Tuesday, January 2, 2024

2024 - The Year of Thagirion, Ming the Merciless

Klytus, I'm bored what plaything can you offer me today? 
Ming the Merciless, Flash Gordon, 1980

Ladies and Gentlemen, we present, Flash Gordon


Klytus: Will you destroy this Earth?
Ming: Later!  I like to play with things a while before annihilation. 
Flash Gordon, 1980

P.s. For context those of you who are new to it this is the Cult Movie Meta Theory diagram below.  We are 100% convinced at the moment by everything except Critters and we are ''looking'' for the alternatives (Golden Child..?).  The important thing we learned over 2023 is while Flash Gordon (2024-2025) will rapidly dominate the headlines as it is the one year timeline there are multiple other narratives that are being set in play right now: Logans Run (2 years), Bladerunner (3 years), Labyrinth (5 years) & the mystery movie (4 years).  In order to map them over to ''reality'' you simply divide the run length by a bigger number so these ''movies'' will appear to be moving much more slowly.  As far as Logans Run is concerned, like Bladerunner, we are just going to see images displaying ''smart cities'' for the first sequence but we will get to the first Carousel within a few weeks which indicates the massive die off of ''under 30s'' will finally be reported.  You can take out the boomers with the vax to ''save the economy'' but you can't depopulate without hitting the youth somehow I'm afraid.  Anyway while FG is the popcorn movie the others are actually working to change the world quite dramatically as well.  I will try and ''divine'' through Logans Run as well as Flash Gordon this year.

P.p.s Since my attempt to ditch readers seems to have failed quite spectacularly, I want to remind everyone (and any newbs) that a) this blog is for entertainment purposes only b) I am a high functioning schizophrenic but basically insane and c) there are warnings over and throughout the grimoires for serious reasons.  Consider yourself advised.


  1. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2049403/

    I know the irl movie will not play til 2027 but in the spirit of still attempting to go wide and get ahead *Big Big Warning* about this one people. Its *all* leading up to this and I think it is a cosmic event associated with *at least* that fixed star. Not sure how Labyrinth and NES play in yet but BG as a demon is seriously worse than everything so far. So watch what you say if you go and see it so nothing lingers and festers.

    Any astrologer-adjacents that are lurking amongst the frankly quite swollen audience that are willing to give a take on Yad Al Jawza and its significance and any cult history regarding this star your input would be greatly appreciated.

    1. https://universe.nasa.gov/news/237/what-is-betelgeuse-inside-the-strange-volatile-star/

      The Great Dimming of Jawza started in 2019 which coincides with the end of our descent down the Tree of Life. It became temporarily a "Blackstar" if you like... I'm assuming itll blow in 2029 and they have this knowledge so the culmination of this Qliphothic working will coincide with that. Alone this is unlikely to end the planet it should be too faraway to knock us all out with a gamma ray burst although it's going to be quite crazy as the exploding star will be very very bright.

      However what do Labyrinth and NES contribute to this grand finale in terms of cosmic events? The Great Nothing is, I'm assuming, Bootes Void but who/what is the Goblin King from Labyrinth in star terms?

      I won't stop detailing the ride through the QLP while I can but as the Sefer Yetzirah says the end is in the beginning and the beginning is in the end. This is going somewhere.

      Oh and jump in the line.

    2. Remember BGs business is bioexorcism.

  2. The NYE car attack in Rochester NY occurred at/near a show by a band called moe.

    moe.'s 2003 release was called 'Wormwood' giving a pretty solid 'falling star' strike. Maybe a little too early for the event itself, but likely to be in the headlines for a few days?

    Some rather synch laden lyrics from the song, 'Kyle's Song' from the record:

    "With cowboy boots upon his feet
    Look both ways before you cross the street
    I saw you flying like a superstar
    Off the hood of some offending car

    The ambulance came right away
    Across the street, I heard him say:
    "Al I got hit by a car
    You're a good friend Al, that's what you are."

    Crushed like green velour
    You can't keep him down
    Who will mind the store
    When Kyle's out of town?

    Crushed like green velour
    You can't keep him down
    Who will mind the store
    When Kyle's out of town?

    Kyle got hurt pretty bad
    I guess he earned his victim badge
    He's an eagle scout with broken bones
    Eating Percosets and ice cream cones
    You might also like
    Lose My Cool
    Moe & 2nd Child
    9:30 Club seems far away
    But I swear I still can hear him say:
    "Al I got hit by a car
    You're a good friend Al, that's what you are."

    Crushed like green velour
    You can't keep him down
    Who will mind the store
    When Kyle's out of town?

    Crushed like green velour
    You can't keep him down
    Who will mind the store
    When Kyle's out of town?"

    There are some other passages from the same record that seem relevant as well.

    Album cover for Wormwood is black yellow and red, for additional synch.


    1. You may find Seven7One1's work of interest in regard to Wormwood: https://youtu.be/azfvcoqkeQk?si=FcxqzprUHOJ3UGmR

  3. Ming means Shining.

    Lucifer (Hay-lale in Hebrew) also means Shining One.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I didn't just Elizabeth, I Alexed myself right into eating crow for who knows how long. This is the most insane game I've ever played, and I've lived a life steeped in insanity.

    "However what do Labyrinth and NES contribute to this grand finale in terms of cosmic events? The Great Nothing is, I'm assuming, Bootes Void but who/what is the Goblin King from Labyrinth in star terms?"

    This year Jupiter was at opposition during Christmas/Saturnalia. It might be worth noting, then, that Pluto will be at opposition around August 1, 2029.

    Pluto as the god of the Underworld appears to be the Goblin King who rules over the Labyrinth. While the Sun and Pluto face off, perhaps crying or mocking each other, the events around them play out.

    Neptune on the horizon when the opposition is exact may indicate a period of great illusion, escapism, a period also of great opportunity for diving deep into the heart of one's illusions and escapism to come to a new understanding of things.

    Mercury's position on Regulus in a trine to the Moon and Lilith could signal Sarah's journey through her own doubts and self loathing to find her inner power and direction by leveraging the opposition between them and Mars and Jupiter near Arcturus and Spica.

    The NES could come from taking this too far and riding the trine to Uranus and then over the square to Venus near Thuban.

    It looks like a wild ride, indeed. But one that can maybe bring many benefits if not taken too far. At least, that's my take on it. It's liable to change again tomorrow after a few hours sleep.

    1. It could also all point to a pole shift, great flood, Lovecraftian horror portal opening - viewers choice.

    2. That's just an idea which came to me today. It could be all wrong. Here's a link to the chart:


    3. I had a dream about this last night. It was like I was in the middle of all of this complex, subtle machinery. It was at work all around me and I was a part of it. I couldn't quite hold onto it on waking, but I'm sure it's still there somewhere.

    4. It makes me realize I talk too much. Think too much. Waste too much time doing things which don't matter. In both The Shining and The Golden Child, the kids were in essence trapped in their own minds, silenced. Maybe there's something to be learned from that. The gift of STFU and pay attention instead of expecting it. Pluto and the Sun could be opposed, or maybe just respecting each other's space.

    5. Then at the end of August, the Sun joins Thuban. Maybe it's like the Twilight Zone episode where the dead guy and his dog almost get tricked into going to "Heaven." That might even be the cage the kids are trapped in on the Emperor path.

  6. https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/blade-runner-pistorius-set-be-released-11-years-after-murdering-girlfriend-2024-01-04/

    Holy shit chaps there's another one in the theory confirmed

    1. Perfect match. Wow.


    2. 240 flood warnings in UK rn. Life Aquatic. So what's the trick here? Are we recognising the hand of Ming rn or what???

    3. Mainstream headlines on tv "The Bladerunner now released is not the man he once was..." I'm kind of somewhere between laughter and just plain old stunned.

    4. They're not f**king around this year. Hitting hard, with real-world consequences, *immediately*.

      Hey Blogos, what's your take on the alleged 10 feet tall aliens or monsters running around in Miami? Not a part of FG.

    5. Not sure. We are missing stuff as stated above. I'm trying to add it up rn. Is it Golden Child?

    6. If it's GC, could the aliens be tulpas?

    7. Golden Child involves children being kidnapped and used for Satanic rituals.
      Very topical.

    8. https://news.yahoo.com/ghislaine-maxwell-accused-journalist-helping-181304083.html?guccounter=1

      Like this?

    9. Sorry I'm so slow, guys. This is it, right? Golden Child is alien disclosure.


      It's about knowing where the bodies are hidden, no? Maybe even Skinwalker Ranch, where people start seeing things which aren't there (or are they?) - possibly because of inhaling fungal spores. Ghosts, the underworld, all things leading back to Beetlejuice...if it goes Supernova, would it open the biggest portal this world has seen so far? If so, what might be on the other side?

    10. I can't believe its Golden Child. I mean... srsly?

    11. If aliens are demons, it's GC.

      If aliens are really aliens, then I don't know.

    12. Okay, Obama being an evil Eddie Murphy, it's definitely GC.


    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/china-doesn-t-want-you-to-say-tibet-anymore/ar-AA1mxmlU

      Getting a Catmanhermit vibe from this.

    15. One funny thing about the GC is they attracted the demons with their perhaps overambition in the spirit realm. It's maybe the old adage of tall grass getting mowed down first. So just like dreams are worlds of one's own making, so, too can prisons be.

    16. Kid went from overground to underground. It's the Upside Down. Now that he's all ground up, pour some hot water for a nice cup of Joe. I've read that addy chrome use causes dementia. Coocaine...seems like a lot of the most dangerous drugs come from China.

    17. If going/getting too high causes one to crash, then maybe somehow going/getting very low would provide propulsion. This might bear looking into, considering the notion that UFOs may be connected to fairies, death, and other dimensional rifts seemingly connected to the Earth itself.

    18. Sorry to keep harping on this, but I keep thinking about how I learned new words as a kid. Think of the word, its meaning, and then feel how that meaning effects the body. Let it settle into the flesh. It's like autohypnosis. Maybe words are portals, and spells can be real. That's a really creepy thought. Could just saying "Beetlejuice" over and over again actually cause it to explode?

    19. Like, does ritual work because words and actions seep into the Earth the way they do into people? Why is the answer to life, the universe, and everything 42 - because Earth is a supercomputer? That might make UFOs some kind of hologram. But then what would cause them to be reflected back into people's sight? And if the Earth is a supercomputer capable of projecting holographic images into people's perceptions, then why not aliens? Are aliens just demons from another planet?

    20. Putting kids in cages seems like a very dark, bad kind of ritual. There are demons in every direction already. What kind of superdemon might someone be trying to unleash in this manner? It doesn't seem possible that 2024 might merely be a warmup for 2029, but nothing really ends, does it?


      It reminds me of that Meister Eckhart essay, I don't remember which one, which I probably misread, that seemed like it was describing Heaven and Hell as self perpetuating processes. Like two spirals which life happens in the middle of.

      I don't recall him addressing supernovas, though. Might need to look to David Icke for that, lol.

    21. Seriously, though, Icke is a grosser creep than even I've been for the last month. I don't just want to know who the demons are, where they come from, how to summon/banish them, etc. No. I want to be able to create and destroy them, haha. No big deal, right?

      Around 20 years ago someone gave me a copy of one of Icke's books and it was the most offensive gift ever. Maybe 20 years before that I had to sneak into a nightstand to see what the big deal was about the Necronomicon.

      I think maybe to track the progress of the kids in cages we need to become, to a degree, kids in cages ourselves. I thought the Necronomicon was incredibly stupid, but something about it seemed to work. What is that something? What spawned the primordial horrors themselves?

    22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQdScu_UbI0

    23. I've already gone legit mad twice taking this route. Is madness the middle path between death and renouncement of God? Definitely don't follow this line if you care about...well...anything.

      Abandon hope, all ye who enter.

    24. Even more than that, though, what is the impulse behind the urge to do any of that in the first place?

    25. What is it like in the space between the collapse of one universe and the beginning of the next? Is that ultimate portal any different to the smaller ones opening and closing around us all the time on a smaller scale?

    26. 42 is also the number of a rainbow.

    27. What is or isn't there in the space between sight and sound?

    28. What is the actual nature of a supernova or Black Star?

    29. Confinement gives a person time to think things through. Instead of wondering why the manifestations, maybe it's time to start wondering about the situations behind the causes for the manifestations.

    30. Maybe even sit down, shut up, and observe them in real time. Now that would be a challenge.

    31. Sorry for making a mess of your blog comments, Blogos. I'll try not to let it happen again. I have a lot of respect for people who can wade around in this muck without losing their heads. There's nothing easy about it.

      The last time I got in on in joking I wound up trolling a website and going waaaaaayyy beyond anything that could be considered even remotely decent or appropriate.

      Keeping my act together. Here goes nothing.

  7. *Plane trouble* again, just like the beginning of Flash...


    1. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/06/alaska-airlines-grounds-boeing-737-max-9-planes-after-mid-air-window-blowout

      Wow on the nose

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Are we sure this new plane crash is even real? Just because we already saw it on tv...

    4. Although it is interesting that the woman reassured by the flight attendant was named Emma Vu. Deja vu can take so many forms, from comforting terrified passengers to holding people prisoner in their own minds.


    5. Dale and the GC's situations are a lot alike. Maybe the main difference is that Dale is able to find the will to submit inside herself without needing it imposed from the outside. GC can't help but go around touching people. What a creep.

  8. https://www.12news.com/article/life/animals/meet-dale-the-first-adoption-of-2024-for-maricopa-county-mash-unit/75-75518c04-9502-45d0-ad64-d31d2edc1679

    I wonder if Catmanhermit ever lets go of the cats he names? Maybe he just gets bored. It's funny how alike a city can be to a prison, if one gets stuck on a certain role.

  9. Gotta get some tan pants like ol' Flash.

  10. Anything relating to Hermes/Mercury also relates to "Flash".

  11. Mercury was retrograde from December 13 until this New Year's Day. It's usually considered a time for turning inward, going retro or contrary to the usual direction. How this is experienced can go many ways, depending on one's ability to pivot. If Mercury's energies are blocked, then one might experience anything from simple communication mishaps to life altering blunders. On the other hand, if one's relationship to Mercury isn't on solid ground the retro period offers an opportunity to turn inward and nurture what has been neglected.

    A couple examples of how this attempt to reconcile with one's Mercurial nature may play out:

    Both of these situations are reflected in the ending of Body Snatchers. When Matthew lights everything on fire, it's a sharp pivot from everything he's done before. Such drastic events can leave a person feeling a bit "lost," but they are also an excellent time of opportunity for regaining one's internal compass.

    For about a week after the retrograde period there may exist a shadow or twilight zone of sorts. This is a good time for establishing new habits and routines to get the most benefits from the work done during retrograde. Remember that unfinished business tends to be a driving factor in Mercury imbalances. This is a good time to reconnect one's body and mind in preparation to hit the ground running so that the next Mercury retrograde period can be put to even better use.


    This rocket launch has been held up before, but is now scheduled to lift off tomorrow, 8 days after the end of Mercury retrograde. Fitting, isn't it?


    1. I focused on relationship stuff up there because December was around Christmas time, when a lot of people's thoughts turn to some of the existential enigmas of life.

      Btw, this is words are; I locked myself out of my account and had to start another one. Just call me Drrr, lol.

    2. I get the Cyndi Lauper video, not sure about the Kanye one. What does that one represent to you as it applies to Mercurial nature?

    3. If a part of Christmas is reconciliation of male and female energies, or Mars and Venus maybe, then the Mercury retrograde may represent a time of struggle if those two natures are in any way at odds. It could be internal to a person's psychological state, or affect any kind of relationship since communication is how people relate to each other.

      Cyndi has her own car in the video. She's driving somewhere, even if it's destination unknown.

      Kanye is trying to drive a motorcycle while some wild woman gyrates in front of him putting both their lives in danger. Internally, this could be a person who's having trouble coping somehow with the conflicting demands of Mercury and Venus - schizo. Externally, it might represent actual relationship issues between people who may unconsciously get in each other's way, or think they might.

      Kanye played Elizabeth this year, to the point of symbolically stripping down and confessing his sins. He was both the rider of the motorcycle, and his own distracting passenger. Elizabeth schized out all year, pointing fingers, but in the end the only one out in the cold was her.

    4. Although, depending on how you look at it, this Ultimate Elizabething on his end may have been the beginning of Matthewing or something. Maybe Matthew and Elizabeth are only demons when they're out of sync - both living double lives and might not even realize it.

      Like, if Body Snatchers wasn't a horror movie, maybe Matthew wouldn't interrupt Elizabeth at home with work stuff. Maybe Elizabeth would talk to Geoffrey instead of running around trying to figure out everything on her own.

      Since everything contains the seed of its own opposite, probably all any of the characters had to do was stop for a moment and look inward to prevent the movie being made at all. But, what fun would that be? Then again, maybe there's a bit more to life than fun and games all the time. Practice and training may not be exactly fun themselves, but Mercury rules athleticism.

      Muscles take time to build; Mercury bestows to people who practice, who make habits and keep to them. Waiting for inspiration to strike before making any moves seems like a Venus kind of outlook. There's a time and a place for both, and they need to be kept in check/balance.

    5. I don't even know how not to know anything, haha. My idea of learning astrology is apparently pretending to know wtf. Lame.

      This whole Flash/Mercury thing is probably about Dune, isn't it? Sequel coming out this year.

    6. In a way, the Kanye video is Fight Club. But - Ye's doing it all wrong.

  12. https://www.space.com/ula-vulcan-centaur-first-launch-peregrine-celestis-moon-mission

    Vulcan Centaur - kind of on the nose. In addition to all of the ways this launch could go right, the Mercury Neptune square also suggests some of the ways it could have hit snags.


  13. Continuing plane trouble for Boeing... "loose screws".

    1. The Moon in Sagittarius is moving from an alignment with Venus to one with Mercury. Maybe that will help take things from

    2. Or, in other words

      I thought Emma Vu in the airplane article might have referenced deja vu. Maybe it was actually

  14. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/09/iphone-boeing-737-max-9-jet-fall-physics-science/72156904007/

    "The iPhone surely would have reached terminal velocity early in its fall, said Lou Bloomfield, an emeritus professor of physics at the University of Virginia. That means its downward velocity increased until the upward force of air resistance, also known as drag, 'balanced the downward force of gravity (the iPhone's weight) so that the iPhone stopped accelerating downward and simply coasted at a constant velocity.'"

    Lol, ok Flash Bloomfield.

    1. The psychics of the phone falling is fascinating. The phone was able to crash land in a bush, Flash crash landed in a green house.

    2. I hadn't realized the house was kind of green, there's so much red inside of it. Their plane crushed the guy who didn't want to go up in the rocket, it reminds me of this from the first article about the plane:

      "Evan Smith, who was among those on board, told KATU that a boy sitting in a row with his mother had his shirt sucked off him and out of the plane. 'His mother was holding on to him,' he said. 'You heard a big loud bang to the left rear. A whooshing sound and all the oxygen masks deployed instantly and everyone got those on.'"


    3. BurtSwang, what did you mean by "psychics of the phone?"

    4. It's about the physics of the phone falling. The light weight of the phone caused it to hit terminal velocity early in the fall, so it was kind of cushioned by the drag of the air resistance against gravity.

    5. Sorry that was a bit of a typo on my part. Flash landed in a greenhouse, full of plants.

    6. Ok. I thought maybe there was an esoteric reason for the apparent typo. Perhaps something to do with the underlying symbolism of phones in general. Physics is interesting, too. I wonder what it is about drag that gives that cushion against gravity. In a symbolic sense. Like, why in Rocky Horror do Brad and Janet try to find a phone and wind up in a drag queen's house?

    7. Lol, not really esoteric I'm afraid. The phone landed in a bush and in the grass and didn't get destroyed, Flash landed in a greenhouse.

    8. https://www.boringcompany.com/not-a-flamethrower
      “The rumor that I’m secretly creating a zombie apocalypse to generate demand for flamethrowers is completely false”

      I believe you. Not esoteric at all.

    9. https://www.boringcompany.com/not-a-flamethrower

      If you say so.

    10. Omg, lol.

      “Stand out in a crowd! Get noticed as you walk through the airport”

    11. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/alaska-airlines-panel-blowout-boeing-ceo-acknowledges-mistake-rcna133198

      "He also admitted that Boeing is facing a 'communications task' in rebuilding trust with its airline customers."

      Hmm, you don't say...

  15. Blogos, the *tunnels* in NY: Golden Child again? Children sacrificed underground by cult members...

    1. Trump going hard on GC this morning. Guess he's moved on from receiving golden showers.


  16. https://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-latest-conspiracy-theory-123200131.html

    Could be Mercury square Neptune? Taylor and her army of Swifties certainly relates to Mercury. Neptune for the propaganda.

    Is Mercury a mer-cure because it kills fish?

  17. Theory: it might not be Golden Child, but rather Stephen King's "It" (the Cult mini-series):



    1. https://www.thesun.ie/fabulous/11972020/shopper-trick-70-boxes-toothpaste-free-asda/

      This seems like it could be IT for the teeth, or GC for the redheads.

    2. Maybe BS. Geoffrey's a dentist.

    3. GC is running close behind, with what looks like an olive branch?

    4. From the video on that link, at 5:38 the caption says, "wiggers have been dignified."
      "no false metal"

    5. I'm such a jerk, lol. Wiggers have been dignied. This must be it.


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I was thinking about Logan's Run and Leo. Leo likes to take things to 11. I don't know, but a good album for LR might be Angel Dust. Angel dust is taking drugs to eleven. Maybe if your amp goes to 11, you might only want to turn it up to 9 to avoid damages. From 9 to 10 is the hinge from good to bad; from 10 to 11 is out of the frying pan and into the fire.


    1. If you divide nine by eleven and flip that b*tch it makes

    2. It sounds like the theme is conflict. 18 doesn't know what it wants.

    3. Petroski says, "in Soviet Russia, eighteen turns you."

      Ralph Lauren ftw, haha. Slight but fun Labyrinth reference directly below.

  20. https://www.wsj.com/health/healthcare/cancer-young-people-doctors-baffled-49c766ed

    Le Run de Logan there's the "doctors baffled" again

  21. I'm gonna say Labyrinth for tunnels story not GC. It's an anti semitic reading of the Labyrinth though. At least it's starting like this...

    1. IotBS was also about turning into one of *them* (suddenly supporting Israel, suddenly meeting with Rabbis).

      I'm still thinking the tunnels are about Stephen King's "It", Pennywise hiding in the sewers, grabbing little kids.

    2. It's the preamble to Labyrinth

    3. Twice since the new year I've had Dance Magic playing as I left the local cinema.

    4. the pedo to the labyrinth? im private military contractor #TICKTOCK

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Not sure where Young Buck and Fif fit into this, but it seems like might go somewhere.

    There's a strong Mars Jupiter trine until 1/13. With Mars in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus, the situation may not be as straight forward as YB simply trying to dress down 50C. They Live might be the obvious connection due to the planets involved, but it would be ahead of schedule. GC seems more likely due to Venus aspecting Lilith, Chiron, and the Moon, but those aspects are weak. Arcturus rising at midnight on that date suggests that this could be a Labyrinth play.

    Or something. Astrology's a hard code to crack.

    1. https://www.herzindagi.com/astrology/astrology-remedies-tips/astro-significance-of-keeping-pigeon-feather-at-home-article-262459

      This story doesn't even mention dove feathers.

    2. Doves are such peaceful animals.



      Even TL and LR can be positive stories if one looks past the most spectacular first impressions.

  24. Kristi Loem as Dale Arden tracks let's see

  25. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/13/boeing-plane-returns-to-airport-in-japan-after-crack-found-in-cockpit-window

  26. "Lights are flashing red on global dashboard" pretty on the nose statement by Lord Cameron


  27. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/14/volcano-erupts-near-reykjavik-forcing-evacuation-of-residents

  28. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/danny-trejo-recalls-dead-drunk-sober-55-years

    1. Could be a lot of things. Maybe it's a test of whether Logan can teach Jessica to turn anything other than cheap tricks. Might be worth throwing charts for Trejo, Elizabeth Frasier, and maybe Jimmy Carter just for kicks.


      Sam Altman and no. 2 tracks better with FG. Music of the spheres...


  29. https://www.chillicothegazette.com/story/news/local/2024/01/16/aces-of-trades-dana-workman-stacey-became-the-farmer-she-always-wanted-to-be/72201343007/

    Translation: terra ferma

  30. If this is the focus of LR, it's a good thing we're focusing on FG.


    1. Excellent:


  31. The timing looks off, but this seems to match when Zarkov and co. are nearing the Oort Cloud.


  32. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/17/blinken-davos-boeing-plane-00136096

    1. The NYT has an interesting article about Boeing's mounting troubles.

  33. Reading the incredibly detailed and well-researched book "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" by the late, great Jim Marrs, four things become shockingly evident:

    - Nazi Germany had the Atom Bomb starting in 1943, and used it *several* times against the Soviets. In fact the A-Bombs dropped on Japan were of German origin, willingly given to the Americans.

    - The Nazis were way ahead of the curve when it comes to quantum physics, and even figured out the secrets of anti-gravity, which lead to the construction of the very first "flying saucers".

    - German scientists built the world's first digital computers as early as 1938.

    - Fourth, and most importantly, the Nazis did *NOT* lose the War. They and the Allied Forces simply agreed to put an end to it in order to avoid further loss of life and civilization, the Third Reich now existing in a decentralized manner, behind the scenes on an international level, mostly within the Deep States.

  34. More for the GC pile:




    1. Top two actually look more like Tron. It seemed almost too blatant, but we do appear to be dealing with the face value mafia here. Might as well follow their lead and stick to the dick kickingly obvious.

    2. In terms of Path, of course.

  35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLqqZmNFa_A

    Guess this tracks with Danny Trejo.

    1. Who am I kidding, I just wanted to put it in. This is really funny, too:


  36. Wormhole. I'm going to have to look more closely at Mercury to try to get a handle on any of the timing stuff.


    1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/67354876?

      Another Mercurial mystery. November's the preview period,
      this is from today. And it probably foreshadows summer of 2027, which could be useful in picking which movie to follow.

    2. It's all obviously FG. But the other options are interesting.

  37. Does anyone remember the Ricky Gervais and David Bowie bit? Still the funniest thing I've ever seen, hands down. I damn near died the first time I saw it, and it just gets funnier and funnier every time.

  38. Big Trouble in Little China?


    1. Maybe this is too much of a side track. It's got nothing to do with the here and now.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. https://www.forbes.com/sites/gauravsharma/2024/01/18/how-chesapeake-southwestern-energy-merger-will-reshape-us-natural-gas-industry-via-24-billion-entity/?

    Big deal!

  41. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqQuihD0hoI

  42. Excelsior, bitches.


  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Replies
    1. Sorry about that. This blog might have broken my brain, haha. Of course it's my own fault for getting carried away with it. Probably for the best if I don't post much if at all anymore. Best wishes with it all though.

  45. A fascination with the Grail mysteries led Tracy Twyman to create a secret society called "the Order of the Stone of Exile", an attempt to contact and network with other people interested in the Grail. Things got really strange when Twyman started to converse with various supernatural entities, chief among them Baphomet. “He is locked inside of a prison within the center of the Earth - entombed, really - under a spell of death-like sleep. However, he is still able to use his incredibly powerful divine spirit to affect the course of events on Earth. He is still the Lord of the Earth, although he is immobilized. He takes especial interest in the royal human bloodlines that descend from him. He is able to incarnate through his descendants (and those who serve them). The prison within which Baphomet is locked is the real Ark of the Covenant, and the real Holy Grail, for it contains his divine power. Whether one views it as a cup, a stone, or a box, the symbolism is the same. It is the prison that contains the body and spirit of Baphomet. Jailed, Baphomet is thus at the mercy of whoever his jailer is. The question "Whom does the Grail serve?", then, is really saying "Who holds the key to the prison of Baphomet?"
    Thankfully, at the last minute, Twyman came to her senses: “I was still working on this when I was suddenly seized with unrelenting terror about the future of the "Ordo Lapsit Exillis". I reviewed the details for the Divine Rite - about the ritual sacrifice, then releasing the spirit of Baphomet to possess his body and rule the Earth. For the first time I truly came to grips with what it meant: an opening of the gates of the Abyss."

  46. 8m53s into latest AJ infowars update Alex references Golden Child FFS

  47. Jan 5, Boeing 737 has a panel rip off midair

    Jan 13, Boeing 737 cockpit window cracks

    Jan 17, Boeing 737 strands Blinken

    Jan 19, Boeing 747 cargo plane burns up

    Jan 20, Boeing plane in Atlanta lost a wheel

    Jan 25, Boeing to pause production for a “quality focus day”

  48. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/25/alabama-executes-kenneth-smith-nitrogen-gas
