Tuesday, January 19, 2021

2021 - The Year of Gamaliel, Alarum

White swan in the river,
the eye of cathedrals,
false dawn in the leaves,
am I. They cannot hide!
Who can escape? Who sobs
in the valley’s tangle?
The moon leaves a knife
behind in the air,
a lead-coloured trap
that seeks blood’s cry.
Let me in! I come frozen
through walls and windows!
Open roofs and breasts
where I can be warmed!
I’m chilled! My ashes
of somnolent metals
seek the crown of the fire
among streets and mountains.


The Moon, Blood Wedding, Federico Garcia Lorca


In 2020, I set myself a number of alarms on my phone that persisted with me throughout the year and reminded me to stay focused on a number of things.  I'm clearing my cupboards at the moment so bare with me as I figure out what alarms to set for 2021.


In this Alarm, the Red Army Choir rouses us to action in honour of the fallen of  Buchenwald, ressurects them into an army of the dead and allies them to the International Columns fighting Fascism.  I admit I always played as the USSR in Axis and Allies.  The Alarm sat on my phone as both a constant reminder of the horror of eugenics, anti-Semitism and racism and a constant reminder to speak out against them.  The Alarm calls to a world energized by crisis, of an ocean groaning with terror, and an agony of the Earth that becomes a nuclear hurricane.  It exhorts us, forcefully, to be very careful, to preserve the peace and to be kind to the planet. This one had to be there. Listen to the words.


The Malachite Sky alarm was a personal reference to a short analysis I wrote on the 2016 (Netzach) movie 10 Cloverfield Lane.  Originally I was using the words in the title of this Alarm to remind me to focus on the skies as in March/April I had serious concerns about the environmental whiplash that was likely to be caused by a reduction in global dimming due to the grounding of the planes.  I saw many different cloudless blue skies from on top of a deserted hill where I live and as the cloudless days passed I became increasingly convinced that it was going to be a terrible year.  2020 was tied for the hottest year on record.  The other year was 2016.  The Malachite Skies came in the end, during the Green Phase, when large swathes of our planet were flooded.

But there was more to the Malachite Sky than this and now I see my ultra-conscious self was pointing more broadly towards the nature of the year.  10 Cloverfield Lane is about a person in lockdown, it's a quarantine drama effectively, and now I can see myself in all of those characters as I endured my shadows.  Maybe even the alien at the end...  Say what you like about Raziel, but he is concise.


I've never been a ghost-botherer, I prefer the company of angels to that of the old souls. I've occasionally had a problem with ghosts bothering me but that is the risk you take when you walk haunted paths.  I generally walk moonbeams, it's quicker, and I am not a Millennial sentimentalist.  Ghost Town was an alarm that came in early, to keep me focused on the emotional impact of  being in a quarantine for aeons and the disturbing sights of an emptying city.  Inevitably, we all became physical ghosts but some fought more successfully than others against the hollowing.  Others lost their mental selves in screens and, unfortunately, the ones who went in weren't always the same ones who came out.

I knew Lilith had been released at the beginning of the Year as the Unifying Colour Theory predicted it perfectly.  But what I did not know was that there would be quite so many literal demons on the streets and in the air.  Boris Johnson described Lilifluenza as like being assaulted by an invisible mugger but many people have felt her embrace them with bloody talons and squeeze the life right out of them.  You notice the smell was lost?  The taste obscured?  When she hunts she hides her scent.  You could taste her like gravel in the wind.  This was the Black Wind.  The other winds brought other demons.  Rain.  Gale.  Hurricane.  The Ghost Town Alarm also worked on two levels.   Like the Buchenwald Alarm... it raised an army of spirits.

Do you remember the good ol' days before the Ghost Town?  Remember.  You may have been exposed to severe trauma.  Your cortisol levels may have risen.  Your neural architecture may have been damaged.  You may be repeating yourself.  When did you last take your Vitamin D?  You may be fading away.  Remember.  You must remember.  Or you're a ghost in a shell.  I told myself.


When I've taught the lessons I would tell my students if you want to really crack the initiations of Yesod ultimately you have to transform the Prima Materia.  Someone on the level of Malkuth only sees the world in material terms and often explains their magic through physical (and some ''psychical'') language like energy, force, power, etc and often has some kind of pseudo-scientific explanation for how it all works.  Whereas on the level of Yesod, one comes to see the Prima Materia as dreams and the world is better understood through dream logic.  The practical keys to this are found in astral practices and ''lucid dreaming'' and one of the ways to improve your abilities in this arena is by knocking every doorframe that you walk through in what you consider your waking life and ask yourself - am I dreaming?  Eventually the worlds will blur.  I advise an alarm on the phone, an Alice in Wonderland alarm whose sole purpose is to get you to ask that question.  Am I dreaming? Set it for whatever time works best for you...  2019 was a brutal year for me and made me reflect on how much luck, or whatever you would prefer to call it, I had enjoyed up until that point.  I felt like I had fallen into a different universe and I wanted to remind myself that I came from a different world.  That I could hang on to myself.  But, more importantly, it prepared me for 2020.

Now I no longer need an alarm to wake up.  I need an alarm to remind me to sleep. 


There is a sentimental satisfaction in keeping old alarms - fond memories of that time that that, whatever that was, mattered somehow.  But one must not hoard old alarms.  On the other hand, my ex-girlfriend used to regularly throw things out to the point where she could have been diagnosed with temporariness syndrome or whatever.  You have to be consistent and allow the alarms to acquire meaning before ridding yourself of them.  Stay lean.  Limit yourself to 3 or 4.  Keep your spirits concise.

I've started and finished this post with a sinister speech of the Moon from the play Blood Wedding by my old buddy Federico Garcia Lorca.  I'm letting the words percolate. I've got to get my eye on that evil Moon and I'll set an alarm to remind myself to look. 

A... lunalarum.

    But I bring the snow
to their shoulders of jasper,
and I flood, cold and harsh,
the depths of the lakes.
But this night my cheeks
will be stained with red blood,
and the reeds clustered
in wide swathes of air.
I have no shadow,
nowhere they can hide!
Let me enter a breast
where I can be warmed!
A heart of my own!
Burning! Spilling itself
on the hills of my breast;
Let me come in! Oh, let me! (To the branches)
No shadow. My rays
must shine everywhere,
and in dark of the trees
spread a rumour of dawn,
so my cheeks this night
will be stained with red blood,
and the reeds clustered
in wide swathes of air.
Who’s that hiding! Speak out!
No! There’s no escape!
I’ll make the horse gleam
with a fever of diamond.

The Moon, Blood Wedding, Federico Garcia Lorca


  1. What I watch out for are UN-intentional workings, when you stumble upon something magical and dangerous and only realize it when it's too late.

    From Wordman's blog (years ago):

    "Many Middle Eastern cultures, in accordance with their religious traditions, prohibit the mixing of meat and milk.  The purpose of this, allegedly, is to avoid accidental ritual.  Jacques Vallee says his favorite UFO case is the one he calls “Copper Medic,” so named in his arcane filing system.  In this case an elderly couple, Clint and Jane Chapin, panhandling for gold in the California mountains happen upon a rattlesnake.  They kill it in what amounts to a ritualistic manner, cutting off the head and then burying the head and body separately, marking it with a stone “so no one will step over it.”  Almost immediately in the trees beyond the tall grass, they both spot an oval object, about the size of a VW, she sees it as cream colored, he as a burnished gray.  It lifts up and pauses before shooting away at tremendous speed.  It leaves behind a deep oval depression, some pale yellow-green glassy fragments, and a silvery colored block that appears as a copper alloy.  It is October 30, 1969.  The same object appears again in the same spot on December 27, 1976 and October 13, 1977.  In another “high strangeness” case in his files, something like a Sasquatch materializes immediately when a hunter and his young son perform certain accidental actions with a freshly killed dead rabbit.  There is evidently a very certain danger of accidentally stumbling into ritual."

  2. How come the "delete" button is gone? Not only here, but apparently on every comments section on the internet? Glitch?

    1. I can still delete as blog ''owner'' if you would like me to delete something? Do you want me to delete the ''copypasta a la panspamia'' from above? ;-)

      It's a little troubling. Might be a glitch. Might be new aspect of totalitarian control grid. Nothing will be forgotten or forgiven and everything will be seen, just like the Moon is saying in her evil speech... - might be something to do with the memory/Akhashic Records aspect of Yesod, turned to Qliphothic extremes..!


    2. No, I've gotten confirmation from another site that self-censorship is no longer allowed, and they might even try to confirm your location before you post, so people better be very careful what they write from now on...

    3. What I posted at the top feels like vital information to me, that accidental rituals might bring about supernatural effects. This is precisely why young people should stay the f**k away from *the dark arts*, even if it's "trending".

    4. "Can you post a link?"

      It was a fellow poster on Wordman's blog who confirmed it, it's been getting worse since the "purge" last week.

    5. Yes because telling young people to stay the fuck away from something is a tried and trusted strategy.

    6. Spanking might work.


      "Don't you ever go near that Ouija board ever again!"



    7. "Yes because telling young people to stay the fuck away from something is a tried and trusted strategy."

      Ha. On a tangent, Perseus Protocols. That came to life before the medusa statue beheading Perseus right? What's the status - I was looking for lessons.

    8. We made the blog around then but Perseus Protocols started physically in April. It achieved what was intended for it and then some. We were writing a bit during lodge time but that got taken over with other work. I am happy to answer any questions on here. I'll prompt Caduceus and we'll have a look at it when we next meet.

      If you are talking about ''the lessons'' - a lot of them are on this site, you just have to go back and find them. If you want to know anything or where something is feel free to ask. I am happy to provide answers within the confines of my knowledge. If curiosity is piqued by the above, here are the flips for the Prima Materia on the first 3:

      Malkuth: Classical Matter --> Quantum Realism
      Yesod: Psychology --> Dreams and Memory
      Hod: Symbols --> Coding Letters

      I can elaborate or clarify if you want. Its difficult to describe how earth shattering the flips are. If its not shattered your Earth you prob. haven't cracked it. Musing is not enough, there is a lot of work and intent.

      I have a post on the WMT - Addressing the Failure Rate which talks about how few people get beyond ''Yesod'' these days and why. Partially it is the way teachers are operating for cash driving the 101 market but not the 401 market, partially its egoistic charlatans, partially it is ill-discipline in students. For instance I know lots of people who claim to want to get their head around ''the QBL'' but for some reason they aren't willing to study texts for 5 years! There is no quick hack, you basically have to study for the length of time necessary for a degree - that's *the test*. And its esoteric *science* so that puts off everyone who is in this just to get their rocks off. Its that Mercurial Library that wipes out most people and keeps the average magical level of this planet somewhere between Earth and the Moon. Many try to skip Mercury and go straight to Venus (for obvious reasons) but it rarely seems to work (for obvious reasons).

    9. http://hermeticlessons.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-wmt-addressing-failure-rate.html

    10. Thanks mate. I'm still going over the foundation stuff, and recognise I'm not even ready to ask you the correct questions yet!

    11. The Magickal Memory is really important work in Yesod. Can't stress this enough. Tarot is good for triggering the memory as chances are if you're in these loops you've encountered that deck many times before. But the learning to speak/think backwards is the more hardcore and rapid path to these realizations. You only have to start the practice and continue for a while and the mind/brain once asked/trained starts doing it automatically when you need it.

    12. Yes glad you said this, it's one of the basics I'm focusing on this year. Creating my own tarot set will be part of the process, much like handwritten notes are memorised better than typed notes, physically manifesting each card and focusing on every brush stroke is about as foundational as you can get (I hope).

  3. Nice post blogos and good ideas. I've been tracking the moon daily for about 6 years now, weather visuals permitting. I'm lucky to live up high top floor with open plan windows, balcony and unbeatable views. It's great for achieving a sense of rhythm and timing, my only constant alarm and time keeper - look up.

    1. I'm jealous. My apartment is great I can see the Moon from my back window across about 45 degrees but I don't have full panoramic. Let me know of any visible changes immediately! :-)

    2. From the same spot, regular viewings over a long period of time really do help you build up something of a temporal and spatial awareness. I'm still surprised sometimes and need to refer to the apps SkyGuide or Deluxe moon. Over a lifetime one could only imagine the effects on a person in terms of natural rhythms, Vs clocks and calenders.

      That surprise when the moon phase, it's angle or height relative to the horizon 'for this day' is not what you thought it should be is quite exhilarating. I can see why people watch the sky for a week then believe the moon is a hologram or were on a disc- direct observation is way different from what you think it would be based on astronomy in the media.

      Keen to see how the moon factors in 2021!

      For the record, I'm ambivalent to globe Vs disc. Reality is waaay more interesting than that.

  4. I'm a woman who has been almost dead a few times, and got my dreaming initiation at 13… just a few months after my first period. My thing are dreams and symbols.... For me it's seeing people, objects, places, and i can feel and sometimes see what its their "status" or where it's their problem with their balance.... Also dream a lot, i remember almost everything i see on the other side, from time to time I get to be on the lucid/astral side of this, but then my inner coherence and how I'm feeling at the moment in life it's crucial. Right now the streets where i used to run happily don't invite me to go there alone when dark. I'm not so afraid of humans or the c mini microorganism, but the city feels wrong.... One thing 2020 Thought me it's stop fighting with the shadow, evilness or existence. Everything has it's place, and i will try to use my time in other ways. I like you Qbl studies blogs, but in my heart I feel the need to be close to the earth now.... The dirt and the plants and the animals.... Let's see if I can get closer.

    1. I perfectly understand. I used to feel the same way about Mars.

  5. Dreams are my thing too Pilar, you always sound similar to me. But we're descending through hell right now. I take comfort in the fact when things have been worst in my life, in hindsight it was actually the forging process. Blind faith in myself, willpower and a never surrender attitude have taken me this far. I've recommended friends double down on themselves at the moment, small comforts and treats while they can, and prepare to face their shadow.

    And when I need my mind blown to escape then re-calibrate I re-read 231 gates on this blog and consider my minotaurs.

    1. Yup, enjoying chocolate while still have it available hahahhaha. Even when the travel we are having it's getting a bit scarier, i try to remember that "it's just a ride"... Also, I'm happy to have found you and everyone in this virtual spaces, enjoying them while they last too...

    2. Aye, there's no such thing as personal luck, just destiny options for the attentive. I've got a weird post coming up on a strange aspect of the stoicism required for this year you might be interested in.

  6. And before I forget a while ago we talked about the possibility of the movie being applied to the detail of the paths as well. I was wondering, as I didn't watch it whether Bohemia Rhapsody, another 2018 purply movie, is an example of a path walk from Hod (Mercury) to Yesod (Moon)? I need to check it out...

  7. I do thank you Blogs for all the info you share, so I'll be around if I can. Maybe this doesn't have anything to do with this, but I was looking at a "documental" talking about the original sacred city of Islam being Petra. That opened the panteones of pre Jew and pre Islam of the zone, and was curious about how Manat is the Goddess of fate, fortune, time, death, and destiny, and formed a kind of "trinity" with her sisters. She is paired with Ananke, the sister consort of chronos. Hmmm
