Monday, October 12, 2020

2020 - The Year of Lilith, Medusa and Perseus

Poseidon: It is done. As we feared, King Acrisius of Argos has abandoned his daughter and her child to the sea.
Zeus: And he will be punished. Cruel and ruthless crime! Blasphemy! How dare the tyrant pray to me to forgive his savage jealousy...and cowardly revenge!!
Hera: Acrisius has always shown devotion to the gods of Olympus in the past. He has built magnificent temples and dedicated them to you, great Zeus, father of the gods.
Zeus: Hundreds of good deeds cannot atone for one murder. Thousands of temples, or statues, or sanctuaries, whether dedicated to me, or to you, Hera, my wife, or to Thetis, lovely goddess of the sea, or to you, Athena, ever wise and full of care, or Aphrodite, the goddess of love, nothing can wipe out or forgive contemptible act of blood!
Hera: Does it matter? The death of a girl or her child?
Zeus: Girl?! His daughter!!
Hera: After a lifetime's respect and devotion...
Zeus: Enough! I've decided. Acrisius must be punished...and his people with him. [to Poseidon] My lord Poseidon, I command you to raise the wind and the sea. DESTROY ARGOS!! And to make certain that not one temple stands, not one creature crawls, I command you to let loose the last of the titans. LET LOOSE THE KRAKEN!! The kingdom of Acrisius must be destroyed!
Poseidon: As you command.
Zeus: certain no harm befalls Danae or her son. Bring them safe to some remote and peaceful shore. Go now, swiftly.


Clash of the Titans (1981)


Remember at the beginning of the Green Phase, I said that they had to ''draw focus'' to the ''green'' before the ''de-greening'' could begin.  If your eyes were elsewhere you'd have missed all that craft from the Destruction Team, you can't miss it if you had forgotten you had it in the first place.  With Johnson's announcement of wind as the sole source of energy for homes by 2030, the same is happening now, your focus is being drawn to the air and the wind, before the ''de-yellowing'' begins in earnest. The air and wind themselves will ultimately prove entirely ''Qliphothic'' whether it be the airborne nature of Lilifluenza making our breathable air ''toxic'' - or hurricane/tornado activity like Hurricane Delta - and much much more to come. So whether you think this plan of Johnson's is a lot of hot air, or the future of a green revolution in the UK, is kind of incidental as they are going to destroy it anyway, the important thing is your focus.


On that note, for those of you following the ''spiritual'' activities over at the Perseus Protocols you might raise your eyebrows at this unveiling of a Medusa statue carrying the decapitated head of Perseus which is causing something of a rage in classical academia.  What you should know, if you don't already, is that Algol, the Daemon Star is associated with both Lilith and Medusa and shines brightest around  Halloween so this statue is being unveiled at this time to propitiate that spirit.  Honestly they may as well have gone all in at this point and had a statue of Lilith carrying a decapitated head of Jesus.  Art, eh?

At the beginning of 2020, I looked ahead over the movie trailer releases for the year and speculated that the inversion of heroes was going to be a key theme of our journey through the Qliphoth whether it be seeing the bad guys as the good guys or whether stories would play out from the antagonist's perspective as opposed to the protagonist.  What is happening here is a manipulation of the hyperstitional, more crudely an attempt to re-write history - this statue chills me in the same way I felt the chills after watching Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.  If ''Once Upon A Time'' was the only thing to survive the apocalypse then future beings would never realise that Sharon Tate was murdered and in so doing she never would have been...  The statue seems reminiscent of Damien Hirst's Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable, which I had the fortune to see when it was in Venice.  In this work a Mickey Mouse is found as part of a shipwreck encrusted with coral alongside various other popular totems and re-imagined classical works of art.  As a gallery-goer it is thought provoking, from a 1984 perspective it could be New Truth.

Heroes have been slowly distancing morphing from Mister/Miss Average random relatables like Jack Burton or Ripley through to what were effectively CIA-Illuminati assets (Batman, Agents of Shield, etc) and now it seems they are completing the transition to villains entirely - and oh how the dumb-dumbs cheer!  What you need to understand is that by inverting the heroes in this way they are messing around with the ''hyperstitional world'' of Iamblichus - a world (to some extent) ''above time'' (the Chokmah-Binah or Good-Evil axis) where the myths exist in block time - when you draw upon this world you draw the power of that eternity into temporality.  Importantly the Myth of Perseus, like all good stories, already contains justice for Poseidon, Medusa's rapist in this interpretation, as Perseus uses the head of Medusa to turn the Kraken (Cetus), one of Poseidon's favourite pets, into stone.  Does that make the murder of Medusa justifiable? Not necessarily but it gives it a sense of mythic completeness as Medusa ends up becoming a super-weapon against demons/evil eye/monstrous offspring of godly-rape in the hands of Athena - maybe this was Athena's way of getting justice all along?  Who are we to question her wisdom?  Although I think the artist chose to focus on Medusa and ignore the rest (in fact to rewrite ''history''), because Medusa vs Perseus has greater public awareness its worth thinking about Cetus before you rush to comment on a story that has been effectively decapitated as well as inverted.  Depending on your bent you may end up doing something really insanely idiotic and futile like ''hexing the fae'' and we know where that ended - pentacanes and hexaspouts.  Far from making the story more just, from the Destruction Team's perspective this inversion of Perseus destroys/subverts the divine/cosmic justice of the original which is of course, the entire point: subvert, invert, and corrupt.  Back in the day writers could actually sustain plot and arcs through to the end of the saga - these days the writers/artists on Netflix et al are effectively chicken embryos assisted by highly competent production design.  This artist (following their commission) has focused on ''metoo'' me equals 2 shock-populism and completely glossed over the depth of the Myth, I advise you to not make the same mistake.  Perseus did not exactly have an easy life himself.  On that note for those of you interested in the Unifying Colour Theory it may be worth giving the 2010, Clash of the Titans, another watch, to see just how creative they've been with myth or history (delete according to your persuasion).

Perfect courage amigos, perfect courage.

Let the stars be named after them forever.  As long as man shall walk the Earth and search the night sky in wonder, they will remember the courage of Perseus forever.  Even if we, the Gods are abandoned or forgotten the stars will never fade.  Never.  They will burn till the end of time.


Zeus (Laurence Olivier), Clash of the Titans, 1981


  1. As far as the "Lilith-flu" is concerned, the WHO surprisingly made a 180° and said no more Lockdowns anywhere, the FDA in the States concur, even saying the first Lockdown in april was not necessary in hindsight, the CDC's own data effectively proves that masks are *worthless* as protection, all of this occuring suddenly in sequence after Trump quickly recovered from the virus and boldly, defiantly, symbolically removed his mask in front of reporters and the whole world...

    Maybe the Lilith-flu is no longer needed for the perpetuation of the agenda...

    1. Hey JB in part the 180s are to fuck with your head, in the other part they are political. Most of Europe are doing 180s over what they said recently as we all go into Hunger Games style district based lockdown. We had a 180 today because the elections are over and the centre populists did not want to be outflanked by the right on the mask issue. In fact I've actually lost track of the 180s. So they let everyone wander about freely spreading the disease (too long) until after the election and now we are moving to total lockdown again. I am now in a global epicentre. Before our country was heralded as a huge success story.

      As I said before Lilifluenza was *always* airborne - we know that from Wuhan. The question was about how and when to communicate that to a really dumb, infantile and sensitive public or in fact how not to communicate it to set up for the most destructive epidemiological whiplash.
      Masks will not give protection unless they are extremely high quality masks and you need goggles as well. They serve to reduce the amount of virions you emit if you have the disease. They will be useless in confined quarters with the windows closed if you are there for more than 15 mins without full protection because it will go in your eyes.
      What we are looking at here are the institutions between raw science and spin adding their own interpretations. CDC and WHO are both between raw science and spin having strong political components to the way they work i.e extensions of Big Pharma. In fact because Lilifluenza is airborne *only* lockdowns work unless you are going to give out more decent equipment to people rather than homemade masks. The USA was about 2 weeks behind Europe before so we can have that conversation again soon :-)

      Lilifluenza is the first step of a continuing global fear of microbes/demons that will see all kinds of measures steadily introduced over time - 10 years. Lilith is the first of a variety of such demons - they've got all sorts of other tricks up their sleeves and as someone with a biochemical background I am most worried about whatever super-bacteria they've cooked up. Trump's warpspeed project is to give everyone a ridiculously experimental vaccine ASAP, you cool with that? Sounds to me like whoever wins, if they have an election, Americans are going to get a vaccine... Here they are not going to make it mandatory, at least that is the conversation at the moment, but those who do not have it they are going to have to continue to wear masks.

    2. Dr. Fauci in the States said that even with a vaccine people are still going to have to wear masks and respect social distancing, *forever*.

      If Trump goes with the *Russian* vaccine, the liberals will go even more insane.

    3. Yes. That's the plan I guess. Keep everyone on the low vibration and harvest the nightmare fuel. Before they send everyone into the virtual for a different type of harvesting. I think when that is complete the biosecurity infrastructure will also be complete so the masks and social distancing will be reduced in the real world in the end. What's left of the real world won't be that busy anyway... Based on how they got everyone hooked on phones everyone will be playing in virtual reality by then or dead. Well slightly more nuance than that but we both know where this is going.

      Just for the record when right wing conservative types talk about ''the liberals'' I am not sure exactly who they mean anymore. For instance I wouldn't conflate liberalism with the far left *at all*. The far-left hate liberals as well. It could be an American/European thing but do people mean far left - or just anyone left of themselves?

    4. As a nationalist/ultra-conservative (not in any hateful/racial way, though), when I speak of the "Left" I mean the Radical Left (BLM, Antifa, Woke), the Demoncrats, the Globalist Elite and their collaborators among the Mainstream Media and Celebrities.

      Basically all of the Aristocrats and fanatical commies who are actively, enthousiastically ruining everything for everyone, including themselves.

    5. But you've admitted that the Global Elite controls the right as well haven't you? Or did I dream it? The Republicans are in the pay of Big Pharma, Big Oil etc. Trump is still going to force the vaccine on people. Puppet on the left, puppet on the right. So why pick sides in the way you do, knowing what you do - isn't it better to look at it in a slightly more abstract way? I mean politics is not the most important level of this operation, its Assiah not Yetzirah. That Artwork of Medusa is far more significant.

      From my POV nationalism is just feudalism squared combined with a slightly different origin myth and ''the strong daddy'' for what is still a group of mainly water based organisms with various salts mixed in on a tiny rock in a void. But if gets nationalists' rocks off, laying roads for Queen and country, etc, go for it, I say, whatever motivates but without the hate and Holocaust thank you!

      Scratch what I said about the Queen... as a Canadian Nationalist then, I assume you want a Republic? :-)

    6. I don't "pick sides" politically, but socially, because it's the extreme far left that is destroying everything and attacking everyone right now. I have to be practical about this: those of the extreme far right have *never* harmed me or even remotely harrassed me or my loved ones in my life, and you certainly don't see the Neo-nazis or Ku Klux Klan laying waste to 50 cities in a row or openly starting a Race War/Civil War.

      The machiavellian machinations of the Globalist Elite are secondary to the very real damage and oppression the far left and their political/mediatic collaborators are inflicting upon ordinary people like me.

      And *no*, being from the Province of Québec I want *nothing* to do with Canada, we Québecers have been struggling for our independence for *centuries* now. The rest of "British" Canada openly, historically despise us and our culture, calling us "F**king French-Canadians" and the "White N*ggers of North America". It's essentially a Northern Ireland/Basque Country situation (but less violent), our every effort towards sovereignty being systematically crushed.

    7. The BLM riots were activated at the end of the Black Phase. Its a card in the hand of someone playing Illuminati the card game. We know about the role of agents provocateur in that. And we have to remember the context that leads up to this - not just the police brutality but random mass shootings at the hands of totalitarian nutcases. Other KULTRATED cards in the hand. Many of those shootings were the ''first shots in the war''.

      I am actually in favour of regionalisation I support Quebec in the same way I support Scotland and Catalan. But I am also a federalist as if you don't have trade associations between these smaller states they'll just get swallowed up by big players like China. You end up losing sovereignty that way. That's just the reality of economics. The UK, if it still exists, will have to join NAFTA or create a trade association of its own all of which will involve trade rules and therefore serious compromise. Or it'll get annihilated by China. Unless you want to live in some kind of walled medieval village in which case go start your own community off in the woods! The EU have been pushing regionalization-federalism for a long time and the pandemic has really brought that language into consciousness as they split countries into smaller mini-states.

      As I said to you before, and as I am becoming more and more certain of, all of Canada inc. Quebec will be very busy by 2030 as it will be full of refugees. They'll be international HQs dotting the new cities. And there will be lots of new jobs in gruel and PPE factories. Something to look forward to, eh JB?

    8. This blog seems like a very enjoyable space to join the dots a little beyond the political compass. Let's not let immediacy drive us crazy and alienate us, the same could well be said of the GOP if we were in 2009 and it would still be looking at the shadows in the cave.

      I come from a family with a rather leftist / liberal tradition and if you, in the United States, call that thing "the left" you are much worse off than I thought.

      For practical purposes, I advocate that we need to give a proper definition to this phenomenon woke-liberal-etc, it would also save me a lot of work to label the opposing team directly as Nazi but when we fall into using 19th century categories for 21st century phenomena we leave out the data that makes these control systems innovative in their own right. History does not repeat itself ... but it rhymes, just as an existential stage is not merely the repetition of an inferior one.

      The best we can do being 99% is to realize when we are thinking and doing exactly what the system expects of us, because it is on the basis of our cultivated identities and niche behaviors that the social engineering of the coming years is built.

      Pragmatically? Whoever wins should be required to go beyond pragmatism, which is poorer every year. If, as I believe will happen, conservatives / right win political hegemony in the future, their supporters should be less complicit, collaborating and justifying than the current Woke generation. Although I see it difficult, matrix is ​​the game in which you can literally play however you want, as long as you are not a party pooper who breaks the rules!

    9. I agree with you JB on a lot of issues, but your interpretation of left/right political axis is at least narrow. I know most north americans (I live in the US but I'm from latin america and married to an european) are truly confused in political terms, I don't get why. Also their parties mix a lot of traits from each side, and they position themselves in very random ways, so it's been a weird place to be for me. I'm a leftist in my country and in european terms, but in the us I resemble more a republican minus the religious conservative part.... And my friends that also live here, are very pro democrat, and in my country they are far right.... So please don't take this wrong, but maybe in the political respect you need to expand and investigate a bit more. Oh, but it's just a suggestion, as we all know here probably, we focus our attention with the perspectives of our beliefs and own experience.

    10. Oh, I only consider myself very abstractly leftist tho, and I constantly re evaluate, as I'm not really into politics, I just see the theater and analyze what it means for us the spectators.... Because the cost of complete sharing between society fixed by rules brings the end of freedom, but freedom without care for the others(who are also ourselves) brings too much collateral damage and pain... And with all this polar axis one vs the other, we lose the equilibrium.

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  3. Hello Blogos :-) I am rediscovering your Perseus Protocols blog. Very apt as we come up on the Algol eclipse on 18th. I thought you might like this good reframing, helps me with Algol P.S. I tried to comment on your most recent blog post but got an error message?

    1. Hi Artemisia thanks for the link! Other people have had that problem & what I recommend in the future is copying your post before you click publish and if there is a problem try again. Do not worry if the post comes up a few times, a few other people have had that problem & I do not mind!
