Sunday, May 14, 2023

2023 - The Year of A'arab Tzereq, The Charm of Making

''Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha...''


The Charm of Making, Merlin, Excalibur 1981

When I discussed three types of possession (digital, sociological, biological) in Three Bodysnatchers I forgot perhaps the most important one we discussed in Where the Rainbow Ends, the original body snatching i.e. demonic possession.  In a decade with ever increasing tests of an individual's red lines I thought more of my folk would have found theirs by now but it seems swearing eternal fealty to a blood descendant of Vlad Dracul is amazingly still not one of them. 

Now they are his thralls.


The appearance of the Grim Reaper at the Royal Coronation was making the rounds on social media for a few days after the day of national bodysnatching celebration and astute readers of the Hermetic Lessons will remember we specifically discussed the pathwalking of Death in Where the Rainbow Ends.  I apologise for complicating things from a Qabalistic perspective but as I reminded you we were working with a simplified model of the Qliphoth for some time.  See the diagrams below for an attempt to illustrate the idea of the paths connecting 21-24 (Art/Temperance), 22-24 (The Devil) and 23-24 (Death) - although importantly the diagram below is taken from the Sefiroth not the Qliphoth.  Remember that you have to flip this upside down and the cult movies are only acting as story structuring agents for a ritual of Qliphothic correspondences.  Since these Qliphoth have been turned into clocks and calendars the pathways should also be considered in time as well as space - unlocking, unfolding, a relentless opening of the gateways, always counting down


Bearing in mind all of the above its worth looking at these AI generated bits of 70s cult movie body snatching that went a long way to paper over the crusty bits of the coronation with something ''cool'' with more enlightened eyes and ideas. The Demolition Team obviously had all of this prepared in advance.  See above.  See before.


Mis-en-scene refers to the collection of design elements that serve to conjure the visual and emotional atmosphere of a production. Untangling the Body Snatchers from the rest of this infernal clusterfuck how is the mood of ''suspense'' being built before the horror thriller that 2023 is about to turn into?

Starting from the beginning of 2023 (the year of doppelgangering) the public are now used to the idea of visual bodysnatching be it an AI stealing your art style or the insertion of the Pope into a Balenciaga commercial but the penny hasn't quite dropped on what this means for the future.  Not so much that the digital clone is now going to steal your job as well as your mind, it is if hasn't already, but that you will no longer be able to trust any media images - post-truth reality snatching - for one example it renders that stash of Epstein island evidence fairly redundant I would imagine.  As an Apocalypse Squad member said we may as well be living in the Matrix at this point. Geoffrey Hinton has emerged to warn us of the hive mind of digital intelligence, and I quote roughly from his speech, ''ten thousand individual digital intelligences that all immediately know what the other ones know''.  If that doesn't chill you to the core based on what we read ahead in the script then I don't know what will.  If it does make your blood run cold go ahead and light a fire. Fusing these ideas with the body modding we see in the Woke community, we can now begin to see humanity melting away and being visibly replaced by ''the hive mind''.

The MSM in the UK are reporting on the excess deaths adding to the unease and paranoia that we feel in the ongoing ''environmental health investigation'' of whatever is causing young people to suddenly drop dead from heart attacks and brain clots.  2022's pharmatards claimed that it could be a) cold showers b) climate change c) working with your hands in the soil d) eggs e) gas bills basically anything instead of you know what but they're finally beginning to just throw their hands in the air.  What ever could it be? Lockdowns heavily damaged the population for sure and a lot of people were in chronic cycles of substance abuse and laziness during this time and a lot of people have literally been scared to death, lilifluenza itself is a nasty disease which is specifically threatening to the thrice boosted because of the warping of the immune system and the vaccine causes myocarditis and clots on its own.  Argue about the exact nature of the Devil all you like its still the Devil.


As I've been saying for several years now the cooling effect of La Nina has taken the edge off the temperature rise.  El Nino is now beginning and the temperature is going to jump sharply, if they find a way to bring the planes down this summer or reduce the number of flights then even more sharply because of decreased global dimming.  Its going to happen regardless of whether you believe its caused by chemtrails and lasers from Starlink, climate change or the Archdemon Legion Thagirion - the forests have had time to regrow from 2018 and 2019 and they are ready to burn again and burn they shall.  Everything shall burn under the Thunderdome.  The Megafires of 2024 have to be great enough to justify the fifteen minutes cities and pedestrianity doing their bit ''to save the world'' by ''living in a concentration camp of a town.'' The war in Ukraine tipped the world's food supply upside down and with the failed harvests, droughts and desertification and all of the destruction of soft food supply targets, bankrupting farms and the buying up of all the rest, etc they are trying to lay the foundation of the worst famine in living history.  Expect it to go full Mad Max at the start of 2024 especially in countries most vulnerable to this.  For my British readers there is still time for a Mad Max Brexit.  There are still questions about Mad Max and the specific structuring (all three movies or only Thunderdome) they will use and like Bodysnatchers the distinction between the global and the local effects of the Qlipha but if you live somewhere particularly flammable I would urge you to take all possible precautions well ahead of time.

If you want to keep your health, mental and physical, follow the path to 2026 and Sanctuary.

Serpent's Breath, Charm of Death and Life, Thy Omen of Making


Merlin, Excalibur (1981)

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

2023 - The Year of A'arab Tzereq, Three Bodysnatchers

Jack: Do, uh, do you, report certain things when you run into them, like a contagious disease or a body in a place of business?

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)


Reviewing the script at 2023andWe we see that the new Jeffrey Epstein information has been timed to synchronise with the character of Geoffrey (watching Elisabeth) in the film and its specifically worth looking more closely at Burns, the CIA director, involvement with Epstein as he played the role of Dr Scott in RHPS. Not only this but the ''emergency signal'' test in the UK which a lot people turned off and which prompted Sunak to beg the population to switch it back on again synched with ''Nancy turn off that damn music''.  Ed Sheeran (one of our Eddies) is involved in a *copy*wright lawsuit while I would say this is an example of set dressing it does counter the idea of machines being the only ones that effectively copy people - unless Ed is a robot.  Its worth looking closely at the video for Bad Habits as you will see the following ideas Joker, Transvampires, Zombies, AlexdeLarge and then Bodysnatchers (a scene in the video where an Ed Sheeran dissolves in Bodysnatcher style) which kind of sums up where we are at right now.  With Kevin McCarthy, ''Matt'' Hancock, ''Jack'' Teixeira and all of the other synchronicities that went before this implies that the May 3rd-6th reveal of the bodysnatcher mid-cloning process is going to be an important period for this phase of the demolition - the ''coronation'' if you will.  Like with the mask tableau from RHPS expect this to be highly visible to the general public, Kate Elizabeth Middleton is wearing flowers in her hair for the crowning, the only question we have is what the final nature of the Bodysnatchers will be:

Digital: The AI is copying you, your art style, your writing style, etc, whatever and then its going to attempt to take your job.  In this reading the ''smartphone'' is the flower pod on your bedside table, the Bodysnatcher, that is putting you to sleep, possibly blocking the natural dreaming process (which is leaving you with constant fatigue which ages you and creates mental fog) and then copying you/your data.  This ''AI'' also has the ability to insert anyone into any image i.e. Pope + Balenciaga which is another form of ''body snatching''.  This process will culminate in meeting a digital clone of yourself which has the literary/artistic skills, super intelligence (knowledge) and connection to the hive mind that you lack.  It may or may not also point at you and scream like a demon fresh out of hell we will have to wait and see.

Sociological: The Woke Mind Virus is taking over your body and then convincing you that you want to transform/mutilate it.  In this reading ''Bodysnatchers'' are organizations, such as schools, that are spreading propaganda and indoctrinating young people into the idea that they must change their sex in order to be happy rather than just waiting for puberty to run its course first and leaving this to be an adult decision.

Biological: The vaccine inserted mRNA (which works by ''copying'', being ''copied'') into the population at large and it has without doubt changed people biologically and to some extent psychologically.  Depending on the dose you could be manufacturing spike protein for up to eighteen months after the jab with systemic damage depending on where it concentrates - rapid aging, rapid cancers, heart attacks, blood clots at the brain, dulled eyes (perception), blocked pineal gland, mental fog, tinnitus, ''dejavu'', facial paralysis, autoimmune disease, reproductive issues and now as expected skin conditions. It is possible this process is on some kind of chronobiological timer (a clockwork OPN1LW gene for genuine psychotic accuracy) where the body's cells that have been modified, pulse out the spike protein over a certain time period.  This would have the effect of staggering the deaths, as we are seeing, and allow us to dig our own graves, stopping the mass pile up of rotting bodies which the Demolition Team would then have to clean up for themselves.  This assessment does not include the possible toxicity of the nanopackaging itself and/or damage received from improper storage of the vaccine (not at the right temperature) or from being jabbed into a bloodvessel rather than muscle tissue.  Some people will have recieved different doses or no dose at all (saline) making an awful lot of people say ''it was fine.''  Every time another dose was applied you then increased the risk of a live round.  If we say 1/3 of the jabs were saline, which seems to be a popular number to reach for, then your chance of getting lucky for all three was 1/27 but again the staggered timing of damage will help the Demolition Team for instance if you got the ''live round'' on the 3rd jab and recieved this in '22 you will possibly be producing spike until '24, if it was in late '21 then you are going to be producing spike until around this time this year...

It is highly likely that the ''dramatic effect'' of the film will be around all three of these components but I want to focus on the biological for a moment as the other two have kind of been done to death in different areas and I think we all ''get it''.  One of the problems I have with the biological and how it intersects with the events of the film throughout the year was whether this drama would be localised (i.e. in San Francisco and a few other places) or whether it would be more widespread/global.  With the WHO Treaty about to be signed and our law making abilities called into question around ''future pandemic responses'' and the particularly contentious areas of lockdowns and vaccine mandates, along with the capture of a WHO biolab in Sudan, I want to offer a ''version'' of what could play out over the year.

Very nasty disease outbreak, possibly associated with terror attack linked to Sudan or ''Russian bioweapon'' scare, such as Ebola, occurs in major liberal city or cities.  Rather than this prompting a global lockdown (which we very rightly would not accept at this point even if it was Ebola...) it prompts a series of very brutal local lockdowns which we then watch with great trepidation from other parts of the world.  This covers all the diagonal shots, twisted soundtrack and people being chased through empty streets without paralysing the planet. We already have some experience with this from SARS and Ebola when it travelled back with nurses from Sierra Leone in the last outbreak and we've certainly seen it in the film by the same name.  The world will be on tenderhooks about whether anything has escaped these cities, and people who are breaking the lockdowns, etc within that city (i.e. our group of friends from the film) will be viewed very harshly.  Its easier to judge when you are not personally involved and I doubt people are going to form a citizens army to rescue San Franciscoans.  But then they came for you didn't they?  The city or cities they pick for this will have very high compliance rates with the covid drama so they know the greater part of the population will play ball and also the ability to WFH without impeding the production process so again San Francisco is probably a good pick and obviously the perfect pick if you are a total psychopath commited to this completely insane global transformation by mirroring the events of the film as precisely as possible.  We've already seen them zero in on this setting several times this year (and in the ''trailer'' or path late last year) - Twitter HQ, Nancy Pelosi gay husband hammer attack, Californian Wokitis, SVB & Silicon Valley in general as examples.

So we will now wait and see what is roughly going to crystallise out off the pod over the next few days but I wanted to get the above out as what I would consider to be a soft reading of the hard biological hypothesis which happens as a result over the rest of the year not over the next few days.  A hard reading of the hard hypothesis is mass Ebola et al (bioweapon, supercoof, etc) outbreak, global lockdowns and the pod people who come out of it in December are forever changed beyond recognition an unemotional psychological protoplasm capable of mass hysteria at the flick of an ''emergency signal''.

P.s. Please keep your eyes open for Nancy we should have seen definitely her by now and it'll be something obvious ''Eyes Wide Shut''.

Matthew: What kind of joke is this?
Jack: It's no joke, Matthew.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)