Saturday, August 22, 2020

2020 - The Year of Lilith, Elementalism 101

Ten Sefirot of Nothingness
Their appearance is like ''the appearance of lightning''
Their limit has no end
And His Word in them is ''running and returning''
They rush to His saying like a whirlwind
And before His throne they prostrate themselves


Sefer Yetzirah, 1:6 - Gra Version 

2020, the Year of Lilith, was the inversion of 2019, the Year of Malkuth.  In 2019 we went yellow, green, black and red, in 2020 the order is reversed.  The Green Phase was/is about the inversion (or qliphization - sp?? pr??) of the symbol of water and green related themes and symbols - and the main narrative is/was unleashing/witnessing environmental doom in order to wake people up to the realities of the apocalypse climate change.  We started with the good intentions of green recoveries, but throughout we are also witness to the consequences of our climate crimes.  This de-greening leads to the serious food problems we will encounter, as a planet, in the de-yellowing phase which begins in under six weeks - blaming people who are stockpiling for the long haul and anti-obesity drives, etc will be used to unite the people during this time as well as providing cover for the beginning of what is really happening i.e. extended global food insecurity.


Since Lilith is Lady of the Night Winds, we originally separated the year into four phases - each one of the winds (anemoi) tied to a particular element driven to Qliphotic extremes, a southern fire wind (red phase, Jan-Mar), an easterly earth wind (black phase, Apr-Jun), a northern water wind (green phase Jul-Sep) and a westerly wind wind (yellow phase, Oct-Dec) as well as attributing a psychological alchemical component to the phase to focus on what was happening to individuals and societies as they were being changed to embrace a new normal.  As you will know from reading this blog my main contention is that the new normal, that the pandemic is a dumbed down stage play (if performed with live virus) of, is preparing the changes necessary for the continuing of civilization in the face of horrendous climate upheaval.  In mid-August the Green Phase, or Water Wind, peaked with storm disasters  (the derecho, tropical storms, lightning complex fires) affecting every part of the USA -   ''The Lake Fire'', for example, another water symbol, had been roaring up the hill before being magnified by the storm gusts and the over ten thousand lightning strikes.  Has the penny finally dropped that certain parts of the once great nation may no longer be insurable?  I think it will have after the wind wind, the wind of all winds that is surely coming in the Fall.   

Every prediction regarding the climate whiplash from the reduction in global dimming from the grounding of planes, and the ceasing of factories seems to have come true with the hottest July on record, unprecedented melting and fires in the Arctic circle, and extensive flood, drought, tempest and swarm damage across the world. When understanding the potential for a global disaster you need to move beyond the limits of 2020.  A lot of people have been hexing 2020, as was the fashion in 2016, thinking that maybe it'll get better, but really our problems stretch and deepen over the whole of the next decade - giving us very little time to get our breath, or mental health back.  What we are seeing at the moment is not the result of one harsh Summer it's the stacking of many bad ones finally unfolding into mass realisation of how utterly fucked we now are.  And there will be more to come.  My main beef with liberal green spirits who think we can upcycle and permaculture our way out of this is that it is just far too late on the doom clock.  Those permaculture eco gardens in California that may have represented hope for many will also get obliterated by these continuous winds, floods and fires etc. There will be food-solutions in the form of localising agriculture, fortifying agriculture, industrialising the production of huel, manna, soylent, protein whip-sundaes, etc - which the image and fitness conscious have already been conditioned to use instead of food.  

When understanding the minds of wind wizards atmospheric engineers you have to attribute to them the same specific and esoteric detailed knowledge you would give to MKUltra behavioral scientists.  GEUltra, if you will, These atmospheric engineers knew that this would be the effect of grounding the planes and reducing global dimming - they knew it would create a spike as if the accumulation of several years of climate change warming were delivered in one go, they knew it would hasten the Reckoning.  Like MKUltra Jungian psychological alchemists might use their elements of citrinatis, nigredo, albedo, green lion, rubedo to perform social engineering so the geo-engineers have their atmospheric equivalents.  The manipulation of the atmosphere - either exoterically by mass aviation or esoterically by satellite and drone - will be overseen by the same occultniks as Hollywood or NASA is. In the Sefer Yetzirah, the order of the elements is air, water, fire - in the storm, the air gathers the water into clouds, the water particles separating into ice crystals and graupel, grind against each other and like rubbing two sticks together in the woods, sparks form and the storm speaks with fire -Lightning is the forked tongue of water, thunder is its voice. 

Ten Sefirot of Nothingness
Their end is imbedded in their beginning
and their beginning in their end
Like a flame in a burning coal
For the Master is singular
He has no second,
And before One, what do you count?


Sefer Yetzirah, 1:7 - Gra Version


  1. Reposted from last: in the 13th century text of jewish mysticism "The Treatise of the Left Emanation", it is stated that it was Lilith who was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, she was not Adam's first wife, but rather "a being that God DID NOT CREATE from the Great Supernal Abyss (outer space)" (this is one of the four or five versions of her story in the Kaballah), it was she, essentially an extraterrestrial, who corrupted humanity, starting with Eve, with the "forbidden fruit" containing HER BLOOD.

    So even according to scriptures found in Judaism, she was an alien from another planet who turned us into something that the "Creator" (apparently only limited to Earth) did not intend to exist, seperate from nature, by putting her own "blood" into us. The Venusian Goddess Orejona/Lilith, regardless of what name she was given from one culture to another, was often symbolically represented as either half-fish or half-serpent, because she was an amphibian with a long, tentacle-like tail.

    Her purely symbolic attribute in the Bible and in many ancient mythologies was that of a screech OWL, because of her eyes, her ability of flight (spaceship), and the sound she sometimes made. Why do you think there is a giant OWL statue over at Bohemian Grove? No, it's not Moloch, he was a bull. The bloodthirsty Elite still worship Lilith to this day, it's simply that they know the Biblical "Serpent", the mermaid goddess and "ancient aliens" are all one and the same in her, they venerate her/their otherworldly blood.

    I don't know when she made the transition from benevolent genetic engineering to malevolent pagan goddess, but her extraterrestrial origins should be taken into account, considering a fake alien invasion might be in the cards in the not-so-distant future.

    1. Or extra-temporal. ''Human beings'' at various points in the past varied greatly in their looks, as they will again in the future.

    2. I like the "pre-ego = elementals = distant past, ego = spirits = present, post-ego = archangels = distant future" idea, but tell me: The Great God Pan I experienced was ETERNAL in character, past, present and future as one, symbolically represented as His being made of all of the stars and souls that have ever existed, and all of the stars and souls that shall ever exist, and that merely being in His presence within Chokmah automatically allowed me to "escape from Samsara". How does this fit into your esoterical worldview, because there also seems to be a "lesser" god Pan which is the god of all the elementals/natural creatures from primordial times.

      - JB (of The Meta-Logic Café)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. According to the wider time travel theory as it was revealed by Raziel before the pinch-point with the deep past and the pinch-point with the deep future, time is experienced like space. These places don't operate by the same rules as the ''present'' (which is actually history, a kind of time crystal museum) and are much more like the astral plane. Pan as a ''being'' (Elohim) in the astral past would be timeless and consciousness would connect to beings like this after death, aggregate to them; Pan as various randy blokes in the woods temporally entangling would be subject to time and ego consciousness ( which is ''anti-time'' ). You could call the latter the lesser.

  2. Check out the NEW Wonder Woman 1984 trailer on YouTube, YELLOW all over the place, plus the bad guy (Maxwell Lord) has become an even more obvious President Trump stand-in.

    1. New TENET trailer as well, trying to stop WWIII before it happens, even though it has already happened, make it happen differently in order to save as many lives as possible, "what if only the top floor of the building blew up, instead of the base bringing the whole thing down?"

    2. Ahh the new one. Yes it looks like they added extra yellow just in case anyone missed it the first time, eh? And a cheetah. As ''Athena'' is Dragoness Divine, its sort of Dracos vs Lyrans again. Lot of ''dracos'' and ''lyrans'' in that WAP video as well.
