1. How far do we go into the metaverse? Because we are in it now, its nothing to do with gawky headsets its to do with splintering realities. Our headsets are already on. As a way of grounding that idea how meta can Flash Gordon get? Maybe Ming isn't going to be Xi its going to actually be an Annunaki Ming? So meta it actually becomes literal..? Like being so bent you're actually straight?

      I say this because its clear that Mel is being lined up for something in this metaverse as we speak, the rumour is its a 4 part investigation into child trafficking and Epstein, would you believe it. I don't want to intrude into your thoughts but I do want to tap into your state. Thinking out of the box, as you are, how fucked up could (the) Flash get?

    2. This dream may have been a news mashup. I realized that after reading a story about the dam burst in Ukraine, and remembering the house in my dream was on a lake. Plus, the cloud had sparks in it which almost lit the house on fire, and there are those Canadian wildfires. It's still weird, though, that the first thing I saw online when I went to post it here was the story about possible upcoming UFO disclosure.
      "Thousands have weighed in, with the rumor's validity supported by Gibson's previous backing for the anti-sex-trafficking charity Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.)."

      "Underground," like the Bartertown pigs. The Passion of The Christ was disgusting. I saw it in the theater - total gore-p*rn. "The murderers then drink the children's blood and they eat their flesh." This quote, misattributed to Gibson, makes the "Satanic elite" sound a lot like any church on Sunday.

      One thing that's been bothering me lately, is the idea that maybe some of the missing kids have become a part of an existing or soon to burgeon organ trading ring. There's quite a bit of overlap between the rhetoric of SRA and what such an organ laundering operation might look like if it existed.

      Ming vases are very valuable. One of the recent Decoding Symbols posts talks about the symbolic connection between tea sets, Japan, and breakable vessels. In their way, organs are a kind of vessel.

    3. I'm starting to think the answer to "how fucked up could [something] get," is to imagine the weirdest thing you possibly can, and then assume it'll be even stranger than that.

    4. Pretty much. I'm beginning to think they tried to do something crazy back in 2012 and have accidentally Philadelphiaed the planet.

    5. This is Trinitite (under electron microscope), glass formed when they set off the first nuclear bomb:

      If that's not Twin Peaks × 1,000, I don't know what is. I'm only mentionning this because the recent "disclosure" event was specific about *non-human intelligences*, they never said extraterrestrial, and the otherworldly materials were locked away at *White Sands*, Jack Parsons' old HQ.

    6. Oh, and "Oppenheimer" is coming out soon.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. A few comments because I think I am going to push forward to 2025 very soon, this 2023 stuff deserves its own post but we'll give it another week to percolate:

    The WHO/EU Vaccine passport lays the path for the dreaded Kibner scene of *this year*. This was our collective interpretation of that scene for a long time now. The New York orange smoke issue people are being told to stay inside and wear a mask. Well this ties climate directly to lockdowns in a liberal city. These are the kind of things that I was expecting (see above and last post) so we are back on to the physical/biological path as opposed to the sociological/digital threats. San Francisco also remains a focus with claims the city is emptying out and hotels are leaving. This provides both the ''metaliteral'' locale and also guarantees a lot of the camerawork will indeed play out there.

    The immediacy of the Mel Gibson thing has surprised me. Elonizabeth is on it as well. I think we were speculating on this a few weeks back when considering how it was even possible for them to land a Kevin McCarthy in this year and in such a seat of power and how far the metamadness would go. It may be that as we go deeper into the Qliphoth we merge deeper with the film there are more both physical and literal bleedovers. Which would imply that Labyrinth may well be the actual Labyrinth lorded over by an AI cloning goblins with the actual personality of David Bowie. That kind of metamadness.

  12. So I reviewed Flash Gordon last night and there is a lot to work with here. One thing I immediately noticed was the clear reference to the Ludovico Technique when Zharkov is being reprogrammed. This reference includes the Hitler/Nazi scene from Ludovico and intersperses it with the eyes of a demonic owl of some form. There are two emotionless doctors watching the technique a male and female and discussing the level of clearance he should be provided with, again very much a visual reference to ACO. Qabalistically speaking there is a path from 2022-2025 and it is the last direct connection of A Clockwork Orange if we are working towards a path theory of some form, this may be when ACO finally stops repeating. Maybe.

    Richard O Brien also plays a role which links us back to RHPS and possibly reprises the actors who played Riff Raff (particularly Boris Johnson).

    Assuming they don't get so metaliteral they actually bring in an Annunaki Emperor to play Ming (which we shouldn't rule out), Ming could *easily* be Prince Charles, Xi Jinping, Schwab, Globalism or the NWO in general whereas Flash is Americana. I believe the end of MM3 is the kids reaching a destroyed Sydney and witnessing some apocalyptic scenes there this gives us a nice segue to the ''climate disasters'' that Ming unleashes at the beginning of 2025. Obviously the whole movie is drenched in red and insane with rainbows. Which gives us a continuity to the rainbow world of Logan's Run (although I felt Shock Treatment also gave us this). This rainbow world is clearly ramping up every year with more suicidal corpos going full rainbow and cities being painted with rainbows on mall steps and in mall lights and on bank machines and so on. Personally I thought ACO was within reach of fashion designers but LR would be a bit of a stretch. This is no longer the case I think if this carries on and you are living in a modern typical liberal city in 2025-2026 its definitely going to look like something out of Flash Gordon or Logans Run for large parts of the year. I hope everyone is familiar with LR and how this rainbow parade leads inevitably to Carousel (groundworks for which have been laid by vax damage but also STDs are unsurprisingly on the rise - possibly a result of vAIDs possibly as a result of Tinder/Grindr/Whatever etc).

    If you have any thoughts on FG I am intrigued to hear them.

    1. Ming's imperial police force all bear the *Freemasonic* symbol.

      Ming is, surprisingly, a god-fearing man, for he calls upon the great god Dyzan before destroying Earth (or any world). He tells this to Zharkov before telling him it was his fault the destruction would come, simply because he noticed "the hand of Ming" behind all "natural" disasters.

    2. Now THIS is interesting:

      "Coleman promised a book that would expose all of H.P.B.’s sources including that of the word *Dzyan* (the namesake of Emperor Ming's god, Dyzan). The reason Coleman's book never appeared is that “Coleman lost his library and his notes in the 1906 *San Francisco* earthquake and died three years later, his book unwritten”."

    3. Great finds JB. Flash Gordon, huh, who would've thunk it...

  13. The stabbing in *Annecy*... anyone else see what I see here. Hmmm. Just got the chills.

  14. One week following Tina Turner's death a trailer for Season 4 of the TBS Show Miracle Workers was released:
    Miracle Workers: End Times premiers on July 10th and is an overt Mad Max 3 parody complete with a Thunderdome. The Show stars Danielle Radcliffe and Steve Buscemi.

    One possible thread to pull on: Tina Turner as Auntie Entity in MM3 syncs nicely with Turner's real name 'Anna Mae Bullock'.
    Anna=Annie=Auntie. Perhaps Ann, Anna, and Annies will be key figures? Ann Coulter providing commentary in an election year maybe?

    On the 30 Rock/Doppleganger front, Tina (!!!!) Fey's movie 'Maggie Moore' releases next week (June 16). The story concerns the murder of two women with the same name. Jon Hamm who appeared in several 30 Rock episodes co-stars.
    Maggie Moore Trailer:

    1. Turner was Anna, nice strike Otter, so Nancy as well (as Nancy is diminuitive form of Anna).

    2. On the Miracle Workers thing as well, very nice strike.

  15. Manufactured methane crisis:

    Manufactured energy crisis:

    BlackRock - forcing behavior for ESG points:

    It's all happening in plain sight, if you happen to look in the right places.

    1. On the methane front, LOL at the House Freedom Caucus going full Cartman (you will respect my authoritay) in this vote:

      Well, lol if it weren't the appearance that just maybe they're using the recent failure to tank the global economy as an excuse to vote with Democrats on "climate."

      The Annecy stabbings (link for posterity)
      led to finding another old story from 2017 about an annoying Nancy and her dislike for cowbells:
      (2017=2022) which connects to the methane again.

      Back to Annecy, the mayor's name is Francoise. Frank. Geoffrey Ep(Franken)stein had an unhealthy interest in children. Frankenstein took parts from different people and joined them, using surgical knives. Sorry to harp, but it sounds a lot like organ "donation."

      With that in mind, it may be worth considering that the prize at the end of the Labyrinth isn't David Bowie, but the baby. Who has a genetic connection to the heroine.

    2. If AI is better at predicting breast cancer than humans
      then imagine what it could do for predicting organ compatibility. UFO biology experiments, voluntary DNA banking, criminal records, there's a wealth of information to draw from. When Johnny Got His Gun he wasn't too happy about it. When David gets his Bowie, someone might like it a lot.

    3. It does all seem to be coming together...

  16. What about this?

  17. I'm sorry to tell you this, but it's obvious major American cities are under massive *chemical weapons attack*: the forest fires up here in Canada are used as a scapegoat, but it's impossible for so many of U.S. cities, going all the way down to San Francisco, to be covered in a thick layer of orange, chemical-smelling mist, especially considering that most Canadian/Québec cities are looking and feeling just fine.

    1. Yeah it kind of looks like it, they're advising masks/lockdown and so on so it links covid-19 infrastructure to climate change very smoothly. IN a lib. city as well. I was thinking back to Hellgate signalling on Planet Cinema as well though. Venice turned green for instance at one point. Now NYC is orange. If its this bad, or orchestrated to be this bad, and this early think about poor old California and the PNW. Also if its this bad already whats Thagirion going to be like? Unprecedented (the Road style) megafires end of 23/early 24? And surely some cities on fire as well (esp at the end of MM3 and the beginning of Flash)? Multiple cities around the world like this and a massive TV show about it. They were even talking about turbulence increasing as a result of climate change and I got distinct opening of FG vibes. Unprecedented rise in crazy turbulence throwing flights into chaos early 2025? And Cat. 6 hurricanes lets not forget them they are attributable to climate change and a few of them manifested by hook or by crook will help us all towards fulfilling the green agenda of living in the ''domed cities'' (15min cities) of LR. Vax Passports already approved it looks like. Ach. I think I am going to have to pour myself a stiff drink.

      How long we got left til it goes full Snatcher Mayhem two months?

    2. Elizabeth says, "I know I feel as though I've been poisoned today", around 1:03:03, therefore July 15th, knowing you've been poisoned, is when we'll be officially told the vaxx is deadly.

      Elizabeth gets the needle, 1:32:00 - 1:32:08; October 19th, the needle, is when *euthanasia* is offered as a solution.

    3. No I don't think it will be that for Jul 15th. I think needle is another vax.

  18. Canadian wildfires are now contaminating *Norway and Southern Europe*?! BULL. SH*T. I hope you realize that the chemical weapons (Vaxx in aerosol?) are being used on a planetary scale now... (h/t Wordman)

  19. BoJo (Alex) running parallel with Orange Man in terms of legal issues. ACO?

  20. I've just realized: *Algol* is the Demon Star in the constellation Perseus. Algol means "the Ghoul", which means *"Body Snatcher"*.

    So Clash of the Titans (Perseus) resonates with a Body Snatcher of extraterrestrial origin (a distant star).

    1. Blogos, I'll throw you one better: in the movie Batman Begins, whose publicity campaign was very heavily marked by the color *orange*, the plot revolved around the villain Ra's *Al-Ghul* *gasing the entire city with a chemical weapon which causes people to kill each other out of sheer terror*.

      Al-Ghul = Algol = ghoul/body snatcher of extraterrestrial origin (distant star) + color orange + major city being gased + people suddenly, violently turning on each other.

    2. Algol also has at least a folk etymological connection to alcohol. I've read that the Aztec sacrifices happened while the priest was drunk, but looking now can only find stories about indigenous drunk children.

      Anyway, the idea of drunkenness going along with sacrifices makes a lot of sense, especially if the public spectacles were meant to be instructional somehow for the populace.


  21. Did anyone else spot ''Jack'' Smith with Trump?


    Set dressing lol

  23. Elizabeth and Nancy sounds like Elsa and Anna (Frozen).

    Another pair with names like that were Ellen and Anne (DeGeneres and Heche).

    It also turns out that Elizabeth and Ann Margaret are what the Duchess of York wanted to name her daughters. "King George V disliked the name Ann but approved of the alternative, Margaret Rose.",_Countess_of_Snowdon#Early_life

    Could Margaret/Greta/etc. be the face Nancy wears in public?

    I only found this looking for info on Gordon, which the top Decoding Symbols link provides plenty of food for thought about.

  24. This is all good stuff thanks a lot. BTW that What is a Woman thing which ties into the woke mind virus version of Body Snatchers is lead by *Matt* Walsh. We've had Mat Taibi, Matt Walsh, Matt Gaetz and Matt Hancock (I may have missed one or forgotten). That covers censorship conspiracy, J6 conspiracy, woke conspiracy and vaccine conspiracyt.

    1. This ties multiple Matts to Elonizabeth as well, all of which turn into Body Snatchers by the end of the movie.

  25. Words are, why is everything blank on your site after June 15th?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think there was a problem with HBO.

  26. Blogos, ever consider this?

    1. If you flip it upside down and cover it in claymore mines then yes that's about where we are.


    Woot! What's going on here? Double Macking?


  29. The Qliphah of Tiferet is represented by the demonic order Thagirion, ruled by the Archdemon Belphegor. The symbol associated with this sphere is a majestic King.

    In later Kabbalah Belphegor is a demon who helps people make discoveries. He seduces people by suggesting to them ingenious inventions that will make them rich.

    Belphegor (Lord of the Opening) was pictured in two quite different fashions: as a beautiful naked woman and as a monstrous, bearded demon with an open mouth, horns, and sharply pointed nails.

    According to the 1818 Dictionnaire Infernal by Collin de Plancy Belphegor was Hell's ambassador to France. The same claim was repeated by Victor Hugo in Toilers of the Sea (1866).

  30. I think it's getting more and more obvious who got tapped as time goes on. Probably a mix of micro clotting and digital stupifecation.


    Germany unearthed ancient bronze sword.

    See a few posts ago on Merlin...

    Not quite sure how I did that one. Well I did some mad shit but there was a lot of mad shit mixed together so it's difficult to figure out which bit of the madness worked. but anyway regardless. There you have it. "Excalibur".


    2. There was a Merlin name drop in the Titan sub search.

      ''Merlin approaches Prince''. There could easily be more going on with the names of the other ship and their maneuverings. I don't have the capacity to look into it. Maybe think about Evergreen drawing that massive penis on GPS before fucking Suez.

    3. From Wordman, "Kraken" ("Titan in the Abyss") alert:

      "I don't mean literally Cthulhu, that's my metaphor for the dark, watery forces that rule the world from the outside. But I also do literally mean Cthulhu. Go find the picture of them as they boarded the ship. The men look slightly unsure of what they're doing, like they're under a confusion spell, not fully sure why they are there, but just willing to go along. Except for the kid, who didn't know any better, and the pilot, who has the endlessly smiling face of a cultist walking into his master's watery maw. Someone made a deal with the Kraken, and offered these cultured pearls as tribute. Undoubtedly, they want something of equal value in return. Something enormous.

      This is your tsunami warning.

      Don't be caught off guard when whatever they paid for gets delivered."

  32. The ultimate mysteries of the Universe are somehow found in this limmerick, which Data was never allowed to finish on ST:TNG:

    "There was a young lady from Venus,
    whose body was shaped like a penis.
    A fellow named Hunt
    was shaped like a c*nt,
    so it all worked out fine, just between us."

    - David Gerrold, The War Against the Chtorr, 1984

    My theory: the lady from Venus, is of course the Venusian goddess, an amphibian whose smooth skull is elongated, so I guess she looks like a penis. The fellow named Hunt is Pan (Herne the Hunter/Cernunnos), whose body is a living portal/black hole leading either to the Abyss or to Heaven, so I guess he's "shaped like a c*nt" in vulgar terms. And yes, it did work out fine, between them.


    Thunderdome's taking shape. Doing this around the Solstice was a nice touch. They even included a 92.

    1. I'm sorry, but since "92" has always been my "lucky number", even before I was born, what is the deeper meaning here of 92, in the present context?

    2. If Trump were to be reelected, he'd be president 45 and 47 for a total of 92. The Sun's distance from Earth is formally set at 92,960,000 miles. Under Price is Right rules, 92 is the most millions of miles you can call the Sun from the Earth without going over.

  34. The Betelgeuse thing is kind of weirding me out. This story has been widely quoted in subsequent articles:

    There was a very bright supernova on 10/9/1604. 56 weeks later was the Gunpowder Plot on 11/5/1605.

    Going the same amount of time forward from the supernova story takes us from 6/12/2023 to 7/8/2024.

    January 6 is just a few days after Perihelion. July 8 is just a few days after Aphelion.

    The last student survivor of the Bath School Disaster died on May 1, 2022 at the age of 114. In 1928 the board was presented with a memorial statue called Girl With Cat. The Wikipedia article about it says the guy who did it may have been angry about losing an election. This is around the time Alex learns his victim has died.

    Biden has styled himself after Orion for some photos:

    Curiously, on 7/8/2024 at 1:14 pm in Washington, DC, Sirius will be at the apex, and the Sun on the MC. Sirius was also on top of the chart for 8:46 am in Manhattan on a certain September day. Another thing is in both charts Algorab is rising. Algorab -> crow/raven -> Brandon. (I just realized Brandon Lee died making The Crow 30 years ago.)

    If there's any sort of rally/protest/gathering on 7/8/2024, it might wind up being another lot of patsies set up for who knows what.


      So the mutiny, the explosive threat, came more immediately than predicted. It's still the closest I've come so far to an accurate prediction. More than a year off, haha.

      Maybe this is like how astrological election magic is supposed to happen more immediately if it's put on paper than if it's engraved into a material or something. The supernova never actually happened, it was just talked about in the news. On paper, in a sense.

      The focal point seems to be Rostov-on-Don, which has a linguistic link to the Donald.

      There's still a Beetlejuice movie set to come out in September of 2024, so it will be interesting to see if the supposed Betelgeuse supernova is mentioned more in the news between now and then, and what events are connected to it if it does.

  35. Happy Saint JB day! Don't lose your heads.
    Feeling that Freyr, Ingwaz Rune for this Solstice.
    Thanks Blogos for having us here.

    1. Not only St. John the Baptist Day, but also the anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, (June 24, 1314), the most decisive battle in Scottish history whereby the Scots under Robert I (the Bruce) defeated the English under Edward II. So for a someone from Québec whose ancestors were Scottish, like me, it's twice as significant.

    2. No problem Jock enjoy it while it lasts.

  36. More Mad Max coming soon (there's so much buildup to MM, it makes it seem like another "inflection point" of some sort may be in store):

    1. Yes. Mel+Tina+cage match between Zuck and Elon. Feels like a "trailer."

      If we move to the pathwork model where the movie covers become the paths/tarot cards then I think we will have a more accurate model possibly with space for ExK and LD BUT it will become increasingly complex to discuss this and we could easily get lost in intricacies.

      Which way western man? Keep it simple or get more complicated but increase accuracy?

    2. For example MM3 could be Gamaliel to Thagirion & that would mean that path is a few years long. Gam Thag would cover the BDSM aesthetic of MM + Fire/Smoke/Destruction etc.

  37. Quite a bit of Wagner in Excalibur. Just sayin'

    1. So far... the IotBS narrative is pretty pathetic. Not really seeing anything.

  38. Elizabeth says, "I know I feel as though I've been poisoned today", around 1:03:03, therefore July 15th, two weeks after 5G gets cranked up to 11.

  39. Troubling but definitely in line. You've got the weird phone calls during that time if I remember. Matt trying to get gov to investigate.

    The vax bs story most recent development was the Peter Hotez vs RFK supposed debate on vaccines. But there are the woke readings, the ai reading, and the occult reading to keep in mind as well.

    The Wagner coup I'm not sure either part of ExK in which case a new meta theory is born I'll address that in next post or a repeat of ACO. I have no doubt at all ACO is repeating generally. Alex is about to get out of prison (Wagner = convict army, penal legion kind of thing). We will hit Ludovico again at same time as IoBS begins to very very rapidly escalate. It's not pathetic narrative it just not popped yet. Combined with Ludovico? Awh Jeez Rick.

    IoBS is long period of suspense then insane body horror thriller. Starting august. Suspense peaks in July. And I can definitely feel the suspense beginning to peak.

  40. Regarding Titan name drop where would be in the film if CoT was also repeating...

  41. Secret Invasion is out I believe.

    1. And people are VERY disappointed. Another Marvel f**k up.

    2. The first episode of Secret Invasion did involve the Skrulls (the body snatchers of the series) perpetrating a false flag attack on Moscow, which I thought was fairly timely in light of the weirdness of the Wagner mutiny and how it resolved. The Skrulls were posing as Anti Russian Americans.

      We also got the reveal of Everett Ross as portrayed by Martin Freeman as one of the Skrulls in question.

    3. Okay, I should have made that Russian connection. Also, Martin Freeman's most famous for playing Dr. Watson in Sherlock, so we have *a famous doctor revealing himself to be an alien in disguise*, just like Nimoy's character in IotBS.

    4. Freeman also played Bilbo in the Hobbit films and Nimoy once recorded a song called 'The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins' from an album called 'Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy'.

      I also failed to note that the false flag attack on the show were 'dirty' bombs, aka bombs with nuclear material. The threat to Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant in Ukraine has been a constant worry during the current war.

  42. Also, after watching Star Trek: Picard season 3 (VERY good, btw), the plot revolves a massive *conspiracy* within the Federation, making it clear that we should *trust no one*, because anyone could have been replaced by a more evolved *Changeling*, and the outcome of the plot is to spontaneously assimilate practically everyone within the Federation into a new, vengeful version of the Borg Collective; the Changelings and the Borg have slowly and gradually been *altering our DNA* for years it seems.

  43. The idea of looking more closely at the pathwork model is appealing. It may be more complex, but it would almost certainly be more interesting. Branching out into the connections between these narratives, and the narratives connecting them might be of help in seeing the bigger picture, whatever it is.

  44. "And given enough mastery of genetics, human reproductive material could be altered so that its appearance resembled the Gray type, yet be strictly human in composition, rather than a mixture of alien and human...The Grays, in effect, could be grossly altered bodies of human babies, devoid of what we call 'soul' and mentally programmed like dedicated computer hardware."

    -Dr. Karla Turner

    "I have had more than a dozen people who have worked in facilities in Dulce, New Mexico and in Pine Gap, Australia and other places where they have actually been growing the 'gray' and 'reptilian' species that people 'think' are ETs...And that the people who've been in the projects think they're working alongside an 'alien' and they're not. 

    They're absolutely what are called NANO-BIO-MACHINES...they are programmed lifeforms, and there is no question that such is going on. We have some at Lockheed and another program -- I can't say where it is -- and they have developed electromagnetic systems where they can put someone in a state and they can go into a lower astral or denser astral field...some would call this demonic, and they can actually see beings and creatures there and bring them in three-dimensionally and materialize them into flesh and blood through these electronics."

    -Dr. Steven Greer

  45. Are you guys gone on vacation or something? France and the rest of Europe have gone full zombie/Body Snatchers, and there's no updates.

    1. New Yorkers have been drinking alien-looking PODS:

  46. Meister Eckhart wrote something, I can't remember what, which left me with the impression he was saying that Heaven and Hell are self perpetuating cycles we experience while living. Like reinforcement loops or spirals or what have you. Do a good thing and it makes you feel good and you notice more good things around you and do more good things, etc. etc. Or something to that effect.

    The way the light moving down the Tree is described it kind of sounds like a waterfall or something. Maybe a breath or qi, something with a fluid quality. One question I have is whether the movement is seen to normally move one way and only back up once in awhile, or if it's more of a normal give and take like a breath. Continuous one way movement seems consistent with the image of one tree's Malkuth becoming the next tree's Kether, and the idea of Heaven and Hell being at odds with each other instead of harmonious. But even trees breath, haha.

    I haven't been able to find much when I've looked, but saw somewhere that the nodes are somehow important in Kabbalah. Nodal precession takes 18.6 years. If you say maybe that's a round trip up and down the Tree, then each way is 9.3 years. If the timeline keeps seeming like it's creeping up, this could help explain why, possibly.

    The idea of Kali Yuga basically seems like Heaven and Hell on a rotating schedule.

    It is kind of funny that the movement from top to bottom of the Tree is the normal or good path and the one from bottom to top is the aberrant or bad direction, since getting metaphorically higher seems to be an aim of most religions. Lowering one's position on the tree would seem to represent an inverted tarot card, for instance, but that appears to not be the case.

    1. I get that the tree is supposed to be inverted for the reverse passage, but either way the movement is always down. It seems strangely linear.

  47. My own personal Pan stuff here

  48. I think most of us have seen those videos of vaxxed people suddenly seeing... something, invisible, which is swirling around them, so they start spinning in terror and DIE, suddenly, their faces showing pure horror. Theory: the vaxx is also destroying people's *spiritual* immune system, their "spiritual armor". Which means that we truly DO live in a "demon-haunted world" after all. Good thing I never once took the "Mark of the Beast", and I'm not even a Christian saying this, but... I'm starting to wonder, especially with what's being done to children.

  49. Art Bell show, September 11th 1997, a caller described something ressembling *Flash Gordon*, especially the last part, when Emperor Ming says that after the natural disasters, the survivors of humanity will be easier to control, satisfied with less:

    "I, I don't have a whole lot of time
    Um, okay, I'm a former employee of Area 51
    I, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and, and
    I've kind of been running across the country
    Damn, I don't know where to start, they're
    They're gonna, um, they'll triangulate on this position really really soon

    Okay, um, um, okay
    What we're thinking of as, as aliens
    They're extradimensional beings
    That, an earlier precursor of the, um, space program they made contact with
    They are not what they claim to be
    Uh, they've infiltrated a, a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment
    Particularly the Area 51

    The disasters that are coming, they, the military
    I'm sorry, the government knows about them
    And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving
    The population to now, they are not
    They want those major population centers wiped out so that the few
    That are left will be more easily controllable"

  50. Where the hell are you guys? Have you abandonned everything?

    1. I don't know about anyone else, but I have a lot more going on lately than usual. It's also been kind of nice to take a bit of a mental vacation from this stuff. Resting up while things are quiet, or something like that. Although, it did then occur to me I should probably at least browse this again

      so whether it did any good or not is debatable, haha.

  51. I tried lumbrokinase again, this time from Double Wood instead of Doctor's Best - it's actually worth taking. Dunno if the dose is different or it's just better quality. Anyway, just wanted to say something since I'd previously poo pooed it.

  52. The Sefir Yetzirah is said to have been used to help people create golems, "a sort of mystical android."

    Golem -> Gollum.

    Here's a funny thing, the Taylor link lists 6 riddles in the Bible. One of those six is Proverbs 1:6, "for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise." It's funny because Qanon were the reported agitators, and Q was supposedly showing people how to do Proverbs 1/6. 1 of 6, 1:6, 1/6 - hey, that's 666. As if let's go Brandoning wasn't enough, what if they got punked into a 666 ritual? Not so funny, considering what the reputed backers of Q were into. Epic pwn, though.

    It's interesting that 6 of the 17 times the word for riddle appears in the Bible, were highlighted in the Taylor article. The 666 thing might be a figment of my imagination. The article was published 5/29/2008, so about 13 years prior.

    This post was going to be about golems and mind control, then Gollum, then riddles, all in reference to mind control. It's gotten out of hand, lol. I'll end for now with a reminder that every other gate that's been opened has stayed open. Which means the mind control of ACO may be forgotten, but it might not be gone.

  53. 2018 prelude to Rocky Horror:

    "It sounds like a bad monster movie plot: A 10-legged mutant creature that reproduces asexually, escapes from confinement in Germany, and quietly begins a global invasion. Within 2 decades, clones of the voracious animal spread through Europe and Africa, bringing devastation to ecosystems and threatening native species."

    "Five years ago, Lyko became interested in the marbled crayfish, now called Procambarus virginalis, because he thought its newly evolved asexual nature might parallel how a normal cell turns cancerous and begins generating clones of itself. In particular, he wanted to study the genomes of marbled crayfish to uncover basic mechanisms underlying epigenetics, the binding of molecules to DNA that can drive tumor growth and help cancer spread."

    "As suggested by some preliminary evidence, the marbled crayfish has three sets of 92 chromosomes, not the usual two, and each set is essentially a version of the chromosomes belonging to the slough crayfish (P. fallax)."

    "The marbled crayfish's three sets of chromosomes may be key, containing enough variety for adapting to different conditions. Danchin studies a very successful plant parasite, a nematode that reproduces asexually and also has three sets of chromosomes."

  54. Blogos must have died. Or given up.

    Anyway, July 15th, this saturday:

    "Comparing the scenes of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978) to real-life events:

    Elizabeth says, "I know I feel as though I've been poisoned today", around 1:03:03, therefore July 15th, knowing you've been poisoned, is when we'll be officially told the vaxx is deadly.

    Elizabeth gets the needle, 1:32:00 - 1:32:08; October 19th, the needle, is when *euthanasia* is offered as a solution. The "pods" will most probably be the "suicide pods" being commercialized over in Europe right now. Remember the scene after David injects both our heroes with a sedative, then brings them over to show them two huge pods on the ground, at which point they freak out and fight back to get away?

    Imagine if the triple-vaxxed are told by doctors in October that they should simply kill themselves in a pod, it'll be better that way."

    1. Excess deaths are still 8% above average in UK. Cumulative excess death is now about half the pandemic toll. Ie potion didnt work or poisoned them and people just carried on " living with covid/vax" repeated reinfections mysterious IgG4 counts sudden deaths in young peopl all ongoing.

      May be worth thinking about heat activated components of the system as well ie that will make people literally "melt"

  55. I hope not, JB. Maybe he's just busy lately, too.

    This is kind of interesting:

    Basically, Yoko Ono did Cut Piece in 1964. The audience became part of the artwork by cutting all of her clothes away. She wore her best suit, symbolic of people being able to take whatever they wanted to, saying her inspiration was from Buddhism. In ACO, Alex cuts away the clothes of the wife. The home has artwork throughout, and it's likely that the Alexanders would have been among those who discussed Cut Piece when it happened. So an artwork bringing in the audience as the villain would have invaded their home years after they'd likely taken part in talking about the performance themselves.

    The Bode (pronounced bo-dee, or Boddhi) brand was started in 2016 and has become popular enough to be introduced to the masses by proclaiming its has been status among the fashion cultists who now deem it too popular to be seen in. Very Venus, in an icky way. A lot of their items are what could be called cut pieces, like pieces of tablecloth or curtain. "Buckaroo" was one name dropped piece, which suggests Buckaroo Bonsai might represent some path or other. Another interesting element of the story was "Carlos" and the context of the paragraph the name was used in, as well as the paragraph after.

  56. Sorry chaps I've been totally neutralized for the past few weeks. TMFINR girl is a Nancy mannequin for sure. Memes of her are proliferating.

    Death and Venus or Barbiheimer, Heatwave called Charon etc all death path walking.

    Secret Invasion plot is some trippy shit too.

    I will try and catch up ASAP.



  59. This as well:

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.


    "Another local, Ann Stadler, voiced her support for otter 841 in a letter to the editor in the Santa Cruz Sentinel published on Thursday.

    'I don't have all the facts and history of the incidents but it just seems to me to be yet another example of humans feeling that they have the right of way on the earth and that other contemporary species and their rights to their native habitats are expendable,' Stadler wrote."

    1. Roseanne Barr as Nancy bridges the gap between Body Snatchers and Living Dead.

  62. Venus is retrograde from two days ago until September 6.

    Speaking of astrology, these twice yearly forecasts are good:
