Tuesday, October 3, 2023

2023 - The Year of A'arab Tzereq, I Have A Choice

If I’m sitting down and that boat is going down and I’m on top of a battery and the water starts flooding in, I’m getting concerned, but then I look 10 yards to my left and there’s a shark over there, so I have a choice of electrocution and a shark, you know what I’m going to take? 
Donald Trump, 2023

''Matt Gaetz declares war on Kevin McCarthy over funding to Ukraine'', now ladies and gentlemen that is what in the public demolitions sector they call cinematic synergy. Hmmm what does this tell us about who is going in the Wickerman? Well it still looks like Z from here.

Here is Clockwork Donald's own attempt at cinematic synergy, from his recent musings on choosing a way to die: “If I’m sitting down and that boat is going down and I’m on top of a battery and the water starts flooding in, I’m getting concerned, but then I look 10 yards to my left and there’s a shark over there, so I have a choice of electrocution and a shark, you know what I’m going to take? Electrocution,” Trump said. “I will take electrocution every single time, do we agree?''

 As previously stated all three of the films: Invasion; Cocoon; Wickerman; are coming to their dramatic resolutions at or by the sea.  Invasion of the Body Snatchers has chases down by the docks, the bagpipes from the ships and the final assault on the pod facility resulting in a lot of electrical explosions.  In Wickerman Sergeant Howie is confronted between the choice of throwing himself to his own death from the cliffs into the rocky waters below or going into the flames, to wicker up and smell the covfefe.  Finally Cocoon features a young boy, David, throwing himself into dolphin infested waters to distract the coast guard while a ship full of boomers are electrocuted into space.  It is a lot and hats off to President Trump for having a crack at summarising those final conflicts.  You're definitely my pick to play the prez in They Live.

I may be the only one you are making sense to here though, you very stable genius you. 

Well maybe JB.

Electrocution, I will take electrocution every single time.  Do we agree?
Donald Trump, 2023


  1. The climax of Lifeforce involves a gigantic spaceship in orbit, people's souls being collected as electrical blue lights, and the population of a major city going full zombie.

  2. No to Lifeforce, I thought about it, no to the Abyss as well.

    We have not had space vampires or interdimensional squids but we have seen a bunch of old people getting a new lease of life after covid, staying longer than necessary in positions of power while shirking the actual responsibilities of being statespeople and possibly/already getting ''electrocuted'' into space this Winter. Alongside David Grusch (the boy in Cocoon is called David) the actual mexican cocoon alien theatre thing and all the ''whistleblowers'' about to come forward (prob. should be read as the witnesses on the boat) its Cocoon dude, but nice try. Also, fuck you ;-)

  3. Its an astute observation from the JBI here but I'd argue that it's a statue to Elizabeth's naked clone rather than the vampire chick from Lifeforce. We can split the difference *at the end of play*. So what's it to be Jabes ripped apart by sharks or electrocution?

    President Trump is really cutting through the noise again wow

  4. Oh, I just thought they might have added another flick to the list.

  5. Kevin Mac going down looks like. How many can they fit in the Wickerman? May as well load it up properly they went to a lot of effort making it.

  6. The original Celtic Wicker Men could contain easily a dozen or more "criminals" (according to the Romans, the Celts often used the Wicker Man ritual also as a method of public execution, two birds with one stone).

  7. THIS.


  8. Maybe it's Lifeforce, based on the work of Thomas Mayer, and Bernhard Guenther, courtesy of JB, from a few blogposts ago on Wordman's website

    1. For any of us to ''prove'' it (at least by the ''standards'' of this site) we would have to do the same kind of line by line work but from 21-24. I think I can make a stab at a decent overview of Cocoon it ain't going to be easy but its a story that covers postcovid boomers attempting building back better perfectly and also includes alien and body snatcher set dressing. Its a good choice on names as well and has broad social themes unlike the cosmic horror of Lifeforce or the depths void of the Abyss. I know about the soul severing thing but it hasn't cut through to the mainstream far from it. Its hyperfringe along with nanowires and hydrae etc. It might be true but that's not what we are doing here. If that *is* true this situation is truly fubar.


      At this link pass by the Rich Men North of Richmond busker snatcher hound and you meet Elizabeth's naked clone. Before that Elonizabeth was at the border moaning about the invasion. He just started raving about the vaccine again but said in the future mRNA may be great for other applications. I guarantee you it will be regulated offworld. Either way I think demonic freshly born from pod sexy chick is supposed to be Elizabeth from IoBS not ''Space Girl'' from Lifeforce. Watch the scene (again) you'll see what I mean.

      Anyway its looking like we are all converging and honestly lets see who survives and split the difference. Good luck.

      P.s. Electrocution or ripped apart by sharks>>?

    2. Oh, I don't doubt IotBS being the main narrative, with Cocoon being the lesser narrative, but there *seems* to be more and more Lifeforce being injected into it.

      This is like the idea of Jurassic Park, where they used the DNA of dinosaurs, but there were small gaps here and there, that needed to be filled in with frog DNA. If that makes sense.

      They would be using a few key elements of Lifeforce as "narrative *glue*".

    3. Narrative glue? I dont know what they're paying you at the JBI but man are you earning it. Narrative glue is now definitely canon. Seriously I dont want to get all Occam on you but if IoBS et al covers why needlessly complicate it with Lifeforce? Ok for the sake of it I bet you 5 humble pies that we dont see Lifeforce finale play out. Have you watched that movie recently? That's not going to happen. & we havent really seen *any* of it happen. I like the film as much as the next guy for two obvious reasons but the plot is deranged. Those two obvious reasons are anyway covered by Elizabeth who is a very attractive woman in her own right.

    4. & WM + CC are not lesser narratives they're just slower burning on different fuses. Anyway technical details aside Trump is right and we do have a choice, a choice between a natural grizzly shark death vs a synthetic internal nanowire facilitated extraterrestrial mitochondrial "electrocution" death. I really respect him for putting it out there in such a way it cuts through all the bullshit, seriously its like post modern Shakespeare, maybe peak Trump, but personally *Give me the fucking shark* man y'know. Now the tension of that choice is going to be suspended for maybe a week before it bursts. I'm not saying I'm never wrong I've been pretty transparent about that all along but with Kevin vs Matt damn do we win the internet today. I'm off for a victory lap and a solid pint of gin.

    5. How topical Lifeforce is: a *needle* (a giant needle in orbit) being used to turn people into zombies and steal their souls (just like the Vaxx).

    6. I don't rate Lifeforce as a cult classic. It wasn't seen by all that many and let's be honest, it was never much cop, bar a memorable scene with the lady space vampire. It does have Patrick Stewart, so there's that.

      On the shark and electrocution, there's a sharp link made here with the I Pet Goat 2 narrative which also appears to be playing out quite on point: https://youtu.be/8ygS8JpRfVI?si=qHyttQWxpgRkCoRb

      I wonder what form the sharks will take? Hope we don't have to jump them Fonzy style...

  9. Jeneral Bureau of Investigation, JBI

  10. Don't forget: tomorrow (Oct 4), there's a *worldwide emergency signal test* at 2:22 pm EST.

  11. Matthew just chased the Running Man out of the speakership of the House. That McCarthy's temporary victory was withholding Ukraine funding seems about right if Matthew is indeed a friend in the military.

    1. Everybody be talking about how Nancy had Kevin Macs office this whole time lol

  12. Maybe this is fake?


  13. This isn't fake:



  14. I don't care much one way or the other, but a lot of people seem to strangely ignore a lot of connections which they might be quick to point out in anyone else. Maybe it's interdimensional mind magic.

  15. This movie stuff is really, really fun to follow along with. It's actually turned watching the daily sh*tshow into an amusing checklist.

    Whether it's metaphysical or whatever, this could be happening all the time. Like, there could be people running the Tree up and down, and we just usually don't notice because it's more subtle.

    22 paths times 4 worlds is already 88, but then double it to 176 to account for forward and backward motion. Simple, lol.

    1. I agree. The Matt > Kev > Nancy throughline is pretty remarkable though as well as funny.

      For your exploration the worlds, Sefirot and paths are somewhat interlaced on Jacob's Ladders arrangements.

    2. I love that since the running man doesnt have a name they just chose Kevin McCarthy.

    3. It's the little details like that which both make it fun, and sickening at the same time.

      I'm not ready to try to make sense of Jacob's Ladder just yet, but this handy guide to the path's colors has been good to keep a printed copy of near the tv lately, haha.


  16. 2021 - 2023 Footloose. It fits, and even has a Mad Max Lite vibe in parts. "Let's hear it for the boys," indeed.

    1. "Ariel" sounds like a Transylvanian mermaid. Sort of acts like it, too.

    2. Lol, just realized Ariel sounds like aerial. How angelic.

      I might not be the first person to have noticed this.

  17. I think a DUPE of Clash of the Titans is Billy Jack.

    Around March 11 the (I guess) lady schoolteacher is telling Billy Jack she doesn't want the kids to go to town the next day, and he tells her to just tell them not to. She says no, they must make the choice on their own.

    Around election day, Nov 3, he's in a conversation with someone about the rule of law, and brings up dead Kennedys.

    I haven't watched the whole movie since I was a kid, but based on what I remember, and after checking those two points, it seems like a solid choice.

    3/11, 11/3. Democide, democracy. Kind of funny how it worked out that year.


  18. The news mentioning Palestinians on paragliders and kidnappings made me think of The Wizard of Oz.

    Actually, there's more than that which seems to match the situation in general over there, historically.

    It might also be significant that some of the rumors about why the WizOz was made in the first place had to do with currency standards.

    1. The currency thing as an undercurrent matches with the arguments over the $6 billion. Six billion could make a lot of six million dollar men. How many Robocops, though?

      Anyway, it wouldn't be surprising if this was cited as a reason to support an overhaul of the financial system. By Republicans. Who "should know better."

  19. When Ru invaded Uk, here's what was happening in some movies:

    ACO - Alex (the junction of east and west) is asleep in his bed, until Em (speaking of which, M might have a place on a path somewhere) tries to get him to go to school. He's got a bit of a pain, though, in the gulliver ('s travels).

    Footloose - Ren is teaching Willard to dance. Let's Hear It For The Boy plays in the background. The precise day might be when the lamp shakes in the ceiling from Willard's enthusiasm upstairs.

    Harold and Maude - Harold attacks Maude, who is pretending to be a peace protester. This is done for the benefit of his uncle, who wants him to join the military.

    This is all fairly subtle, except the Harold and Maude one. But in that movie, on Jan 6 Harold walks up the hill of a parking lot and opens the door to a building where Maude is modelling nude for an ice sculpture. All he knows is that she invited him to come there. That's subtle AF without anything to compare it to for clues.

    I'm hoping that putting some globs of correspondences out there might make the upcoming ones easier to decipher.

  20. Me -Both sides are controlled...

    Chris -By who, do you reckon?

    -The same Elitist pricks who usually control both sides in any event. Practically everything in this world is heavily scripted.

    -Stop. You sound like an idiot. Elites are all just pedophiles with rich parents.

    -During the Cold War, it was undeniable both sides were controled by the same people. 90-95% of the technological progress of the Soviet Union came from the Western nations, and the commies STFU about the Moon Landings being fake. *SCRIPTED, STAGED*. All of it. Nevermind the spoiled, coked-up trustfund babies. Those above them are playing an autistic game of RISK.

    -Those people are all long gone or too senile to do jacksh*t. The idiot trustfund babies are in charge now and they will bring it all down around their heads.

    -That's incredibly sad if true. Otto Skorzeny/Blofeld/Von Strucker was replaced by his ret*rded nephew?

    -That's exactly what happened.

  21. https://www.timesofisrael.com/daily-briefing-oct-8-day-2-of-operation-swords-of-iron-hezbollah-fires-mortars/

    As my good friend remarked to me in WM a Star of David is formed by the sword ritual. The israeli response to the attack is called swords of iron.

    1. I'd probably argue that some of the hostages are going to constitute the lesser sacrifices that have been talking about.

    2. There was a photo on the front of a paper today of a girl who was killed at a music festival and then her body was 'paraded' around the site. I didn't have the heart to start looking into her name, clothing etc to see if there's any significance, but it did seem like a ritual was performed....

    3. https://nypost.com/2023/10/08/german-tattoo-artist-shani-louk-idd-as-woman-paraded-through-streets-by-hamas/

      Her middle name's Nicole. I haven't been able to figure out why, but variations of Nick seem to have had a lot of bad things happening to them in the news for at least the last two or three years.

    4. Just looked and what do you know... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shani 'Shani (Sanskrit: शनि, Śani), or Shanaishchara (Sanskrit: शनैश्चर, Śanaiśchara), refers to the divine personification of the planet Saturn in Hinduism,[4] and is one of the nine heavenly objects (Navagraha) in Hindu astrology.'

      From Middle English louken, from Old English lūcan (“to close, lock”), from Proto-West Germanic *lūkan, from Proto-Germanic *lūkaną (“to close, lock”), from Proto-Indo-European *lewg- (“to bend, turn”).

    5. Reports she's still alive. That'll be the Saturn return then...

  22. Nancy has weird theories about where humans came from. So did N*zis. They even sound the same. Considering who her dupe is in Return of the Living Dead, it might explain her milkmaid braids.

    1. Odeon cinemas airing ROTLD in UK tonight: https://www.odeon.co.uk/films/the-return-of-the-living-dead/HO00004640/ it's kind of uncanny how many of the cult movies have been aired, Rocky Horror, Wickerman both recent. Course they're cult movies and 50 yr anniversary etc.

  23. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/09/how-the-hamas-attack-on-the-supernova-festival-in-israel-unfolded

    Supernova. Hmmm. Not good.

    1. Chris Knowles has been going over this as well, from a completely different angle:


    2. Here come's a supernova, what a pushover. We're a long way from home....

  24. It's occurred to me that maybe the scales are something to do with an amplification of power. Like, the King scale is the most subtle or consciously controllable and the Princess scale is the most exerted upon, with the most explosive power. I don't quite know how to say what it is I mean, hopefully it makes some sense.

    I'm just starting to rewatch Poltergeist, and immediately noticed that the tv at the beginning is similar to white with red, yellow, and blue flecks, like the Prince scale of Chokmah. This indicates, to me, that it may be a snapshot of the lowest path between Chokmah and Chesed.

    1. That should say Princess scale, with the red, yellow, and blue on white.

      Since it ends with Steven being chased from the House, that might imply the Republicans get a majority in 2026, assuming it runs from 2026-2028. I think it does, because around the time of the 2027 eclipse they are throwing things into the closet to be transported. This includes two tennis balls and the line, "number 2, kiss my ass" or thereabouts. The nodes are thought of as the mouth and anus of the dragon.

  25. Some people are saying the Supernova attack is a new 9/11. Looking at an astrology chart which shows the Behenian fixed stars (specifically Algorab and Sirius) bears this out. Also notice how close the South Node is to Mars in each event.

    1. That would be 8:46am Manhattan, and 6:40am Jerusalem. The reports all said it happened around sunrise.

  26. Z is the Wickerman, I repeat, Z is the Wickerman - https://twitter.com/WarClandestine/status/1712223627259609419

    1. Gaza is being described as the biggest *hostage* crisis in the world. To me it looks like the whole (coastline) strip is the Wickerman and its full of Wickermen. But it could go any way or every way.

  27. In The Shining, Room 237 started out as Room 217 in the book. It just so happens that the hotel they filmed it in didn't have a Room 237 so Kubrick got to use it in The Shining. Could this have been a way of showing that 237 is actually 217?

    Scalise needs 217 votes to secure the House speakership.

    I'm wondering if maybe The Shining is a DUPE of Blade Runner, from 2024 - 2027. Also, though, maybe a trick as in if people think it's the key to 2024 - 2029 they'll wind up frozen in the maze like Jack.

    1. If you look at the intro, while they're driving up the hill after the movie title comes up, the car approaches a white car and then a black tunnel. As they pass the car, Scatman Cruthers' name aligns with the car (remove a few letters for Satan). Once they get through the tunnel, the light spots are the orange, pale mauve, and grey mauve of the Lovers path. The car itself is yellow.

    2. The Shining ends in the Labyrinth. 2029 is supposed to be about "Labyrinth".

    3. I don't know when it's supposed to end, but it might have just started. Not at the beginning of 2024.

      Opening shot:
      An island in the middle of a river. Light and shadow almost divide the river into lanes. Mountains on either side, the sky and its reflection form an hourglass. The mountains on the left are more black, and on the right bank more orange.

      Tell Jemmeh is located at the confluence of two streams.

      Re'im means "friend." Matthew means friend. The twins want to play with Danny forever, which sounds like being friends.

  28. Electricity and pools:


  29. Character called Ben in Cocoon.

  30. It's all happening.


  31. https://www.wired.com/story/a-groundbreaking-human-brain-cell-atlas-just-dropped/

    A brain map made by Ren. Footloose. Mermaids and brains.

  32. I know this was supposed to be cult movie theory, but it's starting to feel like holographic world theory, in a certain sense.

  33. In The Shining, the date on the Ballroom picture is July 4, 1921.

    The North Node is aligned with Arcturus/Spica. At sundown Algorab is at the apex of the chart. Jupiter sextile Sun, Mercury, and Mars. It's a very interesting chart.

    12/7/41 7:48am @ Pearl Harbor
    MC on Algorab. Jupiter sextile Mars.

    10/12/2000 11:18am Aden
    MC on Algorab. Jupiter trine Sun.

    9/11/2001 8:46am Manhattan
    Mercury and Ascendant on Algorab. Jupiter near Apex with Sirius, weak trine to Sun. South Node and Mars aligned.

    10/7/2023 6:41am Beersheba
    Sun and Ascendant on Algorab. Jupiter trine to Sirius at the apex. South Node and Mars aligned with Arcturus/Spica.

    1. 7/4/21 The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto are all hanging around Sirius on the Descendant at sundown.

  34. JB you've pointed out how it's 77 years now after the Babalon working. Speaking of 7s, the new war was started 7 days before the upcoming corona eclipse. 7 years after a rumored child of that sideshow was wed forever into the public consciousness with the avatar of Chaos in our time.

    There's also this:

  35. I made a comment but someone ated it.

    Look at the 7s. Babalon. Eclipse.

    1. You've probably seen these by now but on the 777... I think of Vegas (vega) and the slot machines, and the slotting ritual. The lightning flash down the tree of life. The AC reference of falling like lightning from heaven,and the numerical 7s which surrounds one of the leading characters in this psychodrama, linked inexorably with Israel, Russia, Putin and netanyahu....
      Trump took office when he was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old, in the Hebrew year 5777
      he won the election by 77 electoral votes after there were 7 defectors
      he took office in the 7th year of the decade
      Trump requested a picture of the 7th president to be hung in his office
      Trump is the 7th President from New York
      America witnessed a total Solar Eclipse in Trump’s 7th month as president, another total Solar Eclipse is scheduled 7 years after he took office, he would be 77 years old
      He was named Person of the year by Time magazine on December 7, 2016
      he married the first time on April 7, 1977
      his mother passed away on August 7th
      he banned 7 countries 7 days after taking office
      he authorized a military strike against Syria on his 77th day in office
      the world was fixated on his meeting with Vladimir Putin on 7/7/17 (Putin was 777 months old), and again at the Helsinki summit during his 77th week in office
      Trump imposed sanctions on Iran effective August 7, 2018
      The Supreme Court sided with Trump for border wall funding in the 7th month of 2019
      Trump’s first bid for presidency was announced on October 7, 1999 for the 2000 election
      Along with Trump moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and celebrating Israel’s 70th anniversary as a nation, another remarkable date is the celebration of Israel’s 70th anniversary of forming its first government on March 8, 1949, when you add 777 days to Trumps first day in office (Jan 20, 2017) it comes to the 70th anniversary date of March 8, 2019.
      When you add 700 days to the day Trump was born (June 14, 1946) it comes to May 14, 1948 the day Israel was recognized as a Nation.
      Benjamin Netanyahu was serving his 7th year and 7th month as prime minister of Israel when Trump won the election in November of 2016.
      Trump was raised in a family of 7
      His first child (Don Jr.) was born in 1977
      The 2017 Eclipse was reported to be 70 miles wide; it was the first total Solar Eclipse exclusive to the U.S. since before the nation’s founding in 1776.
      Trumps first press conference on 2/16/17 was 77 minutes long.

      A Trump rally in Tulsa on 6/20/2020 generated the largest Saturday audience in Fox News 24-year history, delivering 7.7 million viewers.

      President Trumps acceptance speech at the final night of the 2020 Republican National Convention on 8/27/2020 was 70 minutes long.

    2. I hadn't seen all that. Wow!

      JB had mentioned Jack and Alice(stair), and it made some sense in the context of the eclipse. Actually it was your latest blogpost which did it. I linked to it in the post that got deleted.

    3. Concerning the Invasion of the Body Snatchers scenario, since we're at the part where Nimoy and Goldblum's characters reveal their true nature, then force our two protagonists to take an injection and look at their pods:

      Is it significant both Nimoy and Goldblum, as well as their characters, are *jewish*? A couple of jewish guys, who you thought you knew, suddenly turning very cold and fanatical, and saying "you're either with us or against us"? Considering what's going on right now with Israel, I mean.

    4. Ah just seen your comments, thank you! I've replied there but I don't think many will see, so perhaps I can paraphrase here....

      The 7's and Trump are one part of a wider set of mystical signatures. He was born on the day of the blood moon eclipse, not long after the completion of Parsons and Hubbard's Babalon working: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/1946-june-14

      more on that here:


      To be honest I've lost track of a lot of them that twitter channel has dozens: https://twitter.com/DonnieDarkened/status/1466212244316905474?s=20&t=3nRveG_oRtD_BsL-kRb6Gw

    5. JB, Goldblum surfaced again recently with a cameo in Asteroid City, a movie that almost gave me an out of the body experience at one point so loaded was it in the apocalyptic zeitgeist touchpoints. He played an alien, not a stretch for him.

    6. Perfect. This works with the hunger games sequel throwing light on Sutherland.

  36. The Jack/John connection was cemented in 1963 when Ken was killed. NOE is eon backwards, maybe for John - so in ACO the john (pun intended) getting beat up could have been a reminder to keep the pressure on.

    In Jack and the beanstalk, Jack goes into the sky and comes down with gold. It's a great metaphor for writing something that sells well. He uses his intellect to overcome his low social and economic standing. The most unbelievable part of the story isn't the magic beanstalk, it's his mother failing to smack him around before sending him to come back for the cow or not at all.

    Starving author. That's Jack. Social climber. Jackie.
    Jackylle and Hyde's other side is John, the debaucher, the loss of control. Here's Johnny!
    Or something, but it seems to fit.

    Another thing, the ring. LotRings had a ring, and the precious context is perfect. A writer tends to get a callous on the end phalange of their middle finger. At least they did when people wrote with pens and stuff. It's like a ring that never goes away. In palmistry, a ring is said to block energy. Makes sense.

    It's almost like the names themselves are vessels for vassalhood.

    1. Looks like this show was released on 10/12/2023.


      Carl Lumbly plays C. Auguste Dupin, one of the most interesting characters in "The Fall of the House of Usher." The character of the same name in Edgar Allan Poe's fiction is a detective, considered by many to be the precursor to more famous literary investigators like Sherlock Holmes. In the show, Dupin is an investigator of a different sort, serving as both Roderick Usher's adversary and the man to whom he confesses his many sins.

      Like so many of his castmates, Lumbly has previously collaborated with Mike Flanagan, playing the role of Dick Hallorann in "Doctor Sleep" -- the same character portrayed by Scatman Crothers in "The Shining." His other film roles...

  37. We saw other cult movies surfacing repeatedly in the years of Rocky Horror and ACO. So maybe it's not surprising that others are referencing Excalibur, this is timestamped but the video is not long in total: https://youtu.be/FS3PgohIs9k?si=wdkM78IPfBnuQ3K1&t=686

  38. Trump declares war on Puppetmaster

  39. At the beginning of Labyrinth, Bowie sings about people being trapped underground. It made me think of the labyrinthine tunnels those hostages are said to be kept in.

    1. Good point. Labyrinth starts but real slow. Labyrinth is middle pillar. For your pedestrioids I reckon this decade has been / will be CoT + Cocoon + Labyrinth. That's it. On a slow burn. The rest of the extremes of this "metaverse" are for us maniacs. ExK + LR + Tron are all RHP stories ie left wing. BTiLC + FG + MM3 + SA etc are all LHP ie right wing narratives. Even BR. It brings us to the same end it's perfect controlled opposition. The end being (for the moment) where NES, L and BJ meet.


    2. As insane as that sounds we are going to get there.

      "A short sharp trip straight down the ladder, right to the primal fear, the base anger." Or words to this effect.

  40. Star of David + Swords of Iron + Pagan maidens + SUPERNOVA ie Sun god Inversion + Decapitation + Coastline. = WM watch the last 12-15 mins.

    JB was right in that a whole country would be offered up. We were all wrong on which one. Closer study of WM wouldve prevented this. I know we didnt have time. Sorry.

    Kevin MacCarthy + Matt Gaetz + Nancy Pelosi + Elonizabeth + Jack Russell + Rich Men north of Richmond + Juden Peterstein + Digital Identity AI + "Alien Invasion" + Trump declares war on "the Puppetmaster" + etc ad n. = IoBS

    Come on Cocoon. Give me a fucking UFO to wrap it all up nice.

    P.s. I'm not one for flogging a dead horse I think we've got IoBS and WM in the bag and I'm just waiting for Cocoon. I remain confident. Boldest move for next post is FG or LR.

    You decide.

    1. "Come on Cocoon. Give me a fucking UFO to wrap it all up nice."

      There was a Bigfoot sighting in Colorado. Close enough!

  41. 'Russian soldiers are using their dead as sandbags. Theyre stripping their uniforms off to use as camo netting above their trenches. Our guys are seeing walls of half naked dead soldiers in different levels of decomposition, whole and in parts. Grim..
    Human waves of the damned...'

    I don't know where this fits, maybe tail end of Return of the Living Dead?

  42. Note the attack was called the Flood.

  43. Very interesting time travel claim, it only works one in four times. It kind of seems like they're claiming to have a working method of time travel??? The idea that it's done using a simulation makes me think it could also be done in meditation.


    And a bit more about simulation:

    1. Here's a quote from the second article:

      "This approach, where excess information is removed, resembles the process of a computer deleting or compressing waste code to save storage space and optimize power consumption. And as a result supports the idea that we're living in a simulation."

      That sounds about as scientific as the silly sh*t we're doing here.

      It also sounds like a rebranding of this:

  44. If you connect a few of the dots on the Tree - yellow, orange, green, purple, and multiple - it makes a cross. Do the same with yellow, red, blue, and cyan - it makes an upside down cross. It's amusing, because 2024 and Thagirion.

    It's another tidbit which makes me wonder, though, if the rules somehow change around 2024, since it's the nexus of 8 different points. Like, aren't the rules different in the underworld? And if there's an antichrist scheduled for next year, it kind of seems like an underworld sort of thing.

    Then you've got the "upside down" from Stranger Things. The "Flood" in the news now - what happens in a flood, sometimes people can't tell up from down anymore.

  45. What has been happening over the past few years heralds the coming of Nyarlathotep:

    - the tomb of high priest Ankh-Ef-En-Khounsou (the model for Nyarlathotep IRL, that even Crowley obsessed over) is finally opened in Egypt after 27 centuries of darkness;

    - Black Lives Matter ramps up, "the conquered ones" are "taking the knee" for the black man, without knowing why;

    - rituals performed near ancient egyptian obelisks, sometimes involving other egyptian motifs;

    - "old, terrible cities of unnumbered crimes" fall into chaos and decay as madness spreads across civilization;

    - the YELLOW VEIL of Carcosa, the Covid mask, is worn by all in great fear; remember that "coronavirus" is latin for "to crown the serpent";

    - the crowning of a "Pale Emperor" in D.C. (Biden), his followers going more insane than ever before;

    There are more symbols and incidents, ritualistic stuff taken straight out of not only Lovecraft but also modern adaptations of his work such as Alan Moore's "Neonomicon/Providence" and "True Detective" season 1, especially with the pedophile cult running rampant, but one thing is clear:

    If this is more than just a LARP, if the "Black Messenger of the Great Old Ones" truly is returning, then the chaos and violence will accelerate.
