Dr Bill Harford: Now where are we going exactly?
Gayle: Where the Rainbow ends
Dr Bill Harford: Where the rainbow ends?
Gayle: Don't you want to go to where the rainbow ends?
Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick
The Unifying Colour Theory refers to a suspected Qabalistic art design in the major releases from the major movie studios over the years 2010-2019. The stories were selected and designed in such a way as to ''bring us to the Rainbow's end''. Amongst many other topics, the narratives that unfolded during those years involved revisiting traditionally masculine heroes from previous decades and deconstructing and subverting them (Mad Max Fury Road, Last Jedi, Logan etc etc etc) and in the decade (2020+) that followed with the ''opening ritual'' of Joker (2019) in the exploration and veneration of villains.
Significantly the rushed ending of ''Game of Thrones'' indicated they also needed to subvert and destroy
Athena, the Dragoness Divine or Danaerys Targaryean (Thagirion?) before 2020 began.
The countdown through the decades implied one of two things when we reached 2020 a) we would reverse and return (Teshuvah) to climb back ''up'' the Tree of Life or b) we would descend still further into the Tree of the Qliphoth or the Tree of Hell. We all know how that turned out. Significantly David Lynch's Twin Peaks: The Return performs a) while every other force in the artistic world (hyperbole but you understand) was performing b).
The Cult Movie Meta Theory came about as a result of the search for a story structuring principle within the Qliphoth. Malkuth/Lilith with their fourfold division into four different colours automatically implied a structure but what would happen when we reached the Qliphoth that had no apparent surface structure like this. While I approached 2020 in a mythical Perseus sense I didn't realise until 2021 that the year had in fact been structured with Clash of the Titans (1981)! The idea, arrived at through a mixture of different esoteric explorations is that by dividing the cult movie length by 365 you have a frames/day structure and this theory was closely examined in 2021 with a day-day interpretation and set of predictions based on Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Remote viewing The Cult Movie Meta Theory was like walking through a Blockbusters from Hell.
- 2020 - Lilith (Medusa/Algol) - Clash of the Titans
- 2021 - Gamaliel - Rocky Horror Picture Show
- 2022 - Samael - A Clockwork Orange
- 2023 - A'arab Tzereq - Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- 2024 - Thagirion (Targaryean) - Mad Max 3: Beyond the Thunderdome
- 2025 - Golochab - Flash Gordon
- 2026 - Ga'agsheblah - Logan's Run
- 2027 - Satoriel - Bladerunner
- 2028 - Ghogiel - Tron
- 2029 - Thaumiel - Labyrinth
*Note this is an updated list. Earlier versions of this diagram show Shock Treatment for 2025 and Videodrome for 2028. I voiced doubts about those movies publically here many times and I am far more happy with this revised list.

In researching, developing and subsequently communicating the
Unifying Colour Theory, the Dark Conclusions and the Cult Movie Meta Theory I decided to
simplify the model to the
basic colours of the Tree which you can see in the diagrams above and to follow the path of the
reverse ''lightning path'' through the
Qliphoth. Although this helped in communication and saved a lot of time in research it was clear that in the movie designs from the previous decade we were seeing more complicated Qabalistic ideas a) the four scales of the colour and b) pathwalking (see
Mad Max: Esoteric Analysis for an example). The
simple model is no longer as useful now as it is clear that A Clockwork Orange, Rocky Horror Picture Show and Clash of Titans are
repeating with the news events following roughly the same calendar and using roughly the same people. As an example the Guardian today has a major spread about the familys wealth coming from slavery and plunder. In 2021 around this time we were hitting ''Time Warp'' and Meghan's accusation that the Royal family were racist. Similarly, Putin ''reinvaded'' Ukraine on the same date as ''Singing in the Ukraine'' from last year, and Alex Boris Johnson appeared before investigations involving the same thing he was being investigated for at the same time as last year, similar loops for Orange Man Trump. And the Kraken, lol, don't get me started.

Just as the Queen ''lit up the Tree of Life'' before she returned to Beyond so it is clear that the dark lights of each Qlipha have to stay on and the story has to loop - there is a path from 21-24, from 22-24 and from 23-24, a link between the narratives. The Reverse Lightning Path that I was using would fail because it would leave some paths unexplored. Although this made my life a lot easier this would be repulsive to a psychopathic obsessed infernal ritualist and/or demon prince. This is important because this looping of the stories, these clockwork Qliphoth may imply, for example that the Ukraine War (Singing in Ukraine) will last until 2029 following the same calendar with the same cast of Alexes until the bitter end. Alternatively RHPS, ACO and IoBS may work together to light up MM3 (''cross the streams'') and then fade into the resulting smoke and fire. Time will tell.
Let's now look a little closer at the paths themselves, those that lead from 21, 22 and 23 to the dark future of Thagirion and Beyond the Thunderdome and attribute them to the Cult Movies being used. We are, of course using the Aleister Crowley Thoth Deck and these paths are Art (Temperance), Death and the Devil.
This path obviously relates to the looping stories of the so-called Woke Mind Virus (2SLGBTQAAI+) it is called Qesheth, attributed to Sagittarius, referred to as the Path of the Rainbow and the Tarot Card Temperance or in Crowley's Thoth Deck to the androgyne/trans figure shown in the Art card. Interestingly this rainbow path from 21 - 24, crosses the path from 22-23 which is attributed to the Tower card but also to the Hebrew Letter Pe, which symbolises a mouth.
This path and the stories which are looping are associated with the Devil, drugs (fentanyl), ultraviolence, MAGA's orange man, urban decay, the Ukraine War, court cases, fines and imprisonment, corruption in the political establishment and probably most importantly the Ludovico Technique. The Ludovico Technique which has effectively defanged the population crystallised in time as the bombarding and stupefying of people's minds with short video clips & accompanying soundtracks in the form of TikTok, etc.
As your classical white fluff magician might say death doesn't mean death, it means spiritual transformation and renewal... but by renewal I don't think Dumbledore meant Invasion of the Body Snatchers. These narratives involve ''environmental health'' investigations of the genetic modification of the majority of the planet, the ''excess deaths'', and the digital doppelgangering we are seeing at work on social media and through your smart pods insidious capturing and modelling of your personal data. Since we are only a part way through the film and knowing what lies shortly ahead expect these narratives to get way more intense than they already are.

Since people are often possessed by the stories they watch, and copy the modes and manners of their heroes and heroines with the cult movie meta theory we have been forced to watch and copy the demons. Along with Medusa (Karen) from 2020 these characters then also show us the nature of the demons that have been possessing people and changing their personalities.
- Lilith or Medusas (Karens) are the demons that exemplified and enforced the petrifying effect of lockdowns and masks
- Gamaliel or Franks are the demons of the ''woke mind virus'' exemplified by drag queen story time etc
- Samael or Alexes are the demons of drugs and ultraviolence
- A'arab Tzereq or Body Snatchers are the demons of dopplegangering, both genetic and digital
While these gates remain open, with their possessing stories on a loop and the resulting moral, political and ideological corruption that comes with them and with more to follow we can expect to see these demons and more continue to
invade our world.
And all these demonic paths, lead us, inevitably, to Thagirion (Mad Max 3: Beyond the Thunderdome) in 2024 where the powers of ''Art'', the Devil and Death combine to open the gate for
the Antichrist.

Dr Bill Harford: Well you know what they say, once a doctor, always a doctor.
Nick: Or in my case, never a doctor, never a doctor.
Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick
OK. So I am assuming that the entity formally known as Madonna was part of an anti-Aphrodite ritual, she often played Ishtar in the past, like Katy Perry. We can also assume that Barbie 2023 and the Barbie meme that makes everyone Barbie is also part of the anti-aphrodite ritual. By these examples I specifically mean kind of ''fake'' beauty (digital filter or plastic coating) as opposed to true beauty which of course comes from the soul of the person. In light of the above and some Ghostbusters style resonance is this anti''Venus'' playing the role of the Whore of Babylon to Samael's Devil and these paths/streams represent them walking ''down the aisle'' to get married by Gamaliel and unleash hell in Thagirion? Some of you've have been talking about it and my knowledge of the bible and demonology is not so great so if anybody wants to walk me through that again and help me to visualise it with the right names, go for it.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I understand it Barbie is about a Barbie being that comes from a kind of Barbie astral plane to take up residence in the human world i.e. a spirit going through a gate.
DeleteWhile we are on the subject of movie rituals this Nike movie ''Air'' although it is clearly an advert masquerading as a film it also serves to splash the word Nike about. Nike means Victory. Netzach, the name of the 7th Sefira that is being inverted this year, attributed to Venus, also means Victory.
DeleteThere was a picture in the news some time ago, where a guy in China had another guy held down under a board or section of drywall or something. He had his foot on the board. On his foot was a Nike shoe. I don't remember if it was this year, or the end of last.
DeleteSome of the old Barbie movies were actually pretty good. Maybe it was just an effect of having had more innocent eyes, haha.
WoB - WAP? Sweet Transvestite?
Wh*res in this house.
So why don't you stay for the night?
In 2014, after dodging the invisible menace I went back into the house. Running into another person, I was afraid they would misinterpret me with prejudice and shove me into an underground doorway which led to another world with grass and a sun down there. The people would be horrible - coarse and brutal. Seems like a representation of Thagirion.
This probably isn't what you meant by soul beauty, but lol I just can't help but to post it.
If fears of an underground world were Thagirion, that might make fear of people touching one's throat a theme of 2024. In my "vision" it meant they could control what you said. Wh*rification and subsequent banishment to a nether realm could also be a theme.
DeleteImmediately after that, in the window's reflection I saw makeshift soldiers stomping in a line toward a flag, into a smoldering heap while a certain sleepy guy's head laughed maniacally underneath them. If that's '25, I'm not sure how well it jibes with the Antichrist being elected in '24. Nothing makes sense. Unless it's some kind of revenge thing?
The androgyne/trans figure known as Qesheth *really* reminds me of the middle-eastern trans "goddess" Qetesh that Chris Knowles has been going on about.
ReplyDeleteLet's keep this momentous event in mind as we go "Beyond the Black Rainbow":
The blue boar, or blue sow, is mythologically a symbol of Cerridwen or Sif, the Venusian goddess.
As for the Green Man, there is one that has always been specific to *Windsor* Forest: Herne, the leader of the Wild Hunt.
"Herne" is a cognate of the name of Gaulish deity Cernunnos, in the same way that the English "horn" is a cognate of the Latin "cornu" (as the Latin cornu changes into horn so does Cerne change into Herne).
Camilla was born *17 July 1947*, as Camilla Shand. Camilla means "helper (to the Holy Man)", while the surname Shand in Scotland is a short form of the famous personal name Alexander.
She is the "helper to the (new) Holy Alexander", symbolically supported by both the Venusian goddess and the Great God Pan.
CERNunnos? A certain sect of Shiva worshippers hangs around charnal grounds, like one might expect a hungry raven to enjoy.
DeleteGlobs flew in from space and became conquering flowers. A flowery doppelganger for the fallen Moon princess will be crowned this summer. Camellia - tea. A refreshing beverage for staying awake. Gossip.
The child is larger than either of its parents.
Alexander was also known for making his soldiers marry into the local populations. I haven't noticed whether or not this was done via mass weddings, like the Moonies. Which have apparently thoroughly infiltrated Japanese politics.
Wordsy, what have we planned IotBS-wise for May 6th, what scene of the movie will be playing during the coronation?
DeleteMay 6
DeleteBody Snatchers, 42:17 - 42:35
Living Dead, 30:34 - 30:48
In Body Snatchers, Matthew enters the spa. Jack holds him up, asking about his mandatory reporting duties. The next day they show him the body they found.
In Living Dead, Burt has just unveiled the bags of "rabid weasels" for Ernie (named after an actual historical N*zi). This leads to the revelation of what's actually in the bags.
So, it looks to be a day of distorted Show and Tell. Bit of a turning point.
Re (but important):
ReplyDeleteThe Joker 2 protest scene was filmed a week ago on the steps of the same courthouse Trump appeared at today...
Notice the sign on the far left saying "Joker for President".
"In its self-described "pied piper" strategy, the Clinton campaign proposed intentionally cultivating extreme right-wing presidential candidates, hoping to turn them into the new "mainstream of the Republican Party" in order to try to increase Clinton's chances of winning.
The strategy backfired — royally."
Ha. Considering that Trump supposedly wanted to "protect the children from the rats"...
On the television near the beginning of the first Joker movie, the newscaster is talking about an infestation of "super rats" in Gotham, someone on tv then comments "Where's the PIED PIPER when you need him?" Joker literally becomes the modern-day Pied Piper in the course of the film.
The Trump card = the Fool card = the Joker = the Pied Piper will be the next President.
VERY few people would know that the Pied Piper of Hamelin was originally called the "PAN Piper", and was considered to be a manifestation of Pan himself: one of the earliest versions of his tale relates how, when he came to cast a spell with his Pan flute on the children, he was dressed all in green, like a hunter (The Green Man/Hern the god of the hunt), and took the children away to a cave near the forest, once the site of a heretic pagan sect, where they were transported to a beautiful magical land (not necessarily as revenge against the townsfolk, but actually to save the children from the Plague, because killing all of the rats wasn't enough).
Karen - Chiron? Victim of a poison arrow. If so, it's handy that Karen was created the year before the Sagittarius card was needed for transport from '21-'24. The Path of the Rainbow, or Rainbow Bridge, also helps explain some of the 42s left laying around, and that the electronic surveillance program is called Prism (which sounds a lot like "prison" and so may remind one of qlippoth).
ReplyDeleteOne way of looking at things so far, is 2020 knocked people off their feet or smacked the crown or halo from their heads. "Everything's going to hell and it's humanity's fault," was a big message of 2020. Rocky Horror targeted not only the root chakra with "absolute pleasure," but also advised people to imagine new possibilities concerning their physical bodies.
ACO was the year of gut punches. War. Crisis. Alexander famously cut the Gordian knot. Knots in the stomach. Anxiety.
The would seem to suggest 2023 will effect the heart chakra, since it's green. Also maybe the belly button, since it's on the physical path up from the sacral to the solar plexus; and associated with the idea of one's physical manifestation. Or something.
If Body Snatchers is the metaphorical virtual world, maybe Elizabeth represents surveillance - Prism(s), like the card Geoffrey gave to her. David could be AI, which is currently writing lots of things and changing people's lives. d-A-v-I-d, a virtual doctor. Matthew appears to be an archivist, with his newspaper clippings. Jack a possible disinfobot.
Ravens as doppelgangers makes a lot of sense. They're intelligent and good at mimicry. As carrion eaters, they make a good vehicle for fears of mass murder and digital replacement.
Hey WA yep pretty much and all good points. My own understanding of Hermetic Qabalah (10 sefiroth) as opposed to the chakra system (7 chakras) is that we are still below the solar plexus chakra - Netzach and Hod being below Tifereth. In my own work I attribute Hod/Mercury and Netzach/Venus to the two aspects of the *adrenal* glands that sit above the kidney with Mercury taking adrenaline for obvious reasons and Venus taking cortisol. Physiologically they would both map over to the Svadisthana sacral chakra. One of the reasons I abandoned Hermetic Qabalah and focused on Sefer Yetzirah (Saadia Version) is because of the weird mashups of different symbolism from east and west some of which ''works'' some of which really doesn't, some of which is well structured and logically consistent and some of which is frankly idiotic. See 777's 32 = 34 nonsense.
On that note here are the revelant chapters from the Book of Thoth which we may or may not find useful in investigating this further. This is almost certainly a guiding text for the Demo Team but I hesitated digging too deep into Thoth again because Crowley, amongst many other things, is, forgive me, a ''fucking wanker''.
As regards IoBS I am currently waiting for the body in the spa scene to see how much of this is going to be physical and how much of it will be digital/virtual and we needed this structural update.
Crowley was a wanker and a spook. All the more reason, perhaps, to give Thoth a good look. Le sigh.
DeleteReminder that Crowley, wankfest aside, was definitely on to something:
DeleteWhen I commited suicide back in '11, remained cold dead meat for 6 hours. At the time, I possessed neither the occult knowledge nor the intention to peform any sort of ritual, I just wanted to stop suffering and f**king end it all. It is only YEARS later, after a tremendous amount of research attempting to understand the deeper meaning of what I saw and went through on the other side that I finally realized I had UN-intentionally fullfilled Crowley's "NOX" ritual:
-the pouring out of all my blood to the Scarlet Woman (in this case my redheaded ex-gf who had viciously broken my heart);
-"Kill Thyself!" (Crowley meant it symbolically, whereas I was quite kitchen-knife-meet-jugular literal);
-the "Night of Pan", even though I had zero expectations about the afterlife, I did meet the Great God Pan among the stars, which immediately healed my pain and destroyed my ego;
-the crossing of the abyss, meeting my late beloved aunt whom acted as my guardian angel (it's only recently that I realized my aunt's name, Gaetane, is the feminine of Gaetan, which is french for "Watcher");
-my godson, which would have been named James after me, died in his mother's womb apparently the very moment I returned to life early the next morning. A part of the NOX ritual is a mock sacrifice and pretending to be lost in the lightless womb of the Great Mother. To this day I wonder if that baby would have lived if I would have remained dead.
(ALL of these things and more were self-occuring, and I'm a f**king nobody. So imagine if you're a VIP of sorts. Rituals everywhere.)
I don't whether this is useful or not but Aleister Crowley was born Edward Alexander Crowley.
ReplyDeleteMay 6th, the Coronation, "Queen" Camilla was born Camilla Shand. Camilla means "helper (to the Holy Man)", while the surname Shand in Scotland is a short form of the famous personal name Alexander.
DeleteShe is the "helper to the (new) Holy Alexander".
Occult/Satanic calendar:
DeleteMay 1st to the 6th: BELTANE (Fire Festival, Coven Initiations
(Fire and Orgy Rituals) HUMAN SACRIFICE
I'd previously collected a couple of links regarding this period:
'The date of the first shedding of blood in the war of Independence (Lexington, 1776) 19 April The date the first country (Holland) officially recognised the US as a sovereign state (1782) 19 April The date the first blood was shed in the most traumatic event in its history, the Civil War 19 April The date its currency was utterly debased by taking it off the gold standard (1933) 19 April The date it first sacrificed Christian children by immolation in fire (Waco, 1993) 19 April The date it sacrificed Christian children by immolation in fire for the second time (Murrough building, Oklahoma, 1995) 19 April See the pattern? This recurring date, April 19th, is an important one in the occult. It marks the start of the 13 day cycle leading to May 1 st. Both dates – April 19th and May 1st – are deemed auspicious days for human sacrifice. May 1st is known as Bealtaine by witches, from the Celtic word, ‘Baal tine’ or fires of Baal. Baal is better known to most people as Moloch, the pagan god of the Bible which demanded the sacrifice of children by fire'
I’m sure Crowley changed his name because of numerology.
DeleteAleister Crowley = 190
He was also known as “The Laird of Boleskine” also 190
190 can numerologically represent GOD
G = Letter 7 = Seven = 65
O = Letter 15 = Fifteen = 65
D = Letter 4 = Four = 60
65+65+60 = 190
Hex of 190 = BE = 7
Number 7 Letter 7 Hex 7
Number (73) + Letter (80) + Hex (37) = 190!
6TH May 2023 = 80
King Charles 3 = 110
= 190!
This Date was no coincidence.
111 = One Hundred and Eleven = 190
DeleteThis page has some info on the tarot correspondences,
the way they laid it out is nice.
Maybe each path is only open for as long as it needs to be. For instance, to go from Malkuth to Yesod only takes World. To go from Malkuth to Hod activates Judgement along with World and Sun. So for 2020-2021 one would have Judgement and World active. For 2021-2022 Judgement and Sun might be active. Because World is no longer needed, maybe that aspect is discarded once the transition from 2020-2021 is complete. So whatever parts of the public spectacle connected to the World aspect might be expected to be finished with mediawise. Left now to work its way through the population.
Since an appeal for forgiveness has come from the media within the last few months, it seems that Judgement may have wrapped at the end of 2022.
It's interesting that ACO was orange '22, and directly facing it on the Tree is the Moon path. One of the first scenes in that movie began as a tableau of the Moon card. When they beat up the old drunkie. If this pattern I think I'm seeing holds up, the Moon aspects should recede at the end of this year/beginning of next.
The path from 2023-2024 is Death, and almost everyone dies in both movies. The ultimate Victory, the one promised by transhumanism, is over death. Over limitation. Another viewpoint might be that what people call "ego death" is the ultimate victory. To lose the binders and the blinders, and live free.
ReplyDeleteThe opposite of Victory is Conquest. It could be this trip through the Tree is a guilt and shame driven Illumination, of sorts. At least until one gets past Death. Ravens are the other side of Victory. "Look, you conquistadors, at what you've done to this world. To these people. Now you will experience what has been inflicted on others in your names," or something.
That would not be an opposite, per se, but to be positioned as the other party in a situation. If each seppiroth or quippot were a situation with two sides/parties, what would they be? Do some of them have more than two "stakeholders?"
This is very similar to the Yijing. Each hexagram is a situation. The changing lines portray different paths between situations. It may or may not apply.
JB, you'd commented "PKD's "Trash Stratum" principle in effect."
ReplyDeleteLooking into that, I found this.
It's kind of good.
The month of April is named after Aphrodite/Venus.
ReplyDeleteThe month of May is named after Maia, the goddess of fertility, originally known as Bona Dea or *Fauna*, for she was the consort of Faunus, in other words she was the female Pan.
Important points thank you.
DeleteAssuming the paths through the Tree are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, then one can only go forward from where they find themselves. For instance, if during 2023 they followed the path of Fortune instead of Death, they would have many fewer choices of where to go next. In fact, unless it were possible to go backwards, their outcome would already be determined - the Fool's path.
Since 2024 is MM3, the High Priestess might just be the Acid Queen. At least, it seems to fit thematically. Acid like dissolving. And the other kind.
Maybe Tommy is the direct path from Tiphereth to Kether.
DeleteIn terms of choose your own adventure I would say I know quite a few people who are watching the Rocky Horror and/or A Clockwork Orange repeats instead of IoBS. Either Franked, or Frank obsessed, either Alexed or Alex obsessed. And we are trying to *avoid* getting Matthewed or Elizabethed as much as possible as this year was always going to be challenging for a bunch of paranoid schizophrenics ;-)
DeleteRemember there are various models of the Tree and there are so-called secret paths on some of them. One of them on one of them I took to get to 2026 which is where I now broadcast from. The one deployed as a weapon system is the ''enhanced'' Kircher Tree of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley fame. Lynch also ''returns'' ''up'' the Kircher Tree systematically (but his approach is very very comprehensive including Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur as the three final separate episodes and you have to track Mr C's pathwalking as well) - if you want help situating yourself in the Return note the purple sea episode, followed by Dougie in the orangey jacket, then Dougie in Green working at Lucky 7 insurance that's the obvious stuff but The Return (Teshuvah) is a tremendously detailed Qblistic journey when you get into it. And one of the finest works of art that exists on the planet in my opinion. But still if you are ever going to ''use'' The Tree of Life, you can do far better than Kircher. Kircher is a very baroque and unwieldy sword with some serious and I would argue dangerous flaws; the Ari, the Gra and the ''Saadia'' version I use are all far superior blades, that's just a fact if any Kircherites are reading.
Instead of being in the Squid Games its like we are rummaging around in the air vents. Not that that works out that well for that guy in the end but hey you get my metaphor. Be like him but not actually him. But try and make it to '26 by highway or byway. 26 is *a very good number* and will afford a lot of protection (sanctuary) to the Tzadikim.
''What year is this?'' Richard Cooper
DeleteParanoid schizophrenic?!? I know I am, but what am I? Haha. It might not be a case of avoiding altogether for me. Rather, noticing if/when it happens and giving it appropriate attention until it fades away again.
DeleteI'm actually wary of 2026, since that could be "when" I became a devouring force of destruction in that 2014 thing. What is it about 26 that makes it a very good number?
The Tree of Life does seems like a good structure to build a sort of mind map on. It's so hard to just remember facts. So yeah, it would probably be worth picking one of the other three to use as a base. Less muck to sort through, later.
It actually makes more sense as a kind of Squid Game. Maybe each path is previewed in a different cache of movies. Body Snatchers and Living Dead are basically the same movie, the same path. Sound of Music might be the Fortune path, which makes it tempting but ultimately maybe not so forward looking.
ReplyDeleteThat leaves room for Harold and Maude to have been, maybe, the World path. While Clash of the Titans may be the Moon path which lasted longer but will also close in its time, possibly the end of this year.
There's no connector between Chesed and Binah.
The path from Yesod to Tiphereth makes a Z. The angle points are Hod and Nezatch. Russia attacked during Hod and Nezatch. Maybe the Z signified he would beat that particular drum for the period.
This Z is the reverse lightning path. Remember we knew about ''the Putin Twist'' way ahead of time through Rockomancy. Look at the weapon that Riff Raff wields on Frank at the end. Three pipelines (or jabs) with a zigzag lightning flash on it. He also has the Zigzag insignia on his uniform...
DeleteRiffraffs gun has a Trident look about it as well. Plays into the fascia of WTC 1&2, Back to the Future 'Enchantment under the sea' Ukraine and Putin's tsunami torpedo doomsday device amongst others.
DeleteIf the travel was intended to prevent movement counter to progression along the Tree, then it might help explain such rituals/idioms as "king for a day, fool for a lifetime."
If it's a board game, it's got rules of movement. I'm imagining something like each path dropping or fading away when it's no longer needed to connect two qlippoth. When there's nothing left supporting a qlippoth, it falls away. Maybe it's not like that at all.
Yes like disintergrating platforms in a scroller game. You have to keep moving forward. My money is on 21, 22 and 23 closing when 24 is open but then we have to account for 22-25 and 23-26 so after the middle triad is opened they could fully close. Hopefully you can see why I chose to simplify the model even if it makes it less comprehensive because although detail is enormously important right now we could easily get lost in it esp. the non-specialist. But we clearly reached the point where we needed to enhance it. We are at least up against a large group of cultist agents that far outclass us in terms of training, resources and power and are probably, up against an AI-Demon Prince or two as well. We're doing well to even get this far I think they look at us like the dopes from Pentaverate which we may or may not be :-) I told you already Pentaverate has JB in it.
I hope we've at least given them a giggle or two as we noisily stumble about in the vents.
Having just watched Tommy, it appears the High Priestess is him. Not the Acid Queen. I've never sat down and watched it before. What a trip. Especially watching it fresh from staring at the Tree of Life for awhile.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like basically his parents try to take Lovers from Tiphareth, but Chariot drags them off course and knocks his mother back to Netzach? It's all kind of right there, it would just take a few more viewings to work out. It seems like the movie shows a few people and the different courses they take.
Tommy starts up the High Priestess route, but gets knocked off at the end and scampers up the mountain anyway as the Fool. It's a good reminder that the fool isn't always a dummy.
Now I've got to watch Twin Peaks: The Return again. Two opposing strategies. One game. To play, or not to play?
ReplyDeleteThe problem, if I can call it such, with the Return is it shows the metaphysical problems at the top of the Tree (where they return to) as well as the bottom. Odessa, Texas is like what fresh hell is this. Parallel universes, sub universes, broken universes (the Kings of Edom) fractured by the original time travel experiment which results in the Shevirat Ha Kelim, Kelim relating to Cooper of course.
Here you can see him blatantly displaying the Fool Path (Alef, Andy) that leads to Kether (the white circle of light). Kether only exists because of Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur. So we have the journey through nothingness, limitlessness, and limitless light of the three final epsiodes. The tension is between the Black Lodge (finitude) and the White Lodge (infinity), the tension between being horribly found and horribly lost. Infinity takes us to the ''what year is this?'' horror and its this horror that prompts the ''reverse Gnosticism'' of Shabbatai Tzvi if you get me.
The secret is to ''Run and Return'' as the Sefer Yetzirah says.
Watching "The Shining" for the first time in years, and I can't help but notice some "Mandy" vibes, when it comes to the music at the beginning and some of the color patterns.
ReplyDeleteTorrance is an Irish form of the name Torrence which means "knolls" (Knowles). Jack Torrance is the caretaker/janitor (in the classic sense) of the Overlook. Janitor = "one who is like Janus (gatekeeper, guardian of portals, above all other gods)" according to the Ancient Romans.
In "Doctor Sleep", Jack Torrance becomes the new barman, Lloyd, after his death. In Norse myth, the first god, foundation of the Universe, Ymir, is resurrected and becomes a bartender after the end of the world. So Jack goes from Janus, to Baphomet (in the last picture), to Ymir reborn.
The whole hotel is called a "maze". There's a famous maze outside of it. When Jack looks down into a model of the maze inside, he grins as he sees his wife and child in the middle of it. It's *his* maze, he's god there; Pan's Labyrinth.
Mandy is ace. Jupiter fuelled revenge on Saturn movie. 44.
''Lying in bed, their bodies overlaid with a celestial lattice of iridescent lights, Mandy and Red discuss their favorite planets—and in doing so, they each trace the arc the other will follow in the film. Mandy loves Jupiter “because the surface of its atmosphere is a storm that’s been raging for like 1,000 years, and the eye of the hurricane is so huge that it could just swallow the whole Earth.” Red chooses Saturn, about which Mandy notes, “Saturn’s pretty cool, and that was one of the first ones that we discovered, that humans discovered, so there’s, like, a lot of cool ancient myths about it and stuff.” Red pauses, changing his mind: “I like Galactus,” he says, referring to the genocidal godvillain of Marvel comics. A being so gargantuan in physical size and power that he must devour entire worlds to survive, Galactus ravages the cosmos with the Silver Surfer acting as his globe-seeking herald. Mandy then rightfully points out that Galactus is, in fact, not a planet.
“Yeah,” Red says. “But he eats planets.”
S Club 7 member Paul Cattermole dies *unexpectedly* (now the semi-official tagline) at 46 and you could hear the news reporter gulping. For the UK ''market'' this follows hot on the death of ''Lily Savage'' with obv. Rocky Horror vibes. If you don't know who S Club 7 are just search and you will see the similarity to and probably active channeling of ''Friends'' style imagery in their marketing particularly ''Rachel'' Stevens. The 7 is important for our Qabalistic work here and in the news reports of his death they kept mentioning Cattermole was in a tour with Rocky Horror (playing Eddie) so that signal was broadcast loud and clear. These kind of deaths will put the cat amongst the pigeons in the very early millenial generation. I've already wondered about how much of the demo work is being carried by the nocebo effect and how much we are responsible for spreading that effect. i.e. some could have recieved the saline but are actually being noceboed into heart attacks through fear and stress about recieving a toxic shot instead. I cannot currently resolve this situation and the best Hermetic resolution is to have some kind of cure which we do not currently possess. We are all in this situation together, jabbed and unjabbed, toxins create fallout. The use of S-Club 7 and Aniston's recent complaint about people not liking Friends anymore along with the Matthew Perry book are confirmations that this is the next approach. These kind of friendship groups are very important to Xennial, Millenial types. A couple of heart poppings in these 6s and 7s and we are going to have a serious problem soon. Its either insane levels of denial or V for Vendetta. I think it'll be insane levels of denial and therefore insane levels of *dissociation*. But the news reporter was audily disturbed and these two vibes are in serious tension below the surface. They know. Everybody knows. What weird and troubling times. An associate of mine who was jabbing people as a volunteer just had a 30yo colleague drop dead of a heart attack. She knows. Everybody knows. God only knows what she thinks before she sleeps at night. She say ''she has been lied to and manipulated''. If this is/was a Squid Game to what extent was this ''a fair test''? Like in Squid Games fair legally, yes, fair morally, far from it.
ReplyDeleteWe made the prediction that deaths amongst the artists/performers (Venus) were considered the next step of the demolition after deaths amongst the atheletes (Mercury) as although there were celebrity deaths last year it was mainly a wave of sporting deaths. This makes logical sense in that people with already overworked hearts are pushed over by the jabs first, i.e. steroids, adrenaline, testosterone, etc with the ''Rockys'' gym bunnies, etc, first and now artists with their already cocaine ravaged hearts.
If they are working their way up the Sefirot the immune system is ''centred'' around 2025-2026 (Gevurah and Chesed - the thymus) so this is when autoimmune disease will overtake heart attacks in terms of kill count and the cover will have to change. The next attack in 2024 will be solar plexus so liver, stomach, gastric issues and probably the obese. To what extent is *everything else* a cover for the original kill shot? They're hiding it in flu, they're hiding it in ''overstretched services'', they're hiding it in war, they're hiding it in stress from energy bills and financial crisis, they're hiding it in heat waves and climate change. Those things all kill in their own right but are their effects on the population being magnified to hide vax damage? Almost certainly. If you signed three times you signed three times. And the challenges will be held in court.
The first lines from S-Club 7's famous song ''Bring it all back'' are ''Hold on to what you try to be, your individuality, when the world is on your shoulders, just smile and let it go...''
Tick Tock.
DeleteThis article on by the effects of nattokinase on the degradation of the spine protein. But the comments need to something more potent- lumbrokinase.
I recommended nattokinase to someone with ''long covid'' (yes that kind of ''long covid'') just the other day. They say it made them terribly sick. So I don't know. Maybe its working and ''the entity'' makes them feel sick so they stop taking it I really dont know. I'll look into lumbrokinase a bit thanks Max the casualty toll is only increasing from this bit of biochemical fuckwittery.
DeleteI agree with the commenter on Covid-19s prodromal phase. I also believe the virus is real and is doing real damage with repeated reinfections and will lead into being some kind of wasting illness esp for the post vaccinated. I was thinking along the lines of TB but the commenter says AIDS.
As I said I respect the hardcore covidians as much as I respect you guys, at least in that they've committed to the premise one way or the other and there are a lot of arguments to back them up if you dismiss the idea that covid is a ''flu'' or ''fake'' and accept that is a common cold edited into a wasting illness released from a lab. But covid infections themselves are not so hard to cure forget ivermection, big pharmas own choice there I think, just vit d3, zinc, selenium and especially garlic will do it if you catch it early. If not then the cold symptoms are just the surface symptoms of something far worse, heart damage and other systemic problems. The people in the middle, at least 70% of the population, are kind of the most screwed right now. They took the jabs to protect them but it messed up their immune system so once it wears off they get sick because they have far weakened natural immunity. Once you pop you can't stop. The covidiots didn't pop. The covidians didn't stop. The others popped and stopped. If you get me?
'If this is/was a Squid Game to what extent was this ''a fair test''? Like in Squid Games fair legally, yes, fair morally, far from it.'
DeleteThat's their modus operandi though isn't it? If some or all of the 'you're living under admiralty law' hypothesis is correct then they govern by sleight of hand, moved goalposts, utter deception that could only ever be argued to satisfy the letter of the law but not the spirit. As if the universe is a very badly written game where paying lip service to morality is sufficient to swerve any karmic penalties and for a few to essentially behave as demonically as they wish at the expense of their unwitting fellows without consequence.
What I've seen about nattokinase suggests it's most effective within a somewhat limited dose range. More isn't necessarily better. It's often paired with serrapeptase, which is taken in much larger dosages. Lumbrokinase seems to target the brain more than the rest of the body. Lumbro is very expensive, though.
DeleteI've been taking serrapeptase and nattokinase for months now, because it seems to help with peripheral neuropathy. I also got one bottle of lumbrokinase to try it, and didn't notice feeling any different. Although, it may have helped with thinking somewhat. It's hard to say, because I was doing some other stuff at the time, too. The amounts you get for the money hardly seem worth it. Might as well just go outside and eat a worm, lol. If you can find an organic one, hahaha.
That there pony paste is also rumored to facilitate removal of old Spikey. Dunno if that's true, but I tend to notice an improvement in how I feel in general after partaking.
If the universe really is a "very badly written game where paying lip service to morality is sufficient to swerve any karmic penalties...," is that necessarily a bad thing? It's opposite to what we've been taught the world "should" be like, but if what we've been taught is incorrect then it's incorrect to think the way we've been taught to.
DeleteAs far as I understand it (not that far), karma has nothing to do with justice - unless you take justice as just-is. It's literally just "cause and effect." Like, physics for stuff you can't see.
What if the idea that there's an underlying morality to the universe is one of the lies we were told to control us? That wouldn't necessarily be evil. Maybe someone didn't know how to control their kid without smacking them, but they didn't want to smack them so they made up a story. Amplify that about a hundred thousand times, et voila!
I haven't quite figured this out yet so if you have a thought cast it my way. 2018-2019 The Endgame, officially, is a 50% cull to save the universe from organisms overusing resources. But in the film the 50% are then restored through time travel. However on the other side of the movie screen (19 = 20, 18 = 21)we are going in reverse so 50% are brought back to life (2020 ???) and then 50% are killed (2021). I don't know if I've explained that well enough but any thoughts..? How long is the official time gap between death and ressurection in the film? How long is the planet 50% done until the Avengers reform and time travel? This might be important in terms of working out chronology.
ReplyDeleteDigital simulation of ressurection is already here I believe. I am assuming that tech is about to blow up in terms of simulating loved ones, etc. So I can see that in the reverse playout. But in 2020 how did we bring the already dead back to life before killing them in 2021. People who would've died normally didn't because they locked down?
"How long is the official time gap between death and ressurection in the film? How long is the planet 50% done until the Avengers reform and time travel?"
Delete5 years. "Infinity War" takes place in 2018, "Endgame" takes place in *2023*.
OK so working backwards and my logic is a bit tangled here and it might be wrong. For those new to this, the idea is that 2020+ are the *mirror image* of 2010+ and that the movies released in 2010+ have some symbolic bearing on their reflected year. 2019 = 2020, 2018 = 2021, 2017 = 2022 etc. The QBListic justification for this is that Qliphoth are often called ''The Other Side'' or Sitra Achra.
Delete2020 which would have been 2019 in the reflection, people are brought back from the dead... how? How did this happen? Well lockdowns stopped a lot of people from dying untimely that would have otherwise died, car accidents, golfing accidents, and what not and I am sure created a lot of technical problems for the Grim Reaper, Final Destination style. You get my meaning.
Then 2021 would have been 2018 where half of the planet die, lets say half get vaxxxed and rather than turning into instant CO2 reduction powder they die off gradually over 5 years. Would that be kind of the backwards version? Its not a perfect reflection but that takes us to 2026 and to Carousel in the Run.
The Georgia Guidestones councilled a 95% reduction in humanity but I think this is too big a risk for a lot of different reasons and anyway the Guidestones got nuked from space or something so they've clearly ditched that plan or had it ditched for them. Too few, like one billion, and humanity will just breed those back into existence pretty sharpish. 50% may have been the compromise with Saturn/Thanos..?
In socioeconomic turns it can't be done that fast as withdrawing just 1 in 8 working people without having robots ready to replace them instantly would pretty much end society and lots of nice property would fill up with rotting bodies. 1 in 2 no way is that navigable within a 5 year time frame. So it has to be done gradually, the workload being carried by the robots and giving the survivors time to get used to them. If they die too quickly the rest will panic. Or... or... or... I am musing out loud here. I am assuming rising panic about the above and then deep denial - Logans Run is literally about a society in deep denial about its AI orchestrated problems with longevity...
In the comics, Titan, Thanos' homeworld, was actually *the*Titan, *Saturn's* most famous moon.
DeleteSo the distinction is that in this reading the *order* of play is reversed, but the film is not played in reverse itself.
DeleteThat makes sense. And somehow ties us back to Mandy eh? ;-)
DeleteIt should also be noted that in the comics, Thanos' motivation was purely romantic: he had fallen in love with *Death* (in the Marvel Universe, the Grim Reaper is a beautiful, seductive woman), and the only way to be worthy of her was to become a "god" and kill half of the population of the Universe in her honor. He was known as "the Mad Titan" because only HE could see her or hear her.
Delete2018 had a few things happen.
Check out August 20 for climate.
The problem is us. That could be a mortal wound to some. It might leave people feeling empty and meaningless. 2020 could have offered a new sense of purpose to people. A way to help out! By doing nothing! What a relief. Death follows again in '21 either from "oopsies," or from losing faith in certain institutions. For some people. Maybe. Secular rationalists, mostly, I'd guess.
Another way to look at it is, when they rolled out the roles that needed filling (like Karens), they provided people with an aesthetic mold of what life could look like. In-flu-encers all around. People could step into the archetypes du jour and "get a life."
In 2014 a "guy" showed up and asked if I wanted to "play a time trick." The whole thing was a little too intense, and I spent the next few years thinking about not thinking about it. By the time 2020 came up, I knew I had to start thinking about it again. I wonder how many other people had a thing happen which they didn't get around to reexamining until 2020 almost forced them into it? That could almost be likened to an electric current jolting a person.
I see it as a clock/time 50% Day/Light/Alive 50% Night/Dark/Dead - The resurrection is the rising of the Sun! The Spike produces endless light until, the energy runs out and darkness ensues. The key is to induce darkness naturally before the energy runs out!
DeleteBtw, bad news: the first trial of mRNA gene therapy technology, just like in the vaxx, was 10 years ago, in 2013.
ReplyDeleteThere were 200,000 subjects for the experiment.
Only *5* individuals are still alive today.
They've been injecting animals with mrna tech since 2018. What effect will that have on us from consuming it?
We have to seriously consider the possibility that we're all *FUCKED*.
DeleteYes that's possible. In any case I think if they really want us gone they've control over plenty of levers (anyone enjoy drinking water from time to time?) that could accompllish that goal. If however consent is important to them as some maintain, then that's at least something we can withhold? Besides, as almost everyone I love has taken it I won't be too attached to this place should the worst predictions come true.
DeleteMaybe unrelated, but at the height of the pro/anti vx conflict I found some of the triumphalism from a (very) few vx sceptics at the likely fate of others utterly repugnant and almost inviting a karmic correction via a horrible discovery further down the line.
Democratic National Convention in Chicago for 2024... Last held there in the troubled 1968 convention.
ReplyDeleteAbout Bowie's character in Labyrinth, "Jareth":
ReplyDeleteThe biblical text in the Book of Jubilees implicitly etymologizes the name Jared/Jareth as derived from the root YRD "descend", because in his days "the angels of the Lord descended to earth". It directly refers to *the Watchers*.
Henson first approached Bowie in *1983* to offer him the part. The character of Jareth was first conceived as a shapeshifting "prince of darkness", with similarities to Ridley Scott's original fairy tale film Legend.
Jareth, would have been a Pan/Satyr figure, wanting to r*pe a young woman, steal her baby, and bring her to the side of the forces darkness (as is the case in "Legend"). Isn't this straight out of the Book of Revelation?
Keep in mind that the "Lord of the Labyrinth" is not only the subject of "The Shining" (which has been amply expounded upon), but that of the greatest masterpiece of all time (imo), "Pan's Labyrinth", ALSO about a very vulnerable young woman desperately trying to keep a baby safe.
Lovecraft must have been a prophet.
ReplyDeleteThere was the "Bloop" signal heard in the South Pacific, coming from a living being 25,000 louder than a blue whale.
There was the discovery of Leng in Antarctica ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Lovecraft/comments/das54/plateau_of_leng_found_now_im_scared/ ).
And my own experience of course, when I fell into Pan's endlessly spiralling ram's horns, literally made of stars, and suddenly ended up walking down a spiral staircase made of black stone. Not a proper staircase really, simply steps made of black onyx, floating above oblivion.
Lovecraft said that the way to and fro "the Lord of the Woods", understood to be the most ancient god, was *"down the onyx steps"*.
This remains, to this day, the only image and vibe in popular culture which is even close to what I saw:
In theme, from Chris Knowles:
DeleteThe new Covid Variant is "Arcturus". Arcturus, named after the star in Boötes the Shepherd (identified with Enlil), meaning the "Watcher of the Bear." Boötes is home to the Great Nothing, a supervoid said to be 330 million light years in diameter. So... the literal, cosmic ABYSS.
A bit of Astro-Gnosis:
DeleteIn early Indus Valley astronomy, Orion was none other than Shiva/Rudra/Pashupati, in other words Cernunnos/Pan:
In a couple of Vedic texts, the star Arcturus was mentionned as the nearest "Vimana Gate", a passage leading from the many worlds of the gods to Earth. Maybe the latest "devastating" variant of Covid, Arcturus, got started over in India for purely symbolic reasons. "One more jab, and the Old Ones shall finally return!"
Your picture reminded me of nighttime airglow and aurora - perhaps it was connected to your oxygen and emf levels?
Numerology of Arcturus = 121 = Anti-Christ
Hex = 79
They are playing with numbers!
fwiw Ukraine = 79
Gold for TPTB!
I wanted to share this with everyone as I think 'Above is Below' is a very interesting voice and this is good work in my view, but Blogos, I'm particularly hoping you can take a look at it, at least a portion of it from about 24 minutes in: https://youtu.be/bw27jXrpWyE using your knowledge of cell architecture I thought you may have a take on her linkage between Hecate's wheel and cell endoplasmic reticulum.
ReplyDeleteShe links cytoplasm to the eclipse, significance of which has been signalled many times now: https://gematrinator.com/blog/2022/05/23/1331-the-ultimate-eclipse-number
Links then to Back to the Future. Not sure if you've thought about where or if the events foreshadowed in BTTF may fit into the UCT?
David Icke on 5G Covid and AI, particularly as instituted by Elon Musk and his satellites. He says 5G and 60 gigahertz leave people with an inability to absorb oxygen from their blood and they will simply keel over.
Frag the 20 narrative into three then recombine in 24. 21, 22, 23. People are following three narratives. Then coagulate with the environment. They do not care what boomers think. Or Gen X. Only those below.
ReplyDeleteBlogos, what do you think of these becoming more and more frequent?
I think it has a lot to do with this:
Especially considering that True Detective Season 4 takes place in Alaska, and features the return of the Spiral of Carcosa (1:19):
Since we're talking about demons, maybe it would be useful to look at what a demon is. I tend to think of demons as something like habitual physical responses to certain stimuli, that can be activated by oneself or others, and which uses up more energy than it produces in positive returns for the person.
ReplyDeleteThe physical bad habits, for instance tensing a certain joint, can cause mental and emotional states to exist at inappropriate (useless to the person producing them) times. Over time bad habits intensify, leading to a warped and pained existence of varying degrees and with different triggers for the various scripts a person keeps on standby. I think of the scripts as analogous to demons.
I don't think I actually believe in supernatural demons. I think the supernatural aspects have been introduced to scare people, making their working more effective and chasing away rational spectators. Descriptions of demons seem to me less like a factual reporting, and more like jargon used to transmit ways of manipulating people.
To be demon possessed is a sad state of affairs, because it means one has been mentally lazy or worn down enough to give up their connection with reality and allowed it to be replaced by a network of artificial responses to manipulated stimuli. It is a mundane and mediocre waste of time. It also hurts like hell to start to notice all the ways one has been tricked and cajoled and tempted and etc. into "playing the fool." It might be easier psychologically to just believe demons are literally real, rather than accept the absolute depths of stupidity one may have slipped into over the years.
I spent a few days communing with my own demons, and the ridiculous idiocy of harboring them at all was what stood out the most. Just dwelling on how ridiculous it all is, is enough to let it go a little more every time. And maybe a pinch of anger, directed with care.
ReplyDelete"Our etymological sleuth is tracking the origin of the term La-la Land for L.A.; all leads point to snobs up north"
"'Wake up!' writes Mary Hsia. 'The term ‘La-la Land has been around for many years. I remember a trip to San Francisco about eight years ago where it seemed to be common knowledge.'"
"May others plan their future
I'm busy loving you
One, two, three, four
Sha-la, la-la-la-la, live for today (Hey, hey, hey)
Sha-la, la-la-la-la, live for today
And don't worry 'bout tomorrow, hey"
"Thagirion plays a role similar though inverse to that of Tiferet in the Tree of Life, in stopping the different forces from falling apart from each other, and maintaining the shape of the tree, although in the case of Thagirion, it maintains and sustains the ugly and evil forces together."
"In wholesome love relationships, there is a certain amount of possessiveness and attachment, but if it’s excessive, both lover and beloved will suffer."
Let's Live For Today
"I got to have you now, please
Please, please, please
Gimme some-a loving"
Buddhist loving kindness meditation is usually called Metta or Maitri. It kind of sounds like Matthew, or Mithra. Maitreya. Meta.
The Tricycle article is actually pretty good. Since it recommends ritual, here's a link to a brief discussion of ritual:
"If the meditator considers that this ritual[...]is of no value, he should not perform it. To do so would be a waste of time..."
"Merely relying on ritual or belief will not help. Our perception of evil must be perception with insight; we must know what is the root cause of evil and how that cause can be eradicated."
DeleteAnother quote from the Anapanasati book.
Reading the works of Bob Frisell, he mentions how the time loop created between 1943 and *1983* due to the Philadelphia Experiment will either manifest again (or completely collapse) 40 years later, in *2023*. The "Little Greys", who are supposed to be literal Martians (the third "Lucifer-type rebellion") will attempt to either fully rematerialize or possess us psychically at the beginning of August of this year (Frisell wrote his esoteric best-seller in the mid-'90s).
ReplyDeleteI see these blue/ purple streetlights and what comes to mind but Tron.
ReplyDeleteIn X-Men: Days of Future Past and in the future sequence at the beginning of Deadpool 2, the late 2020s and beyond are a constant midnight, bathed in UV lights.
DeleteYes that's it.
DeletePurple haze all in my eyes
DeleteDon't know if it's day or night
You got me blowin', blow my mind
Is it tomorrow or just the end of time?
I had almost forgotten that people should never, ever "go towards the light" when they die or have a NDE, because it is the false light of the false god, the god of endless illusions; I had discovered years ago while researching the occult that the light at the end of the tunnel is "the path of air", while the true path to take, "the path of fire (in the sense of burning away all illusions and seeing the truth as it simply is)", is simply *falling into darkness*, as I did, because the True God *is* the primordial cosmic darkness which preceeded the light (Lucifer?). The problem is that the Great God Pan and the Devil are very similar, and the Devil (the Anti-Pan) is always trying to pass himself off as his predecessor.
ReplyDeleteI was just listening to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy on Youtube, and noticed if you squint your eyes a bit at the pixelated cover, the woman kind of looks like a sprouted plant with only two leaves.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of the cover is kind of interesting, too. It's all red, and the picture in the middle is framed in gold. From the center it moves from Venus to the Sun to Mars. Could be 2023 to 2024 to 2025?
The third song is called Power, which is the path from Venus to the Sun. Some of the songs seem like templates to lose control of your life.
In Body Snatchers, the problem is in the plants. If there were a correspondence to traveling the qlippoth in the album cover, then the woman is shown to be the problem, if you squint your eyes at it in the dark. Or maybe the bearer of the future problem.
Sprouts are child plants. The idea of the woman bearing a child during the years 2023-2025 squares with the notion of an Antichrist being introduced in 2024 who embodies the bad Child of the Aeon. Kanye did seem to like that one president.
The song after Power is All of the Lights. So from the path between Venus and the Sun to "All of the Lights."
DeleteI'm starting to think the album is a somewhat blatant walk down the Tree of Hell.
It's no wonder the crazy crap I saw in 2014 had a Tree-ish twist. I'd been listening to this album a lot in the weeks and months before it happened.
Kary Mullis was working at Cetus when he invented PCR.
ReplyDeleteBeta Cetus is called Second Frog. Maga = Cetus (both crocodiles)? The frog gives, and the frog takes away, perhaps. Cetus does happen to be positioned directly beneath Pisces, which is kind of shaped like two ovaries - could be why Maga said grab em by the p*ssy?
"Mullis invented the basics of PCR in 1983, and the patent issued in 1986."
"Then Mullis had an idea: switch to a 'thermostable' version of the same enzyme from Thermus aquaticus, a microbe that thrives in the hot springs of Yellowstone. Microbiologist Thomas D. Brock had discovered and described it in 1969. Bingo.
T. aquaticus is an 'extreme thermophile.' It’s a member of the Archaea, one of the three domains of life along with the Prokarya (bacteria) and Eukarya (everything else)."
Archaea -> Archon -> ancient or ruler (Great Old Ones?)
It happened again up here!
And again!
Tell me "this is a coincidence" (WAAAY too f**king close):
(Jodie in "Contact" (who's now in True Detective), versus McConaughey in True Detective (*who was her lover in Contact!*))
The name of the Pentagon leaks guy is Jack
ReplyDeleteAugust 12, 1943: Philadelphia Experiment, first accidental (?) time travel incident;
ReplyDeleteAugust 12, *1983*: Montauk Project, second time travel experiment, large-scale and fully intentional this time, created a time loop between 1943 and 1983; time from 1983 forward no longer "linear" in the traditionnal, stable sense, multiple timelines interacting, creating more and more "glitches" in the main timeline (Mandala Effect?);
August 12, *2023*: collapse of 40 year cycle (1943-1983) will inevitably occur, either resulting in A) history being erased from 2023 to 1983 (or perhaps even 1943), B) an even more complex time loop being formed, from 1943 to 2023, or C) if CERN and the LHC are successful in reproducing the effects of both Philadelphia and Montauk as one, then an "Anti-Time Singularity" will form, with the mad scientists of all three historical periods combining their efforts to attain God-like power over an infinite number of possible timelines simultaneously, getting to pick and choose what reality they want to exist from now on.
That last scenario is reminiscent of the last ST:TNG episode "All Good Things", in which three Enterprises from three time periods create and collapse, precisely, an Anti-Time Singularity, leading to the past being erased entirely, the paradox to end all paradoxes.
Ulysses is kind of interesting to look at. When it begins, Penelope is unraveling a tapestry and Ulysses is shipwrecked. She (the yin, unconscious) is conscious. He (the yang, conscious) is unconscious.
ReplyDeleteThen he remembered that his troubles started after desecrating Neptune's temple. Trident -> 2001.
They had to escape from a one-eyed cannibal (in Hollywood?), then later Circe turned all his men into pigs.
By the end, he is conscious of the situation and she is not; because he has returned in disguise. (Maybe it was a copper-infused mask. Almost everyone who invested in copper before 2021 has done alright so far.)
It's entirely possible that over *one billion* people have already died, a billion more on the way:
Tucker has gone full Matthew. Congrats WA you called it.
ReplyDeleteDon Lemon got fired today, too. Maybe it's like JB (I think) said somewhere - sacrifice season (did that comment disappear?).
DeleteThere's also a story about a dragon animatronic catching fire at Disneyland, and now they aren't doing fire shows globally. Funny that it came just a couple days after a big eclipse. Also funny that it's less than two weeks before Beltane.
Don Carlton Lemon. Thats a double Carling right there.
DeleteEmergency signal test in UK and people resisting it synched with ''Nancy turn the music off'', she replies ''its good for my plants...'' this is not good news if the signal was about activating something. Sudanese rebels (Sudan flag green arrow) have taken over WHO facilites that contain ebola. Can we see an outbreak from Sudan being used as cover for the next tick tock of the molecular clock regarding v. damage?
ReplyDeleteAgain we know the doppelgangering is a digital thing and connected to phones for sure at this point. I also agree that bodysnatching is connected to the woke. But is it also going to be physical biological with the effects used in the film? Based on everything that has happened so far quite possibly.
Open an interdimensional rift, everyone gets instantly possessed by 20 or 100 demonic entities.
DeleteCould do it that way. That would definitely constitute an escalation.
ReplyDeleteNot suggesting a new movie for '29 or anything, but "Keanu Reeves walks among us" kind of gives off a The Thing vibe. Especially since it was mentioned in a book with "Terrible Thing" in its title.
DeleteProblem with The Thing will be the structure/pace won't carry a year IMHO. The Terrible Thing I've been reading as a Body Snatchers placeholder (the Thing is a body snatcher after all) and the now so-called S Club 7 effect.
DeleteLabyrinth is a much better movie to follow for the year. The Thing might make a good supplement. It's definitely Body Snatchersesque.
DeleteIt's been a bit easier (for me) this year to follow events, having two movies. Kind of like how two eyes brings depth of vision, or something. It probably helps that one of them (Return) is very lowbrow so some things are more blatant. It's not all bad, being taken for a Fool.
I don't know if this is something, or I'm just tired, but if you look back a week the script goes pretty well with the Tucker Carlson stuff.
ReplyDeleteApril 17
Jack slams Kibner's book onto the floor.
Tina says, "the show's over."
April 19
Jack walks past a man who needs help out of the mud, to take a shower himself.
Suicide says, "f*ck you all [...] I got something to say."
It's kind of weird in Invasion, because Kibner (Carlson) has his book thrown down by Jack, who didn't get to read his poetry. What Carlson said on Twitter today has been made to sound a bit like nonsense by mainstream outlets, and poetry is also nonsensical to many. So is Carlson actually supposed to be Jack? Walking past a muddy guy to take a shower could be seen as leaving viewers confused while one protects their own reputation - could be the host or the network.
Return in also a bit strange, because "the show's over" was addressed to Trash. "F*ck you all...I've got something to say" was said by Suicide while Trash was trying to hook up with him. It might speak to the tendency for people to see their adversaries as all being the same. It might have something to do with Lilith and Samael.
I am incredibly tired as well. But its happening some of it we are just missing because they have upped the complexity by 3 and we are fatigued. They get you while you are sleeping.
DeleteJack Teixeira is definitely a Jack, no doubt about that. A set dressing Jack though I would hesitate a guess. See below this is the first link but there are many mainstream media outlets all over this.
As regards Tucker I don't know. He is conservative like Kibner but (certainly now) anti-establishment like Jack. It is a puzzlement. Full name is Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson. We already have him tracked as the (US) Bradley Majors in RHPS (2021) and assumed he would reprise the role in what we expected to be ''Shock Treatment'' in 2025. But now this is off the table, well, kind of... but he may be tracking Brad reprise for the 21-24 path..? Either way he is clearly an agent like Musk (Evil Mercury/Samael) - El and Al are effectively the same (Alef-Lamed) so I'd argue Elon was an Elex if you get me?
Alex Jones last night was going on and on about Carlson laughing at a picture they had of Nancy Pelosi in the office so there's a Nancy tag. Have you seen Nancy yet because she should have showed up by now and its prob. something obv. we've missed. Nancy may have appeared as an Anne?
I am going to try and make some headway in the next few days before the big reveal of whatever the ''alien clone'' of Jack ends up being... May's script would help if you get a chance to update 2023andWe.
I can't help but wonder if Tucker was "supposed" to get fired a week earlier. Could be a red herring, could be a slipup or sign of stress to the system. One article I saw quoted a tweet with zero likes, comments, or retweets. It thanked Carlson for "keeping the dream alive."
DeleteSwanson and Carlson are both brand names of nutritional supplements. Methinks it may be time to switch brands.
Still don't know who Nancy is, but check this out:
Anise can kill fungus and relieve depression. Including dermatophytes, which affect the skin.
Nancy's a masseuse, so she rubs lotion into people. Ernie also made it to the near end of his movie. He's an embalmer. Balm. Like lotion.
Swanson has "ans" in the middle of it. Tucker had a star on the wall in the background of his Twitter video. Star Anise. I'd rather he was a Nancy than a Jack or a David, but it seems pretty far fetched.
I'd been wondering if Nancy might be something to do with "N ancy b oy," or even "n once," but yeah, it's probably something way more obvious.
Jack Teixeira is right on the (clown's) nose.
I'll try to get that updated by tomorrow at the latest. Getting a bit bored with the process, haha. I was going to try to get a few posts ahead last month, but then I hurt my flip off finger somehow. Need that for typing, too.
Some over-the-top synchronicity:
ReplyDelete- a real-life spiral appeared in the nightsky, among northern lights, around the same time the True Detective season 4 trailer was released:
- both the real-life spiral and TD s4 take place in *Alaska*.
- northern lights and a giant spiral are featured in the trailer.
- *Matthew McConaughey's character Rust in season 1 was born and raised in *Alaska**.
Btw, it happened again up here!
And again!
*NOW*, tell me "this is a coincidence" (WAAAY too f'ing close):
(Jodie in "Contact" (who's now in True Detective), versus McConaughey in True Detective (*who was her lover in Contact!*))
I think something otherworldly is "coming through".
Speaking of "Rust," Baldwin's charges were dropped a week ago.
While Burt and Ernie (a literal N*zi) are saying their hellos, Jerry Springer died of pancreatic cancer.
Ernie: Would you like a cup of coffee?
ReplyDeleteKohberger's attorney is Ann C. Taylor. So you've got a Nancy Grace (Nancy means grace) vs. Ann C.
Kohberger and Kaltenbrunner are quite similar names. Pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that Kohberger is Jewish; it would be really mean to pair him with Ernie. So it wouldn't be surprising if that's what they've done.
wife: Elisabeth
DeletePersonally, I've noticed that my body is somehow, mysteriously being *worn away* in the past several weeks; for example, I've always had great teeth, brushing with baking soda to make sure, but suddenly at age 42 small holes and cracks are appearing in my teeth.
ReplyDelete*I feel as if the nanotechnology from the Vaxx (other people's) is withering my entire biology from within, on a small scale, as if small traces of it had somehow entered my organism, and is now in the process of disintegrating me VERY slowly.*
Wordman's latest is revealing:
I don't know if you're looking for any kind of advice, and not saying you're wrong about the cause, but there are also other possibilities. Could be dehydration. Carrying stress in the jaw (Mr. Bungle made a song about that). Tocotrienols (according to some posters on the Ray Peat forum) or some other dietary factor. Other medications. If allergies or something are making you breath through your mouth more. New dental hygienist who messes up your teeth like a shady car mechanic. Etc.
DeleteI've had my own issues with teeth over the years. Due to all of the above causes at some time or another. I actually bought some of my own dental equipment to clean my own teeth so I don't have to risk getting them cleaned by someone else as often. Those buggers are surprisingly fragile, for something so hard and often used.
I got the post up for May.
The two movies match up better in May than they have so far. It's kind of spooky how similar they are. It makes me wonder if something "extra special" is in the works.
DeleteI got to thinking, while going over the post, about how the movies may be just as much a glimpse at how well the makers understood what was coming, as they are a blueprint.
If we had the time to look at, say, four or five movies and compare them, maybe there would be certain time frames that would be very similar between them all. If so, it seems likely that it's because those are the moments which were communicated the strongest to those in the loop. Hence, they might be the most pivotal or perhaps traumatic.
I, for one, do not currently have the time for that. But it's interesting to think about.
About the "Zoomers":
ReplyDeleteI've often wondered what purpose they could possibly serve in the future, within the Great Reset, considering they (for the most part) truly are empty-headed and ridiculously inept at everything.
Then I remembered they are also the most vaccinated generation, and there is definitely nanotechnology in the Vaxx.
I'm thinking THIS:
Two things:
ReplyDelete-First of all, words are, why is the timing of IotBS being counted from the "finding of the flower", without taking into account the few first minutes of opening credits (floating in space, etc) ?
-Second, the coronation of King Charles is May 6th:
May 6
42:17 - 42:35
Nancy: Back here.
Matthew: What's happened to your nose?
Jack: Matthew, now, I called you here as a friend, you know.
Nancy: Oh, Jack.
Jack: Do, uh, do you report certain things when you run into them, like a contagious disease or a dead body in a place of business?
Nancy: Jack, would you let him look at it?
Matthew: You found a body?
Jack: No, not necessarily, we didn't.
Nancy: I thought it was Jack.
(The curtain is pulled back.)
Matthew: Is that him?
Jack: Yeah, under there. (The sheet is once again over the pod person's face.)
It seemed like it matched events better that way.
DeleteIf you want to reevaluate that, I can put up just the timings for each day from the spreadsheet using the beginning as the start point. Then, you can fill in the movie events from each day.
I did January, you can go back and look at it if you want to.
No, I was just wondering.
DeleteBut I find it interesting that the Coronation is timed perfectly with the discovery/unveiling of the body.
May 2
ReplyDeleteNancy: I could sure do with some Chinese food. I haven't eaten all day.
So next week NY is voting on whether or not to ban gas stoves in all new construction. Berkeley, CA, in particular, had enacted a citywide ban on them and had it overturned by a federal district court. Seems like the issue could get to the Supreme Court eventually.
DeleteThis, while food is becoming more and more prominent as a security issue.
Politicians - making extremely slow progress on national food security, while sabotaging their citizens' ability to feed themselves in their own homes. And, don't forget, they're pushing for an all electric world at the same time that they're dangling the threat of power outages due to hackers over all our heads. Even on a very superficial level, it's nonsensical.
This one might be a bit obv but the Epstein contact lists are synching with Elizabeth going home to Geoffrey.
ReplyDeleteBurns was Dr Scott in RHPS which brings us back to the idea that Epstein *somehow* ''wrote'' all this.
DeleteWordman on his site is so certain that the whole Covid-19/Vaxx era was planned and initiated by Epstein himself, perhaps as a "deadman's switch"; the release of the virus coincides too much with his death, and practically all of the scientists and CEOs involved numbered amongst his clients.
DeleteThe problem with laying it all on Epstein himself is that he was somebody's tool. When they were done with him, he was disposed of. If he was really the mastermind or whatever, it seems like he would have been able to avoid what happened to him in the end.
DeleteHe might have faked his own death. Still pulling the strings, then.