Thursday, December 29, 2022

2022 - The Year of Samael, The Whole Face of the Creeching World

And what do you know my brothers and only friends, it was the 9th, the glorious 9th of Ludwig Van.  Oh it was gorgeosity and yummy yummy yum.  I was cured.

A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick

From the three different types of molokovax you were compelled to drink and display through the ultraviolent Singing in Ukraine to all the orange you could viddy on the screen A Clockwork Orange has been a brutal year for far too many of us.  Whether you were freezing to death in a crater in Kherson, kettled inside the screaming towers of Shanghai by covidious droogs, Ludovicoed by TikTok or just dying of suddenly somewhere out West, people everywhere may be fondly remembering the Rocky Horror Show of 2021 at this point.  I teleported myself off the battlefield in order to secure a better vantage point for 2023 and therefore avoided frontline action for most of this year but at the time I was confident that if I had stayed I would have been able to handle the travails of 2022.  After getting a little taste of what used to be city life over the last few weeks I can tell you that I was very very wrong. 

If I had stayed I would have been dead by now.  Or worse*.


Wrapping up for 2022 we see that AOC's climate crisis flop ''To the End''  features some orange pallette paegentry that is worth comparing to that displayed by the Just Stop Oil movement that sprayed tomato soup over various art works, banks, petrol stations etc.  The Green Agenda will really come to fruition in 2024 the Year of Tagimron, the Year of the Megafires.  We have to eat through our stockpile before we can starve and that is part of what 2023 is about.  After the Megafires and with the demographic change there will be a public demand for us all to be imprisoned in environmentally efficient Smart Cities, a fifteen minute space encapsulating our lives.


Samuel (Samael) Bankman-Fried dealt another hammer blow to cryptocurrency and Bitcoin in particular.  Note the logo - this is why bitcoin was always going to betray you this year in the same way another Mercurial ''bad boy'' did and another Mercurial ''bad boy'' will.  In reviewing the year for yourself in light of the Unifying Colour Theory and the Dark Conclusions remember that Mercury (8 = Hod/Orange) rules communication, technology, commerce and transportation. 

Mercury also rules athletes... one of the reasons why it was the athletes and gym bunnies (Rockies) who were mainly getting the suddenlies this year as working out on a damaged heart is a terrible idea. One particularly dark part of the overall social engineering may have been encouraging this lifting weights and protein powder obsession in order to up those heart attack numbers. I would not put it past our Demolition Team.

Next year, because the focus shifts Venus (Green) the focus of the suddenlies should technically move to artists, performers, models, muses etc.  These hearts are nearly as stressed as gym bunnies because of all the cocaine and the constant ''falling in love''.  How can you mend a broken heart?


The sad story of Baby Alex provides us with one gruesome segue into Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  In brief, the parents of Alex wanted unvaccinated blood for their child as a close friend of theirs had died of ''with'' suddenly and it had freaked them out.  Their request was denied and the baby was given vaccinated blood which resulted in a blood clot forming from the child's leg to their heart. Baby Alex parallels a similar story from New Zealand where parents battled to provide their baby with unvaccinated blood and were overruled by the State.  Literal body snatching.


Next year will present us with many many challenges, the most brutal being the transformation of many of our loved ones into pathological microbial reservoirs.  With depleted immune systems and the chronic covid infections we are seeing in so many they will ''host'' various other organisms (opportunisitc infections) unlocking ''the gates of hell'' represented by the A'arab Tzereq or the Burning Ravens of Dispersion.  At the moment this is being popularised as the tripledemic (flu, covid, RSV), Strep A (scarlet fever) and the threat of new variants from China, but expect these Burning Ravens to expand into the world of deadly fungi as well (candida auris - dispersion), ''burning itches'' which will cause ''the dispersion''.  

We discussed Alexing, Franking, Rockying and Karening as aspects of the demon of the year which possessed the psychologies of people as they were forced through the psychic meat grinder of the Qliphoth.  I've already lost a number of close friends to these ''demons'' i.e. people who have become Alex or Frank (or both) alongside those who have been maimed by the nanomedicine or perished of suddenly.  One ''Alex'' I know was sectioned, others are just destroying themselves.  In addition to the emotional assault on Venus and all she respresents next year, we also have to contend with ''the Matthewing'' cultivating something inside us that all members of the Apocalypse Squad probably have a weakness for.... 


As the music came to its first climax, I could viddy myself very clear, running and running on like very mysterious feet, carving the whole face of the creeching world with my cut throat britva.  I was cured all right.

A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick

*''Life is nothing I heed him not.  But to fail here is not mere life or death.  It is that we become as him, that we henceforth become foul things of the night like him, without heart or conscience, preying on the bodies and the souls of those we love best.  To us forever are the gates of Heaven shut, for who shall open them to us again?  We go on for all time abhorred by all, a blot on the face of God's sunshine, an arrow in the side of Him who died for Man.'' Dr Van Helsing, Bram Stoker's Dracula


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    Comet Ping Pong 2016.

    1. Many headlines indicated a pizza box in one of Tate's videos revealed his location. While this was rolled back later and authorities stated that was not, in fact the key to locating him, the pizza box revealing a hidden person's location does parallel a couple of 30 Rock episodes where Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) was allegedly in Africa, until a pizza box in a video chat revealed he was still in New York. The storyline spread across Episodes Plan B (Season 5, Ep. 18) and I Heart Connecticut (Season 5, Ep 19).


    They're supposedly shooting up sulphur particles.

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  7. Happy New Year, everyone!

    I had a weird dream last night, with like, different areas having different things happening to them. It was pretty intense but I can't remember the details. Important thing is waking up with the strong feeling that it's just as important, if not more so, to look for and pay attention to symbols connected to people, places, and situations which are experiencing good fortune during these times.

    Symbols connected to fortunate events are probably just as prevalent as the garbage ones I, for one, been hyperfocused on lately. It's always the most difficult in the beginning to change focus and learn the terrain, but it could be really important to look for and start recognizing the signs that things are going in a positive direction. Or even to see how something which might appear bad on the surface can actually have a lot of positives.

  8. ''I could viddy myself very clear, running and running on like very mysterious feet...''

    Winged sandals?


    Priest on the swing? Set up for priest on swing?

    1. Wow, that thing does look like a swing set. "Swing low, sweet chariot..."

      From Living Dead: "Hey Frank. Let's wrap it up and go home, what do you say?" "Well, I got another hour's work to do. The kid's gonna stick with me, and then I'll show him the ropes." Burt then says he'll have "bells on" at the barbecue on Sunday.

      Burt's the one who later takes them to see Ernie, the old N*zi. Ratzinger had been in Hitler Youth.

      There's a lot of overlap between these movies. I suspect Body Snatchers is showing how things can be done "the easy way," vs. Living Dead "or we can do this the hard way."

      Both center on one location. Body Snatchers leaves the impression that takeover is inescapable. They've got the ports, they've got the bureaucracy. Living Dead conveys a containment effort; it shows that not every city will be equally effected. Even the mushroom cloud at the end will be subject to wind and other forces to be dispersed.

      Learning the signs and symbols of the ones who will remain healthy and sane could help point the way to remaining so oneself.

  10. Human composting:

  11. I happened upon a chart on NASA's website which shows the tidal force exerted by the Moon and planets. [1] Adding Venus, Mercury, and Saturn yields a tidal force of 0.0001142. Right there are both Kubrick's 114 and the rainbow 42.

    One of the dates when those planets are all together is 4/8/2025. On this date the Moon's nodes are in prograde motion, as they have been on some other significant dates before (like 9/11). It's also precisely one year after the second "Great American Eclipse."

    A chart for Brooklyn, NY at 1:14:01 local sidereal time is somewhat remarkable for the number of celestial bodies in alignment with major fixed stars.

    The Moon is within 1degree32 of Regulus. Venus and Saturn are both within 1degree35 of Markab. Mars is within 0degrees09 of Procyon. Jupiter is within 0degrees02 of Rigel. Uranus is within 1degree24 of Algol. Neptune is within 0degrees37 of Scheat (which isn't such a major star but it's in Pisces, which Neptune rules).

    The Brooklyn chart shows the Sun at MC, Pluto on the Descendant, Black Moon Lilith near the IC, and Ascendant at 3degrees42 Leo (which is 222 minutes).

    Why Brooklyn? It's because seeing Mars on Procyon made me think of the movie Dog Day Afternoon [2]. DDA opens on a shot of a cruise ship full of people on the water; immediately after that we are shown a Rottweiler eating garbage.

    The whole movie deals with themes shown in this single chart. It makes me wonder if maybe each year could be distilled to a single date or even two, and if so how to find them. Assuming, of course, that this isn't a false lead.




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    4. words are - that is pretty good. however you were inspired to find this is the way to find more. there must be synchronistic clues within reality left by the universal nature of positivity as there must be positive and negative for either. Participation is required even partially and personally development of a unique manner in determining messages and threads, not only for the power of it but because of concepts surrounding freewill and the respect of it. You have found enough fascinating connections to validate your hypothesis and look for more in my opinion, great work.
