Monday, April 22, 2024

2024 - The Year of Thagirion, Deadpool and Wolverine

Logan 5, Approach and Identify. 
Computer, Logan's Run

Disclaimer: This post is performance art based on the idea of cult movies playing out in real life and is for entertainment purposes only.  Exactly like Deadpool and Wolverine.

As expected certain aspects of Logans Run have been included in the new trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine.  Like Mister Wolf, I'm going to cut to brass tacks here gentlemen all.  Logan represents Logan obviously, no surprises there, but note he is clearly one of many Logans, i.e. ''Logan 5''. Both in the movie and the game of real life there are currently multiple Logans in play.  Deadpool represents Francis (see all the images of the two of them fighting) and also the red life clock (i.e. deadpool or Carousel) which drives Logan to run after Procedure 033-03.  I need to check exact time but I believe we are now seeing the beginning of this scene from Logans Run or we are in it and remember it is at 1/2 speed of Flash Gordon.

I'm sorry to have to say but this is a particularly fine work of evil conjure for a number of different reasons, they've embedded all the imagery of Logans Run and the trailer itself is a will to depopulation. Just sayin' ''Let's fucking go'' is how you get killed early chaps but more on that later.  The idea that your life clock is running out is what pushes people to hedonism.  Either that or to Sanctuary... Exactly like we found with the other characters of the other films they function as entities that will attempt ''possession'' one way or the other.  When someone has been altered by one of these creatures the voice changes noticeably.  It is a very key sign.  So it is as possible to Logan or to Francis right now, as it was to Matthew, to Alex or to Frank... etc, from the earlier chapters of this bizarre demonology we are being walked through. Remember one of the basic premises of ''Chaos Magic'' was that you could just as much conjure Batman as Ba'al.   They found out though that many of their characters were already the Gods.

This is exactly that Procedure in action.  

n.b. not all of these gifs are from the movie trailer I am working fast here so please watch it for yourself so you get a better understanding of this post.


The first scene begins with the barman telling Logan he has to go, Logan not wanting to and then Deadpool, i.e. the lifeclock, forcing him to go because he is on the ''tik tik''.  Thats fucking funny for those who know we've got to give them that.  Dark as all fuck but still funny.  In this sense Deadpool is also the Computer and therefore the system that drives Carousel, i.e. a Deathpool.


The next moment sees Deadpool taunting Logan over his age and driving him to exert himself.  This is bait aimed at older men, of course.  You don't look like Logan.  Go break your heart in the gym you fuck.  Or something like that vibe will be ''the death spell'' in play here.  Also see below for the sting in the tail.


When Deadpool asks what is haunting him he does so unmasked to give the sense that it is precisely the spectre of death (nudge nudge wink wink) that is haunting Logan which is of course what happens in Logans Run, well it is the film in many ways.  Running from Death to Sanctuary.


''You were an X man'' resonates with ''You were a Sandman'' at around 100%.


This sequence in the trailer has the audience conjure the name Logan.  In theatrical ritual the unconscious mind of the audience acts as a kind of battery pack for the operator. I think Deadpool counts as Carousel and I do not think that's too much of a stretch at all.  So you could almost suggest this part of the marketing turns the audience into the very audience of Carousel who are chanting Carousel!  Renewal!  There is some seriously dark alchemy behind this part of the trailer.  


The appeal to the spirit of cocaine right at the end is in itself a depopulation tool.  Cocaine is something like the leading cause of death for under 50 yr old men.  Now add fentanyl into the mix and knock yourself out.  Literally.  You dumb fuck.  Something like that vibe behind that death spell.

Chris Knowles is not lying to you.  The Sorcerarchy, as he puts it, is very real and the Audience is calling out the frickin' names so level up or get levelled.  Now we have the Beetlejuice trailer and movie coming out on the back of Dune's Sandwyrms you know how many Zoomers are going to call up that demon x3?  Jawza,Yowza! What does ''plugging that in'' do to the entity in that star, its certainly a thinly veiled act of worship and ritual magic without doubt but can you even detonate it with such things?  I'm not even sure anymore what the limits are when reality is more linguistic than it is material.  If you include the idea of Massively Entangled Afterlife maybe it was this Nova that actually wiped us out and here we all are in the Bardo just waking up to it.  Although I appreciate in pointing this out I am kind of fuelling this global madness, you need to be alienated by the Hermetic Lessons, to not suspend your disbelief, to not lose yourself in the spirit of the piece, to not Logan, to see him for what he is, you see?

A killing machine.

Don't you see its different now, it's me! 
Logan 5, Logan's Run


  1. The movie takes mostly place in the "Void at the end of time", where all failed timelines and cinematic universes end up. This was a concept explored in Loki season 1, the organization in charge of "pruning" the failed timelines is known as the TVA, which Deadpool now works for. You can see the 20th Century Fox logo having crashed in the middle of the wasteland in the trailer. The big purple electric storm chasing people around is Alioth, the dweller of the Void. This is Choronzon in the Abyss. The last two episodes of Loki season 1 were very, deeply esoteric, especially when they meet "He Who Remains", the creator of the TVA and basically the whole Multiverse in it's present form. He lives in an Onyx Castle inside of a Black Hole, and practically begs Loki to kill him and take his place.

    1. Feeling that lol. These movies are also taking place in a smashed dimension. In Kabbalah I think it, the Qliphoth, is associated with these smashed worlds (timelines) and something called the Kings of Edom if memory serves me.

  2. I see Swift has entered her MK phase as we hit Zarkov brainwashing scene. Being a Swiftie is effectively a form of demonic possession equivalent to "Flashing". Am I right?

    1. We are all Swift now. Soon you will also be Swift.

    2. I dont listen to it. It makes my ears bleed. But it's clearly a massive cult they're building for "Flash".


    This will be from Excalibur

  4. In the upcoming "Deadpool & Wolverine", the film’s main villain (played by Emma Corrin) is *Cassandra Nova*. She was first introduced as the *evil twin* of Professor Charles Xavier. However, that is a vast oversimplification of her true nature. Cassandra Nova is a "Mummudrai", or “anti-self.” According to the Shi’ar, Mummudrai are psychic parasites born of the astral plane, created whenever a new soul is born. They exist as a dark counterpart to the person who inspired their creation, and seek to destroy them. Xavier thought he had killed her in the womb.

  5. EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!

    FLASH gone missing, on this day!


    Procedure 033-03

  7. Deadpool's nemesis in the first Deadpool film was a man who called himself 'Ajax'. Deadpool learns his real name and taunts him with it throughout the film:

    1. Lol nice strike. 7 of them as well so Francis 7.

    2. Btw, since King Charles is intimately tied to the Green Man, since the Green Man was featured on the invitation cards to his coronation, this ties in directly with Excalibur, the idea of the King's health being the same as the land's health; if the King is restored to full vitality, everything becomes green and beautiful again

    3. Oh absolutely. And the mRNA vaccine they are now pushing against Cancerlot, that, good sir knight, is a grail shaped beacon.

      Naughty Zoot! Wicked Zoot! She deserves a spanking! ;-)

    4. Did you see that twisted QBL algorithm diagram that Elonizabeth shared today? With ''goblin mode'' on it? I bet you half a dinar he's a Jareth.

    5. Important note when it comes to picking grails don't go for the shiny looking ones.

    6. That idea from "Last Crusade" is not necessarily true, since it was given to Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy man who truly believed he was the Christ, and the legend of the Lapsit Exillis states the Grail was either carved out of emerald, or had a large emerald as it's base.

    7. Not touching any kind of grail until 2030+. Then I'm up for Cyberpunk.

  8. All the uni stuff is Zarkov. I'll explain in next post but it's pretty obv if Iran axis is supposed to be Ming right now.


    Procedure 033 03

    1. Time to get the intelligentsia worrying about it. Make them spend on a) sanctuary (cure?) or b) hedonism ("experience capitalism"). No other choice.

    2. Blogos, look at the number beneath the mugshot (Netanyahu).


      More of the same. Procedure 033-03.

  10. Well hello Francis (Frank)

  11. A boy and his dog.

    *The year is 2024, 2024, 2024...*

  12. You're now literally a simpleton if you cannot see this by now:

    1. This one is almost too blatant. Have they no shame?

    2. "Explain it to me as if I got the vaxx for a free donut."

    3. Alright I'll pretend you hang out on X.

      Blade. AV. Replicant.

    4. I thought so, but it seemed way too early for that narrative.

    5. Stuff will be happening in Bladerunner now for sure. Not much though. Its third after Logans Run and Flash Gordon in terms of speed. 24-27. I will try and do a mini post on it.


    Alex, Dim & Max

  14. Procedure 033-03 was stepped up today with fallout from AZ and acknowledgement of vax damage in wider mainstream media. This is to scare the shit out of people and force them into spending money on a) hedonism or b) sanctuary.

  15. "Those afflicted with psychosis lose touch with reality, fail to distinguish fact from fiction & suffer from hallucinations & delusions.…data suggest a potential link between young age, mRNA, & viral vector vaccines with new-onset psychosis...adults between their 20s & 40s were most likely to be afflicted with vaccine-induced psychosis. The study found that the mRNA technology-based shots pose a higher risk of triggering the psychological condition than the viral vector technology-based shots... the occurrence of psychosis following vaccination may be mediated by the body’s immune response to SARS-CoV-2...Specifically, vaccine administration induces a cellular immune response, triggering T-helper cell-mediated release of proinflammatory cytokines. In some instances, this cascade may lead to cytokine storms & hypofunction of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Consequently, elevated dopamine levels may result, potentially precipitating the development of psychosis.."

    1. '"Those afflicted with psychosis lose touch with reality, fail to distinguish fact from fiction & suffer from hallucinations & delusions.'

      Great news. Through a stroke of luck, my existing psychosis renders me invulnerable to this evil.

  16. The implications are huge but its highly likely we are now with Princess *Aura*

    1. The student protests were Zarkov.

    2. The sky looks more and more like the Flash Gordon Universe.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.
