Saturday, October 21, 2023

2023 - The Year of A'arab Tzereq, The Wickerman (2022-2024), Chop Chop Chop

Everyone must go through MacGregor, It's a game of chance, remember? 
Lord Summerisle


The cry of ''Chop! Chop! Chop!'' originates in the sword ritual decapitation scene which takes place at the pagan dance party in Wickerman.  Since we had this knowledge we have been wondering who is going in the Wickerman, along with who we have also been wondering about how many and the ''quality'' of the sacrifice.  Please watch the scene yourself and follow the main beats below:

  • Pagan dance party (Supernova dance festival) replete with maidens
  • Star of David formed with swords
  • Potential sacrifices/party goers go through star
  • Which maiden will be selected?
  • Will it be Howie (''disguised'' as a fool)?
  • Nope, its another kid
  • Solar Tree symbolism
  • Its ok we didn't really decapitate her, we just kidnapped her for tea and cuddles
  • P.s. we may or may not have decapitated some babies

I am sure its completely coincidental that the Israeli response has been called ''swords of iron'' (Important Note: Sword in Hebrew is ''Z'' (zayin) so this is Special Operation Z) and the hostages are effectively acting as the wickerman inside the burning edifice (i.e. Gaza).  

There is really not much of this movie left I suggest again you watch the last 12ish mins now if you're not extremely familiar with it, esp. the speeches.  Christopher Lee says its one of the best characters he has ever played which is saying something. What next? A sacrifice to the God of the Sea (we may have missed this, maybe to do with the carriers), the hostages reveal, some action sequence with the hostages in the (terrorist tunnels), the Howie sacrifice twist, the speeches and then the big burn.  With Gaza already looking like this, the scenography will be easy to establish, this fire will also be backlit by bigger fires around the world when we hit the season, coming up shortly in California, I think and then a little bit later in Australia.  I am not ruling out other potential Wickermen (Ukraine seems to have disappeared from the news...) as the movie draws to a close and we may want to consider some other options for Howie as well.  At the moment I would say Howie represents the ''concerned audience/citizenry''...  

Come on my friends, to the beach! 
Lord Summerisle


  1. No UFO so far.

    But, historically, there HAVE been major UFO sightings in Israel...

    1. No but the Biden face mask chin memes are from IoBS or Cocoon. And he moved to coast for action (carriers + visit). I was going to do a separate piece on Cocoon/IoBS but this needs to breathe for a few days.

      Ps that mother fucker is not real

    2. I think the march to the beach = civilian evacuation corridor, like a few 100000 people walking down the same road in Gaza ''Strip'' so I think the sacrifice to the god of sea should be coming shortly. I may be wrong on timing as I was going by eye but I agree that Cocoon demands a UFO imho and it looks like they were setting up for one with David Grusch, mexican cocoon aliens, etc. A boy called *David* throws himself into the sea to save the boomers so they can go on their UFO ride. Is this some synergy... is/was David sacrificed to the sea god?

      Who is YHVH really? Dagon? Turns out its complicated.

      Still this is the land of ancient Phoenicia so its important to keep the Sea God happy regardless of theological complications and the historical conflations of deities.

    3. How about the USS Dwight D EisenHOWIEr?

    4. A troublingly good strike there JM.

    5. It troubles me, because there's a lot of parallels. Blithely heading off to do justice in a world far removed from its own. Assured of it's strength, viewing complexity through a simplistic lens. Steeped in orthodox, linear thinking moving into a world where all is not as it seems.

      And as if by magic:

      'In a major change, the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower and its strike group of a cruiser and destroyers is being redirected to the Middle East instead of to the eastern Mediterranean where it was supposed to join the USS Ford strike group as an additional deterrent for Iran and Hezbollah from broadening the conflict between Hamas and Israel.'

      It travels there just as the USS Carney (val) shoots 4 missiles in the red sea originating from the Whothis? Houtis.

      Comment by @evakohegyi6939 YT page:

      ' Eisenhower carrier left naval station norfolk on October 14, the day of the ring of fire eclipse. There is a connection between eisenhower and the castle of versailles where the bomb alarm was now on 14 oct. On december 16, 1944, there was a wedding in the chapel of the castle of Versailles, where Eisenhower's bodyguard and Pearlie Hargrave were married. Eisenhower attended this wedding in versailles. Eisenhower was born on October 14 in denison Texas... the crowing rooster channel says that it received a prophetic message from the Lord that if Eisenhower's ship arrives in Israel, America will be humiliated and it will become America's second Pearl Harbor. The bride's name was Pearlie in versailles.'

  2. Operation Z.

    Words Are since you are tracing lines on the tree of life zayin is the lightning flash. The oath throughline we were up until recently following along. You might want to considers Zs while you considers the Xs.

  3. ''Fast boats'' are currently storming the shoreline and being obliterated. Will the God of the Sea be pleased?

  4. In light of the above (and Britneys bizarre "knife dance" before this all happened) I think it highly likely the pagan maidens are/were crisis actors. Don't take my word on that as I also might be a crisis actor.


    One of the biggest problems people have with this (fake) letter is the use of "Zion" before it was a thing. Zzzz.

    There's also a big Z looking thing in the night sky - Draco. Zerpent Island?

    1. Alphabetically, it's the end of the line. Nowhere left to go but Reset, baby!

    "In military symbolism, swords held upward, especially crossed swords held upward, signify war and entering into battle."

    This is mentioned in regards to the second, Red, horse. It's not difficult to imagine that if a party is able to gain sole authority over land which had long been disputed, they would later on say it had been a "civil" matter all along. There are also unstable fringes on either side of western societies seemingly in wait of an opportunity. And whatever goes on in the places less reported on.

    1. This knife stuff makes it seem especially poignant that one of the kidnapped was a tattoo artist.

  7. 'It's like being underwater': What Israeli soldiers will face inside the labyrinth of Hamas tunnels

    Underwater - check. Labyrinth - check.

    1. People are talking about this and that they (the people, the hostages?) are ''scapegoats''

  8. Freighter collision in North Sea between Verity and Polesie


    1. Summerisle is off coast of scotland

    2. What happens if there is no UFO whatsoever?

    3. Look man its about interpretation right. I've been wrong about the disease X part of Bodysnatchers *thus far* but we've had every other interpretation AI woke migrants mask wearing political doubles secret invasion along with a political drama surrounding Kevin Mac, Matt Gaetz (Tabibi Hancock, etc), Nancy, Elonizabeth etc. JBP pushed for digital Identity to disempower trolls and bots making the distinction between verified and unverified people. Once again his actions suggest he is certainly *verified*. Jeez Jabes we've even called Russel.

      With 3 stories in play and 5 at work (ie plus ExK + MM3) with possible repeats (throwbacks?) we knew this would get complicated. It's also why synergy is important now. I'm happy with both IoBS and WM I think they're 100% solid & we are screwed enough by them. Cocoon is weirder and I need to do work on it but they heavily flirted with aliens via David Grusch and we've had build back better through to criticism of the gerontocracy which is effectively Cocoon.

      No ufo doesnt invalidate Cocoon in the same way the absence of the threatened disease x does not invalidate IoBS. But if its about personal disappointment yes I want them to stop flirting and deploy a fucking ufo.

      Reality of aliens (spirits) is way weirder than that, too weird for pedestrianity to handle but I'd love to see the Franks, and the Droogs, the NPC snatchers and the rest of the gang react to blue beam. I'm feeling quite nihilistic about this whole thing at the moment.

      Please, oh demo team, fire up the sky beam so JB and I can rest.

    4. Because if it's just a very long series of symbolic gestures that couldn't even be noticed by public consciousness, then it's just an exercize in intellectual masturbation. No real changes = they're wasting our goddamn time.

  9. Last night I realized that the tunnels were like what I was afraid of getting dragged off to in that 2014 vision. And it goes along with the other huge theme of that moment, touching people's throat to control them. I can't think of any other issue with so much pressure to say the "right" thing.

    Next up came a then ex vice prez's face laughing maniacally with black eyes while poorly equipped Americans marched to their death at the foot of a flag.

    Then I started to try to like devour the entire world or something and found myself quoting the Bhagavad Gita/Oppenheimer before I heard myself talking and stumbled on the time/destruction word.

    And then a weirdo who'd already given me trouble once before when I was a very little kid showed up and asked if I wanted "to play a time trick."

    Then I flashed back between the then present and 1986, and finally came out of it.

    The tunnel thing has me spooked. I barely slept last night.

    1. The 1986 detail could be personal, but it's also the year Chernobyl melted down. Fuck.

    2. Somewhere in all there was the giant, dark, obscure guy (only down to the arms, and robed or covered in black) swinging around a sickle for "the great reaping." It might have come between the underground place and the flag.

      The stuff CK is posting about Bootes piqued my interest because of this.

    3. I hate to harp on this because it's lame, but in that vision, at the beginning, strings were dangling out of the sky, of some color like cyan or electric blue. They had hooks at the ends and were catching little floating people by teacup handles sticking out of their backs. The teacup handles were shaped very, very similarly to the weird lump on Howie's back while he's in the Fool costume.

      It might turn out that a lot of people play the fool by brashly rushing into things before all the information's available. Or just shrugging and going along with things even when they seem off.

  10. And another thing, this has bothered me a little over the years now and then since I've remembered. In second grade I was in the gifted program at school, and like so many other people who were, I have very limited memories of what went on but what I do remember was a little strange. Since I have no idea where this thought came from, I'll blame the gifted program.

    One day I was laying on the couch while my parents were out, and it occurred to me that both of their lives would probably be a lot better if I'd been aborted, and I was ok with that thought. Whatever, right? But then I started thinking about how sometimes people have a bad reaction to a vaccine and it's ok if they die, because they don't belong in the society anyway, if it's a society where people need to do that. And then it was like, yeah, and if a country gets taken over, people shouldn't get bent out of shape, but just go along with the new way.

    I think this was the same time I had the idea that it's ok if people who don't deserve it go to prison, because their mindfulness could allow people to view/feel their experience and know that it's not ok. It's ridiculous - ok because its not ok-ness is seen by someone.

    Any of those thoughts on their own are maybe a little weird for a child to be thinking, but for them to have come all at the same time makes me wonder just where the hell it came from. None of those things were subjects I dwelled on, or ever even really thought about at all other than that one time.

    Mind control seems to be like privilege, in that it works best if no one notices it at all.


    Foreshadowing? The dying dudes in my vision looked more like a militia than any kind of army. Everyone goes so crazy as soon as they hear one little, stupid thing that's been done to them - and dontcha know, but the curse or whatever is spread through a movie/the phone or something. I haven't seen any Ring movies in awhile, but either way it's media. A media disease.

  12. Blogos:

    "On 19 October 2023, residents of the town were evacuated due to Storm Babet."
    "The word 'How', predating written history, appears to originate from the ancient Kingdom of Strathclyde as a locational description of a 'hollow' (deep valley)."

    "The oldest public record of the surname dates to 1526 in the town of Brechin."

    Etymologically, it's no wonder the Champion of Deep Hollow would be a valued sacrifice to the patriarchy.

  14. Ukraine peace talks taking place in Malta ie another Summerisle...

  15. *Matthew* Perry just died, heart/vaxx.

    They thought it was drowning in a pool at first.

    1. Holy shit that's an exact strike then wow We called Friends in 2022 for 2023 if you remember? The two Matthews, etc. Then Perry released his book... wow ok this is doomy folks.


