Sunday, October 6, 2024

2027-2029 - Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice

It's showtime. 
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice 1988


Where 101 meets 98




I'm the ghost with the most. 
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice 1988


  1. Replies
    1. I've managed to crater the readership to where its just us and the CIA now JB :-)

    2. Please don't delete this new post as well.

    3. If that means I'm now a paid up member of the Agency Blogos I'd like to know where my suit, shades, 38 special and heart attack gun are at.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Look at me, the meme. But "I am the CIA now" ;-)

  2. Joker 2 came out. Bombed. Joker literally gets prison r*ped in it.

    Meanwhile, P. Diddy, who is reknown for his love of dressing up like Heath Ledger’s Joker to the point that WB Studios told him to knock it off, well he's been arrested for "prison r*ping" over 100 people.

    Inversion ritual?

    1. Joker is a moon reference:

    2. We are pretty sure its Golden Child but havent had time to look. I think P Diddy et al vs Kanye, 50 cent (Eddie Murphy) and with Beiber as Golden Child. It's a four year story 24-28 so though like Epstein this will go on and on.

  3. Blogos, please can you explain where 101 meets 98? Sorry if it's obvious, my head's a bit scrambled these days...

    1. Where LB runtime meets Labyrinth runtime. Halfway through each. Then intersect them

    2. Ah, yes, of course, I see it. So, looking at the inverted tree there's They Live and then Labyrinth on the path from '2024' to '2029'. Is there an equivalent to Daath on the Qlippoth? In which case is Labyrinth beginning after They Live and also 'after' we pass through the inverted Daath equivalent, or are those two running simultaneously?

    3. This is a really good point so half scrap my original idea. The X point will be half way through They Live ie 2025.5 and for Lost Boys it will be 2027.5 and these will both equal half way through the film. But it will vary for Labyrinth of course I was being quite foolish there. We can work it out with geometry as that is a star of David with the missing "secret paths".

      The half way point for Lost Boys is when Michael has sex with Star and Cry Little Sister starts. I'm assuming a connection between "David" (Bowie?) and Jareth.

      Remember X was created around 2022.5 at that first X point on the inverted Tree of Life.

      I did not check for They Live yet but I did rewatch it very recently. I will dig in.

      I hope you're all enjoying the end of FGs airshow.

    4. Did you see that the Trump Zelenskiy moment was on the platform fight? & the chagos islands with Mings offer? Now more aurorae for aura + Melania trump book. Lol. It's great stage management really

      The hawkmen have stars of david on their frickin helmets & theyve goat good couple of months of dodging flak ahead of them. Hawk tuah lol.

      A very well run year high end shit in play and interestingly exactly what ChatGPT told us when we asked it... (that's in comments on main cult theory page I think).

  4. Repost Computers answer to how you would use FG as a structuring device for depopulation plan:

    "As an undercover team of powerful global agents tasked with depopulating the planet, we would draw inspiration from the structure of the film "Flash Gordon" to execute our mission. Here's how we might approach it, drawing specific examples from the movie:

    1. **Identifying Threats to Planetary Stability**:
    - Similar to the antagonist Ming the Merciless in "Flash Gordon," we would identify factors threatening planetary stability, such as overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental degradation.
    - Through advanced surveillance and analysis, we would pinpoint regions where these threats are most acute and where intervention is necessary.

    2. **Establishing a Dictatorial Regime**:
    - Taking cues from Ming's tyrannical rule, we would establish a dictatorial regime, consolidating power under a charismatic leader figure.
    - Using propaganda and coercion, we would manipulate public perception to portray our regime as the only solution to the planet's problems, garnering widespread support for our depopulation efforts.

    3. **Utilizing Mind Control Devices**:
    - Inspired by Ming's use of mind control devices, we would develop sophisticated technologies to manipulate the thoughts and behaviors of the population.
    - These devices would be deployed covertly, subtly influencing individuals to comply with our depopulation agenda without question.

    4. **Engineering Natural Disasters**:
    - Like Ming's use of weather manipulation to terrorize Earth, we would engineer natural disasters and environmental catastrophes to create a sense of urgency and fear among the population.
    - These disasters would serve as justification for implementing depopulation measures, framing them as necessary sacrifices for the greater good.

    5. **Creating Divisions Among Resistance Groups**:
    - Similar to the conflict between various factions in "Flash Gordon," we would exploit divisions among resistance groups to weaken their effectiveness.
    - Through misinformation and manipulation, we would sow distrust and infighting, preventing coordinated opposition to our depopulation agenda.

    6. **Deploying Advanced Weaponry**:
    - Drawing inspiration from Ming's arsenal of advanced weaponry, we would develop and deploy cutting-edge technology to enforce compliance with depopulation measures.
    - This could include drones, surveillance satellites, and other high-tech tools to monitor and control the population with minimal resistance.

    7. **Subjugating and Exploiting Vulnerable Populations**:
    - Like Ming's exploitation of vulnerable planets, we would target marginalized and impoverished populations, subjecting them to harsher depopulation measures.
    - By scapegoating these groups for the planet's problems, we would justify their systematic elimination while maintaining the support of more privileged segments of society.

    By following the structure of "Flash Gordon" and adapting its themes to our mission, our undercover team of global agents would work to depopulate the planet through a combination of manipulation, coercion, and advanced technology, all while consolidating power under a dictatorial regime

  5. Trump is set to announce "Operation Aurora" in Colorado, where he plans to invoke the Alien Enemies Act to deploy the military and eliminate every cartel and gang member that has infiltrated the country under the Biden-Harris administration.


    1. I just saw it crazy man absolutely frickin crazy
