Saturday, September 24, 2022

2022 - The Year of Samael, Too Horrorshow

Dim: Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, if isn't little Alex.  Long time no viddy, droog. How goes?  Surprised are you?
Alex: Impossible. I don't believe it.
George:  Evidence of the old glazzies.  Nothing up our sleeves.  No magic, little Alex.  A job for two of us who are now of job age.


A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick

''A job for two of us who are now of job age'' and the uniforms speak to the partial mobilization of Russia with a specific age range and some exceptions.  And the drowning? ''Russian forces are probably trying to attack dams in Ukraine in order to flood Ukrainian military crossing points amid Russian concerns about battlefield setbacks, UK intelligence says.'' sayeth the Guardian feed of what is effectively just the script at this point.  This is as about as on-the-nose as Singing in Ukraine was.  They will prob. play this out in a few variations for maximum psychic/psychological ''coverage'' and there is obviously room/time for China to get more in the mix.

But enough of this silliness.

Back in late 2001, Uriel (Auriel/Oriel) told me that if I wanted to unravel their mystery I should meditate on the Sefiroth and rotate them in vision at the rotational ratios of the planets they were associated with i.e. since Venus spins the other way and far slower than the Earth, rotate Netzach anti-clockwise and slowly. After cracking the ''mechanism'' of this ''clockwork Qabalah'' (I'll leave the rest for you to figure out yourselves if you wish - there are some gifs that will help you) the revelations inside were profound and the impact was lasting.  I was presented with my only ever direct experience of the ''anti-Tree'' along with my ''anti-self'' (yes it is made of ''black goo'') and the earnest message that came with that vision was ''this is why I stand my post''. 

But with the Hellgates open, Uriel, why hast thou forsaken us?

Like with Science, in Qabalah there are various levels of complexity and I purposefully chose the simple coloured Tree in order to keep the message as communicable as possible.  One of the ideas that I have not drilled down into (at least since 2018) is the notion of the Fractal Tree, the idea that each Sefira contains within it a complete set of Sefiroth, like every cell contains all your DNA but only expresses part of it. 

Here is the science part: as an initiate I understood that when I opened Malkuth (Matter) I could only really open Malkuth of Malkuth.  When I opened Malkuth of Yesod (Dreams), I could then work my way to Yesod of Yesod.  When I had opened Yesod of Yesod this also meant that I had opened Yesod of Malkuth.  Rince and repeat with Hod (Code), start at Malkuth of Hod, work your way to Hod of Hod and this also means Hod of Malkuth is ''unlocked''. 

As you can see it gets really technical really fast but, like knowing the ins and outs of endocrinology, while its easy to get lost the more complicated the system is the more specificity you have when it comes to solving, well let's just say, ''medical problems''.  Although I struggled to find a diagram of the fractal Tree, you can see something similar at work in the construct known as Jacob's Ladder.  In the Ladder we have the Four Qabalistic Worlds (Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah) superimposed over each other with Tifereth of Assiah also serving as Malkuth of Yetzirah, etc. 

Back at the turn of the millenium the Four Worlds had a lot more focus but with the rise of ''results-oriented (desire gratification) sorcery'' and the decline of a more metaphysical approach the powerful ideas belonging to Yetzirah and beyond were forgotten.  Not without its highlights this primitivism is really a function of the break in the transmission of our traditions.  But don't confuse the decline of ''public magic'' for a decline in those using the industrial big budget approach.  They are well aware of all these ''technicalities'' and in those closed circles the traditions were preserved and passed on.

The reason I am saying this, maybe in a long-winded but hopefully helpful to some of you way, is that I want you to understand that we are not completely done with ''Clash of Titans'' or ''Rocky Horror'' and next year we will not be done with ''A Clockwork Orange''.  Like the Sefiroth, The Qliphoth will have some sort of technical mechanism at work where the forces of the Demonic Hierarchy are overlapped and interact, where, excuse me, the Franks (Gamaliels) and the Alexes (Samaels) grow more powerful the more of the other portals that are opened.  And don't get me wrong, these forces of the demonic hierarchy are already in people - instead of gentle algorithmic suggestions think demonic possession via state propaganda or internet self-reinforcing desire loops literally bringing the demons out of people or turning them into zombies.  What we haven't seen yet and that which we are soon to see are the A'arab Tzereq.

For the body-snatched they may end up in ''a plane of hell'' wherever they got off the willpower and vision train; those doppled into Franks or Alexes are stuck in an endless horrorshow. 

Alex: I just don't get this all.  It was them that went for me, brothers.  You're not on their side you can't be.  You can't be Dim.  It was someone we fillied with back in the old days. Trying to get his own malenky bit of revenge after all this time.  You remember Dim?
Dim: Long time is right, don't remember them days too horrorshow.  Don't call me Dim no more either.  Officer call me.
George: Enough is remembered though, little Alex.

A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick

P.s. Time Key from Journeyman at Hotel Apophenia. 


  1. "For the body-snatched they may end up in ''a plane of hell'' wherever they got off the willpower and vision train; those doppled into Franks or Alexes are stuck in an endless horrorshow."

    This reminds me of both "Event Horizon" and "Twin Peaks": there is a dark, evil double of us all, on the other side, waiting for the opportunity to replace us. Our shadows are angry.

    1. Supernatural Evil acts exactly like an extraterrestrial force. The "Jowday" (old English for Jaw or Jowl of the Day, in other words the "Devourer of Light") plants seeds everywhere, at every opportunity, a very agressive panspermia. It wants for darkness and ruin to spread, and turn our entire world into a living hell, similar to its own habitat. That's terraformation, as we're all either contaminated and broken by evil or simply replaced by extremely dark versions of ourselves.

       And now, in real life, we're being conditionned to accept the reality of ancient pagan gods as paganism is making a sudden and violent comeback, while at the same time being constantly bombarded with the supposed inevitability of alien first contact in the not-so-distant future.

       Real-life SPOILERS: The revived pagan gods and our extraterrestrial visitors will reveal themselves to be one and the same ("ancient aliens"), and they will demand our environment, our genome and our very minds be modified, for our survival's sake. The ultimate abandon of conventional morality, the ultimate normalization of Satanism, pedophilia, cannibalism and who knows what else might ruin us and bind us to darkness eternal.


    2. ''According to Giles, belief in the Fish is part of a larger myth that goes back to the legendary times of the Yellow Emperor. In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they are now, cut off from each other. They were, besides, quite different; neither beings nor colors nor shapes were the same. Both kingdoms, the specular and the human, lived in harmony; you could come and go through mirrors.

      One night the mirror people invaded the earth. Their power was great, but at the end of bloody warfare the magic arts of the Yellow Emperor prevailed. He repulsed the invaders, imprisoned them in their mirrors, and forced on them the task of repeating, as though in a kind of dream, all the actions of men. He stripped them of their power and of their forms and reduced them to mere slavish reflections.

      Nonetheless, a day will come when the magic spell will be shaken off. The first to awaken will be the Fish. Deep in the mirror we will perceive a very faint line and the color of this line will be like no other color. Later on, other shapes will begin to stir. Little by little they will differ from us; little by little they will not imitate us. They will break through the barriers of glass or metal and this time will not be defeated. Side by side with these mirror creatures, the creatures of water will join the battle. In Yunnan they do not speak of the Fish but of the Tiger of the Mirror. Others believe that in advance of the invasion we will hear from the depths of mirrors the clatter of weapons.''

      The Fauna of Mirrors, Borges

    3. This is why “Breaking Glass” is very relevant - and a fish is a photon/electron!


  3. Funny, I was thinking something not too different this morning. None of the prior years' agendas are finished. There were just different areas emphasized to set certain things in motion. The old programs continue even as new ones are implemented in the public sphere.

    Thai Forest Buddhism has a different idea of rebirth than most of Buddhism. Rebirth, as I believe they understand it, isn't an event that happens after death but an ongoing process during one's lifetime. When I first read about it I was very, very glad to hear there were people who had an understanding of it which seemed to match my own experiences years ago.

    As a kid with very few distractions like friends and whatnot, I had an opportunity to notice my own minute and subtle experiences and to play with them somewhat. I realized that when I merely noticed my own reactions in a certain way, that they would be transformed and I would feel like a different person than I was before. Everything that happened after that, which might normally cause a certain reaction in relation to whatever I had changed, would elicit a different response from before.

    So, small internal changes could cause an entire cascade of new responses to normal events. In a way, it was like the substrate of who I was had been changed. I started to think of the internal changes as rebirths, because they changed how I felt about myself and also my attitude to the situations and events around me.

    Even after I stopped paying attention to the internal alterations caused by these episodes of carefully watching my inner dynamics with the attitude that they would be smoothed or corrected by mere attention, the changes persisted until and unless some strong and persistent influence overcame my defenses and reintroduced chaos or disorder. The changes became the platform for an entirely new way of experiencing myself and the world, and subsequent experiences themselves became the basis for further and further divergence from the old, dysfunctional patterns.

    So, in the same way I think these yearly foci are attempting to establish new foundations for people to base all of their subsequent perception and responses on. Once lasting changes are made, they alter all experiences going forward. These changes may not be noticed anymore, but they are persistent and operate constantly in the background. More accurately, they are ready to spring into operation at any moment when a trigger appears. It could almost be thought of as a communal rebirth into personally nonbeneficial patterns which do benefit those who rely on the dysfunction of others for their own power.

    1. Yes. And I share these experiences as I understand your post. I think a curious thing about MKUltraing the planet was what happens when you dissociate the dissociated. Especially in the case of high functioning dissociatives. I think that may have caused them to reassociate. I act the way I act now out of a sense of duty to the tradition, a duty I did not feel before. I felt very solitary grey magician type pre 2020. Now I feel full of light.

      But we need to talk about the triggers and the kids. I saw a post yesterday from a doctor that read something like: "Yuck this booster is knocking me out for three days but thank God I'm not going to get covid now. Yay!"

      Yuck? Yay? This is a fucking doctor programmed to talk, and to some extent therefore to think, in the language of a 5 yr old. A doctor. These types are swarming and I dont think this madness would have been remotely possible without them. They are what I referred to as the Kinder Eggs. That might even be the MK term I don't know these days my supreme dissociation is just allowing me to RV and RL random stuff. Maybe I made it up. Who knows. Either way when they "crack" then the plastic toy comes out, a late capitalist husk easy to market hit too. But to some extent, I need to think more about this, when some of those Kinders crack a Karen (Medusa) or two come out. NADSAT also has something of the infantalised tone as well right? To what extent are Frank's and Alexes conjured out of the emptied souls of Kinders?

    2. Having also spent a number of years in the state some would call a husk, empty vessel, or mindless automaton, I prefer not to think of people in such straights in dehumanizing ways. It's not always easy. But I think a key to breaking through the programming is for people to be able to in the first place remember they are human beings, they're people. The affected people themselves need to be able to remember their own humanity and reconnect with their ability to really feel things.

      One thing Buddhists always seem to be talking about is compassion. There are two obvious benefits, and probably more. The first benefit is that when a person reaches some level of personal mastery, the people around them who seem oblivious and unwilling let alone able to overcome their own self-limiting patterns can seem increasingly silly and even stupid. Compassion for those people can help prevent hopelessly distancing oneself from their not so lucky peers and possibly becoming, or coming to be seen as, some sort of sociopath or evil conjurer.

      The second benefit of compassion is that a person who has succumbed to the will-breaking forces around them can use it to find their way back to consciousness. It can be immensely easier to find compassion for others than for oneself. So practicing compassion for others can eventually be directed to finding compassion for oneself and creating the needed inner space to start the process of remembering their own humanity and taking steps to heal the trauma which brought them down in the first place.

      Ironically, I think many if not most of these supposedly empty people are actually full of pain. And the ones who seem "full" of life are enjoying the benefit of emptiness. The ability to tolerate quiet, darkness, and stillness are the fruit of efforts to smooth one's internal processes; that ability is also the foundation for brilliance and accomplishment.

    3. I think your metaphor of getting off the train at different stops is an apt one. People are probably drawn to one stop or another for one of two basic reasons - desire or fear. Either they want what one stop seems to offer, or they desperately seek to curtail a stop's influence and unwittingly become an agent of that very influence.

      So there are carrot triggers, and stick triggers. "The vaccine will give you protection," or "the vaccine will irrevocably harm you." Both are necessary to weave an effective narrative or hypnotic storyline - warp and weft. Each stop to have it's own carrot/stick with which the fabric of the new reality scheme will be woven.

      Since psychological influence campaigns have been public knowledge since at least as long ago as Bernays, we can rest assured that the groundwork has been laid long ago for the current gambit. These aren't new lures and threats around us now, but they do seem supercharged and newly packaged.

      It could be that some people get off completely at one stop or another and demonstrate that Freudian-based concept of "arrested development." Others (perhaps most) will probably pick up bits and pieces of different stops along the way. Which leaves us with Alex-Franks, Frank-Alexes etc.

      While some will be drawn to the main characters, others would probably embody some subset of supporting cast. So Riff-Raff-Chief Guard or Dr. Brodsky-The Narrator for instance. Whatever sort of role one is used to in daily life seems a likely target for any given person's fixation.

      And every time someone picks up one of these characters, they leave a bit of themselves behind at the stop. Or rather, they relegate some part of their functioning to dysfunction. They dissociate that little bit more. In the case of someone already habituated to dissociation and a locus of control outside of themselves, switching gears may come easily but it could also be the bend too far which breaks the weary.

    4. Just about anything could be used as a post-hypnotic trigger. It's sort of mind-bending to think about all the possibilities. Addressing any of them head-on kind of seems like a time waster.

      Then again I never have had much luck or success in my efforts to convince anyone that it's worth the effort to spend time in quiet self-examination. At best, I have gotten a person or two to sit for a few minutes of "meditation," whatever that is. And now that I've been making an effort for years to remember or recapture the internal mechanism or process which was so rewarding before, and still unable to quite get there, I feel less qualified than ever before to offer any sort of help or guidance to anyone else. When I do it anyway, I feel like an ass.

      It's a bit of a conundrum. After it happened by accident the first time, belief that it would happen again is what made it happen again and again afterwards. Maybe I don't actually believe anymore, even though I know it's actually happened. Maybe I've lost the belief in myself. Maybe being unable to help anyone else and then losing my own mind for years undermined my foundational belief in something I know to be true. How strange that it's like I've been left as helpless and silly as the bizarrely oblivious people I once tried to show this way to.

      And now the oblivion is menacing the way of life we've all grown up accustomed to. No sooner have the last surviving connections to the second world war died than the political and social order imposed in its wake is getting deconstructed. Suddenly the impetus is no longer stasis at any cost, but adapt or become scapegoated.

      The solution is so simple, just show everyone how to relax into their dysfunction in such a way that it melts away and they are left free. But if it's so simple, why can't I even do it anymore? I feel like I'm right back where I was at 6, except without the ability to even do the one thing I think is so easy anyone could learn to do it. I know more things, but I'm stupider now. (Sorry for actually posting this. I may delete it later. Sometimes "saying it out loud" helps to "move" things somehow.)

    5. Apologies if I appeared pitiless. There is a pitilessness in me but there is also a great pity. Both are wolves.. Sometimes the pitilessness in the way I write is not truly coming from me but from the RV. There is a handler I watched once and then occassionally. I call him the 70s Snake. Funny guy but pitiless. And a no regrets delighting in of evil. Everytime he read that an unfortunate thing had happened to someone he would crow in exultation. Crazy to watch. But that's what we are up against.

      Anyway this is also something Uriel spoke to me of. About standing that post. You know, you're looking into hell so much you know your enemy better than you know your friend. Not that you forget why you stand but its something like the Cops and Robbers relationship, Pacino and DeNiro conversing in the highway restaurant over coffee kind of vibe. Sometimes there is worrying bleedthrough and you have to reset your purpose against each other.

      In reseting our purpose we get to which of our thoughts can we truly call our own. My named identity is a gestalt of the expressions and thoughts of my parents, my peers, my friends, my exes, my students and we've all been implanted by all kinds of values etc that have just come from marketing anyway. This is that kind of crap but next generation. But I strip all that away and what do I find underneath? Well after a lot of *genuinely weird shit* what is left is some kind of eternal void saturated with endless light beyond which it is impossible to know.

      The boys over at MK established this themselves and now they're just doing some ''results-oriented sorcery'' with their findings on their ''8 Mice''...

      ''It's keeping track of the pack, watching them watching back, that makes the world go round. 'What's that sound?' each time you hear a loud collective sigh, they're making music to watch girls by.''

    6. The funny thing about dissociation is that it's a tool like any other, and can be used by people or against them. Being able to associate/dissociate at will is very useful, but getting stuck in one mode or another is destructive.

      Probably the thing that made me interested in Buddhism was the focus on constructive dissociation. Two of the central ideas, non-self and non-reality, would be seen as symptoms of depersonalization and derealization without the "accepted religious practice" aspect.

    7. Thank you. I didn't see your reply until awhile after that last post. It's kind of funny to hear that angels have the same issues that people do. Kind of wild, haha.

      A certain degree of pitilessness/ruthlessness is necessary for some things. Or, a matter-of-factness, if you will. After complaining that I can't do that thing anymore with my attention, I remembered that a vital part is accepting that whatever is going on internally is entirely of my own doing and within my control, and not dissociating from any part of it at all. That takes ruthlessness.

      Anyway, sorry if it came off like I was lecturing or finger wagging. It seemed like a good place to put a small diatribe on one of my pet issues, and I hoped you wouldn't take it personally. I've wrestled for a long, long time with maintaining compassion for people who behave inexplicably poorly in my view.

      One of the strangest occurrences of the 2014 thing was what happened when I tried to reconnect with my heart. I'd remembered that when young I'd been able to feel my heartbeat and then no matter what was happening I'd feel okay and even happy. I could also tell when people were lying to me by paying attention to my heart while they were talking to me. So I started making a special effort to feel my heart and try to connect with it again.

      This happened to be near the beginning of the crazy day(s?), so it went weird fast. I wasn't making much progress with the actual connecting part, but I did start to notice a feeling like cooling mist spraying my heart from above and to my left side now and then. Even thinking about it now is difficult, but maybe it might somehow help to understand the 70s Snake. Or maybe I'm about to tmi for no good reason.

      At first there was a cool mist sometimes. After awhile it felt like raindrops. Every time it happened my heart just seemed to suck it up and crave for more. I don't remember exactly how, but thoughts of bad things happening to people started to occur to me. At first it was like, oh, this terrible thing happens in the world sometimes. And the thoughts got bigger and bigger, worse things involving more people. And every time one of those awful thoughts would come to me, another drop would fall on my heart. And my heart would just suck it right up and immediately want more.

      The bigger the tragedy I could think up, the bigger the drop or even gush would fall on my heart, but every time it would just suck it up and greed for more. Even though it was awful, and I didn't want to, and knew it was wrong, I couldn't help myself and just kept thinking of worse and worse things. There was a delight in each horror, too. Just, unbridled joy at the thought of misery and mass suffering for its own sake. I couldn't fight it off forever, and eventually I think I got tired and just kind of let it rip. It actually burned itself out or whatever pretty quickly after that.

      Then I was just standing and looking out the window, feeling like I already knew everything that was ever going to happen so it was all too boring. I tried to think of something that would happen and couldn't, and felt confused because I still felt like I knew everything that was ever going to happen but knew I didn't actually. That's when I started seeing little floating light people and fishing lines from the sky hooking them by the teacup handles sticking out of their backs outside the window. Lol. That mold or whatever sure knows how to party.

    8. "But I strip all that away and what do I find underneath? Well after a lot of *genuinely weird shit* what is left is some kind of eternal void saturated with endless light beyond which it is impossible to know."

      Hmm. I used to be able to ask questions, hold the thought and somehow let go of everything, and then get an answer. One time I asked why the world was so hopelessly mired in ignorance, stupidity, and power struggles over stuff that didn't even matter. Or something along those lines.

      The "answer" I got was to see a blinding yellow white light. It was so bright, it hid everything. I tried looking through, or past it, but couldn't see anything but light. It wasn't super glaring and didn't hurt my eyes, but it felt like something unnatural. Like it wasn't supposed to be there. And when I tried to see anything else I couldn't maintain the state for very long at all, which was unusual for that time.

      I came out of that quite shaken. I think that light could be hiding something. Intentionally. You know, if it's even the same light. The light I saw definitely seemed like it was put there to conceal something. Put where, even? I don't understand anything about it, except whatever the light was, wherever it came from, however it got wherever it was - it didn't seem like it belonged there. And I saw it in response to asking why the world was so messed up.

    9. I almost remember seeing something before the light blocked it out. Probably of no consequence like an ordinary room or something. Maybe a chair. The point is that the light blotted it all out. It hid everything, and then it was impenetrable.

    10. DeNiro: I am never going back.
      Pacino: Then don't take down scores.
      DeNiro: I do what I do best I take scores. You do what you do best trying to stop guys like me.

      I mean we can strip it down to pure function, Its the tension between positive and negative. But we anthropomorphise it, personify it, tikkun ha partzufim, so we can better understand it. In truth it is rawer than this. Its purely mathematical.

      But its automatically cooler when Pacino says it.

    11. It was an impression of that tension which led to the question that the appearance of the light came in response to. The essence of the query was, why don't people harmonize the seemingly opposing forces and allow them to complement each other instead of conflicting in perpetuity - what is stopping people from even being able to see that there is a better way? And then a bright light ate the world and gave me the boot from whence I observed it.

      The impression it left me with was foreign at the time - that there was some kind of truly ancient plot or conspiracy to keep people trapped or enmeshed in garbage town. It didn't make any sense, and it was so unsettling I didn't think about it again for decades. I did start noticing though, that language and the words we use are a little funny. Some of the different ways the same words or phrases could be used seemed like a kind of trap. That in itself turned out to be kind of a trap, lol, because it led me to an interest in semantics and philosophy. Talk about a snake pit!

      An interesting thing about the math, is the number 36. It turns out that G-d apparently let the light of creation shine for 36 hours before hiding it because people weren't worthy. So 36 is the number of Concealed Light. This Concealed Light has a connection to the month of Kislev, or Sagittarius, the "month of miracles" within which is Chanukah. Jewish people are encouraged to connect with this Concealed Light every year, during that month when the Sun appears to be the most hidden within the Earth.

      The 36th hexagram of the I Ching just happens to be. . .Ming Yi, Wounding Brightness. The image says: "Brightness enters into the earth : hiding brightness. The noble one governs the masses using darkness and also brightness."

      How crazy is that? It's not inconceivable that both cultures could have independently discovered a connection between the number 36 and light/darkness. It's also not inconceivable that the ancient culture Graham Hancock has theorized to have dominated the globe thousands of years ago installed that little tidbit into their control regime. The same culture, perhaps, responsible for the hypothetical Proto-Indo-European language regarded as the basis for so many disparate languages around the world.

      If, hypothetically, there was some sort of shield of light concealing something from people, then convincing them to feed the egregore, as it were, would be a pretty neat trick.

    12. The weird thing about contrasting states is that on their own they're fine, but the really interesting stuff happens in the middle. Sometimes you have to flex a muscle to more fully relax it, but flexing and relaxing are ordinary and by going back and forth with less and less force but more and more attention, somewhere near the point of equilibrium is where spontaneous correction occurs. I'm not sure anymore if this also involves the area between association and dissociation.

      And in between self and non-self, and reality and non-reality is "rebirth."

      So to be able to do the opposite of whatever our normal mode is, is important not only for balance but to make really fun things possible. There's probably something valuable in between fun and not-fun, too.

    13. Words are, you are correct to connect the words with the numbers - where does the “Brightness enters the earth”? - On the Horizon - numerology 105 - the hexadecimal = 69 - as below so above! - 105 - 69 = 36.

      The death certificate of Elizabeth (88) has just been released - she died of Old Age - numerology (44) implying 1/2 of her life is over - time of death 3.10 - why might this be significant?!

    14. I don't know. I'm not the one who connected these words with numbers.

    15. I don't know which numerological system you're using to arrive at your gematria, so its proposed significance is unclear. I also don't understand the reason why converting words to numbers, converting those numbers into another base, and then performing mathematical functions on the two numbers would be meaningful. If you'd care to provide an explanation, I'd read it with interest.

      That said, I try to avoid gematria in general, except where it seems to be something well-established which a significant group of people accept as relevant - certain Biblical numbers fall into this category, and sometimes Chaldean number stuff but I'm unsure of its actual value. When corroborated by other fields, gematria can become a bit more credible. Whenever I find myself thinking too much about gematria, it's a signal to slow down and take a break.

      It was interesting to look up hexadecimal and discover that base 16 has an old history of use in China. Vestiges are still used for some weight measurements. And some Westerners have proposed using base 16 for time-keeping instead of base 24.

      The connection between 36 and darkness/light is at least as old as the existing evidence shows it is, unless history has been fraudulently rewritten somewhere along the way. It's quite possibly older than is documented. In a 24 hour day, 36 could be represented as an "e" shape with just a little modification. 36 in hexadecimal is 24, which could suggest something of the controlling power of 36.

      "e" would represent starting a day period with sunset. After 12 hours the sun would come above the horizon. After 36 hours the sun would rise for the second time. The Spanish upside down "e" character would see the sun set on the 12th and 36th hours. If 36 can be made equivalent to 24, then 1 1/2 day can be wielded as something complete.

      This might be used by allowing people access to information and then taking it away. The natural assumption might be that events would unfold in a spiral fashion. By the time it became known that it was in fact an "e" and not a spiral at work, people would either have already adjusted to their enforced ignorance, be too ashamed of having been fooled to make much of a fuss, or locked in by the acquiescence of the people around them.

      The upside down "e" could be used in much the same way. People are willing to work very hard sometimes when they are confident they will have sufficient time to rest at the day's end, when the sun goes down. Using or creating a crisis situation to alter people's behavior and then never allowing the crisis to "sunset" could be another example of the coercive power of "36."

      I did a chart for Elizabeth's death and the Midheaven that day was almost directly on Spica in the Virgo constellation. At 3:10 pm the sun was just past the Zenith in Leo constellation, or the tropical sign of Virgo.

    16. I’m just using the modern English alphabet with the 2 number bases because I think the letters words and numbers are generating the information and energy for life.

      In a similar way to how the Tree of Life and the Tree of knowledge are connected to the Tree of Mercy. I have a relatively good and intuitive idea of how they are linked, unfortunately the Math is beyond me and perhaps that is how it was meant to be.

      The 2nd hexadecimal of 310 is 88.

    17. fwiw the numerology for Tony Fauci is 114 - perhaps that is why he was the dark energy behind this pandemic!

    18. "Generating the information and energy for life" is as good an explanation as any other I've heard. Thanks for that.

    19. Since one of Jupiter's oldest names was Light-Bringer, according to Britannica, what if the light I saw covering everything up was a representation of Jupiter worship?

      I've been going out and looking at Jupiter most nights for the last few weeks. It's really beautiful and majestic, shining so, so brightly up there in the sky. It's easily understandable how people could have attached so much significance to it for such a long time. It appears mostly white in the middle and yellow on the outside to me, like the light that hid everything in answer to my question.

      Two of Jupiter's assigned qualities - mercy and generosity - can and have been weaponized in society to great effect. Charity combines both, and has recently come out as one of the most corrupt institutions on the planet. NGOs are an essential arm of the ongoing efforts to unify the planet under a single, unaccountable governing body.

      Jupiter rules treaties. Treaties created widespread acceptance of supranational entities dictating our lives from afar. Treaties created the new order after WWII, and they are currently ripping it apart in favor of an even more ironclad "international rules-based order."

      A lot of people say the Holy Grail is actually the DNA lineage of Christ. It's been visually represented as a cup for ages. Catamitus was Jupiter's cup-bearer. Jupiter was in the constellation of Aquarius when the pandemic was declared by a supranational treaty organization, and when the DNA-altering "vaccines" were unleashed.

    20. Words are - the numerology for Holy Grail, Catamitus and Aquarius are all 107 the hexadecimal is 6B - As you say Jupiter is associated with the colour Blue - it is also numerology for the number 20 - as you reverse the tree Chesed (Blue) is number 6! Something else that has a numerology of 107 is “earthquake” - I have a strong feeling we can expect something earth shattering on the 22/11

  4. "Those professionals working at Skinwalker Ranch, after their time on the property, brought back with them and transferred to their family members auto-immune diseases, hashimoto's thyroiditis, grave's disease, systematic lupus and fibromyalgia. Those at Skinwalker also brought back with them seeming poltergeist-type entities. Why do you suppose that the UFO issue has been brought so suddenly to the public consciousness forefront after 75 years of denial, ridicule and obfuscation? Why did this outing align so closely with the covid outbreak and vaccine rollout?" (Wordman)

    Jesus, I've just realized that practically all of my major health problems started after the wave of UFO sightings in Drummondville in 1999. I even made telepathic contact with one, asking it to become transparent, and it immediately did. And since, both my urinary and digestive tracks have been kaput.

    1. Aligns extremely closely with what John A. Keel was documenting all the way back in Mothman Prophecies back in late 1966 all the way thru 1967, first noticing major cases of conjunctivitis (pink eye) when viewing these things.

      Our "Body Snatchers/Secret Invasion" might seriously f**k with our health on an invisible energy-level.

    2. I just put up a Blog using the Body Snatchers analogy.

    3. The Green - Blue = Cyan - would certainly fit the hypothesis - Cyanobacteria!

    4. The “invisible energy” is UV and IR

    5. It occurred to me while reading a paper (which I can't find now) that talked about wanting to study Skinwalker Ranch in an epidemiological way, that the strangeness could very well be related to fungal infection. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes.

      Fungal infections are notoriously difficult to get a proper diagnosis for, mimicking other disorders and sometimes manifesting as merely flu-like symptoms. Black mold is famous for causing severe psychological problems for some people. There may be a link between haunted houses and mold.

      The surname of Skinwalker's current owner is Fugal. That's fungal minus the "n." He made his ownership known in March of 2020, right as the world went haywire. It's located in Utah, an area known to harbor Valley Fever.

      Could it be that a previously unknown strain of fungus has been found or created on Skinwalker Ranch? One which targets the same neurological pathways responsible for sleep paralysis/hallucinations/etc.? And which causes or mimics serious physical disorders?

      When I had an "alien contact" around '97 or '98, it was in a damp coastal area that probably harbored quite a lot of mold and other fungus. Same for the weird shit I experienced in 2014.

      "Mediums" have been found to have poor health compared to the general population, including more autoimmune diseases and gastrointestinal problems. Maybe it's fungus.

    6. But a lot of the supernatural stuff is real, though, so... psychic/otherworldly fungus? Fungi from Yuggoth?

    7. One of the things which happened in 2014 was that shooting stars seemed to reply to my questions. This was after having spent the day sitting in the dirt of the garden thinking about the tiny organisms which we've incorporated into our bodies over time and enslaved. And how we should be taking good care of our tiny "slaves," and that one day they would have their day and become our masters. I'm not saying it's definitely fungus, but it seems like a good possibility by my reckoning.

    8. It seems like a lot of living things are capable of learning that we never used to suspect before. We could only be scratching the surface at present of comprehending the learning potential of the organisms around us.

      Fungus already have a reputation as facilitators of communication, and are sometimes said to have their own or alien intelligence. Maybe it's possible to train fungus, or to be trained by it. What if fungus somehow carries something of its previous hosts as it propagates and spreads?

      If it does, then it may be possible to grow fungus on or in people or animals which have certain characteristics one might want to see spread. It would mean fungus taken from a murderer would have different qualities than the same sort of fungus taken from a kinder sort of person.

      I think they're saying now that fungus does survive in space, and has been found in the upper atmosphere. It's quite possible that someone somewhere has a collection of space fungus. The melting of very old ice has the potential to reveal some interesting pathogens, too. Or at least provide cover for their release.

    9. I was sitting outside earlier today wondering if the recent bird flu epidemic was a case study for using birds to spread fungal spores. A flock flew by, not terribly close, and I noticed a feather stuck to my leg. It was really stuck, like sticky, and it took quite a few swipes to finally get it off. As I jumped up to wash my hands and leg, I couldn't help but wonder if it was a confirmation of sorts.

      Airplanes could also potentially spread spores or mycotoxins. We're already used to seeing them leave trails. "Yellow rain" comes to mind.

    10. You might be overcomplicating things. What is the number one, most potent *psychedelic* used on Earth, since the dawn of time?

      Mushrooms. The key to the Mystery Schools of olde, the key to communicating with the "gods". They expand consciousness, they lift the veil.

      So what if *most* fungi are secretly psychedelic?

    11. While far from a noob when it comes to the old Philosopher's Stone I have to say that my first hauntings, sleep paralysis and angel visitations did occur in a house with damp and mould. Pretty sure it was haunted as well but still... maybe I was trippin.

      Maybe I still am. ''A short sharp trip right down the ladder, right to the base anger, the primal fear.'' In many ways it was lucky for me to get cast down in '19. I cursed that luck at the time. Now I am thankful for it.

      In my visions of Camp Canada in '25 there are three spaces for vaccines. One for C-19, one for a bacteria that causes the skin to becomes irritated and inflamed and one for a fungus that causes madness. MRSA for the first one. Its everywhere if it goes nasty enmasse because of compromised immune systems this is going to rip us a new one. Excuse my French. Candida Auris is a good candidate for the fungus as its already sooped up and dangerous. But black mould and murcormycosis would be horrific as well.


      Great work Dr Rob thanks!

  5. Release date August 2022, timely.

    And this one September 2020.

    1. (From above)

      You might be overcomplicating things. What is the number one, most potent *psychedelic* used on Earth, since the dawn of time?

      Mushrooms. The key to the Mystery Schools of olde, the key to communicating with the "gods". They expand consciousness, they lift the veil.

      So what if *most* fungi are secretly psychedelic?

    2. Well, JB, overcomplicating things is one of my favorite hobbies, so probably.

      If most fungi were "secretly psychedelic," then they would probably have to act slowly and cumulatively to go unnoticed. Or possibly possess an amnesiac factor so a person wouldn't remember their normal state of mind while under the influence, or remember their altered state when/if they returned from that altered state.

      It could also be that humans have, over time, incorporated fungal aspects into our DNA. Or that some fungi alter the characteristics of people's microbiome, which itself exerts a profound influence on our state of mind.

      It's an interesting thought. Another way fungi could influence us covertly, would be if they made us more receptive to psychic phenomena. If, say, spores carried information we could be in contact with any number of other people/creatures/entities and only vaguely realize it periodically if at all. Same for if fungus simply altered our sending or receiving apparatus. Maybe some fungus predisposes one to be a "sender" and others create "receivers."

    3. As to the earliest and most potent psychedelic, my vote is hypnosis or dissociation. I think my own earliest memory is of sitting at the edge of a lake in a diaper, watching the sunlight reflecting on the water as it moved. It was very peaceful and relaxing, and at some point I left my body and saw the area from a higher and higher vantage point. I was just about to maybe move out instead of straight up, when the sound of my parents freaking out and having a meltdown because the water was getting a little higher and I wasn't listening to them and jumping up to move brought me back into my body. That's when I realized they were both crazy, hahaha.

    4. "Ravens of dispersion" makes me think of something which travels on the wind. Or is perhaps dropped from the sky or spread by birds. Usually we think fungus we think damp, but Valley Fever for instance is borne on the dry winds of the American Southwest and hidden in the dust. Moisture awakens it after dryness has dispersed it.

      Dust was a central part of The Golden Compass, opening a portal to other worlds. The idea of externalizing one's "inner animal" so that it has its own body which may attack others, sounds a lot like dissociative identity disorder - very MK.

      A sensationalist novelist might say:
      "MK is like a fungus because it spreads covertly. It's very hard to get rid of because an affected person's family, friends, coworkers, and other associates are potentially a part of it, too. Its effects are systemic and difficult to recognize. It's contagious - as more information about their methods comes out, the more likely it is that lone megalomaniacs will attempt their use in their own families/associates. And as the directly affected families reproduce, their numbers multiply accordingly. This is in addition to any who may be recruited through organizations of varying turnover rates, who then form their own connections in the world."

      It's a terrible thing to say, but one way to make people move - to disperse them - when they didn't want to go anywhere has been to burn their houses down. A visible threat such as black mold could be used to entice people to burn their own houses. Something which must be tested for, like Candida, would more closely follow the already established coercive method. Affected housing could be condemned and then either marked and left for vigilantes, or stripped to the studs, soaked in chemicals, and left standing as a trophy of state power. The erstwhile dwellers might be left with no possessions, but happy to be alive.

    5. I highly recommend the horror film In the Earth, it plays a lot with these themes. Add the opening virus story leads rapidly into a fungus one.

    6. That was an odd movie. Not at all what I expected. Interesting, though. The blend of science and backwoods crazy was pretty good.

  6. From the IotBS novel:

    "The duplicates live only five years and cannot sexually reproduce; consequently, if unstopped, they will quickly turn Earth into a dead planet and move on to the next world. One of the duplicate invaders claims this is what humans do – use up resources, wipe out indigenous populations, and destroy ecosystems in the name of survival."

    1. This does sound like green/blue Cyanobacteria/algae/slime - whose blooms can cause eutrophication and consume all the nutrients.

    2. Interestingly - mushrooms can be used to prevent them -

    3. They can also be used to produce psilocybin ( magic mushrooms)

    4. Psilocybe cyanescens is located in San Francisco!

    5. I'm thinking more along the lines of something that dovetails with Carousel from Logan's Run... Great find JB.

  7. ''Fundamentally jealous of the Tree of Life and they want the Tree of Death.'' Alex Jones, Emergency Saturday Broadcast - Are you Ready for Nuclear War circa 55m in.

    Same episode 2h34m in Invasion of the Body Snatchers soundtrack, samples and video clip (the one we think will relate to *David* Icke next year).

    1. The Tree of Death = nuclear war = *MUSHROOM* clouds = genetic mutation/ "Twin Peaks"-type demonic invasion.

    2. Maybe the Tree of Death bears Strange Fruit.


    Are you all seeing this? This is the water event surely...

    1. The bubbling is Alex drowning under water. I think its spot on. What's your take?

    2. Most probably. And "contamination of life by black goo" to boot (oil).

    3. Nevermind, it's a natural gas pipeline. The Wikipedia page for Nord Stream is half-missing, and won't refresh.

    4. Perfect strike, entirely on the nose. Having seen this one beforehand, I'm wondering if Extinction Rebellion has possibly escalated their shenanigans - which is an admittedly silly thing to consider:

    5. Yes, It’s natural Gas - a hydrocarbon that also contains some sulfur/H2S which gets removed and then another sulfur containing compound Mercaptan is added to give it a eggy smell so it can be detected.

    6. Well that might be about as impressive as they come. Comparable to the mask tableau from Rocky Horror I would say. 5km exclusion zone. Is it even real? Who even knows..? We are all in the hands of the 70s snake. Or Jesus.

  9. From Wordman: "As an aside also happen to think it's weird that pretty much all involved with the pentagon AATIP and other secretive UAP investigative arms all happen to be IMMUNOLOGISTS -- hmmmmmmmmmm."

    Translation: people in armed forces tasked with figuring out the UFO phenomenon are always virus/bacteria/fongus experts as well...

  10. Maybe another example of how IOTBS is permeating through our collective consciousness? Matt Mckinlay posts on Youtube as 'Quantum of Conscience' but has a regular video off that platform, this was his latest:

  11. A couple observations after a quick look through IotBS for stars in the sky (and not finding many, if any after the intro): Nancy has hair like a milkmaid, or Swiss. Her husband Jack wears an "ARMY" jacket. This reminds me of the Theater scene of ACO where the droogs in white face off against the boys wearing both N-zi and military symbols. They clearly had a shared influence in ACO, but by Body Snatchers they're openly married. If there is actually a connection between the two scenes, it's interesting that the N-zi has become a conspiracy theorist.

    When Geoffrey gives Elizabeth a killer flower, the card is rainbow colored. Make of that what you will.

  12. Hurricane Ian is really challenging the notion that weather is still all natural these days. The perfect timing of the "catastrophic" "pounding" "walloping" Florida is apt to remind a person of the many ways the weather is rumored to be controlled. My imagination might be fooling me but when there were fires nearby here not too long ago, airplanes seemed to be working overtime dispersing trails every which way, and the called-for rain didn't come; the clouds became hazy and sometimes appeared to droop in streaks toward the ground like a surrealist painting when the trails got to them.

    "climate change"

  13. Blogos, this might be of interest for your predictions involving A.I.:

  14. A couple stories from the 23rd, when Alex first sees Dim and George:

    This from today:

  15. Looking at JPL's Horizons System just now and noticed something funny. 411 days from when Russia invaded Ukraine will be 4/11. On that day Jupiter will be roughly the same declination, the same percentage illuminated, and will again have almost reached its least visible apparent magnitude.

    April 11 in Body Snatchers is during the party, when Dr. Kibner is convincing the woman to accept her husband and to say he really is the same man he's always been.

    1. Maybe some kind of accord between Ukraine and Russia will be announced April 11, to be brokered by Jared Kushner. Kibner is fond of turtlenecks, and Kushner just had thyroid surgery.

    2. The space hydrogel starts to grow right around the time between January 13-14 that Jupiter crosses the node and begins to have a positive declination. The next day, on January 15, the first flower blooms.

      1/14 is the first day Jupiter spends entirely north of the node, ascending. The movie's length is 114 minutes (and 22 seconds).

    3. And for what it's worth, it looks like the gel is shown on live oak trees. Oak for Jupiter.

      The dangly stuff in the first tree looks sort of like usnea, although not quite. Usnea, though, is used to combat fungal infections including candida.

  16. Charles has JUST become King, and already England is like:

  17. What if she's right? (except for the "climate change" part)

    1. She’s right about the “climate change” as well JB - I have suspected that the Covid virus was “found” in the permafrost located at the poles - it has certainly played a part in our evolution - an ancient virus from outer space - perhaps?
      The increased activity of the Sun (solar flares and sun spots) since the beginning of solar cycle 25 has generated increased solar forcing and more powerful flux tubes and because of the weakening magnetosphere and increasing ozone holes at the poles - more high energy particles are hitting these areas and melting the ice - this is nothing new!

  18. I posted October's timings just now:

    sorry for the slight delay. I'll try and post the rest of the movie in the next couple of days.

  19. Alex mentioned the "strange fella" Joe sitting with his parents within days of stories coming out that Sirhan Sirhan is challenging his latest parole denial.

    Hunter Biden is also in the news. An upcoming book by a NYT writer says the Trump admin stuffed pictures of him into the White House HVAC. His ex-wife has released a memoir. The GOP is expected to investigate him next year.

    This came out in July, while Alex was getting Ludovico:

    It seems somewhat similar to this:

  20. Been thinking about the last few months of ACO. I haven't read the Burgess novel so I'm not certain how faithful Kubrick is. I think the ending is different based on a the US literary version? Whatever, I have been wondering about what message this story tells us about politics and how that may translate into what's happening.

    We start and end the movie with red / blue alternating title frames. Colour is important in this movie and in the one we're living through also as the UCT demonstrates.

    I think these are the twin poles by which the masses are controlled, the left/right paradigm that keeps people endlessly distracted. In Europe, red = left and blue = right, they're inverted in the US, I think this is important, as the same inversion is taking place in the crash and burn of the Democrats (blue left) in the US with the Conservatives (blue right) in the UK. Each of them has been in power for roughly the same period. With Trump/Johnson paralleled as an 'outsider'? Maybe one could map this out with the other falling regimes across the world, perhaps there's some structure in this? Still, as this movie is set in the UK let's keep to the European version. At the moment it feels like the focus has shifted to the European theatre in any case?

    Alex encounters both of the poles in this last quarter of the year / movie. Firstly, Dim and George have been taken into the police force, they're the boys in blue even reflected in their uniform. They're also exactly the same thugs they were when dressed in Droog white, only now they have official sanction for their barbarism.

    After being taken to the brink of extinction at the bath torture sequence, Alex will flee tomorrow (3/10) 'Home' to the Alexander house that he so brutally violated earlier in the narrative.

    Mr Alexander is a writer and a member of a left wing (red) intelligentsia hostile to the incumbent right wing government. Initially he offers assistance to Alex, based on a perceived confluence of interests, he wants to expose the government and see's in Alex a means of doing so. Once he realises Alex was the rapist who effectively killed his wife (they blamed the flu, but he knows better), he turns to revenge and proves no less willing to use torture than the blue forces he opposes.

    Alex will flee the unbearable ninth and awaken in a hospital bed back in the clutches of the blue. They are under pressure due to the negative exposure of the Ludovico process. The answer is clear, throw the scientists under the bus and buy Alex's co-operation with a job, like Dim and George they will get him on the payroll.

    So Red and Blue in this world, as ours, are essentially two wings of the same bird. Locked in opposition to each other, but bereft of any real moral basis, with the ends always justifying the means.

    In the UK, Liz Truss has wasted little time in accelerating the bus over the cliff. Meanwhile Council of Foreign Relations apparatchik Kier STARmer has a 17 point lead in the polls as Red is awaiting its turn to triumph over blue. I don't think however that's where the script is leading us.

    Mix red and blue paint and you get purple, the ruling colour from Phoenician times onward. Mix red and blue light however and you get magenta, which itself appears to form perhaps the signifier of the desired destination? Perhaps after the alchemic destruction process of solve et coagula has been achieved?

    Course there's more misery planned before that point. If the masses are to accept change then trauma based mind control requires more trauma. A mushroom shaped visual spectacle in Ukraine? Alex throws himself out of the window 22/11 if the sync means anything.

    1. Thanks JM - please see my comment on 22/11 below - We also associate Red with East and Blue with West - this creates the polarity which generates the energy - the universe is powered by PBR!

    2. One difference between the book and movie is that in the book Mr. Alexander recognizes Alex from his general speech patterns. This is important because in the movie, Frank Alexander has hung up the phone after initiating the conspiracy to sacrifice Alex before he hears him singing in the tub. In one version of the book Alex runs into Pete, who's become an insurance salesman(?), and his new wife, and starts thinking about settling down and having a son.

      November 24 Jupiter will go direct. It went retrograde July 29 when the final film we witness was paused for Alex's pleading. Maybe the NOE from the first film was EON backwards; Jupiter was Rome's primary political god. It hasn't been as bright as it's just been since 1963. When Kennedy was killed it was retrograde in Pisces like it is now. Jupiter entered the zodiacal constellation Cetus on Nov 25, 1963, the same day Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. Jupiter was in Cetus in 2022 from the time Alex entered the room to sign the paper for the Ludovico treatment until he raised his fist to Joe the border.

      Red and blue on the tree of life are Mars and Jupiter. Saturn is red on the king scale, but then blue is Neptune. Anyway, since Jupiter entered Cetus the day Ruby shot Oswald, isn't it weird that the drunkie who attacked Alex was called Jack and did it next to a river, only to be stopped by the boys in blue? And then Sirhan Sirhan showed up in the news.

      Aquarius or Ganymede (Catamitus) is the "cup-bearer" Zeus or his eagle abducted (trafficked) for the god's pleasure. Jupiter-worship could be tied to a lot of the issues coming up in the news lately. It seems Jupiter was even called Light-Bringer, and his favorite sacrifice was a white ox. The droogs wear white and drink milk all day and night. Dim calls a milk dispenser "Luce."

      The Eye of Providence might be the eye of Jupiter. Could be why there's an owl on the dollar bill. Minerva sprung from his head; it's such a strange concept, maybe it's mind control.

  21. Replies
    1. Yes - what happened to your red blue and p****e post because this is highly important - I did a tweet on red blue and p****e and it got no views or interactions - completely hidden!

    2. Hey guys I will check spam and they should reappear. This is what happened last time with JBs post. Gimme a moment.

  22. The 22/11/22 Certainly looks an extremely important date from every angle - the 59th anniversary of JFK’s assassination and the 18 th anniversary of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine! -

    1. Astrologically the sun leaves Scorpio - the “dark knight of the soul!” and enters Sagittarius the archer. This year it falls on a Tuesday - representing Mars and the god of single combat! Numerologically it’s proverbial dynamite! Lots of 1+2+3+5+6 combo’s reflected back! suggesting a mega destructive release of energy followed by a new beginning.

  23. My latest piecing-together-of-the-puzzle:

    According to independent labs, the Vaxx is full of micro-organisms known as Hydra Vulgaris. But these are synthetic, *aluminium*-based.

    The 5G network is essentially a massive *microwave* emitter; all cell phone towers emit microwaves.

    What happens when aluminium is bombarded by microwaves?

    Spontaneous combustion.

    What happens when people filled to brimming with aluminium-based micro-organisms are bombarded by high frequency microwaves?

    A couple BILLION spontaneous combustions.

    This is basically the "Thanos" thing: snap your fingers (or press a button), and all of the "useless eaters" are literally reduced to ashes.

    A "REVERSE-Rapture", if you will.

    1. It might explain this weird story coming out right as the "preview" period begins:


  25. Alice Bailey said the Cosmic Christ would return starting 2025.

    In the cult film "They Live", one of the aliens from another dimension makes a speech saying the invasion will be complete in 2025.


    1. I'm reminded of a NDE in which a little kid was told by Jesus that WWIII would be between Russia and America, but America would be on the side of the bad guys, and immediately after the nuclear holocaust, there would be an alien invasion, but they would in fact be demons in disguise, and THAT's when the Second Coming would occur. A very similar story was related in Nick Redfern's "Final Events".

  26. When Alex returns to Frank Alexander's house, there is repetition of the events preceding his first entrance. "Who on earth could that be?"
    In The Lawnmower Man, the deleted opening scene involves a chimpanzee escaping from a lab and then being *hunted* and killed.
    The Lawnmower Man was based so loosely on a 1975 Stephen King short story that he was able to sue successfully to have his name removed - the first time since 1922. In that story, a satyr makes human sacrifices to the god Pan. In the movie, drugs and virtual reality are used to make a man smarter; the man becomes telekinetic and telepathic before deciding to evolve into a being of pure energy who lives in the internet. His rebirth will be heralded by all the world's phones ringing simultaneously. No word in Wikipedia on whether or not 5G will be involved.

    In a callback to a much earlier time, a man named Jason Tillman was arrested (following one of the biggest *manhunts* in New Orleans' history) on October 5 after shooting a constable and an apartment manager while they tried to serve an eviction notice.
    This was the 5,280th day after Pat Tillman was killed in Iraq (on 4/22/2004) by friendly fire, from less than ten yards away according to some people. On 5/28 the Pentagon finally got around to telling his family he was not shot by an enemy. The Iraq invasion parallels Mr. Alexander's plot to use Alex, due to the dubious claims of both. Further, Tillman had planned to meet with political activist Noam Chomsky after his tour of duty was over.

    VP Cheney spoke many times of the supposed WMDs in Iraq before the war. On 2/11/2006 he would shoot his "friend" in a "hunting accident." The "Daisy" commercial in 1964 had used the threat of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction to get Lyndon Johnson elected the year after Kennedy's assassination.

    The event the Iraq War was predicated on also spawned a War on Terror. A "Terrorist Lexicon" from 2009(!) includes a definition of 'alternative media.' Does interpreting events and issues radically differently from mass media make one a terrorist? Mr. Alexander certainly makes the case that it might.

    1. Speaking of hunting (and MK Hunters), 23 year old music producer Isaiah Shaw, known as DJ Zay, was killed in a music studio in NJ last week. Court documents say the (also 23 years old) killer "said 'I had to do it' several times after the crime. [...] No further explanation for the comment is in the documents."

      Isaiah 2:22, NIV says, "Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?" Maybe somebody out there would prefer a Lawnmower Man, or Grimes type instead.

      The crime happened on Egg Harbour Road. East and West Egg were place names in The Great Gatsby on Long Island, home of Montauk. Gatsby centered around the ultrarich elite, the same sort of people running NGOs today in partnership with the government. Funny thing about "public-private partnerships" is that accountability seems to slip through the cracks.

    2. Alex crawls on all fours across the wooden bridge over the stream and through the mud to reach Frank's door.

      Trump -> MAGA -> crocodile.
      The Mayan Tzolk'in date on Sept11 was 6 Imix', or crocodile.


      7. "The bridge that collapsed is known as the Fern Hollow Bridge and is located in the city's Point Breeze neighborhood."

      "The chair of Ukraine’s national security and defence council, Oleskiy Danilov, tweeted a video of damage to the bridge, spliced with a video of Marilyn Monroe singing 'Happy Birthday, Mr President', in a barely veiled dig at Putin."


      "Alleged Homeless Attacker Sat and Listened to Music After Homeless Shootings"
      Brevard was arrested March 15, 2022, around 2:00 am. He was said to have been on a killing "odyssey." Note that one of the records on display in ACO was CYCLOPS.

      "The suspect, Wesley Brownlee, 43, was being followed by a police surveillance team who determined around 2 a.m. on Saturday he was “out hunting” and “on a mission to kill,” Stockton Police Chief Stanley McFadden said in a news conference."

      Here is a CA serial killer of homeless people arrested October 15 around 2:30 am, seven months almost to the hour after Brevard.

      Brevard listened to music after killing, which kind of links him to Alex hearing music and then attacking, but in reverse.

  27. Alex drinks milk and loves music. The Woodstock festival took place on Max Yasgur's dairy farm in Bethel, NY from Aug 15-17(18), 1969. That's 40 miles from its namesake of Woodstock (Woodstock -> tree -> Greenbaum?).

    Yasgur was a Republican born in 1919 to Russian immigrants. He was the largest dairy producer in the county. After he leased the 600 acre farm his neighbors turned against him. One of the signs they put up said "Buy no milk." When some neighbors started selling water to the hippies, he told his kids to fill empty milk bottles with water and give it to the hippies for free. He also told them to "give away all the milk and milk products we had at the dairy" Yasgur sold the farm in 1971 and moved to Marathon, FL where he died 1 1/2 years later.

    Joni Mitchell's song "Woodstock" came out in triplicate in 1970. Her version was the B-side to Big Yellow Taxi. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's version is still played on the radio to this day. The lyrics are *very interesing.*

    Woodstock started 6 days after the Manson family killings of Aug 9, 1969 which effectively ended the hippie movement for the mainstream. The Kabbalah number for Venus may be 7, but its years end in 6. Presumably the 60's belong to it as well, which would place both the Civil War and the swinging sixties under its purported influence.

    On 8/9/1969 Venus was at the highest declination in its then-current cycle. Its delta (which I think means its distance from Earth in astronomical units) was 1.1047. Venus' delta on 8/15/1969 was 1.1463. Notice that both measurements contain *114.*

    Delta are said to be the killers of the MK universe. During both events Venus was in the constellation Gemini. Frank and Pee both possess a copy of the paper "The Mirror" whose headline says "CAT-WOMAN KILLER ALEX FREED." They are both older men who are to have a profound effect on Alex's life. One gave him life, and the other tried to take it away.

  28. On September 29, around when Alex was getting his head pushed underwater, the Federal Reserve made an announcement:

    I believe these are related because to be a debtor is said to be "underwater," and every dollar created by the Fed becomes a debt to the Fed. My opinion is that the nearly yearlong period this 'pilot exercise' encompasses will be spent gaming the various ways to manipulate people and wring them out financially.

    From the Fed's website - "At the beginning of the exercise, the Board will publish details of the climate, economic, and financial variables that make up the climate scenario narratives."

    "Narratives," they say. Narratives, like stories. Stories which may be made up whole cloth. The one consolation may be that if the published "narratives" have any connection at all to what they're really doing, it may be possible to tease out some of the broad outlines of what they intend to do to us specifically by reading them carefully. What good that may do is anybody's guess.


  29. Alex is, anything but, safe in the arms of Darth Vader today, being carried 'HOME' into the Alexander house.

    As Below:

    There's been a series of big events on the 8th recently, Shinzo Abe assassination(?), Mar A Lago raid, QE2 death, today?, then November 8th is US mid-terms.

    The bridge to Crimea is now severed. Previously this was linked to 'Judgement Day'

    Lot of rumours about unrest in Belgorod, which also happens to be the name of the giant submarine with the Tsunami creating Poseidon torpedo drone that slipped port for tests recently: Background:

    Is the Russian internal strife / current retreat / nuke sabre rattling all part of a maskrirovka? Can any of the reporting be trusted, or it the entire thing a pantomime of distraction?

    As above, it's a Hunters Moon:

    ".MIRACH rises and sets, so in the mortal realm of human affairs. orange is motivating and connected to the moon through the 2nd chakra"

    1. You mention Alex is carried through the door, this reminds me of the claims that some of the Jan6 people were pushed/pulled into the Capitol Building.

    2. That narrative looks to be cooking nicely. Bill Maher discussing civil war on his show. Oath keepers on trial, lot of questions over the leader/fbi plant. Mid Terms our next '8'.

      Farmingfromscratch has today as a significant date. He has it midway on the Back to the Future calendar.

  30. I can't believe I've missed this for the past 26 years, from one of my very favorite movies:

    In Star Trek: First Contact, when the first warp ship, the "Phoenix", is launched, the song playing very loudly is from the band Steppenwolf. Zefram Cochrane even yells out "We can't leave without it!". The ship in question is a former nuclear missile, VERY phallic, and it looks as if it's aiming for the Moon.

    Whenever Jack Parsons IRL launched a rocket, he recited a hymn to the Great God Pan.

    "Steppenwolf" is one of the many names of Cernunnos/Pan (Old Germanic).

    *You need the lyrics of Steppenwolf/the Great God Pan if you want to leave Earth and travel to the stars.*

    Zefram Cochrane is therefore the Star Trek equivalent of Jack Parsons, the man practically worshipped like a god in the future, *the man who made contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence after a World War which ended with nuclear explosions.*

    And his wife is named Lily (Lilith).

    1. (Steppenwolf (in french "le loup des steppes/des frontières"), the violent "gatekeeper" of sorts, of the frontier between the worlds of the living and of the dead)

    2. Song was Magic Carpet Ride. Band members form a pentagon on the cover: Some of the names... Michael Monarch (77 reference and the double M=33) Mars Bonfire and hat tip to the crazies, sound engineer Bill Cooper...

      The nuke Cochrane flies to the moon is a 'Titan' missile.

    3. Thinking of the phallic aspect of the Titan derived spacecraft, as well as the seeming exclusion of the divine feminine by a section of the occult elites Cochrane = cock reign? Maybe I've spent too long looking at obelisks..

    4. That puts a new twist on Alex's "Singing in the [Coch]Rain," and all the stories about Ukraine being a leading country for surrogacy.

      Mercury will be "reborn" in Virgo after being occulted by the new Moon on the morning of October 24, which is just after Alex gets out of the bath.

  31. The latest Alex Jones news:

    Oops, wrong Alex Jones. Here it is:

    ". . .pointing the finger at conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones.

    'The Infowars guy has unleashed hell on our election people,' Scott said.
    Scott added that he himself has received death threats along with others in his elections division, calling it 'absurd' and saying that he does not 'know what’s caused it.' "

    Seems like incoherent doublespeak, talking out of both sides of his mouth, covering all the bases. Etc.

    People who threaten poll workers are even more foolish than the ones who went inside the Capitol Building almost two years ago. This story seems like setting the stage for Frank's upcoming folly. It will be interesting in the upcoming weeks to see who in the media will pivot towards goading the gullible to self-destructive acts.

    If they stick to the script, this could be when some sort of disclosure or revelation comes out - something designed to provoke rage and shut down rational thought. If there was ever a time to chill out, take it easy, just relax, etc., it's probably when/if that happens.

  32. Baba Vanga, the blind seeress, predicted a new pandemic in 2022, resulting from a new organism being found in Antarctica.

    This is Hydra Vulgaris, the only biologically immortal organism known to man; an impossible, aluminium-based version of this has been found repeatedly in the Vaxx:

    These are the Elder Things (Lovecraft), predating life on Earth, and having remained dormant in Antarctica for millions of years:

    Notice a similarity?

  33. AJ to pay close to 1 billion in damages.

    1. He won't pay sh*t, though. Either it'll get overruled later on, or he'll simply declare bankruptcy.

    2. “There will be more Alex Joneses in this world, but what they learned here today is that they absolutely will be held accountable,” added Lafferty.

      See ALL of the above. I watched some proto-Alexes pop recently in the general population. Now they have to be ''digested'' by ''polite society'' that is where we are at in the film. This is also (long-form) setting up for the guy who runs into the car early in IoBS which we think is David Icke and which its clear they've been pushing heavily on Infowars.

      See the Alexirilion for AOCs framing of this as well.

      The only thing that hasn't yet resolved itself from the original predictions is Singing in Ukraine although the water event shows it syncing. So I'm synching in Ukraine. I am not sure about this idea fof Dim smashing Alex over the head with the bottle repeating over and over is correct or not as it does appear to be moving along with the general plot (esp. Snake Island back in the day remember that). How does this narrative finally resolve itself through the end of the film? Any takers on a long prediction>?

      Oh and Alexa. If the trailer theory is right the final scene from ACO will somehow be synched with an event to do with Alexa. Maybe also involving electricity (in the trailer it was Alexa suggesting a girl electrocute herself if you remember). If this pans out it makes the trailer theory extremely powerful.

      IoBS is going to be really quite disturbing. I'm planning to spend most of it hiding in a bush with my eyes closed.

      P.s. Dahmer is Samael ritual. Actor is Quicksilver i.e. Mercury.

    3. One way of interpreting Dim smashing Alex with the milk bottle is that the milk is programming. There are still people online acting like Russia is doing the right thing, to help people. These people are writing as though they don't realize the Russia vs. West paradigm is just a newer, larger scale incarnation of the old Red vs. Blue, man vs. woman, "Conservative" vs. "Liberal" etc. trap already in play. So Dim smashing Alex with milk could be seen as the ongoing efforts to blind people to the pro-wrestling reality of the world political situation, and bind them in sympathy to the war enemy (who is proceeding in the same general direction vis a vis human experimentation and control as the rest of the world is).

      As Alex begins to sing in the tub, perhaps there will be a resurgence of apparent identification with the enemies of the West among certain sectors of society ill-served by the "consensus."

  34. I will do a detailed post on this early next year but if you want to counter you have to work positive Venus magic. That approach should be effective all the way out.

    2020 - positive Earthly magic
    2021 - positive Lunar magic
    2022 - positive Mercurial magic
    2023 - positive Venutian magic
    2024 - positive Solar magic
    2025 - positive Martian magic
    2026 - positive Jupiterian magic

    I am not saying don't keep your eye on the Squid Game, just make sure you are doing something of the above at the same time. Well that's my advice anyway.

    1. This sort of thing? 7 pennies is doable, 7 candles not beyond the realms of possibility, I do however have a line in the sand...

      "Don a matching lingerie set, a full face of makeup, and your finest jewelry"

    2. You bring up an interesting point, Journeyman. Venus is Saturn's offspring. Saturn was high and bright during both world wars. Wars are intimately connected with debt. Money itself may be predicated on the idea that everyone owes a debt to the gods, or a higher power than themselves. Venus is said to look favorably on beauty and cleanliness. The monetary cost of a matching lingerie set and a full face of makeup could be substantial, not to mention jewelry. Women are trained not to wear makeup for themselves, but for society. Some might say women "owe it to" society to dress nicely and wear makeup.

      Many things people are encouraged to do for the gods in Heaven, benefit certain other people on Earth.

      Separating the actual influence of the planets upon people from things imposed by those who would have power over others seems like a project requiring quite a bit of time, skill, and discernment.

    3. While an altar and theurgic rites is a basic magician strategy they will be doing exactly this to the entire planet except inverted. If you can do some altar work ''the right way up'' then you are doing ok.

      For the angelologically inclined Auriel and Haniel are normally associated with this Sefira, well depending on the tradition/commentary you are following - either way they will counter the A'arab Tzereq. See the post above.

    4. Blogos, since Auriel is said to hold the flaming sword keeping Adam and Eve out of the Garden, is there any special danger in working with him?

      Jophiel seems very similar. Around 30 years ago I'd taken [something] and saw an angel. A golden, glowing female angel. Open arms, not holding anything, didn't say anything, just stood still smiling and it felt incredibly comforting. For a long time after that I could look back and feel better when things weren't going so well. Which was nice, because a lot of things went downhill fast after that.

      After awhile, though, when I tried to get that feeling back and picture the angel it was ugly and forbidding instead of beautiful and welcoming. I couldn't tell if I had maybe gone back to it too many times and corrupted the memory, or if it was real and not something I dreamed up maybe I angered it somehow.

      About a year ago I looked around online to see if it looked like any depictions of angels and the closest looking one I could find was Jophiel. Reading about the flaming sword made me start thinking I may have really pissed something off along the way. The similarities to Auriel were and are a tad confusing.

      I can look back on it now and it's ok. Nothing ugly or forbidding, but the memory has faded considerably. Anyway, if there are any special warnings to consider with Auriel I'd be especially interested in finding out what they are.

      Thank you, by the way, for sharing so much of what you've learned already. It's been incredibly helpful.

    5. After looking at Jophiel and Auriel some more, it seems like they may both be representations of Draco. In addition to both of their sigils having, in the case of Auriel a "Z" and of Jophiel a shape very much like Draco, their characteristics are both compatible with dragon/serpent mythology.

      Both have been said to hold a sword to keep people out of the Garden where the Tree of Knowledge was eaten from. The dragon Ladon guarded the apples in the Garden of Hesperides. Hesperus is Venus as evening star. The Apple of Discord was inscribed with "For the most beautiful."

      They are both associated with wisdom. Auriel with knowledge, and Jophiel with understanding and judgement.

      Maybe Draco somehow represents the reuniting of Venus as morning and evening stars. And then, Auriel and Jophiel could be a re-splitting of that energy.

      At any rate, having spent a good deal of time looking at the stars lately, it seems very likely that Russia's "Z" is connected to Draco. After all, it's right in the middle of two bears.

  35. It's begun already?

    Bar Fifty Four, or B54. Be '54. Alex could have been born in 1954 if he was eighteen in 1972 when the movie was released outside of NYC. B54 is a NYC bar, where the movie was first released in December 1971.

    The sign pictured in the story has a prominent QR code, shows H&M lit in orange atop a building, and claims to be "New York City's highest rooftop bar." Q---r code for digitized people, "highest" for drugs or mind alterations, and H&M for a covert social media campaign to influence people's decision-making (the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower went on to take a job with H&M.)

    The ambulance picture is predominantly red, white, and blue. There is also a bright yellow light above the triangle, or pyramid, formed by the red lights of the ambulance. The shapes remind me of the prison yard scene when Alex is chosen for the Ludovico.

    She was found exactly halfway down, on a 27th floor balcony. 27 and 54 both sum to 9, for Beethoven's 9th. Alex jumped to escape the 9th, and it was the symbol of his being cured from the cure. Perhaps this is a sign his new "cure" was actually a sort of death. (35 years almost to the day after ACO was released in NYC, Arcade Fire announced their upcoming album Neon Bible which ended with the song "My Body is a Cage." This was also the name of an episode of Degrassi, whose Wikipedia description mentions themes of relevance to the Color Theory conversation.)

    There are 40 days between 10/13 and 11/22. There were 600 hours, or 25 days between 12/19/1971 and 1/13/1972 when ACO was released in the UK. Between 12/19/1971 and ACO's US release on 2/2/1972 were 1 month 14 days, or 45 days. 40 is within the range between. Also - note the 1 month 14 days timespan. 114. Could it be a confession?

    1. Oops, this was on Wednesday, October 12th, not 10/13. From 10/12 to 11/22 is 41 days. Still in the range, and 41 reflects 114. Also the similarity in appearance between 10/12 and 11/22 is somewhat striking. If you sum those dates and put them together it yields 46 - a number associated with a current leader whose son is a real Alex, even though his name is different.

      It somewhat recently occurred to me that when I "saw" the man to become 4/6 laughing maniacally as men went forward in lines to die in a pile, there was another future leader who was at that time enjoying a career of making people laugh. It's strange, though, because it was an American flag they were going towards. Unless someone might laugh because they convince people to die for something they want to get rid of, and those people are just making it easier to eliminate it by getting themselves out of the way. Anyway, that was further down the line so even if it wasn't pure psychosis, it's still a couple years out.

    2. Naomi Wolf talks here about being in a bar above a hotel in NYC recently, and describes something that sounds rather like Body Snatchers.

    3. B54 is a little over 12 blocks from the old Statler Hotel on 7th Avenue.

      This November, it will be 69 years since possibly the most infamous out-the-window death in recent history.

    4. There's more. The woman went off the roof on October 12. October 13, 1307 Philip IV started arresting Knights Templar. November 22, 1307 a papal bull was issued by Pope Clement V to arrest the KT and take their property.

      Notice how Joe the border is dressed. His fashion sense is a bit Medieval. It's also similar to how John the Baptist was described in Matthew. John's mother's name - Elizabeth. Joe's presence in Alex's old home sends him along a path that results in his "baptism" by his old friends in a water trough. Frank Alexander has a suit of armor in his home. And a beaker above him on the shelf as he writes.

      This story mentions a three part alchemical process to seize power:
      1. Destroy matter 2. Kill the king 3. Bring star material to Earth.

      If history is repeating, a person might be tempted to think the 60s was maybe laying the groundwork. The USD got so inflated post-war that by the 70s the gold standard was trashed. With that out of the way it was easy to rack up $31+ trillion of national debt. Philip IV's debt problem solution was to kill his debtors and take their property. This idea of a process could go a long way towards explaining the supposed alien/ET disclosure rumors.

    5. That Trinedaily article is very interesting. A lot of the Q stuff alluded to a quasi-mystical status for JFK, let alone Jr. If the ritual is being repeated maybe step 3 is the reasoning for Project Artemis?

    6. On the Knights Templar. Usual 4chan discernment advised warning, but if this one is a LARP, it's at least written by an adult who appears to know his stuff:

      These are the others in order (not read them as yet)

      he first three "AMA" threads:

      Thread about WWII and Switzerland:

      Appendix: Significance Of 9/11:

      Appendix: Significance Of The Black Cube:

    7. I haven't had a chance to look at those threads yet, but thinking about the movie a bit more now makes it seem almost too obvious that it would be KTs behind everything. Joe's attire is so different to everyone else's that it's bothered me since first seeing the movie in the 80s. The waitresses at the Duke of New York are dressed in something very similarly to lederhosen, and when Em is sitting next to Joe her clothing is white and red.

      Switzerland is a top milk producer. The items Alex removed from his pockets in prison included a half eaten bar of chocolate and two pens - one red, one black - which are the colors in a ledger.

      The violent interactions between Alex and Jack the drunkie are both initiated with a request for cash money. One of the motivations for Alex and his droogs is getting money, and Alex has a hoard of valuables at home. The movie ends with Alex in a hospital, of all places.

      This obviousness could indicate it's merely the next layer of an onion of deception. It could also just be the way some people operate. When I was very young we used to play a game in my family called Hide the Thimble. One person hides a thimble in plain sight, and everyone else looks for it. A lot of events, as they unfold, seem too obvious to be part of a "hidden plan," but that may be a feature which allows them to proceed without too much fuss when certain things are noticed.


      3/23/2023 Canada will expand eligibility for medically assisted suicide to include mental illness. This happens when Elizabeth is telling Matthew about her "conspiracy theories" and how she followed Geoffrey around all day to see what he was up to.

      Frank drives Alex to attempt suicide by using what he knows about his programming to make life unbearable.

      Maybe there was a psyop to make a novel cold seem worse than it really is. Maybe all the tales of imminent death and doom connected to its protective potion are another psyop, designed to drive those who have gotten it to suicide. Maybe death and doom stories will ramp up going into 2023. Maybe people will shrug their shoulders and say, "no one made them do it. They shouldn't have believed the conspiracy theories. See where questioning our narrative gets people?"

      The DSM 5-TR came out in March of 2022, with the added diagnosis of prolonged grief disorder - which says if you're too sad about the death of a loved one for over year it's a mental illness. This reminds me of Chunk in The Goonies talking about how he pretended to throw up over a balcony and pretty soon everybody was barfing all over each other in an uncontrollable chain reaction. But with suicide.

      Another not-so-fun thought is that of the potential for corrupt psychiatrists to drug their patients to oblivion and have them sign the paperwork to die while they're under the influence.

    9. Journeyman, that's an intriguing post you've linked to. Having just read the first one, the idea of widespread involvement in something called Ma'at gives a neat explanation to Maga and his chaotic antics.

      It also suggests Matthew could alternatively be spelled Ma'at-hew, as in one who hews to Ma'at. Which makes it quite interesting that Jack the conspiracy theorist who wears an army jacket happens to run a spa with mud baths, and one of those mud tubs bubbles like a swamp.

      Jack is a beggar in ACO; he has a lot of friends and apparently someone who attacks one attacks all. Body Snatchers' Jack is a businessman. Both of them are attacked in the course of their pursuit of money. Also, Bellicec is a writer and ACO's Jack begins his attack of Alex in the library in the book.

      I'm not sure if I've seen that maat group mentioned before anywhere. Also not sure how to find other sources to back it up or discredit it, now that search engines ignore quote marks entirely most of the time.

  36. Jeremy Hunt as Chancellor, I'm edging closer to the prize Journeyman ;-)

    1. I groaned earlier when I saw him being moved into position!

    2. The Indy has awarded you a partial strike:

  37. These guys are covered in orange. Now Van Gogh's Sunflowers are as well:

    The Sunflower is also linked to Ukraine.

  38. Wordman: "Saying, hurt not the Earth, neither the sea nor the trees until we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

    And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel."  Revelation 7: 3-4

    Each DNA sequence, YOUR DNA, is composed of 2 sides of the double helix, and according to Francis Crick (and undoubtedly confirmed in furthering studies enacted in labs comprising the Human Genome Project), that is comprised of 72,000 genes from your mother, and 72,000 from your father, totaling *144,000* in the human genome. We are, literally stamped, each one at birth, as GOD'S creations.

    The mRna technology: "The DNA strands have to be unzipped so that just one strand of bases is accessible. Once unzipped, an enzyme swoops in and builds the mirror image of that single strand in a process known as transcription." There it is, in layman's terms, your proof of what the vaxx is doing in each and every recipient. Adding another 72,000.

    Which brings us to 216,000, or 600 x 60 x 6.

    They are trying to rewrite, re-engineer, and replace God in the equation of life itself.

    Remember "the Anti-Life Equation"? It was the secret to the ultimate form of mind control.

    1. QE2 (or whoever that was) lit the platinum jubilee beacon via a pathway that looked like a triple strand helix

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Posted this on 9/9 I’m sure this has been noted before -

      They are well aware of the significance of light/colour. And there is a reason these were the Queen’s horse racing colours!


  39. On one fundamental level ACO is concerned with Carbon - in one form or another.
    With the Moloko milk representing Lactose (milk sugar- present in breast milk) - Which can be hydrolysed (water added) to give glucose and galactose and hydrogenated to give a sugar alcohol lactitol.

    An isomer of lactose is lactulose which is an osmotic laxative used for constipation which can cause abdo pain, cramping and vomiting.

    We are approaching Cop27 which is being held in Egypt - Mount Sinai - The 10 Commandments- are we going to get the 10 Commandments for Climate change?

    It is being held from 6/11/22 - 18/11/22 Numerology - 39 and 51 - Hex 27 and 33.

    33-27 = 6 = Carbon.

    What would cause the biggest “falling” of Carbon?

    An earthquake or Net Zero commandments!

    1. 22/11 is also the 35th anniversary of the infamous Max Headroom Cyber Hacking incident -


    “It’s a flood, and Kathy Hochul isn’t up to the job of fighting crime.”

    "His first act as governor, he said this week, would be to declare a state of emergency on crime and try to repeal many of her criminal justice policies."

    Frank 'N Furter - by turns frank and furtive. (See: The Importance of Being Earnest - Jack in the country and Earnest in the city. See also: RA personality splitting - ie. twinning.)

    Around February 23 is when There's a Light Over at the Frankenstein Place began to be sung. Among other interesting things that happened near that time was that new guy performed a ritual in honor of new crown (victims), signaling the dawning of a state of emergency whose provisions might never be allowed to sunset.


      "'chairman of everything'"

    2. Suddenly I am reminded of Xi's zero-C policy, and the wailing of cities at night while residents were locked in their high-rises.

  41. Hey Journeyman:

    17 - ''He can be the most potent weapon imaginable to ensure that the Government is not returned at the next election.''

    With the time knife we slice.


    Fantastic art design ;-)

  43. A couple of stories in the news about people in wheelchairs:

    Here, a wheelchair-bound man and his neighbor saved his grandson from a bear attack using a metal bar and a pipe -

    This one is more. . .grisly. An 87 year old woman was beaten. She'd lived in Bronzeville, IL in the Lincoln Perry senior home.

    Bronze is a copper alloy, and Lincoln Perry is so, so close to Lincoln penny. Lincoln is said to have freed the slaves, who were black (people still argue about whether the Civil War was ultimately fought over slavery or the economy). The wheelchair man used a beating implement to save a boy from a black bear.

    The article's picture is of a man hidden by snow. Ursa Major is a circumpolar constellation. The 10 year old boy was jumping on a trampoline - a giant circle. The 87 year old woman lived in a place which sounds like Lincoln penny - a tiny circle, and a tiny amount of money.

    The copper references point to 2023.

    1. One of the "Atlas" threads mentions a foreign policy cabal called Le Cercle. Wikipedia says they used to support Apartheid. This article says Alan Greenspan has attended their meetings -

      "The group is largely European and American Members of Parliament, diplomats, members of the intelligence community, commentators and businessmen from over twenty-five countries."

      "The meetings of Le Cercle are held under strict Chatham House rules. There is no press and everything that is said is off the record."

      "Chatham House rules" kind of sounds like elite-speak for "conspiracy."

  44. May 6th of Body Snatchers we see a man in a mud tub reading this book -
    - which claims Venus was ejected from Jupiter in the 15th century BC. It also claims Jupiter emits radio noises. Its publication seems to have made some people very upset.

    End of October/beginning of November is when Elizabeth and Matthew are cornered and injected. Could there be another round of mandates around then? Or maybe a new hormonal option?

    One thing to keep in mind regarding makeup is that when all women are expected to wear it, wearing it starts to become something which "makes" a woman. In the beginning of October they pass through a red light district on their way to the cab. Red light rights are connected to identity rites.

  45. *Body Snatchers for REAL*. READ:

  46. Joe the border: "Let him learn the errors of his way, and that a bad boy like he's been doesn't deserve such a good mum and dad as he's had."

    "I killed them on purpose because I'm not good enough to care for them, + I am a horrible and I don't deserve Mom + Dad (+ world is better off without me Tom + Matt[?])"

  47. In The Return of The Living Dead, the character Trash is very much a sort of Alex.

    Trash wore a merkin, or (sorry) a bush wig during her graveyard dance. Coma Berenice was also known as Shepherd's Bush. Shepherd -> Jesus -> resurrection -> zombies. After she turns into a zombie, Trash looks like a clown.

    There's also her name - Trash. In the beginning of Body Snatchers there's a connection between Alex and the trash truck. The trash trucks which haul away the dry remains of the humans.

    There are actually quite a few similarities between Body Snatchers and The Return of the Living Dead. The problems are brought by rain. Workers who keep cities running like waste collectors and ambulance drivers are subverted. People are still there, but they are not themselves anymore. The ones who have changed attack the ones who haven't. Both feature a romantic relationship (or two) where one partner changes.

    Jack Bellicec and Frank are very similar characters, I think. They both have some connection to the army - via the cannisters for Frank, and the jacket for Jack. They both have a close encounter with the adversary early on. Both kind of smartasses.

    Return of the Living Dead might be a good supplementary film to Body Snatchers. It wouldn't even be surprising if there was a lot of correlation on the minutes to days scale.

    1. So far they're matching much better than I expected.

      Jan. 1: RLD - shot of Uneeda medical supply store; IBS - Shot of planet the goo comes from
      Jan 10: RLD - "international treaty," packing a skeleton into a box; IBS - garbage truck driving
      Jan 14: RLD - freezer door is opened
      Jan 15: IBS - first flower opens
      Jan 29: RLD - "They shipped those bodies here;" IBS - holds up rat turd [ratlines were the N-zi escape routes after WWII.]

      Feb 8: RLD - glass breaks on cannister, Frank and Freddy are passed out on the floor; IBS - Elizabeth and Geoffrey are in bed, camera pans to flower
      Feb 10: IBS - "How long have you been up?" "Not long."
      Feb 11: RLD - frozen corpse wakes up
      Feb 17: RLD - "Your favorite, lamb chops." "I had them for lunch;" IBS - "Those scallops are nothing but cut-up pieces of skate."
      Feb 20: RLD - Army man walks through the door; IBS - a man watches Elizabeth and Matthew from the doorframe, "I've got your rat."

      Mar 1: RLD - Suicide breaks the chain on the cemetery gate; IBS - Cut to outside where Matthew and Elizabeth are picnicking
      Mar 7: RLD - Frank and Freddy choking because it stinks so bad; IBS - "This is delicious, you're a great cook."
      Mar 14: RLD - Frank tries to kill the zombie dog; IBS - Matthew pets the banjo man's dog
      Mar 19: RLD - "Burt? Frank. We have a little problem;" IBS - "It's a conspiracy, and I know it."
      Mar 29: RLD - "we destroy all the evidence around here, and we keep our mouths shut."
      Mar 30: RLD - "Yes, I think you're right. That's what we got to do;" IBS - "They're coming! They're coming!"

      Apr 8: RLD - Burt starts to saw the corpse's head off; IBS - "He has a scar on the back of his neck."

      That's as far as I've gotten. Those are some of the best matches, but there are more. Some of them are opposite, which is really interesting.

    2. Apr 10: LD - shot of the headless corpse standing
      BS - Jack's ranting head distorted in a reflection

      Apr 14: BS - "Come on, Katherine."

      Apr 15: LD - "Burt. Where are you going?"
      "Who's Ernie Kaltenbrunner?"
      BS - "He's one of them."

      Apr 17: LD - "Can you trust that bastard?" "I don't think we have a choice, Frank."
      BS - "People are changing. They're becoming less human."

      Apr 18: LD - cut to partying in the cemetery
      "Put your clothes on. The show's over."
      BS - "The whole family unit is shot to hell."
      "Bellicec, I'm telling you for the last time. . .I want you to stop!"

      Apr 19: LD - "What's the matter, does it make you nervous?"
      BS - "You were probably shocked."

      Apr 21: LD - "Hey, what's wrong with you, man? Show some fucking respect for the dead, will you?"
      BS - "Just go home and leave us alone. . .for a little bit."

      Apr 22: "Hey, is that Freddy?" "Where?" "Over there, going into that building." "Nope. That is not Freddy." "How would you know?" "Because, why would Freddy be going into a mortuary?"
      BS - "You're jumping to a very bizarre conclusion, that this man you live with has been replaced by somebody else."

      Apr 23: LD - Ernie's walkman plays classical music composed by a man who worked with Goebbels (minister of propaganda) during WWII
      BS - "Will you think about it, please, before you make a move. . ."

      Apr 24: LD - music plays as Ernie slices open a cadaver
      BS - "Yeah." "Thank you."

      Apr 25: LD - a knock on the door to the mortuary
      BS - "You could bring her by my office tomorrow around 4:00."

      Apr 27: LD - Ernie pulls a gun on Burt. "Whoa."
      BS - "Take her home, Matthew."
      Both - the men face each other and talk, ignoring the cadaver and Elizabeth who are shown between the speakers.

      Apr 29: LD "Breaking out the rigor mortis."
      BS - "Yes, we recommend the 15-minute soak in Calistoga volcanic ash."

      Apr 30: LD - "You see, rigor mortis starts in the brain. And it spreads down to the internal organs, and it finally settles in the muscles."
      BS - Classical music plays as Jack walks down the hall of the mud spa.

    3. Ernie the N-zi from Living Dead is dressed very similarly to Frank Alexander's wife - head to toe reddish clothes and a belt. He cuts the leg of his pants off with scissors.

      On a chain link fence, above a sign for Uneeda Medical Supply, is another sign for what looks like Hescox Waste Management. Hescox sounds a bit like Prescott.

      Bert Prescott ran a wealth management company which repeatedly had funds seized by the US government after Pearl Harbor.

    4. San Francisco and Louisville, KY are on either side of the 38th parallel - which divides North and South Korea.

      "North Korea's near-incessant military provocations in recent weeks are widely assumed to be a prelude to the ultimate demonstration of Pyongyang's might: a seventh underground nuclear test." That's 7th, Venus' number.

      San Francisco has a French influence and Louisville was named after Louis XVI of France.

    5. ITER means "the way" in Latin, according to the article. That is "tao" in Chinese. Thomas comes from the Hebrew word “ta'om,” meaning “twin," according to Taoism concerns the "twin" forces or impulses of yin and yang.

      The Dao De Jing deals in trigrams. Composed of three lines, the twin forces issue upwards from the ground. Each line of the trigram is either young yang, old yang, young yin, or old yin. Either force becomes its opposite after reaching the old stage. Assuming, for the moment, that the top two lines are Mercury and Venus, it could be the that the bottom line represents the Sun.

      That would make the Sun the "ground" from which force or energy issues forth from. Mercury would then be the middle, or psychopomp acting as a messenger between realms; and Venus would be the final culmination before that celestial light energy found expression in the Earth.

      The Moon is often described in terms compatible with a yin version of the Sun. I don't think this framework is incompatible with the structure of the Tree of Life.

  48. Journeyman, I ran across something online which could help explain the trident desecration we were talking about months ago.

    From Rosslyn Chapel Decoded: New Interpretations of a Gothic Enigma -
    "The lamb or sheep as a sacrificial victim begins to appear regularly in a religious connotation around the time of the appearance of Christianity."
    "It seems certain that this is connected to the fact that around AD 1, the spring equinox began to occur not in Aries, as it had done, but in the sign of Pisces - in other words, the ram or lamb was sacrificed, as had been the bull before it.
    The Christian Church, in representing Jesus as the sacrificed lamb, would therefore have been playing directly into the hands of Mithraists, whose expertise in astronomy would have told them that from the start of the modern era Mithras would not kill a bull but rather a sheep."

    The trident represents Neptune or Poseidon, and so the ocean and fish. Mithra (*Matthew* the apostle who preached in Persia) is thus ushering in the New Age (of Aquarius).

    This could also be why in Body Snatchers Matthew may very well still be human (hats off to JB), while Elizabeth doesn't make it to the end. If Matthew is Mithra who is part of the plot, then Elizabeth as the mother of John the Baptist (another figure of water) must be killed.

    Elizabeth may have survived if Matthew hadn't taken her to see David Kibner and distracted her for so long from what she knew to be true.

    1. The first time I watched IotBS on tv when I was a kid, my dad said at the end: "that doesn't make sense, Donald Sutherland's double had been killed, he couldn't have been replaced", to which I spontaneously, intuitively replied: "he WASN'T replaced, he's just pretending to blend in, he's pointing at her to save himself".

    2. But he betrays Nancy. Is he still truly human even if he still is a human?

      That's why you have to get off the battlefield altogether. It's not time for the right hand path smackdown yet. It's not our time for a long time yet.

    3. Is any zealot or unconscious person truly human? Considering that most people aren't fully conscious most of the time, maybe none of us are still human. The feeling of inadequacy some people feel when they realize they're missing parts of themselves may be what opens the door to genetic manipulation and transhumanism.

      Maybe Nancy is the embodiment of Venus. Nancy - Inanna, Anahita, etc. The betrayal shown at the end is the final reveal of what has been going on through the whole movie.

      Nancy and Elizabeth bore wore red dresses, which seemed weird. Unless they're Polydeuces? Elizabeth as Castor/Lucifer and Nancy as Pollux/Vesper.

      Isn't it kind of strange that Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, and Gemini and Virgo by Mercury? Maybe it should be the other way around.

      Twins -> Thomas -> Quetzalcoatl -> Venus.
      Scales -> trade -> partnerships -> Mercury.
      Virgin -> beauty -> fertility -> Venus
      Cattle -> wealth -> migration -> Mercury

    4. JB that's crazy with Matthew only killing his own pod person. I never realized before that's the only one we see get destroyed. Jack's just disappeared, probably tossed out the window by Kibner. Just before Matthew sits down in the garden and goes to sleep facing the pointy building we first saw when the goo came down, he goes to lock the gate and it shuts as if pulled from the other side. Something's definitely off with Matthew.

    5. Venus and Mercury are both twin planets, in that sometimes they are "morning stars" and sometimes they are "evening stars." All of the planets are, really, but it's more pronounced in those inner planets.

      By virtue of their both being twins, it could be said that they themselves are twins. So maybe:

      Taurus - evening Venus, day Mercury
      Gemini - evening Mercury, day Venus
      Virgo - day Mercury, evening Venus
      Libra - day Venus, evening Mercury

      Maybe not, but it does seem to fit in a kind of way.

  49. Bring Back Boris (Alex)? This may have been written by a demon but its being stage managed by the Demiurge.

  50. This was posted today by a couple of sites as if it were new news:
    - but -
    - it already made international headlines over a month ago.

  51. "Any religion that speaks only of the Light is lying: to others and to itself. For religion is nothing more than the refuge of failed magicians. The most useful element of any religion is its ability to exorcise demons. Everything else, all sacraments, depend on suspension of disbelief.

    *A religion which does not speak of Evil, and how Evil should be defeated, is a fraud.*

    All religions have their origin in a single magical order, its origin not on Earth but in the stars. All visitors from other worlds in ancient times worshipped the Dark Lord beyond the stars, the Great Horned One which predates the Light. The greatest wisdom is found in the proverbial "Fear of God": that the Creator is infinitely more powerful and terrifying than any Devil."

    - "The Dark Lord", a book relating nearly forgotten Typhonian traditions and the prehistoric basis of the Lovecraftian mythos.


    The maimed writer, Mr Alexander?

    1. The unfortunate loss of the eye also allows Rushdie to enter the Dajjal stakes:

      "A number of locations are associated with the emergence of the Dajjal, but usually, he emerges from the West.[5] He is usually described as blind in one eye; which eye he is blind in being uncertain and disputed by some. Both of his eyes are, however, considered to be defective - at the least - with one being totally blind and the other protruding.[7][8][9] Possessing a defective eye is often regarded as giving more powers to achieve evil goals"

  53. Counting back from day 364 to 360 (Dec 30-26), the number of new colors on the screen for each day are 6-5-5-12-11, or 65532. To get to the last 1 of Alex's prisoner number, you have to go back to day 1, or all the way back around the circle.

    This would put Alex going out the window on November, 20th, though. Then the 22nd would have this narration - "If I had snuffed it, I would not be here to tell what I told have. I came back to life after a long, black, black gap, of what might have been a million years."



      "On Sept. 22, 2020, Lee’s colleagues reported him missing to a fisheries ministry office, which then informed the coast guard, when he did not show up for meals after a night shift aboard a government vessel monitoring fishing grounds off Korea’s west coast, near the maritime border with North Korea."

      "North Korea said at the time that the country’s troops killed him in line with its COVID-19 rules after he illegally crossed the border and did not properly identify himself."

      "“The government left him to die without adequate rescue efforts, while systematically manipulating evidence to claim his defection, deceiving the public and misleading public opinion,” [conservative lawmakers] said in the report."

      "Prosecutors have raided a presidential archive and the offices and homes of two former intelligence chiefs, a former defense minister and the resigned coast guard head."

      "South Korea's military is set to participate in a U.S.-led multinational exercise on cyber operations [for the 1st time] this [Monday to Friday in Virginia], the defense ministry said Monday, amid growing security threats from North Korea." 25 countries will join the exercise.

  55. 2020 - White Rabbit

    2021 - Sympathy for the Devil

    2022 - 21st Century Schizoid Man

    2023 - Spiderland

    1. Spiderland is one of my favourite records. I watched Slint play it during their oh so brief reformation. Feel very lucky I got that chance. Of course back then it felt like they were singing about a very otherworldy, nightmarish version of the world. Now it could probably serve as the intro music for news at ten.

    2. That sounds awesome! I was obsessed with Spiderland for a few years. There's something about it that, I dunno, it just feel like it gets under your skin and stays there awhile.

    3. The other thing that pops in my head when I think of 2023 is Deep Purple's Book of Taliesyn.
      Especially the last song River Deep Mountain High.

      And I forgot to mention The Who's 515 for 2020.



    2. The dirtiest man in the world story was everywhere and it has to be either a secret comm, part of a global pys-op or a ritual of some kind with a meaning encoded within the dates and other detail, because I do not believe 'he liked to smoke 4 cigarettes at a time, or was that just to get rid of the taste of the animal dung he was smoking?

    3. Journeyman, behold the hilarity of "facts" in the "news".

      50 years

      60 years

      65 years

      Last year he was 83, now this year he died at 94.

      He was also 87 last year.

      He was also 83 in 2017.

      He was also 80 in 2017.

      70 years.

    4. Could someone please tell me what the point of LYING like this is? What are they signalling?

      The hilarity of "facts" in the "news".

      50 years

      60 years

      65 years

      Last year he was 83, now this year he died at 94.

      He was also 87 last year.

      He was also 83 in 2017.

      He was also 80 in 2017.

      70 years.

    5. Elsewhere, someone posted a list of links to that story published at different times with different details.

    6. Do you have a link WA? I'd be interested in seeing the different details listed, could be a way of decoding it?

    7. Here you go (this is the third time I've tried to post this):

      50 years

      60 years

      65 years

      Last year he was 83, now this year he died at 94.

      He was also 87 last year.

      He was also 83 in 2017.

      He was also 80 in 2017.

      70 years.

  57. Alex is back on US Netflix:

  58. I thought this was an interesting read, all about colours and the Golden Dawn:

    If Great Balls Of Fire start flying tonight, we can't say we weren't warned:

  59. Blogos, check your spam folder. Twice now my posts have been instantly deleted.

  60. And they said acid rain was bad:

    1. Those fools!

  61. I keep thinking about the suggestion to put on a full face of makeup for Venus. Taurus Venus seems agreeable to that, if they don't shun makeup all together. Libra Venus might rather do the minimalist makeup approach - effort that looks like no effort.

    A full on makeup mask seems more Saturnian. Work that looks like work. Uranus is said to be Venus' father, on account of she came from his castrated bits. But Saturn is the one who carried out the action - did the work - which resulted in Venus' birth. I think this makes Saturn Venus' "fundamental" father. No one says the corpses Frankenstein's monster was composed of were his father. That credit goes to Dr. Frankenstein, the man who did the work.

    Some US aristocrats were known for cultivating little imperfections in their appearance. For instance Jackie Kennedy was said to never leave the house without some small detail being "off" such as a slight run in her stockings or a button left unbuttoned. Adlai Stevenson supposedly lost an election due to a hole in his shoe; that hole was probably left there on purpose to counterintuitively show off his high social status.

    In a way, that leaving of imperfections is an expression of wabi sabi. I could be wrong (as always), but it seems like the most "Venus" expressions of beauty are wabi sabi (Taurus) and "effortless" elegance (Libra). Luxurious - yes, glamorous - sure; but opulence and ostentation for their own sakes seem more fitting to Saturn.

    It's like the difference between eating spicy food because you enjoy it, vs. eating spicy food to show off. Venus enjoys looking and feeling good, and enjoys admiration. Saturn will put up with discomfort to project an image, and enjoys making others feel uncomfortable or inferior.

  62. 'Libra Venus might rather do the minimalist makeup approach' Now they tell me when I finally found a mascara I liked :(

  63. Blogos, everyone, we've been going on and on about how 2023 will be "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" IRL, related to the Vaxx, and involving a *widespread FUNGAL outbreak* which will rot away people's brains, starting with mind-control.

    Well, here's a Ray Bradbury story about just that, titled "Come into my cellar" (illustrated version):

    Also, in the early 1900s (?), there was another illustrated story about aliens from the Moon invading Earth, and the "Selenites" looked just like the "little grey men".

    They were humanoid *mushrooms*.
