Saturday, January 29, 2022

2022 - The Year of Samael, Singing in the Rain

I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds so dark up above
The Sun's in my heart and I am ready for love
Let the stormy clouds chase everyone from the place
Come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face
I'll walk down the lane with a happy refrain
And singing just singing in the rain


Singing in the Rain, Gene Kelly


From the 29th January to the 5th February we will observe the disturbing rape scene from A Clockwork Orange (calendars at Hotel Apophenia - January + Feburary) set to Singing in the Rain.   One of the most disturbing readings in terms of the general arc of the film is the rise of the stealth variant of Omicron - ba'al BA2. - just launched to the great pleasure, I'm sure, of armies of Karens, work-from-homers, faithful subscribers of the Church of Pfizifer, extreme introverts, low self-esteemers, the apathetic docile masses and all those who simply dream of further lockdowns and a desire to be governed harder by Big Brother.  By and large these are people who were already in what the industry  calls lower vibrational energy states such as: guilt, shame, apathy, fear, grief and petty desires like ''hope'' and other forms of wishful thinking.  When angry anti-Pfizifer people say ''their narrative is crumbling'' I would remind you that it is crumbling only for one side which is already in the minority and a large part of the demographic pie is already 100% committed to this narrative at least for another few years until the ADE is impossible to lie about - and an apparently ''crumbling line'' is one way you get your enemy to break ranks.  As Journeyman pointed out in this scene we see tensions between rural and urban, poor and rich, pacifist/liberal and ultraviolent - just look around you those tensions are everywhere.  

So what can we take away from this ''coincidence''? While there was already considerable precedent in the Cult Movie Theory to associate ''the Rain'' with lilifluenza, Omicron now has what are effectively stealth ''droogs'' and it also implies that Alex DeLarge will be identified with further developments of the lilifluenza narrative - now more correctly called Samiflu for Samael, the Archdemon of the Year.  More dangerously the undermining of testing regimes, in this way, or for instance telling us that the tests cannot distinguish between flu and covid, does not necessarily imply the pandemic is over, it might just be the testing that is over.  That could easily lead to even more aggressive pressure on unvaxxed to take the vaccine as ''the tests can no longer see'' (the blinding effect of Samael) and we cannot ''trust the tests'' (the lies of Samael) - we see this already with the recent onslaught against monoclonal antibodies as treatment.  Be careful what you wish for my little brothers.  It also suggests that our Alexarillion are clearly tied to Omicron so these guys, some people's heroes right now, are going to be publically declared as villains who are working for the virus.  An example of this is Pfeffel DeLarge (Boris Johnson) who is being villified for various breaches of the public's trust, while simultaneously there are moves being made under this cover for forcible vaccination and compulsory digital ID (citizens data laws).


Back towards the end of 2020, inspired by the Colour Revolutions that swept the world in 00s, I speculated that the world was being divided into different demographic spirits: Yellow Spirits (nationalist, agricultural, Gilet Jaunes), Green Spirits (environmentalists), Black Spirits (nihilists) and Red Spirits (selfies) with hybrid types like Yellow-Black, Yellow-Green, or Green-Red.  These were based on the different parts of the alchemical process shown in the diagram of Malkuth: Citrinatis (the beginning of the search for enlightenment), Green Lion (righteous anger), Nigredo (ego death), Rubedo (individuation). In our exploration of possible links between the imminent Russian ''invasion'' and the identification of Ukraine with Mrs Alexander I had quite forgotten the Orange Revolution.  In 2004-05 this Operation Gladio revolution, a decade later centred in the ''Euro-Maidan'' protests, spurred the Ukraine to break away from Russian influence and prompted over a decade of unrest and civil war.

Ukraine therefore is Mrs Alexanderthe woman in the orange suit, Mr Alexander represents the ''liberal'' EU, pinioned  by their dependence upon russian gas, while Alex DeLarge and the Droogs are russian forces; the white costumes and masks linking them to the snow troopers poised on the border.  The home invasion situation implies some kind of clandestine rape of Ukraine and the events of the next week may be more in keeping with Putin's love of assymetric warfare.  A strong hypothesis would be the use of toxic chemical weapons (either false flag or false flase flag) something that Russian forces and intelligence operatives have been assiduously associated with over the last decade whether they were used in Syria or Salisbury - these weapons potentially linking to a chemical rain and/or the use of actual gas masks as opposed to ones that allow you to fight in blizzards.  A softer hypothesis would see all manner of ''attacks'' that destruct the Ukrainian economy and its assets - trade embargoes, pipeline shutdowns, more cyberwarfare, ''little green men'', etc.  The list is endless, its happening already and it will intensify and probably cease or subside around the 5th February.  What intrigues me is if they love to name drop how they will exactly arrange things to have multiple ''Alexes'' facing off in this scene.  Maybe astute use of the Alexarillion, plus Alexei Navalny, or other Alexes we have yet to become aware of or have simply overlooked.


Raining on everyone's parade from the beginning of the year with the certainty that most opposition this year is in fact a devious and concerted effort to demonise people who are defying the government desires has not been fun as I know everyone wants the good guys to be the genuine good guys and for them to actually win.  I get it, I do.  I'm not popular for this reason.  But if you are of this view I have to inform you are utterly and completely naiveIt's a trap.  It may not be the case that the good guys are genuine double agents fully aware of their cointelpro efforts but it is easy to manipulate people who don't think that the enemy can either a) appear weak when they want to or b) steer you into making decisions that favour their plan.  Learn Sun Tzu.  Learn fucking Chess.  As I have tried to point out in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, moves and countermoves are planned for the whole decade to get us to the upgraded (but degraded) passport concept.  If they raise a few flags of your colour outside the Phalanx and you run to them and break your own formation you're not going to make it very far I promise you that.  You're following their flags.  The wise right now are retreating like Socrates when he fought the Spartans.  Backing off slowly, keeping the spear pointed firmly towards the enemy as they focus on the more exposed targets of people who have broken ranks or are just fleeing in terror, in order to buy time and get better ground - it's the long plan but with it you will just about live to fight another day. 


Whether it be Joe Rogan vs The Music People who have betrayed their essential principles of freedom and love in demanding for him to be ''cancelled'' (or even those who have spoken out about ''cancel culture'' and then still asking for Rogan to be cancelled - lol) or the Truckers vs Trudeau these narratives are all self-defeating and end in the apparent good guys indeed getting cancelled or even put in prison and ultimately going through the Ludovico Technique.  Taking Joe Rogan as one example, I do not know what contract he has that might make him difficult to fire, but as musicians stack up against him things are going to get trickier and trickier for Spotify to continue.  I know that at the moment the likes of Neil Young, etc are not inspiring people to worry very much and make joke-memes (like I have myself made above) but the point is that this can easily escalate.  Just look at the logo for the Joe Rogan Experience it is obviously part of this Clockwork Orange operation whether Rogan likes or not.  With the Truckers vs Trudeau, I obviously want Jack Burton to win, who doesn't?  Well the 50% of the population who love masked and vaccinated lockdown life styles like pigs in their pens don't.  The Truckers worsen the supply chain crisis, which causes more of the social and urban decay we see in ACO, and ultimately they will push the automation of transport narrative.  The less humans there are on the road, for whatever reason, the easier the system is to automate.  Its robot trucks steering through human traffic that is the key problem and the solution to that is obvious, don't bust your balls trying to make robots understand humans just get humans completely out of the way.  I hate to say it to you but it is impossible to win this right now or any time in the immediate future.  Enjoy the show.

''You just listen to the Pork Chop express here now and take his advice on a dark and stormy night when the lightning's crashing and the thunder's rollin and the rain's coming down in sheets as thick as lead.  Just remember what Ol' Jack Burton does when the Earth quakes and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake.  Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big old storm right square in the eye and he says 'give me your best shot pal, I can take it.' - J.B, ''Big Trouble in Little China''

Why am I smilin' and why do I sing?
Why does December seem as sunny as Spring?
Why do I get up each morning to start happy?
And get up with joy in my heart?
Why is each new task a trifle to do?
Because I am living a life full of you


Singing in the Rain, Gene Kelly

P.s. Test for clairvoyance or deductive prowess by regaling me with exactly how the next few days are going to play out.  Extra points for Alexes.


  1. At 1:15, we see "Alex" dancing on the checkerboard floor, same as the image you posted here at the top:


    This brings a member of the Alexarillion to the "stage" in Ukraine.

  3. You want a classic film?

  4. If I can offer any help, it would be after June 1st. I learned to play chess at 4yo, love the game.... Agree with the need to make strategic retreat yo safe ground. I think this is a siege situation, we just need to hold until the new dawn. (easier said than done tho xD)

  5. Squirrels in the news -

    Man kidnaps woman because he was part of a trafficking group and thought she'd stolen meth. Threatening her with a gun and a homemade pipe bomb, he took her from TN to Corbin, KY and assaulted her for two days. She escaped after someone else in the home shot and killed themselves. Judge said, "It is sub-human to treat a person this way and to put a person in such fear for her life and to strip her, literally and figuratively, of human dignity so astonishingly," and sentenced him to 43 years.

    2nd biggest meth bust in Laos ever(?) made in the Mekong River region. The very biggest was in October last year. A UN guy says it reflects a breakdown of security in Southeast Asia. Bokeo, the province, borders *Myanmar* and Thailand. Myanmar makes meth, it's "off the charts." "Neighbors like Thailand and Laos have been flooded with meth in recent months." "Governments need to get a grip on chemical trafficking, secure borders, and make it more difficult to launder money."

    I think pushing to curtail chemicals is interesting, because real soap is highly alkaline so probably better at killing fungus than most detergent bars and liquids, which are more commonly sold. You used to be able to buy sodium hydroxide at hardware stores for making soap; but since they started clamping down on meth makers, you're pretty much stuck having to buy it online. When the virus started, soap ran out quick. Both sodium and potassium hydroxide absorb a lot of moisture from the air, so it doesn't store particularly well.

    1. Gang of Four traveled from Phoenix, AZ to Erie, PA to sell drugs and got involved in a shooting that killed a local and wounded another. The one who died was found on McClelland Ave, where the group was renting a house.

      A 21 y/o man and 47 y/o woman from CO traveled to Utah to sell fake anxiety pills. They were actually pure fentanyl, each one more than enough to kill a person. They're said to have ties to a cartel area of MX. (There was another recent story in the headlines about a guy arrested for trying to smuggle two people in from MX in a flag taped casket, claiming it contained the body of a Navy guy.)

    2. Notsies in Orange County waving flags and getting into fights on the road. The governor's press secretary expressed disbelief, citing the Lincoln Project which posed as torch carrying supporters of a Republican candidate during VA's election.

      Howard, Bowie, Albany State, A&M all received bomb threats early Monday. Earlier this month it happened to 8 HBCU's either on the same day or in clusters. (There's a story still in the headlines about 2019's Miss USA jumping from a building. Black women held all four major US pageant titles that year, for the first time.)

    3. Multilingual Kansas woman who had talked about targeting a US college, mall, places with lots of people, arrested overseas. Her alleged main objective "was to teach the to defend themselves." First court appearance will be in Alexandria, VA.

      Republicans trolled by pregnant man emoji.

    4. It seems like every day there are stories of police, or their families being targeted, hurt, or killed. It reflects the breakdown of security mentioned in the Laos article. The guys who killed Arbery just got a plea deal the family is reportedly calling a betrayal, reflecting a breakdown in justice. "There's not no attention paid to earthly law and order no more." This story here, though, just takes the cake. It's like a complete breakdown, total disfunction. So, if local forces can't be trusted, and federal justice can't be trusted, and people themselves can't be trusted, what's left? The easiest path to invasion is an open door.

      Now it's 6 colleges threatened. And a man has been charged with painting swiss stickas on DC's Union Station. The temporal aspect makes it fairly clear what will stick in people's minds. Right wing connected with notsies, deadly poison, violence, infiltration, betrayal, women, lies (Rogan), all while taking away what people want - representation, weed, justice. Phoenix's inclusion suggests that Lovecraftian, ancient monster rising from the abyss, said to inspire such horror no words could describe. Even Cthulhu needs both wings for flight.

  6. Earlier today the big snowstorm in the US Northeast had headlines describing it as a "bomb cyclone." By the time I clicked on a story, the headline had already been changed to Nor'easter or something. None of the current headlines are calling it a bomb cyclone, but some of the words now used to describe the storm and its activities are Slams, Pummels, Pounding, Pelts, and most interestingly, Lashes. The body of a USA Today story explains a bomb cyclone is "another name for the process known as bombogenesis."

    "Baltimore's blighted vacant homes, like the one where 3 firefighters were killed, take perpetual toll on city" according to one very verbose headline.

    "7 guests at Ohio hotel in critical condition after carbon monoxide leak"

    About Baltimore - in zombie flicks and books like The Stand, one of the selling points for people who may wish for a similar catastrophe is that all the houses are empty, and they can take their pick from what's left. Once a fungus gets established in a building, it's very difficult if not impossible to get rid of. As obnoxious as it may be to face discrimination for one's medical decisions, it could be worse. At least people don't currently have an excuse to burn up other people's houses/towns.


    Here's a Cruz arrested. The stabbing happened on 1/22, "all through your guttiwuts." Neither of these articles show any picture of the suspect arrested for murdering a lesbian in front of her fiancé, after terrorizing the building for years. The timing of the story isn't quite right to connect this with a representation of Beethoven, but it's pretty close to the doorbell ringing. It happened at 711 Seagirt Ave in the Far Rockaway area of Queens, NY. 711 sums to 9, the year of Rocky Horror.

    7-11 also happens to be the store where one of the winning Powerball tickets was sold, and Far Rockaway has a very low average income for NYC. The winner from Wisconsin (not the 7-11) hadn't claimed their prize yet when the stories were coming out, one mentioned they were probably getting their financial affairs in order. People usually get their affairs in order if they expect to die soon. This year on 7/11 Venus will align with the fixed star Capella.

    "Sometimes called Amalthea in honor of the nurse who reared Jupiter upon the milk of the goat."
    "Capella, the “glorious crown”, was said to be the horn of the goat that nurtured the infant Jove."

    Every year on 7/11 The Sun is about a day from perfectly aligning with Castor. Of Castor and Pollux, Castor is the mortal twin. Sun conjunct Castor is good for occult powers, foreign affairs, and ultraviolence.


    Whistleblower, Alexa Factory, Torture

  9. Fungal Information Links, Part 2 External Measures

    To gist of these links is keep stuff clean. Wash your clothes, your food, your bedding, yourself. Don't let dust pile up, that means dusting and vacuuming or sweeping.

    Real soap is more alkaline than detergents, which probably makes it more effective against fungus. It's available in stores; it can also be made at home for cheaper and to one's own specifications. It has to be rinsed very well or it leaves scum, especially in hard water -anyone who's used Dr Bronner's knows. Using a diluted vinegar rinse can help remove the scum and is good for preventing skin irritation. It's a good idea to wear loose gloves while cleaning to prevent irritation, and then wash the glove gunk off. I wipe the inside of the fridge sometimes with baking soda water; it's easy and seems to work well, the hardest part is getting it dry in there afterwards. Keeping dust off of stuff might go the furthest in preventing problems? It's kind of funny, dirt has beneficial microorganisms and I've read that eating a little bit now and then can help prevent allergies (gotta justify tasting all those mud pies somehow); but it's also where fungus and some harmful bacteria lives. I guess all anyone can do is get as much information as they can and try to apply it appropriately to each unique time and situation.

    Masks seem like a good idea when it's very dusty. Every time I go out, I keep a clean cloth one on hand, just in case some place requires it. If I had to wear a mask all day, I'd probably change to a fresh one every couple of hours, keep the used ones in a plastic baggie, and wash them all before reusing.

    The first three links talk about using baking soda to inhibit fungal growth. The third link compares baking soda to some other methods they tried. Links 4 and 5 are about washing produce. 6-8 concern soap composition and making soap. Link 9 is about fungal spores found in dust. The last link is a book written by layman discussing her theories, which she developed in the course of researching her child's health issues. She claims that vacuuming and dusting and washing bedding frequently are good for all around health; I find it helpful to have a somewhat positive motivation for the drudgework beyond "it's just nicer that way."










    (10) The Calcium Connection (The Little-Known Enzyme at the Root of Your Cellular Health) by Brunde Broady

  10. "The Stone of Scone, also known as the Stone of Destiny, and often referred to in England as The Coronation Stone, is an oblong block of unusual sandstone that has been used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland. It is also known as Jacob's Pillow Stone and the Tanist Stone. This is the very same Stone of Jacob supposedly taken to ancient Ireland (later Scotland) by the prophet Jeremiah. Others strangely believe it is rather of *Venusian* origin (either extraterrestrial or literally from Lucifer himself), and is kin to the Kaaba stone of the Mecca and the long-lost Kala stones of the Inca Temple of Venus (renamed Temple of the Sun by the Conquistadors)."

  11. Fungal Information Links, Part 3 Skin Health

    So, your skin is very important to health. It's your armor against the outside world. It's important to keep it clean but avoid over-washing and irritation. It's got a healthy microbiome, your own tiny army ready to defend you and fight off any invaders. Don't kill your microbiome with harsh products. Respect the tiny army and it will serve you in proportion to its own health. Or something, I'm not a doctor just an obsessive nerd. This isn't advice, do your own research.

    Liquid soap (real soap made with potassium hydroxide, not detergent) may improve wound healing. Two oils high in oleic acid are olive and camellia. Homemade camellia oil soap is one of the gentlest and least irritating I've used. If you're using regular oil directly on the skin, oleic acid can be irritating. Oils with a higher polyunsaturated content may be better, like tamanu (poison if eaten but the very best skin oil I've ever seen), neem (but it stinks and is NOT for internal use), argan, black cumin seed (which can be used internally), etc. I've found polyunsaturated oil soap to be dangerously irritating when too much is used. A little bit in a blend can be very good, though. The best thing to do is experiment carefully and see what works. Etsy has a lot of real soap bars for sale; the study used liquid, but I don't see why soap made with sodium hydroxide wouldn't also work. My general rule of thumb for fats is polyunsaturated for skin, monounsaturated for soap and food, saturated (in smaller amounts) for soap and food.

    Vanilla, basil oil, bay oil, tea tree oil, sage oil, and clove oil could all be added to lotions, household and personal soap, used in food (the herbs, not essential oils), diffused, etc. etc.

    Zinc and niacinamide can be added to lotions, maybe soap why not. There are a lot of different powders that can be added to lotions, like MSM, hydrolyzed silk, you name it. Read Amazon reviews for ideas and follow up. ​

    1. Baicalin (from skullcap) is more effective for yeast removal in combination with baking soda. Adding skullcap extract or tincture to baking soda water might be good for cleaning the fridge.

    2. "Potassium salts of fatty acids are useful wound cleaning detergents that do not interfere with wound healing... As potassium salts of fatty acids are major components of natural soap, which are produced by natural oil and caustic potash using a saponification method, this may be clinically important in wound and peri‐wound skin cleaning...Wound cleansing by natural soap of fatty acid potassium is beneficial for wound healing."

    3. Tamanu "has been proven to have potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, analgesic, and even wound-healing abilities."

    4. A study "showed that 0.1 and 0.3% concentrations of neem oil inhibited more than 95% of the Aspergillus growth in test tubes. Interestingly, higher concentrations were not as effective. For instance, 0.5% neem oil inhibited 40% of the fungal growth, and 1.0% inhibited 64% of the fungus." This link has info on a couple other studies, too.

    5. Neem leaf extract inhibits growth of aspergillus and other pathogens. Stonger extract gave stronger results.

    1. 6. Cold pressed oils applied directly to skin can repair the skin barrier or cause irritation, depending on the oil.

      7. A list of different oils with potential for wound healing. I couldn't find the article online for free, but it's a good starting point for further research.

      8. A mixture of arrowroot, baking soda, basil oil, tea tree oil, sage oil, and clove oil was found to reduce bacteria, yeast, and fungi on a person's feet.

      9. Vanillin (from vanilla) was found to reduce yeast spoilage in fruit juice.

      10. "The pathological effects of zinc deficiency include the occurrence of skin lesions, growth retardation, impaired immune function and compromised would healing." "...another meta-analysis of topical zinc therapy with zinc oxide paste-medicated dressing containing zinc concentration between 6–15% for chronic venous leg ulcers showed improved healing, though the authors point out that the studies were small and of sub-optimal quality"











    2. Fascinating word thank you for sharing this you answered a lot of the questions I was going to ask

    3. You're welcome, Peaches. I'm happy to help find resources for any questions. If we all work together, we can all learn a lot more.

  12. There's an unsavoury story broken in the UK today concerning a young England footballer, Mason Greenwood, who has been arrested for rape and assault following the posting of audio, video and still images of his assaulting his girlfriend. I've not seen much and have no intent to see any further, it's grim. Not a direct match, but some of the themes are there.

  13. Hi Blogos, I was a little careless and put the fungus stuff here instead of your 2023 post. I think it would be better to keep it all together. Sorry for clogging these comments up with it. I'd get rid of it here and just put it there, but I still can't delete my comments. If you don't mind deleting it, I'll put it all there in one place. Thanks.

    1. It's ok leave it here. It's very difficult to file effectively on blogger. It's all part of the story so do not worry about it.

  14. Fungal Info Links, Part 4 General health maintenance for prevention

    1. Eating less salt might keep body less acidic, thus less welcoming for fungus.

    2. Baking soda might help prevent mucormycosis in people with diabetic ketoacidosis. Every fungus is unique, especially aspergillus. It's important to know what you're dealing with.

    3. Baking soda prevents biofilm buildup in the mouth, depending on concentration. Oral health affects overall health.

    4. "Nasal wash: To treat saprophytic fungal sinusitis, providers remove crusts of mucus and wash out the sinuses. They usually use a saline solution (a mix of water and salt) to cleanse the sinus cavities." Drugstores and online stores sell neti pots and other sinus rinse kits, and refill packets for them. Distilled water is safe and easy to use. Another study showed adding xylitol prevented (it was either viruses or bacteria) from clinging. This can be done nightly.

    5. Neem is a contraceptive. Everything has a spectrum of effects. It's worth the time to find out what they are before using them.

    6. Neem leaves have quercetin. So, using it with zinc could make them both more effective? "Earlier investigators have confirmed their role as anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, antipyretic, hypoglycemic, antigastric ulcer, antifungal, antibacterial, and antitumour activities."

    7. Triphala is fairly inexpensive and has a lot of benefits for overall health. Just don't use too much.

    8. Guts has its own army, and braincells. Support the troops.

    9. Some fungi grow better in the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The latest research I've seen suggests it's pretty bad in a lot of ways. If I had to go to the hospital or people started getting it in my area, I'd cut way back on it even for topical use.

    10. "Annatto contains high levels of tocotrienols that are increasingly being associated with multiple health benefits." It's also cheap and tastes good on chicken.

    11. I'm including this information about interleukin-6 just because it's really interesting. Immunity seems like the best thing ever, but too much of a good thing can be a very bad thing.












    All of my interpretations and conclusions could be wrong. It happens.

  15. Fungus Links, Part 5 Treatment

    1. I think what this is saying, is that baking soda works against aspergillus and that sodium, potassium, and ammonium salts inhibit fungus; I don't know if that includes soaps, which are salts of fatty acids. Maybe.

    (2) A gel made with sodium bicarbonate and carbomer was found effective and acceptably nonirritating against fungus in a sensitive area. There's no reason this gel shouldn't do something for fungus on other areas of the skin too. 5% sodium bicarbonate, 1% carbomer and 94% water. Carbomer is available online, I've never used it. Instructions on using it are probably easy to find.

    3. KOH (potassium hydroxide) can be used with a microscope to see if a particular rash is a fungus or not.

    4. About the Garden -> Terraces and Plots -> Terraces 1,2,3,4. Each terrace has a listing of conditions and some plants which may be used to treat it with.

    5. Gentian Violet is a "dye with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-helminithic, anti-trypanosomal, anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor properties." That sounds like a lot of properties. Could be a good all arounder.

    6. I'm including a link to this forum because I've found a lot of interesting stuff here. I just looked at the front page today and that was a little weird, but searching for stuff by topic can turn up a gem now and then.







    That concludes the guided tour of my fungus related pdfs and a few associated links. Hopefully something will be of some interest to somebody. If not, at least I finally organized them somewhere. Once again, no advice here just stuff to consider.


    And so it was...

    1. I did not expect my prediction to come true so quickly but there you have it. Everyone who's been saying ''Joe Rogan'' to their friends now has their position undermined by this apology for giving an unbalanced account (i.e. manipulating or lying). This is a terrible defeat for those types. You can see how it gets even worse when Rogan starts interviewing other people for ''balance.'' Your absolute hardcore i.e. *Alex* Jones, well they will have to go further with them won't they? Hoplites this battle is *lost*. Stay in formation and retreat from the battlefield in the most orderly way possible.


    This connects with the entry to the house and the ''terror'' performed within it.

  18. From "Juan" (no context):

    "Gordon just sent out a kind of urgent update to his premium members suggesting that the situation in The Ukraine is very likely to go hot in the first week or weeks of February."

    1. Russian troops are already gathering in Belarus for joint military exercises in southern Belarus from February 10-20, in what some observers in the West fear could be used as cover for a Ukrainian invasion from the north. Alexander Lukashenko says Belarus won't participate in a conflict unless it or Russia is directly attacked.

    2. Belarusian Alex, Boris Alex and Alexei Navalny. Thats three in direct play.


    Gang rape, Cyprus, woman did not lie

  20. Last night I realized to my great surprise, that the stuff I was seeing and even doing in 2014 seems like a straight path from 2020-2027. I wouldn't have had any idea were it not for the Tree of Life stuff here and reading that someone else is seeing a lot of the same things from a different vantage point while consciously gazing forward. It's actually disappointing in a way to have to put aside the I'm Just a Little Schizo There's Nothing to Worry About hypothesis. I'm starting to feel like concern might be a more appropriate approach. Cold, analytical concern. Whatever the next challenge brings, maybe an ability to go unnoticed while standing upright and an awareness of which way the wind is blowing would be helpful for passing through it unscathed. And cleanliness (not the antiseptic kind) or freshness, that seemed important.

    During the 2014 experience, in the time between the relative comfort of isolation indoors and feeling threatened by the lurking malevolence outside, I had gone swimming in a river and never put clothes back on. So, while I was standing next to the side of the house trying to evade the "not plant, not animal," I was literally naked and afraid. Thing is, I was actually glad for the lack of clothes, feeling it was helpful in avoiding detection (perplexingly, because it meant the thing couldn't smell me).

    When I mentioned lack of agency, it was regarding the formation of the difficult situations. In between those crisis points were periods of feeling relatively free to do or think about what I wanted to. Then out of nowhere would come some challenge that superseded everything else. It does seem like the choices I felt like I was making at the time resemble some of the issues arising in the public during the corresponding timeframe. So, I wonder if it's pertinent that just before the fungal threat became apparent, I was coming back up from a swim.

    It makes me think of developing supply chain issues, and that guy who said something about owning nothing and being happy. And the subconscious, or some religious reawakening. Swimming was the most pleasant part of the whole experience; it felt very cleansing and rejuvenating in body and spirit. I hadn't even made it back into the house though, before paranoia started setting in and I was trying to hide in plain sight from a vicious threat with a confounding nature, which itself was hiding from me behind a tree in waiting. I remember feeling like it was probably that swim which saved me from it.

    1. It seems worth mentioning all this in an effort to maybe get just a little more insight into what the nature of upcoming developments may be, and the role the public might play in setting the stage. What I'd previously taken to be a purely personal issue that upset me so much it contributed to a psychotic break (bitter hatred of "gender" bondage and determination to escape even if it meant becoming some kind of Baphomet-like demon thing and the end of society because f- them for trying to convince me I was biologically destined for a life of groveling subservience) turned out to be something that only felt like it belonged to me in that moment, and actually had more in common with currents running through society (GIDS, Satanic Temple, BLM) than it did with my own will. So, I think what felt like personal issues and actions during that time could be an indication of what the influential stage setters in society may be busy with. It's almost like the crisis points were the Sephiroth and what felt like freedom was actually the path between them.

      That new shushing statue in the river by NYC, Water's Soul, was built last October. This is the Chinese year of the Yang Water Tiger, so there's also that. This period of relative quiet and stability might be a good time to get one's affairs in order, practice inconspicuousness, and reconnect with whatever one's notion of spirituality or religion might be. Not in anticipation of death, but to meet whatever challenges may lie ahead with both feet on the ground and an upright posture.

      Anyway, sorry for this latest rambling tangent. I was just so taken aback when some sort of sense started to emerge from that mess, it felt like I had to share. And all of a sudden, I feel real concern for what may be coming next instead of just curiosity and dread. Strange times, these.


  22. Letcher County, KY

    She said he said he was in the Illuminati.


  24. UK police joking about rape


    Zombies dying..?

  26. That big sculpture on the Alexanders' wall looks sort of like a vertebra.

  27. Metaverse gangrape

  28. Bye bye Burton

  29. I'm putting together a sort of a news blog. It's a big mess right now, but maybe it'll turn into something useful or at least interesting later on. In the meantime, it does have news links.

    1. I will link to it in the webversion of the Lessons.

    2. Thank you. There's an in-progress page for 1986 up now. Of all things, an old AOC tweet just resurfaced where she brags about recreating the Challenger mission as a Girl Scout.

  30. Bought a copy of "Lifeforce", but the only new, affordable copy was a triple-feature with "Alien" and *"Invasion of the Body Snatchers"*. Three cult-classic movies about parasitic/predatory aliens taking over human bodies.

  31. Snow Crash is a science fiction novel by the American writer Neal Stephenson.

    The story revolves around research showing that the ancient Sumerian ur-language allowed brain function to be "programmed" using audio stimuli in conjunction with a DNA-altering virus. Sumerian culture was organized around these programs (known as me), which were administered by priests to the populace. The goddess Asherah is the personification of a linguistic virus, similar to a computer virus.

    Enki, a figure of legend, developed a counter-virus (known as the nam-shub of Enki), which when delivered stopped the Sumerian language from being processed by the brain and led to the development of other, less literal languages, giving birth to the Babel myth.

    In the novel, the *Metaverse*, a phrase coined by Stephenson as a successor to the Internet, constitutes Stephenson's early 1990s vision of how a virtual reality–based Internet might evolve in the near future.

    1. That sounds like an interesting book. There's already something psychedelic about language. I remember learning words as a kid and feeling changed afterwards. The idea that we might all be locked into a world which was the way it was because the language itself predisposed people in certain ways was just too much to think about. It's a real conundrum, because once you get used to using words all the time it starts to feel less natural to think without them. Everyday communication relies on words even though their use can be so ambiguous I've seen people who basically agree on things getting into arguments over semantics. So even though a person might recognize the danger of using words and grammar formulated for control, how can they ensure that talking or even thinking about the problem won't further ensnare them? Calling the process a god and then looking for a countergod makes good sense when confronting such an overwhelming issue.

      If I remember right, Kokugaku was concerned with purging foreign or what they considered unnatural influences from Japanese and returning to a spontaneous language which arises naturally. It's a fascinating idea.

      Getting people to cast your spells for you by using the words you supply them with, is some of the most crazy devious sorcery (source-ery) I can think of. It's almost like a perpetual motion machine.

    2. Neil Stephenson has written some fantastic novels. Snow Crash was his first hit and I've never actually got round to reading it, but can recommend some of his later work.

      At times it feels like he's got a glimpse of the future. Certainly Crytonomicon was way ahead of its time and I remember reading a review which said that whilst you were reading the (copious) footnotes you would briefly become the smartest man in the world, or something along those lines. That and the Baroque cycle wrap a thriller around some relatively deep dives into cryptography, codes, the formation of the monetary system and the rise of the internet. Last one I read Seveneves had some interesting stuff about genetics, gender alongside some physics, a very dark view of social media and more.

      I don't know where, or if, his work fits into the wider world of craziness, but he's an interesting voice to keep tabs on.

  32. The Seventeenth of Tammuz (Hebrew: Shiva Asar b'Tammuz) is a Jewish fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple.

    2022 date is 17th July (17/7).

    I find it interesting that "seventeen" in Hebrew is "Shiva Asar".

  33. "Before lockdown she was just an ordinary young girl - now she has killed someone in the most horrible of ways," in what the paper calls a "horror park attack." What a horror show.


    Shell (Qliphoth/Klippot) Energy

  35. Austria mandate has to pass one final legal hurdle: President Alexander van der Bellen.

  36. "Putin and Xi unveil alliance at Olympics, mixing politics and sport"

  37. Metarape



  39. More ultraviolence. The first one's from Orange County, CA.

  40. "The yogurt shop murders" is an unsolved quadruple murder from 30 years ago in Austin, TX. 4 girls from 13-17. The I Can't Believe It's Yogurt shop two of them worked at was burned. The case is pretty far out, and it's all over the internet lately. They keep saying they're hoping to solve it with DNA but they've already failed a couple times. There's a separate story about new technology to recreate a suspect's face using DNA which I haven't seen any of these stories mention. They had two guys on death row for almost decade before they had to release them. One cop on the case has saved a green and white shirt since 1991 he said he'd only wear if he knows who did it. I don't know if any of the specifics matter as much as the yogurt shop location.

    They even covered it on 48 Hours last night.

  41. In the beginning of the home scene when Mr. Alexander is typing, there are two glass flasks on top of the center bookshelf. The Erlenmeyer in front conveys both a triangle and circle, or delta and omicron.

    October 30 Mr. Alexander says, "We were assaulted by a gang of vicious young hooligans in this house, in this very room you're sitting in now. I was left a helpless cripple. The doctors said it was Pneumonia, because it happened some months later during the 'flu epidemic. The doctors told me it was Pneumonia, but I knew what it was. A victim of the modern age, poor, poor girl."

    Russian Civil War started 1917, Spanish flu started 1918.

    China's Cultural Revolution started 1966, Hong Kong flu started 1968.

    Feb 4 headline 2022 - Putin and Xi unveil alliance at Olympics, mixing politics and sport

    Alex assaulted Alexander for sport in February, and then Alexander assaulted Alex for politics in October.

    In February of 1917 the Romanovs were overthrown, liberal reforms were made, and in October Lenin and the Bolsheviks took over. They were the red team. The white team, known as the White Terror, was led by Alexander Kolchak.

    If you stretch out 21st Century Schizoid Man for a year, the video King Crimson put on YouTube, the music doesn't start at all until February 4. The third verse starts on October 30. That band was into the occult. The cover picture is some demon whose name I forgot.

    1. It would actually start Jan 24, not Feb 4. I've got to start sleeping more.

      Last night I watched IoTB, and it really is a frightening movie. Much scarier than I remember the original being. Not least because so much of it reminded me of the 2014 thing. It's starting to seem like this year might mostly be reinforcing and deepening the division and trauma of the last couple of years, and laying the groundwork for what comes next.

      2020, btw, reminds me of Harold and Maude. Could it be that Clash of the Titans was 2019?

  42. "I'll take X for 500, Alex" has been cropping up an awful lot on Twitter these last few days

    1. Alex Trebeck, alongside Betty White and a few others has some interesting signalling around their death, have seen it suggested they're not actually dead and this is going to form part of a disclosure.

      Could be nothing, Occam's razor etc.

  43. Today the woman in the milk bar burst into song, and this article came out. It includes a link to where you can watch the movie for free online. People do like to say Beethoven was ahead of his time.

  44. I don't know anything about ACO but I have seen the Beethoven connection mentioned on here so I immediately thought of this discussion when I saw the following. Apologies if this has already been posted.

    When You Hear Beethoven, It’s Time to Take Out the Trash

  45. Batman in orange:

  46. Giant orange / Eye of Sauron manifesting above the White House, unconfirmed if powered by clockwork at this time:

  47. Looking at this website makes it seem like the color thing has been going on since at least 1995. Down through the 90's, 00's, and 10's; then double down(?) in the 20's. Or upside down, as they'd say in Stranger Things.

    In some years it's more obvious than others. They appear to have replaced the white years with multi.

    1. Raises an interesting question as to if they've done this before. I wonder if one looked at fashion colours/artwork etc from the 30's if you'd see anything presaging another trip down the Qlippoth? I know there's some quite disturbing art from Germany in the 30's which seems to hint at the unleashing of dark forces, although one is viewing it with hindsight.

      'Pan'tone issue a seasonal guide, I can find the Sepira colours in them but amongst a fair few others. Difficult to make any firm conclusions?

      Are there colours associated with the paths?

  48. India has reported great success treating black fungus with methylene blue. Not fish tank treatment. Not laboratory grade methylene blue. The stuff specifically formulated for human use. I've been using it myself now and then for the last couple of months, because in addition to reported uses as an antiviral and antifungal it's also helpful for raising serotonin levels and general mood. A little bit goes a long way. 6-8 drops of 1% solution in water is what I might take in a day. None of the articles I've seen mention the dosages they've been using in Indian hospitals. It sounds like they put it in nebulizers, humidifiers, isotonic nasal rinses, and more. It's good stuff with a lot of uses. I plan on buying more soon, because everything seems to run out the minute it's needed, and this wasn't exactly easy to source in the first place at a good price from a reputable supplier. I took my chances on an Etsy listing and it worked out last time. I've also seen gentian violet mentioned as an antifungal among many more uses. It might be easier to get, I don't know much about it.

    Methylene blue has a couple of potential interactions to look out for before actually using it. A woman's husband died some time ago when they tried to take fish tank cleaner for the virus. Horse paste might be ok, but NOT fish tank cleaner. If you do a search for methylene blue, a lot of different potential uses are mentioned. Add myocarditis and the Indian articles should come up.

  49. Orange statues:

    1. Creepy... I mean it's a laudable thing to celebrate women in science, but sadly, either because I'm nuts or because they are, it's like so many of the public art things it feels creepy like it's serving a double purpose...

      'IF she can see it...THEN she can be it'

      Makes me wonder who she is. Ostensibly the next generation girl considering a career in stem, but maybe someone / thing else?

      Not one statue in Central Park honouring a 'real woman' at that point a cut to the Statue of Liberty. It's not in Central Park, but I agree it's not a real woman, at least if it's really Attis...

      3D bodyScans are done by 'Delphi'

      Maths prof called Minerva is one of the chosen women btw

    2. All culture has pretty much been appropriated by the program. Having been in and around visual art in academia for quite some time has been pretty educational in regard to just how and how much culture has been de(con)structed and profaned.

    3. There's a 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' feel about, well, just about everything right now. Fin de siecle squared...

  50. Having returned to the milk bar to rest after invading the Alexander's home, Dim interrupts the woman singing Ludwig's glorious ninth and thus incurs Alex's displeasure:

    '10/02/22 0:14:53

    like slow malenky lizards and then down again.Because I knew what she sang. It was a bit from the glorious 9th, by Ludwig van.

    Dim makes a lip-trump followed by a dog howl, followed by two fingers pronging twice in the air, followed by a clowny guffaw. Alex brings his stick down smartly on Dim's legs.

    DIM: What did you do that for?

    11/02/22 0:15:16

    ALEX: For being a bastard with no manners and not a dook of an idea how to comport yourself publicwise, O my Brother.'

    This moment of tension with the threat of violence erupting within the Droogs itself stretches to 14th when Dim backs down with a cowed 'Doobidoob'.

    If the tension in Ukraine is the Alex clash, then the warning by US intel agencies that an invasion is imminent is a time match for Alex's threat:

    ' I'll meet you with chain, or nozh or britva,'

    'He said an invasion could take a range of different forms, including an assault on the capital city of Kyiv or moving on other parts of Ukraine.'

    and maybe we see forces back off from Monday if Dim / Biden/Ukraine? backs down from outright conflict?

    1. Last night I thought the Ambassador said 'Doobidoop' but today that's been walked back:

      'Ukraine's ambassador in London, Vadym Prystaiko, has backtracked on comments he made to the BBC in which he said Ukraine was willing to be "flexible" on its ambition to join Nato, which would have been be a major concession to Russia.'

  51. Before we had Alex and his Droogs as Russia, but this conflict is within the Droogs themselves. It's Alex who strikes first in the milk bar with Dim first reacting and then backing down. US sources are pushing an imminent false flag. If the roles are reversed - VlaDIMir?

    PS. Tomorrow is Superb Owl Sunday and there's been a mass of Tiger / JB signalling.

    Drake has bet heavily on the Rams.

    I think the Tigers ftw.

    1. If you use 22.45 s/d and pause the movie at the end of the 13th, Alex is facing a blue light above and in front of him while standing in front of a yellow building with red trim. Right after that he kicks something towards two lights which could almost be a field goal. He just misses. If the game goes into overtime and somehow the Bengals win because the Rams miss a kick, it would be weird as hell.

    2. Those blue lights in the walking scene sort of look like Orion's belt and Sirius. The Sirius light adjusts its angle as Alex walks, so it appears to be following him. This might explain all the dog stories in the news lately. By the end of the day 16:50, he's within the belt. 2 seconds later, the uppermost blue light has disappeared, and a brighter blue light shows up at Alex's back, so what started as a big belt with one star aligned wrong becomes a smaller, brighter belt with all the stars in the right place. 16:53 the tree blocks Alex out between the two brightest blue lights in the belt, and the middle string points to the part of the building Alex was just at, at the end of game day. It seems obvious in hindsight the game would go to blue. By the time Alex kicks the bag or whatever, it's already over. The brightest blue light is directly over his head, game day is over, and he's walked past all the tree's strings. Orange didn't make it to overtime because they didn't have time to make that last kick before the game ended. Haha, it was all right there. I wonder if the field goal looking lights are a constellation, too?

      I also noticed the Chinese animal that fits the winning team isn't the current year's animal, but the prior year's animal. It makes sense, since the Superbowl determines the winner of the prior game's season. Plus, it wouldn't do to promote a rival's philosophy for the year ahead; better to keep their interests a year behind, so they never catch up.

      Tigers lurk and water signifies hidden danger, just showing up was recognition enough. Next year's winner will probably have a less obvious connection to yang water tigers. The loser I'd expect to be more clearly associated with yin water rabbits. That seems to be the pattern, anyway. Unless by then we've moved on from China as a main rival, then who knows.

    3. 'I wonder if the field goal looking lights are a constellation, too?'

      I think I'd do better putting money on that than I would the result! It seems ever more apparent to me that As Above, So Below, is probably one of the key truths of our life in this realm. They understand it very well, but they do their best to obscure it from us.

      I'd half planned to watch the game, not a massive gridiron fan and my team wasn't selected for the ritual this year, but I often make an exception for the SB. I just got too tired to stay awake though. Hat tip for the observations.

    4. I only watched the halftime show and the last two minutes. Never really been a fan of watching other people play sports.

      I did notice Eugene Levy was in a Nissan commercial which had a lot in common with National Lampoon's Summer Vacation. 2017 might be a good match for that movie. Levy played a car salesman.

      Schitt's Creek didn't get popular until Netflix picked it up in 2017. Alexis dated a veterinarian, which could be vague foreshadowing for the horse paste debate.

  52. Putin's comment is from February 8.

    'Like it or not, my beauty, you have to put up with it'

    "He also said he was 'convinced' that Putin was not familiar with the work of a Russian nineties rock band that had an almost identical line in the lyrics of a song with references to necrophilia.

    'But I think that this band in its time borrowed this expression from Russian folklore,' Peskov said."

    Beethoven wrote arrangements for 1 Ukrainian and 4 Russian folk songs:

  53. 14th - 15th has Dim backing down 'Doobidoop'

    Novax softens his stance?

    There's a very interesting end to Feb with Kubrick's intense montage sequence taking you into Alex's mind, timings are here:

    but to get ahead of the game I recommend you take a look at this fantastic shot by shot analysis by Juli Kearns:

    I'll be linking to her site in future posts because it's superb, excellent analysis, interesting comparisons to other Kubrick work. A tour de force, highly recommended.

    1. The Dim VlaDimIr was a *great* spot JM. Thanks for the link, most useful.

    2. Vadym also works and his interview with BBC was a good sync for Dim backing down in the face of Alex's aggression:

      'Ukraine's ambassador in London, Vadym Prystaiko'

      They walked it back somewhat the next day, but that in itself fits with the subsequent scene at Alex's towerblock where Dim and Georgie combine to challenge Alex's power.

      If that's how it plays out things could go kinetic later at the marina. Maybe a sea skirmish in the Black Sea which is currently full of Russian navy assets?

    3. Fascinating... have you seen Pete or Georgie?

  54. More woe for Alex Navalny

    'A new trial against jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has begun inside the maximum-security prison east of the capital, Moscow, where he is held.

    Navalny is accused of fresh fraud charges. He has already spent a year behind bars after surviving a poison attack that he blames on the Kremlin.

    He is currently serving a two-and-a-half-year sentence.

    This latest trial could see his prison time extended by more than a decade.'

    1. Saw this & underneath it was an AOC story.

  55. I apologise for my absence but I'm moving. I'll summarise probably at end of month! Maybe sooner if possible

  56. Alex Baldwin lawsuit breaking:

  57. Blogos, gentlemen:

  58. If someone hasn't already commented on this:

    Elisabeth Alexandra Windsor.

    1. I Dim ly recall we had it in the pre 22 discussion runners and riders thread... There's speculation that the Queen who sold the world died a long long time ago, but maybe like Philip (dies at 99yrs old on 99th day of year) the death is reserved for a ritually significant date. Zachary Hubbard is predicting May 20th:

  59. Timings and a summary for March are now up here:

    1. Nice any thoughts on the other droogs?

    2. Not really. I've found it difficult to fit some of the leading narratives to this period. Or I'm just a bit too withdrawn (preserving sanity points) from the news cycle to spot the appearances, maybe they'll become more apparent once they confront Alex in the stairwell of his towerblock.

      I've been thinking about Ukraine and the 22.2.2022 attack, it corresponds with Alex's vision montage:

      It was prophesised / disclosed / revelation of the method in Dec 21:

      The Z symbols on the invasion force look like 2's:

      I wonder if there's a resonance in the dualism within the montage? Christ/Dracula Eden/The Snake in Alex's room?

    3. Snake island:


    Putin called on UKR army to overthrow government after calling them a gang of neonazis and drug addicts.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Keep an eye out for creepy PR Deltoid who speaks tomorrow for the first time:

  63. 5:07-5:30 Alex sings in the rain.

    Weirdly, a lot of the video syncs with the movie.

  64. Alexander Vindman coming out of the woodwork lately.
