Sunday, May 12, 2024

2024 - The Year of Thagirion, In Honour of Princess Aura; The Daughter of Ming

Aura: Look, water is leaking from her eyes.
Ming: It's what they call tears.  Its a sign of their weakness. 
Flash Gordon, 1980


This blog is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Similar to Darkside of Oz we are lining up cult movies to various calendars and seeing how they track over to reality.  But you can do this with any movie can't you? There is nothing special about the movies I have selected below and any passing resemblance to scenes from the real world should be discounted as mere coincidence or a sign that everything is in everything. 

They Live, We Sleep. Go back to your bed.


Not only was the aurora a demonstration of some very impressive tech we can also use it to calibrate our time key (see below) although it looks to me that we are pretty much over the target:

Time Stamp for movie sequence with Princess Aura = 44m (ish)

4 months = 9.25 x 4 + 10 days of May (9.25/31 x 10) = 42m (ish) 

I would say that is effectively an exact strike.

The global solar storm in honour of Ming's daughter (hehe) was (I assume) the opening and I don't believe they will keep the auroras going to cover it.  The rest of the scene with Princess Aura will be covered by (Solar) Stormy Daniels (watch the scene below to understand why).  Set dressing and colour editing etc could now be added through other means.  Expect more troubles for Boeing when there are some ''flight problems'' and ''crashing into Arborea''.

I try to avoid posting memes but this one above is just so insanely funny its too good not to share. 


The student protests cover the period of Dr Hans Zarkov's reconditioning to serve as an agent of Ming.  I don't know if this has been pointed out to the professors and students, and I am not saying this is wrong, but in the context of the movie right now if you are in defence of Palestine you are a proxy of Iran and Iran is part of a global geostrategic alliance that includes Russia and China and that for all intents and purposes is Ming the Merciless.  As far as I am concerned there is one hand holding up all the puppets but for those of you who like to keep your dualist ducks in a row you might want to have a closer look.

I discussed how you could personally use the Zarkov scene as a ''hack'' of forms if you know the film well and are reasonably confident in mystical techniques.  In the spirit of full disclosure (because to be fair to the Demolition Team this is getting very obvious indeed, they are not hiding anything anywhere other than in plain sight) I just completed this ''hack'' myself for the first time - that's why I wasn't around... Its an ego death ritual though and its not for everyone.  However it works with the spirit of the magickal philosophy that ''will, unassuaged by ego, is perfect in every way.''  Very much like an NDE, as the Zarkov process strips away the entire history of you, the important thing to remember, when you hang on to that Beatles song is where is the ''I that can say I am I''.  In the statement I am John Smith, I is the omnipresent spark of the Godhead, the am is a process, the I ''ams'' the John, and a large part of what that ''John Smith'' is the same as the name you gave to your dog.  It's the name on your collar. What Ming (i.e. the Demiurge) attempts to do is swap those names about and shuffle/insert memories, but done right, following our maverick scientist you can rip off the collar entirely and, in the context of the cult movie, keep the knowledge.  It is Promethean and is probably doomed to failure in the long run but at least I tried.  It definitely works though.  The moment may have passed for now but there will be others along the path, you've just got to keep your wits about you.


Procedure 033-03 was covered by revelations regarding the vaccine, especially the withdrawal of Astra Zeneca from usage which sparked off massive debates around the world.  You see if you market something as 100% safe, go on tv and say 100% safe when what you actually mean is 99.ish% safe and some of you will die from blood clots you are lying.  Although to technocrats they might think 99.ish% safe is good enough but the problem is when you said 100% safe and applied coercion you went way too far.  Because they believed you.  Covid-19 was 99.ish% safe for the vast majority of us as well and although I am quite bullish on Astra Zeneca at the moment overall (ie it was prob. the safest pick of them all) the vaccine has been less that 99.ish % safe as it may not have killed so many people but sure as heckfire it has maimed them.  The maimed have less chance of successful reproduction and become a net drain on society as the damages have to be covered by the average taxpaying pedestrian so this is effectively acting as demographic demolition.

But this is the tip of the iceberg as various problems continue to haunt the Sandmen (doctors, lawyers, cops etc) a spike in unnaturally fast cancers exemplified by the Royals (Keep Calm and Cancer On) being the most troubling one and the one closest to Procedure 033-03 (ie that you suddenly lose a chunk of your life clock, 5 years to live, 2 months to live, 60 seconds to live, sometimes cancer is that fast kid, can kill you in under a minute, trust me bro).  Anyone who is following this closely has seen the absolutely shit show of TV doctors and their ilk being called on to explain why they said 100% and dragged over the coals on social media.  Broad fallout is being widely reported in the MSM with the NYT producing an article on the vaccine damaged that was, on the surface, fair and sympathetic.  However, if this is what they are admitting to now, my heart tells me the truth is now far far worse than even this.  Cuomo even got into the mix saying CNN was guilty of groupthink on the vax, that Moderna damaged him and now he is on ivermectin as this interview appeared on the Joe Rogan show its effectively mainstream. 

Time to run, Cuomo, time to run.


The Pentagon has just confirmed AeroVironment Switchblade 600 is part of its Replicator  (i.e. replicant) Drone initiative.  Blade.  Replicator.  Drone.  Hell they even chucked a cyberpunk aerodyne vehicle reference (AV) into the mix for good measure. Suffice to say, Bladerunner is now moving along and remember like Logans Run is at 1/2 speed because its over 2 years, Bladerunner is at 1/3 speed because its over 3.


Literature has a very powerful hold over the imagination, sometimes to the extent that it is possible to be possessed by a character you idolize.  This has happened to me at least three times in my life completely independent of any global demolition program, well I think so anyway who knows how long these chaps have been grooming me.  Anyway, paranoia aside, normally when it happens I react quite violently to the text and then I kind of have to digest it through roleplay.  Now this may sound weird to you but I am just saying outloud what remains a subconscious process in most people.  We know we pick up traits and personality quirks from the people we interact with in our life, similarly we pick them up from fiction and when something in a text sparks one of our archetypes the reaction is violent.  One of the reasons why this particular program of ''chaos magic'' is working so well is that many of us were already fully possessed by some of these fictional beings: Frank'n'furter, Alex deLarge, Flash Gordon, etc and the extent to which society was already subconsciously ''culturally possessed'' by this ''sweet spot'' of 70-80s cult movies is becoming ever more clear as we move forward into the Qliphoth.  I already discussed the hero as villain problem we have in Flash vs Logan where I outline the issues with Flashing or Loganing to make sure people don't fall into the trap.  While these demons are intensifying across the planet (Procedure 033-03 for the Logans is really kicking in now, the Cult of Swift is an example of ''mass Flashing'') our main problem, I feel almost stupid saying this, is obviously Ming the Merciless.

Ming the Merciless is a greater demon, and the closest thing we have right now to Thagirion is when, and this is already happening, a ''host'' or ''legion'' of humans begin to Ming.  What does this mean in real terms?  Minging is characterised by what I can only describe as a cold and ruthless fury that is directed at your fellow humans and appears when the dehumanization of your peers, etc has reached a threshold and you no longer see them as human.  This allows you to do and say what you like to them opening the way for domination, violence and other forms of abuse.  Tifereth, the Sephira of which Thagirion is the dark reflection, is characterised by compassion, Ming has no compassion. What has been happening in Palestine has gone some ways towards achieving this global mercilessness, which makes sense since as the Wickerman was largely a sacrifice to usher in the Dark Sun of Thagirion for 2024.  But everything else as well, people.  Wearing masks, coercing people to take corporate drugs, watching AI drones blow up soldiers, telling everyone the AI is cleverer than they are, etc etc the list is long and frightening and wearing over time.

But you're not Ming, You're you.  I'm me.  And He is Him.

Flash: Where am I?
Aura: Back from the dead.  I've saved you.
Flash: My God! How?
Aura: By magic, of course.  With a kiss, because I like you. 
Flash Gordon (1980)


Monday, April 22, 2024

2024 - The Year of Thagirion, Deadpool and Wolverine

Logan 5, Approach and Identify. 
Computer, Logan's Run

Disclaimer: This post is performance art based on the idea of cult movies playing out in real life and is for entertainment purposes only.  Exactly like Deadpool and Wolverine.

As expected certain aspects of Logans Run have been included in the new trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine.  Like Mister Wolf, I'm going to cut to brass tacks here gentlemen all.  Logan represents Logan obviously, no surprises there, but note he is clearly one of many Logans, i.e. ''Logan 5''. Both in the movie and the game of real life there are currently multiple Logans in play.  Deadpool represents Francis (see all the images of the two of them fighting) and also the red life clock (i.e. deadpool or Carousel) which drives Logan to run after Procedure 033-03.  I need to check exact time but I believe we are now seeing the beginning of this scene from Logans Run or we are in it and remember it is at 1/2 speed of Flash Gordon.

I'm sorry to have to say but this is a particularly fine work of evil conjure for a number of different reasons, they've embedded all the imagery of Logans Run and the trailer itself is a will to depopulation. Just sayin' ''Let's fucking go'' is how you get killed early chaps but more on that later.  The idea that your life clock is running out is what pushes people to hedonism.  Either that or to Sanctuary... Exactly like we found with the other characters of the other films they function as entities that will attempt ''possession'' one way or the other.  When someone has been altered by one of these creatures the voice changes noticeably.  It is a very key sign.  So it is as possible to Logan or to Francis right now, as it was to Matthew, to Alex or to Frank... etc, from the earlier chapters of this bizarre demonology we are being walked through. Remember one of the basic premises of ''Chaos Magic'' was that you could just as much conjure Batman as Ba'al.   They found out though that many of their characters were already the Gods.

This is exactly that Procedure in action.  

n.b. not all of these gifs are from the movie trailer I am working fast here so please watch it for yourself so you get a better understanding of this post.


The first scene begins with the barman telling Logan he has to go, Logan not wanting to and then Deadpool, i.e. the lifeclock, forcing him to go because he is on the ''tik tik''.  Thats fucking funny for those who know we've got to give them that.  Dark as all fuck but still funny.  In this sense Deadpool is also the Computer and therefore the system that drives Carousel, i.e. a Deathpool.


The next moment sees Deadpool taunting Logan over his age and driving him to exert himself.  This is bait aimed at older men, of course.  You don't look like Logan.  Go break your heart in the gym you fuck.  Or something like that vibe will be ''the death spell'' in play here.  Also see below for the sting in the tail.


When Deadpool asks what is haunting him he does so unmasked to give the sense that it is precisely the spectre of death (nudge nudge wink wink) that is haunting Logan which is of course what happens in Logans Run, well it is the film in many ways.  Running from Death to Sanctuary.


''You were an X man'' resonates with ''You were a Sandman'' at around 100%.


This sequence in the trailer has the audience conjure the name Logan.  In theatrical ritual the unconscious mind of the audience acts as a kind of battery pack for the operator. I think Deadpool counts as Carousel and I do not think that's too much of a stretch at all.  So you could almost suggest this part of the marketing turns the audience into the very audience of Carousel who are chanting Carousel!  Renewal!  There is some seriously dark alchemy behind this part of the trailer.  


The appeal to the spirit of cocaine right at the end is in itself a depopulation tool.  Cocaine is something like the leading cause of death for under 50 yr old men.  Now add fentanyl into the mix and knock yourself out.  Literally.  You dumb fuck.  Something like that vibe behind that death spell.

Chris Knowles is not lying to you.  The Sorcerarchy, as he puts it, is very real and the Audience is calling out the frickin' names so level up or get levelled.  Now we have the Beetlejuice trailer and movie coming out on the back of Dune's Sandwyrms you know how many Zoomers are going to call up that demon x3?  Jawza,Yowza! What does ''plugging that in'' do to the entity in that star, its certainly a thinly veiled act of worship and ritual magic without doubt but can you even detonate it with such things?  I'm not even sure anymore what the limits are when reality is more linguistic than it is material.  If you include the idea of Massively Entangled Afterlife maybe it was this Nova that actually wiped us out and here we all are in the Bardo just waking up to it.  Although I appreciate in pointing this out I am kind of fuelling this global madness, you need to be alienated by the Hermetic Lessons, to not suspend your disbelief, to not lose yourself in the spirit of the piece, to not Logan, to see him for what he is, you see?

A killing machine.

Don't you see its different now, it's me! 
Logan 5, Logan's Run

Sunday, April 21, 2024

2024 - The Year of Thagirion, Wag the Dragon

Uther Pendragon: I dreamt of the Dragon.
Merlin: I have awoken him.  Can't you see, all around you, the Dragon's breath? 
Excalibur, 1981





The Dragon.  A beast of such power that if you were to see it whole and all complete in a single glance, it would burn you to cinders. 
Merlin, Excalibur 1981

Saturday, April 13, 2024

2024 - The Year of Thagirion, Quarterback

Go Flash go!
Dale Arden, Flash Gordon

Guards, take the scientist for conditioning by the imperial secret police.  This one has defied us here before our subjects, we order him disposed of tonight by public execution.
Ming the Merciless, Flash Gordon