Sunday, August 6, 2023

2023 - The Year of A'arab Tzereq, Barbenheimer, The Path of Death

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.  The pessimist fears that is true.




They really went all in on the Barbenheimer pathwalking and its had a considerable affect on the pedestrians that I know.  It is an extraordinarily obvious pathwalking for the year (from the Studios) but just in case you missed it I thought I would spell it out for you really quick.  I will update the enhanced theory over the next few days so if you want to chip in on this one move swiftly. 


In the Tree of Life, Golden Dawn / Thelema version, the sefira of Netzach, attributed to Venus joins with the sefira of Tifereth, attributed to Sol via the Path of Death.  We've already looked at this with the appearance of the ''grim reaper'', ''crossing the path'', in King Charles' coronation so some of you will already be familiar with the path now if you weren't already.  We are currently in the Qliphoth or Tree of Death/Hell where the Sefira are replaced by Qlipha.  In the ''upside down'' Netzach is replaced by something called A'arab Tzereq (the Ravens of Dispersion) and Tifereth is replaced with Thagirion, a demon of burning destruction.  As you can see above the juxtaposition of Barbie and Oppenheimer has been one of the main focuses of the meme marketing of both films.  In many of these images you can see Barbie as a figure of ''Venus'' facing the path of Death represented by Oppenheimer ''Now I am become Death.'' 

A note for those of you on the IoBS path, Barbie is represented as a kind of Barbie Hive in the movie where everyone is a Barbie except for ''Ken''.  Barbie could be seen as a stand in for Nancy from Body Snatchers, and Ken as Jack.   As many have commented on the film begins with a reference to the apes and the obelisk from Space Odyssey, and the release of the film dovetailed with the discussions in the appartment regarding alien intereference in human civilization, ''they're here, they edited our DNA'' etc.

For those of you who are more interested in the pseudo interactive meme ARGs that are going on rather than traditional cinema, the so called That Motherfucker is Not Real (TMFINR) girl was the highlight of body snatching / Nancy memes so far.  Possibly some kind of viral marketing thing for ''Secret Invasion'' (Samuel L Jackson, Samael & Jack) a few weeks ago a girl on a plane seemingly distraught at being placed next to a shape shifting lizard person on a plane (snake on the plane, Samuel L Jackson) , freaked out, ran down the aisle and declared That Motherfucker is Not Real.

Goodnight Barbies, I'm definitely not thinking about death anymore.




  1. As "racist" as this might sound, I think the waves of illegal immigrants and perpetual riots of black people in New York are a clear IotBS zombie-like invasion scene.

    People on the internet are even making the zombie comparison, and saying "*they*... are NOT like US, are they?"

    1. OK absolutely. Throughout the Meta-Theory so far ''aliens'' have often been synched with waves of migrants - RHPS is one example. But also *actual aliens* see all the Disclosure theatre going on ''exotic biologics'' etc.

      JB consider the parallels between Body Snatchers and Cocoon. I don't know how well you know the film. But it'll be a focus as we are drawing to the close of a 3 year run of ''Joe'' in 'the care home'' in Cocoon at the same time as the 1 year run of IoBS or the 2 year run of whatever is on the 21-23 path (SG?). Think of Cocoon like the middle of the road boomer path post vaccination. Whereas IoBS does not have actual UFOs, Cocoon does. Both have pods etc. If they are bringing them together then the finale will feature actual craft as well as the hive snatching and whatever is our missing ingredient be it Soylent Green or otherwise.

  2. And I keep coming back to what Elon's Ex (Grimes) had tweeted this back in *2019*: Covid-19 + 3x jabs = flying saucers!

    1. Cocoon has actual UFOs and interdimesional beings, the kind of things being discussed by Congress at the moment. IoBS does not.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I know Cocoon very well, but there was nothing apocalyptic about it, it was a very saccharine story with a happy ending.

    They would need to really warp and pervert the whole thing.

    1. Think Antichrist maybe. I outsourced this one as I said. Theres a dark reading of Cocoon for sure. Quite heavy material in there. I need to do some work on this myself.

    2. I vaguely remember having seen Cocoon as a kid; there was something kind of ick about it which I couldn't put my finger on.

      I'd put I Come In Peace/Dark Angel in its place, which is a very dark story. If they both belong on the same path, maybe putting them side by side would give some insight into both.

    3. Boomers ditching their responsbilities to ''be young again'' / ''live forever''. South Park kind of parodied this type of thing in their covid cartoon series, boomers got jabbed first and were able to return to their normal lives while taunting the kids etc. Lifeforce represents ''the vax'' similar to ''there's a light'' scene in RHPS. Remember all those tales about people feeling amazing, a kind of (psychological) release/catharsis after they had been jabbed. An associate of mine described his moderna injection as an ''ecstatic experience'', he has aged about 5 years since then. The pool eventually stops working like the vax. I like the names as well Joe (Biden), Bess (Elizabeth II) etc. I have not rewatched it myself yet. This is why things like Crawford Tillinghast just won't work. Snake Pliskin can probably join that club as well. Names will not work.

      I have a feeling we are all going to find a darkness in it. I am not ruling out other options though. We will be in the final sixth of the movie now. If we are short on time we can skip to that rather than trying to flesh out the whole thing. If I do that it will be an overview anyway.

      I will check out Dark Angel when I get a chance and see.

  4. Replies
    1. It won't let me post anything about "Cocoon". Weird. Tried *5* times.

  5. I've been working on my own list these last couple of days. I wonder if anyone else has? It would be interesting to see more viewpoints.

    2020-2021 Shaun of the Dead
    2020-2022 From Beyond
    2020-2023 Harold and Maude
    2021-2022 Rocky Horror Picture Show
    2021-2023 Escape From New York
    2021-2024 I Come In Peace
    2022-2023 A Clockwork Orange/Airplane!
    2022-2024 Wickerman
    2023-2024 Invasion of the Body Snatchers/Living Dead
    2024-2025 Howard the Duck/Thunderdome
    2024-2026 Fido/Logan's Run
    2024-2027 Bladerunner
    2025-2026 Dog Day Afternoon/They Live
    2026-2028 Tommy
    2027-2029 The Thing/Beetlejuice
    2024-2029 Labyrinth

    I left out movies I haven't seen. While I don't think there is a single choice for every path, it seems like there should be a handful of suitable choices for each path. Picking the best of those would give the best mono view, fleshing it out with one or two of the next best choices would be even better.

    I thought Escape From NY 2020-2022 until I remembered the Dark Brandon speech was at the end of 2022. And all the Snake Island stories from 2022. Once slotted into 2021-2023 EFNY seems to fit very well. It would be nice if it was that easy to pin real events to all the movies outside of the current one. Even the ones in the future, lol.

    1. Myself and the Apocalypse Squad did talk about Howard the Duck, actually, frighteningly. Escape from New York feels too much like Warriors for me I don't think there is enough but it would be a two year burn where you have it... These two year or three year burns are going to feel very different (name drops, tableuax, can be more subtle etc). I am going to try to understand it with Cocoon (if we are right on that). Personally, although I love the movie and of course the short story, I would give From Beyond a hard pass - Crawford Tillinghast? No. The Thing, great movie, is still kind of a Body Snatchers thing.

      Did you watch Logans Run then? I am very positive on that placement. Scenes from the Carousel keep flashing up on the Alex Jones show background images now just like ACO and IoBS were. ADE/15min cities will take us to LR, reduced longevity and domed ''smart'' climate cities.

      There is no sanctuary.

      Look at Living Dead again and consider the concept of repeats. ACO is definitely still lit up and repeating. RHPS is lit up and repeating. We could argue with the Titan thing that CoT is repeating, I mean they started the year with the Kraken, remember.

      LD if it occured earlier in the cycle ie 20-23 or 21-23 could have just been repeating... I'm going to spend more time on it in the enhanced theory if not Living Dead which would be the other cult zombie movies worth considering with the right kind of colours? A zombie movie makes sense considering how much zombie action we are getting.

    2. Shaun no, way too recent. Its CoT for sure. Its the Medusa/Lilith/Algol thing remember that the Qlipha of Malkuth is literally called Lilith. Names are funny yes but they actually did stuff with Medusa and Perseus (the statue controversy as one example but there are many others and CK is the master of this subject). In 2020 all stories kind of stopped after the outbreak. There were actually very few real characters just government twits, medical services doing TikTok etc. Figuring out how to defeat Medusa (petrification/lockdowns) with reflections (i.e. antibodies) leading to climate change issues at the end of 2020 with the Kraken. Although I did not explore this as CoT (we did not have the cult movie theory at that point) I explored it literally as the Perseus myth, i.e. the Perseus Protocols with the help of those spirits that help Perseus.

      Plus RHPS which follows on that 1 year path line (reverse lightning path) also has Medusa, the Medusa Transducer.

      Colourings are right for CoT although to be fair when I was working that path we did use Perseus, Athena etc as metaphors for various services so maybe this strenghtens the position of Wickerman or Escape etc, Snake as a metaphor for cops dealing with cities falling into riots and chaos, Dark Brandon as you said. In RHPS the characters were pretty clear (I mean it allowed us the ''Putin Twist'' about six months ahead) but the names are a little silly. But they did do weird shit like the ''sausage wars'' between the EU and UK to flag up names like Frank'n'furter. Hmmm. The name dropping in ACO was *intense* and IoBS has been pretty much on the nose in that regard as well. These slower burns will be trickier, names will necessarily be more spread out.

    3. I do need to rewatch Logan's Run. It's been a few years. It seems right, though. If LoRu is a mostly functional city, then Fido is a slightly more dysfunctional city with zombies in it.

      Trump is Howard the Duck, lol. The alien is Dark Brandon. DarkB shows up around halfway through the movie. If both HoTDu and Fido are good choices, then it seems like HoTDu would run two years, with the last overlapping Fido. Maybe that's too pedantic.

      Tillingham is a crazy name. It does happen, however, that the village of Tillingham is on the Dengie Peninsula.
      Dengie Peninsula -> Dengue fever -> original antigenic sin/vaccine associated enhanced disease

  6. Replies
    1. I got the urge to watch that out of nowhere, a year or two ago. It's pretty amazing how well the plot of that movie echoes so many people's present paranoia.

      Here's how dumb I am: I was like, this movie so perfectly shows so much of the weird undercurrent going on now, I can't believe no one is talking about it. Then last night I realized it had another name, and people were talking about it somewhat. Haha.


    "Campaign spokesperson TJ Ducklo told Axios: 'All we're saying is that if you're MAGA extremists, Vladimir Putin, the post-COVID economic collapse, climate change, a crumbling bridge, or our grassroots fundraising goals: You better watch out, Jack.'"

  8. IoBS is totally solid I think. We can go into fine detail but I am not sure of the usefulness of that when so little time remains. I think the glory is in 21-24 or 22-24 and seeing how these narratives are woven into the final outcome and also gaining more insight into the Qliphothic clockwork mechanism. Three paths lead to '24. We only really know one 23-24, we know it well, and its about to eat us alive, but in the time we have I say we push for the bigger picture. I'm going to do Cocoon on 21-24. If you want to have a crack at something else for those paths go for it try to make it reasonably comprehensive and try and do it quick and make a prediction on how it will turn out. Wickerman feels too difficult for me right now, it feels right, the colours are right, Zely is in position... perhaps... but if anyone wants a crack at that instead please go for it, I would appreciate it. Or an alternative for 22-24 I am open to other suggestions.

    Remember something may happen in the next few days that will trigger your inner Matthew, Elizabeth, Nancy or Jack to go on the rampage. It looks like there are a bunch of possibilities around Trump (who I would argue is a Jack)... turning on the vax, or really changing his position on the vax, maybe even during a Rogan interview or something etc. This could cause big turmoil esp as it seems timed with ''Eris'' the new covid variant. If you are tempted, try and resist it, in terms of what we understand so far even though the FRIENDS might seem like the ''heroes'' it doesn't really work like that in this hellscape. You've also got a David in place with David Grusch.

    If we rise above the paths a little and get more of a ''birds eye'' view it might help us deal with what is about to happen. Its all stoicism from here on out. Or total and immediate wilderness retreat if you fancy that instead. If you go that way (those of you on that left hand path) try not to get burned alive in a wooden effigy. Try. You know. For me.

  9. I think my 2022-2025 might be Killer Klowns From Outer Space. And 2023-2026 maybe Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

  10. "Invasion of the Body Matchers"

  11. (NSFW, sorry)

    Proper translation and interpretation of the Orphic Theogonies Fragments (from the Deveni Papyrus and others) is complex, obscure work, but the highly erudite (and perhaps slightly insane) Dr. David Ammon Hillman has managed it after several years of research, with conclusions both disturbing and hilarious:

    "Phanes (the Primordial Priapus/the Greater Pan) was the first king of the universe who handed the "royal sceptre" (his divine c*ck) over to his daughter Nyx (Night), who in turn handed it down to her son Ouranos (Uranus/Heaven). It was then seized by the Titan Kronos (Cronus), and afterwards by Zeus, the ultimate ruler of the cosmos.

    Some say Zeus "devoured" Phanes in order to absorb his power and redistribute it among a new generation of gods--the Olympians he would sire."

    "Zeus when, from his father the prophecy having heard, strength in his hands he took, and the glorious daimon (Phanes), the reverend one, he *swallowed*, who first sprang forth into the Aither. So Zeus swallowed (the sceptre/c*ck) of the Firstborn king (Phanes), the reverend one; the holy seed was now his."

    WELL... in simpler, more vulgar terms, the only true creator deity since the very beginning of all things is Phanes/Priapus/Pan, and successive generations of lesser gods needed to *give a handj*b to his "royal sceptre", or straight-up bl*w him like Zeus did, in order to obtain his "holy seed", the source of all cosmic power*.


  12. I don't want to seem impatient, but...

    Nothing's happened. It's not happening.

    1. What exactly are you waiting for?

      At the moment coming together we have:

      -UFOs (psyop? end of Cocoon? body snatcher set dressing?)(*David* Grusch)
      -Global Fires (arson?) (got putta someone in the wickerman..)
      -Ukraine (end of counteroffensive, hang on I've think we've found the Green Man, King of the Wheat or whatever)
      -Trump (*Jack* Smith)
      -Woke Virus
      -People still dropping
      -Eris, Bird Flu, EColi, West Nile, Crimean Congo
      -Elonizabeth agitation regarding mostly all of the above
      -Friends references (Jennifer Aniston and the latest debacle)

      So a lot of things are happening. Lets try and zero in.

    2. I was *expecting* "IotBS for REAL", NOT more accumulative symbolic "stuff" that doesn't actually affect people's lives if they don't pay attention to it.



    1. This video talks about FedNow, an instant payment framework which was recently launched as a possible precursor to CBDCs.

  15. Someone in a Bitcoin video called people who have it "orange pilled." Since everything is such a pill these days, maybe it would be fun to call people caught up in a particular qlippoth purple or green pill or whatever. It's stupid geeky, but so is the entire world, lol.

    Anyway, here's a guy who ate like the whole bottle of orange pills:

  16. I thought I'd posted about this already:

    That's two cargo ships full of cars burnt to a crisp pretty much back to back. Electric car batteries are no joke:

  17. I'd posted a link about the fire in Hawaii at 10:01 which has disappeared. Here's a different link. Maybe the censors will like it better?


    David Weiss

  19. Replies
    1. Uck, I don't want to have to watch Cocoon again. Everyone always said how cute or nice or whatever it was supposed to be, but it's one of the few movies I've never wanted to watch a second time, ever. I'd probably rather it be a Cronenberg movie, lol, gag.

    2. Aye I know. I feel the same way. I remember it disturbing me when I was younger. I've been through it with my team, Cocoon has all the features (pods, body snatching, interdimensional beings and UFOs, the character names, the ''boomer'' throughline from 2021, etc). In the final sixth of the film roughly where we are at the government military get involved in an ET style we abuct the alien kind of thing. I think these (at least partially if not entirely) are the scenes we are witnessing in Congress they also dovetail with the conversations in IoBS but importantly Cocoon has UFOs. I'm starting work on it today. I will try and do an overview of all three and if we are wrong we are wrong but its time to make a move.

      The Dolphins are key as well because the path leads to the ''Sun'', i.e. Apollo.

      I'm kind of getting strong Epstein vibes from Cocoon before I go in... any thoughts on why that might be anyone?

    3. Epstein wanted to live forever.
      Even if it meant making a deal with otherworldly beings.
      His private island paradise of Little St. James, with the pagan temple, was like his own personal Atlantis (the sunken alien base in Cocoon).

    4. Yep keep it going you are on a roll

    5. Water is a huge theme with Epstein and especially Maxwell.

      It's turning out to be not so easy to find Cocoon online. Gee whiz, aw shucks. There might be a Monarch element, too. Cocoon -> worm becomes butterfly.

      Aliens, to me, means globalism. Because the only thing which might unite the entire world under one yoke is the threat of bad aliens. Maxwell's sea obsession seemed to entail some sort of global governance structure for the sea. That puts her in the role of an alien.

      There's a statue of a cow with a full udder on Little St. James island.

    6. Exactomento. Monarch nice touch. It was shot in St Petersburg, Florida and I guess its set there as well. Isn't Florida somehow connected to all the above - Trump, Epstein, et al?

      Joe, Arthur and Ben. I think I can do Joe and Arthur but Ben less sure. Would Jack be Epstein then, acting as the middle man in terms of alien recovery..?

      Can we apply some of this Epsteinian reasoning to Wickerman as well? We've got the island there, Lord Summerisle etc...? What draws the policeman to the island again? (I still think this is a Zelenskiy thing makes sense and its connect to ACO via '22 but it also gives me Epstein little island vibes and we know his tendrils run throughout the whole thing, he's their Crowley)

    7. What you say about Maxwell could possibly put her in the role of Kitty to Epstein's Jack?

    8. Ghizzy's a Kitty. Jack's archetype is a sneaky guy entangled with giants. So yeah, sounds like JE. He had a place in Palm Beach that some guy bought and tore down.


    Mmm, underwater treasure trove. Why did the oldest village need to fortify its defenses with a thousand spikes? Zombies? Yeesh.

  21. Just realized Cocoon has the Skinwalker Ranch psyop built into it as well.

    An Amazon review mentioned some crappy footage of pelicans flying. I don't remember exactly when, but Cocoon was released around the time that California bought the land Pelican Bay Prison was to be built on.
