Wednesday, January 11, 2023

2023 - The Year of A'arab Tzereq, The Kraken Awakes

Elizabeth: You know I think I found something rare.
Geoffrey: What?
Elizabeth: This plant.  I think its a Grex.
Geoffrey: A what?
Elizabeth: G-r-e-x.  That's when two species cross-pollinate and produce a third completely unique one.  And listen to this. ''Epilobic.  From the greek epi: upon and lobus: a pod.  Many of the species are dangerous weeds and should be avoided.''

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)


Kevin McCarthy was the name of the actor who played the original protagonist in Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956 and then reappeared in the 1978 version in a cameo role as the guy running in the street trying to warn people of what was coming.  Kevin McCarthy is also the name of the new Speaker of the House in the United States of America.


As you will see if you go back over the Dark Conclusions the previous movies we have witnessed are Clash of the Titans (2020), Rocky Horror Picture Show (2021) and most recently A Clockwork Orange (2022).  It is our firm belief that these movies did a lot of the legwork/heavy lifting for the year and could account for the vast majority of the major throughline.  Yet the ''War of the Alex and Dim'' persists, Prince Harry (previously Rocky) continues to ''go spare'' about his spareness (harvesting organs for the heir), a Ukrainian grain ship runs aground in the Suez (a throwback to the Steve Reeves' movie of '21) and ''the Kraken'' (XBB.1.5) awakes (i.e. Clash of the Titans reference).  Krakens do not awake every year nor did Prince Harry for that matter.  While this could be a case of ''Previously On'' (it is January after all), or subtle folding of the previous stories into IoBS (which is highly likely through names like Harry and Elizabeth and parallels like the Kraken tentacles and the Alien-plant tentacles), I think this could also be a glimpse into ''the Clockwork'' nature of the Qliphothic gates*.  As I discussed before in the evocation and interaction of the ''demons'' we are witnessing (Karens, Rockies, Franks, Alexes, etc) a Qlipha, once open, will interact with the other Qliphoth - they are not stepping stones through Hell from Station to Station as it were, they are trying to light up the whole damned Infernal Tree.  Similarly a Frank can develop into an Alex can develop into a Matthew.  A cross-pollination, if you will, of both narrative and psychology.


The first of our major synchronicities was the funeral of the Pope.  In the opening moments of the film you can see a catholic priest swinging on a park with some children.  In the real world Benedict XVI just died casting his coverups of sex crimes within the Church into sharp relief.  Many victims wanted him to swing for that.


The second major synchronicity was the introduction of the character Geoffrey which synchronized with the battle for the position of Speaker between Jeffries and McCarthy in the US Congress.  McCarthyism is often seen as one of the foci of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, an exploration of the whipped up fear of communist infiltration of the American public life.  To be clear, I am not saying there is not currently a ''communist infiltration'' of the American public just that it, inevitably, is also whipped up.  In addtion to this, Prince Harry discussed Prince Andrew (Eddie) association with Epstein and a diplomatic incident surrounding the case occured in the Virgin Islands.


The third major synchronicity relates to Elizabeth's line to Jeffrey about the Grex, a hybrid species that often occured in the ''war torn cities of Europe''.  Covid Variant XBB.1.5, likened to a ''Kraken'', is indeed a hybrid ''recombinant'' that occured when two different variants of coronavirus have been grafted on to each other within an infected individual.  The Kraken, alongside a powerful reference/callback for the Apocalypse Squad about Clash of the Titans, suggests the tentacular growth of the white amyloid clots that rumour would have are growing inside many people right now.  A terrifying thought


So far we have encountered three important Matthews: Matthew Perry; Matt Hancock; and Matt Gaetz.  The first two were featured in the so-called ''trailer'' for IoBS which ran between Halloween and New Years, the Qabalistic justfication for which is that ''the path'' (or trail...) must be included in order to ''complete the Tree.'' This is of strategic importance for us because as we learned during ACO, the cast are presented to us in the trailer and/or early in the year: see Alex Jones, Alex Johnson, Alexandria Occassio Cortez, Alec Baldwin together with a somewhat ridiculous cluster of Alexeis, Oleksiys, etc.

In his novel, released during the trailer, Matthew Perry (of the important Friends precognition and synch) discussed the ''Big Bad Thing'' which was about being slowly eaten alive from the inside out.  At the same time, Matt Hancock the former Health Secretary of the UK, who resigned after kissing a dark haired coworker, bizarrely, almost inexplicably, appeared on ''I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.''  Finally Matt Gaetz was challenging the election of McCarthy for Speaker and he purportedly wants to investigate covid and the medical response which would effectively cast him as an embattled environmental health agent in an organization now ostensibly headed by the Spectresque WEF.  While not quite a perfect strike this final Matt is probably the one to watch.  I could certainly see Hancock appearing on chatshows as the health situation worsens, giving his two cents, but Matt Gaetz is surely in a better position to channel the full extent of the role.  Including the end of the film.

Just like many individuals struggled to avoid channeling Alex last year (repressed Dionysian energy, the inability to fight back effectively against oppressors leading to sadistic acts on companions and lovers) so many will be challenged this year in holding back the ''demonic spirit'' of Matthew.  And just like they gave us some Alexes to idolise last year so this year they will give us some Matthews.  Although it would seem logical to identify with Matthew and fight back against the Body Snatching system, you know from the film where this will inevitably lead you.  Extreme paranoia and depending on your reading of the final moment either a heartbreaking ''Do it to Julia'' style betrayal or an absolute absorption into the Hive.  There are no heroes in the Qliphoth. 


If Alex (Samael) was our ''archdemon'' last year and the droogs were the ''horde or legion'' aspect then this year the horde has to be the Pod People.  We know from the book that the Pod People only live for a few years before disintergrating and the species drifts on to another planet and we know that liberal cities such as San Francisco were in the upper tiers of those % genetically modified as well as those targetted by other aspects of the depopulation program (see Rocky Horror).  ''A few years'' takes us to the longevity price of living in domed (i.e. hyper sterile) hyper-promiscuous cities that we see in Logan's Run.  Is it possible that the IoBS will only happen or be concentrated in certain cities before the rest of the world becomes aware of the situation?  And the effect will be less pronounced in parts of the world that were less subject to the program?  If MM3 is the subsequent movie then an IoBS dieoff even at 5-10% may be enough to throw a system already falling apart to completely break down.  Especially in parts of the world that are fundamentally dependent upon the safe marketplace in more developed economies... Just like Rocky Horror was peculiarly concentrated in the UK, IoBS may be peculiarly concentrated in San Francisco and other classic centres of Pod People.  I'm not implying this is a good thing as MM3 implies we all have to deal with the fallout of the collapse of the cities.  With the release of the Twitter files and the already exceedingly high excess deaths could revealing the contamination be part of the plan?  Is it another example of people being scared to death?  To me this explains the emotionless aspect of the Pod People, the one question that you have to ask to know your own heart lies buried forever unspoken because it is far too scary to even ask.


Focus on the good news?  Absolutely.  Jesus Christ died for your sins.  Accept him as your Lord and Saviour and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Renounce the Darkness.  Focus only on the Good News.  Turn off the Dark Conclusions, return to nature and live for as long as you can in the way that God intended for you.  There is no need to be afraid.  This already happened.  These experiences are only the Angels freeing you from the Earth of your memory.  Go and be in peace.

Would be demon hunting alchemists who have returned to hell for one last Egg Shen style showdown with the necromancers* then you still need exactly the same physical tools as you did for the previous years: tinctures; silver; garlic; holy water; melatonin; six demon bag; lactoferrin; time machine; tea tree oil; cryptic grimoires; exorcism manuals; etc - and exactly the same emotional tools: courage, logic, neutrality and love.  'twas ever thus. Day will break.

''Ten and not nine.  Ten and not eleven.  Understand in wisdom and be Wise in Understanding.  Examine them, investigate them, think clearly and form.  Place the word above its creator and reinstate the Creator on his foundation; and they are ten extending beyond limit. Observe them: they appear like a flash.  Their boundary has no limit for his word is with them: ''and they ran and returned.''  And they pursue his saying like a whirlwind and they prostrate themselves before his throne.''

Ch.2 V.1 Sefer Yetzirah, Saadia Version

Geoffrey: Dangerous?
Elizabeth: In the Garden. See?  Look how quickly it roots.''Their characteristic rapid and widespread growth pattern was even observed in many of the large, war-torn cities of Europe.  Indeed some of these plants may thrive on devastated ground.''

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

*Necromancy = divination by the dead, i.e. infection rates + death stats = predictive modelling of pandemics, etc.


  1. Bivalent Kraken grex.

    The approach didn't make sense before. Now...yeah.

    If there's a curtain or a wall - some sort of barrier containing the light - then the path to "a thousand points of light" might involve a thousand little cuts. Pricks, if you will, or jabs. Not only physical; also emotional and cognitive.

    1. Bivalent Kraken Grex. It is getting that weird. Place the emphasis where you like. It. Is. Getting. That. Weird. But I guess this is one of the side effects of keeping everything in the DUMBs for so long and suddenly getting the new toys out. You need to educate the public about horrors way beyond their comprehension. No matter how much you've softened them up with Hollywood when it goes Hypersonic it goes Hypersonic.

      Got served by my first robot today - no synthetic flesh yet basically a glorified Dalek-like trolley but still it was kind of eerie. Then walked into the street and an actual genuine zombie, no cosplay, wandered by. What with all the biting going on and the endless sirens (a bit like the film as well not now but soon) I am genuinely confused as to which apocalypse I am currently experiencing... Given one of the justifications for the extent of the automation that is coming (circa 2026-2027) is the dieoff itself. They've blended that well, temporally speaking. Oh cinematomancy what a difficult mistress you are ;-)

      Are you talking about the firmament? Or referencing ''there's a light'' from Rocky Horror? Or neither? Or both?

    2. I was referring to George H W Bush's repeated mentions of it.

      H W is the same guy known for his "new world order" speech of Sept. 11, 1990, 11 years prior to that other one.

      So, you know, Iron Curtain, Berlin Wall, the wall Mexico was to have paid for. All justified to keep out so-called invaders (or to prevent the "bleeding out" of citizens). Kind of like how our immune systems are supposed to function.

      A thousand points of (klippot) light - bivalent kraken grex.

      "In 1990 Bush spearheaded the creation of the Points of Light Foundation, the goal of which was to promote private, non-governmental solutions to social issues." (Wikipedia) I.e. a public private partnership.

      To robots! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

  2. A damp California:

  3. I should also mention that Kevin McCarthy played the lead role in the 1956 version and played a cameo in the 1978 version.


    They've only got one rescue pod, which seats 4, for 7 astronauts. The micrometeorite caused a white spray from the craft into space.

    Green, two-tailed comet discovered by California observatory. From the outer reaches of the solar system. Last viewable during the Stone Age. First mistaken for a meteor.


    On the 8th Frank said Freddy was going to be fine in the warehouse business. He also thinks it's okay to smack a barrel with a zombie in it.

    Promises, promises. "Fresh Kills Landfill" "Human compost"
    "And I know you're here, because I can smell your brains."

    I almost forgot about the most important zombie, Tar Man, or Oil Zombie as it's sometimes called. That's set to escape next month when the barrel gets a whack. It might not make its actual appearance until March. I wonder if it's anything to do with petroleum and the energy situation?

    Tar Sands, barrels of oil, etc. Then there's that Keystone XL Pipeline, which was opposed by Native Americans because it ran through their land. Reminds me of the rumors that bad things started happening on the Poltergeist set after they used real skeletons in the pool pit mud scene. That whole movie was about bad stuff happening after desecrating an Indian Burial Ground.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey people the new speaker is *literally* called *Kevin McCarthy*. I am not sure what kind of strike you're looking for but that is a fucking good one. Just sayin'...

    1. It's an absolutely fucking excellent strike.

      Couldn't get more one the nose. It's actually creepy.

      The idea that events could be coordinated to such an extent is really quite chilling. That's even after considering the notion that multiple movies and ideas seeded into public consciousness going back decades are currently being played out in something approaching real time.

      In the leadup to the mindf*ck of 2014, I had this idea that to take over the world, one step would be to plant a seed in the form of a book or album or something, which would then be "discovered" many, many years later. Having been lost and then found would give it extra credibility and make people more likely to jump on it as something special.

      I felt like a real genius for "coming up with it," but what we're seeing playing out now is on a whole other level.

    2. I will edit the text in the main post as an update. But seriously not sure what the odds are of this but they must be pretty astronomical. We've been saying Body Snatchers 2023 since 2021.

  8. I just *NOW* realized that you changed your site's name to simply "Blogos" lol

    1. From an article on Wordman's site that was deleted in its entirety by TPTB:

      "Just going over that Anti-Life post again
      and the main thrust was the 72,000 male genomes & 72,000 female genomes giving each of us a total of 144,000 per human genome in each body (Francis Crick) = God's number. Sealed in their foreheads as the servants of God in Rev 7:3-4. 

      Thru early research of Patch (and others) and now with what's being disclosed in the scientific papers unveiled by Kingston et al, the formation of a TRIPLE helix is happening (thru vaxx), adding ANOTHER 72,000 at the base level. Or 216,000. 

      Or 600x60x6.  This was also the post that led with the images of the Queen lighting up the triple helix lightshow on the lawn during the Platinum Jubilee celebration......just before her death. 

      Too much references to religion and God and Antichrists and the Queen implicated and they wanting to finagle with God's internal numbers for us all???"

  9. Your site won't let me publish this, third time now: I know I'm repeating myself, but back in the early '90s, there was a very unusual, very insistant vaccination campaign up here in Québec, targeting grade school children (including myself); my intuition told me "NO!", and my parents abided by this.

    When my mother told the nurses and teachers at school that I would NOT be vaxxed, they looked at her as if they HATED her, and kept insisting, so she took me out of school until the campaign was over.

    Years later, people found out a LOT of Aboriginal kids up north had been vaccinated *against their will*, and DIED. There was an even bigger scandal in our province when it was revealed the whole thing had actually been *a gravely unethical experiment, using French-Canadian and Aboriginal children as guinea pigs, injecting us with a "programmable LIQUID CRYSTAL compound manufactured by Texas Instruments"*; the purpose of this was never revealed, and news of this scandal has been purged more and more from any and all media over the last 30 years.

  10. Blogos, check your spam folder: four of my posts disappeared in the blink of an eye.

    1. Or give me your e-mail, so that I may send it to you directly.

    2. What do you make of the Kevin McCarthy synch JB?

    3. It's one of those "so obvious you can’t believe you missed it" sort of thing, like the whole Joker/Joachim PHOENIX synch a couple years ago.

    4. What do you think about what I just posted, the "triple helix/liquid crystal" stuff?

    5. I don't know man. It's all getting really crazy and diabolical. That way lies madness and despair if you're wrong and horrors unutterable and unimaginable if you're right. I feel that way about all the chips and hydrae type stuff. I have to wait and see. But from where I'm standing it is not looking pretty.

  11. About Kevin McCarthy: he's all about "Kern":

    "McCarthy is a fourth-generation resident of Kern County... During college, he worked as a seasonal firefighter for the Kern County Fire Department... McCarthy won his first election in 2000, as a Kern Community College District trustee... He is a former board member for the Community Action Partnership of Kern..."

    Why is this significant to me? Well...

    The county derives its name from the Kern River. In Great-Britain, Cern Abbas is named after the Cern River. "Cern" (which should be pronounced precisely *KERN*) is historically attested as an abbreviation of *Cernunnos*.


    "The zombie drug" found in 20% of New York's drug samples from November 2021 - 2022 - and not widely reported until 2023. It also happens to be something used to sedate "animals like cattle," from whence we get milk and carne.

    "[S]evere, necrotic skin ulcerations are a tell-tale sign of repeated injection of the drug." A Brooklyn senator, Kevin Parker, voted against adding it to the list of controlled substances.

    Matthew Gamberg is then cited as saying fentanyl is more dangerous than xylazine in methamphetamine (which is actually available by prescription for Alzheimer's sufferers - I was going to include a link but can't find any now. Year ago, I do remember seeing this online).

  13. Elizabeth is the "God of seven."

    1. I think someone (JB?) may have already posted that, but maybe it bears repeating.

  14. "Bonsoir, Monsieur Bennell. How nice to see you."

    1. "This is a recipe for disaster," Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin tweeted on Tuesday.

      Indeed. Once someone throws out their gas stove, they can't even boil water if the power goes out. Especially in California, where they banned butane for camp stoves years ago.
      And some propane.
      And woodstoves (in the Bay Area).
      And gas cars.
      And pre-2010 big rigs.

      It's probably not a good idea to create an electric monopoly?
      (The included link to Cyber Polygon no longer works. Here's a different, possibly related page from the site:
      "Unleashing the full potential of 5G while protecting its networks against attack will require major investment in zero trust security infrastructures.")

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh Jeez I was just wondering what the fuck are the gas stoves about? They are set dresssing for the kitchen scene. A very nice, effectively perfect, strike.


    "Japan holds the presidency of the G7 for 2023 and will host the leaders summit in Hiroshima in May – the site of the first detonation of an atomic weapon by the U.S. Japan is also chairing the United Nations Security Council for the month of January, part of its two-year stint as a nonpermanent member of the U.N. Security Council."

    "Japan has also joined sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine war, though it has not provided lethal aid to Kyiv."

    "Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida says Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine has caused a global energy crisis and he pressed Justin Trudeau on Thursday to supply reliable liquefied natural gas to Tokyo to replace Russian oil and gas."

    "In London on Wednesday, the Prime Minister and his British counterpart agreed to bilateral military exchanges and joint drills. Japan is looking for a similar agreement with Canada."

    February 28 thru March 5 will show Matthew at his gas stove cooking Japanese-style. Fumio Kishida might be a Matthew to watch this year. His name - Fumio - means something like PatternBigMan, which could describe the constellation Orion (Mithra).


    1/19) Matthew: They threw a bottle of wine at it. Not even a good wine.

    1/20) Matthew: If you go to sleep now, you could get up early in the morning, couldn’t you?
    Frank: But the weirdest thing I ever saw just had to cap it all.

    Around the time the debt ceiling (or cap) is set to be reached, there's talk of cheap wine, going to work early (maybe to pay off some of the massive debt), and weird stuff.

    In addition to corona and monkeypox, "The infectious diseases also include dengue fever and seasonal influenza, as well as those caused by the Zika virus, the respiratory syncytial virus, enterovirus and the Nipah virus." (The smallpox vaccine has been used for monkeypox, because they're similar.)

    "Fruit bats of the Ptero*pod*idae family are the natural host of the Nipah virus and can transmit the virus through either direct contact or their droppings. So if you are thinking of consuming some fruit bat droppings, don’t." (Bats are often called "rats with wings.")

    Here's something weird:

    "Where this novel prion switch becomes important is in wine fermentations where lactic acid-producing bacteria are well known spoilers of fermentation. The L-lactic acid produced by the bacteria trigger the formation of [GAR+] in the yeast in the fermentation and one outcome is that the levels of ethanol produced by the yeast are dramatically reduced (Garcia et al., 2016). This then provides a low ethanol environment that does not inhibit bacterial growth and eventually the bacteria flourish. However there has been a suggestion that the formation of [GAR+] in sake yeast may be beneficial in a sake fermentation because the [GAR+] cells show increased survival in the sake starter mash."

    Spoiled fermentation = bad wine. Matthew and Elizabeth are drinking good wine on their picnic where she does the thing with her eyes.

    "We report 3 patients with autopsy-proven Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease who, early in their course, developed abnormal eye movements that included periodic alternating nystagmus and slow vertical saccades." (CJD has been associated with vaccines in the past.)

    1. Elizabeth proves she's not crazy by doing that eye thing. One might say she displays neurological symptoms which prove her "hallucinations" that her significant other has changed is a sign of a physical problem and not a mental one. And she does it while drinking.

      The background music sounds a lot like Charles Mingus. From his Wikipedia page: "One story has it that Mingus was involved in a notorious incident while playing a 1955 club date billed as a "reunion" with Parker, Powell, and Roach. Powell, who suffered from alcoholism and mental illness (possibly exacerbated by a severe police beating and electroshock treatments), had to be helped from the stage, unable to play or speak coherently. As Powell's incapacitation became apparent, Parker stood in one spot at a microphone, chanting "Bud Powell ... Bud Powell ..." as if beseeching Powell's return. Allegedly, Parker continued this incantation for several minutes after Powell's departure, to his own amusement and Mingus' exasperation. Mingus took another microphone and announced to the crowd, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please don't associate me with any of this. This is not jazz. These are sick people." This was Parker's last public performance; about a week later he died after years of substance abuse." (Charlie Parker was known as "Bird.")

      Centennial birthday concert on 1/21/2023.

      On April 1, his widow Sue Mingus will accept an award "acknowledging her efforts in founding a nonprofit honoring Charles Mingus’ legacy."

      Mingus died of ALS, "a late-onset neurodegenerative disease characterized by protein aggregates that colocalize with neuronal loss."

      That's less than 3 weeks after the "eye thing" on March 9. The same day Elizabeth does the eye thing, Frank and Freddie are about to come out of the basement after being knocked out by the escaped gas from the zombie barrel.

      "On Nov. 4, 1922, the team’s water boy, Hussein Abd el-Rassul, discovered what looked like the top of a staircase just under the desert sand."

      Also 100 years ago - Tut's tomb. The one rumored to have killed so many people, and sometimes theorized as having been via fungus. Mummies, of course, have their brains removed and put in a jar.

    2. My current working theory, based on this mess and certain impressions from 2014, is that there might be some sort of fungal/prion/amyloid thing emerging this year. No one seems to know what prions are, but they do seem to share some characteristics and genetics with fungus.

      I've obviously been wrong about a lot of things. I'm probably wrong about this, too.

      When I had that psychotic break or whatever it was, the vicious thing behind the tree didn't quite seem like either a fungus or not a fungus, but it was definitely not a plant or an animal even though it kind of seemed like an animal. This prion/fungus thing is the closest to a match with anything in reality that I've been able to come up with so far.

      I did encounter this thing on the way back from having been in a river. At the end of this podcast
      the host mentioned that yogis will sometimes go up to their neck in a river during eclipses. It makes me wonder if this isn't 100% crazy, if maybe it will show up after one of the eclipses this year.


      Download the article from the abstract link.. All about prions as a bioweapon in vaccines on p. 6 of this 11 page article

    4. Thanks for that. I also downloaded his original article "COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease," today, but haven't had a chance to read it yet. At the very least, the 11 page article might provide a good list of references to some sketchy happenings of the past.

      I remember when some of those stories he mentioned came out. The dead wife of the prion researcher, the Baxter vaccine with an extraordinarily dangerous mix of live viruses, etc. The Baxter story was really, really bad. It should have been much more widely publicized. I think the only reason I saw it was because I'd recently gotten the Swine Flu vaccine and thought it made me really sick. No one I mentioned it to took me seriously, but that's when I kind of told myself, "no more of this crap, no matter what anyone says."

      Anyway, it was worth the two or three hours it took to read the whole article. There were a couple of moments where it felt like living inside a spy novel, which was fun. I can't help but doubt the overall credibility of someone who can imagine Mossad orchestrating an incredibly complex series of operations through a wide variety of international intelligence agencies, yet waves off "the Illuminati" as one brushes off a fly; and describes "layering" of information without using the commonly accepted term of "limited hangout," yet ends the article with an exhortation to fight "Satanic" forces, but all in all it was definitely a thought-provoking piece of work which I hadn't seen before.

      (It also makes me want to look into the 2001 anthrax stuff again, because I remember hearing about some strangeness around the supposed perpetrator of that, but can't quite recall the details or where I even saw it.)

  17. Another strange Friends connection, Harry going into details about his magic mushroom trip hosted by Courtney Cox -

  18. Oh wow, look at this guys:

    "The Puppet Masters is a 1994 American science fiction horror film, adapted from Robert A. Heinlein's 1951 novel of the same title, in which a trio of American government agents attempts to thwart a *covert invasion of Earth by mind-controlling alien parasites*. The film was directed by Stuart Orme and stars *Donald Sutherland*.

    ...At the crash site, now staged as a phony tourist attraction, they encounter people who appear to display no emotion...

    ...The team then locates an alien, that looks like a slug, attached to the man's back. The team manages to capture the alien and after a chase where multiple infected town citizens attempt to stop them, they successfully return to their plane...

    ...Along with communicating telepathically, the aliens have the ability to correct any ailment affecting the host (Jarvis's chain-smoking and Greenberg needing glasses.)...

    ...The alien tells Andrew that it will kill Sam to prove its power and when it stops his heart, Mary conducts massive electrical shocks to Sam, causing the alien to leave his body, after believing that Sam is no longer a viable host. The team is able to resuscitate Sam however he begins to suffer the same withdrawal that affected Jarvis...

    ...Back at base, the team learns that the child suffered from encephalitis in the past, and that apparently was the reason a slug couldn't possess him."

    1. For many years I was so sure this was a remake of IotBS, it's so similar, with Sutherland on top of that.

  19. About the 1978 IotBS:

    "On the film's 40th anniversary, Kaufman believes the film may have seemed timely when it came out since the *Jonestown* mass suicide had occurred a month earlier and still dominated the news: "That was a case of a lot of people from San Francisco were looking for a better world and suddenly found themselves in pod-dom, and it was fatal. It could not have been a more pointed reason for watching the movie."

    The way the 1956 version ends:

    "Back at the hospital, Bennell finishes his story. Dr. Hill and the on-duty doctor step outside the room, the latter expressing his certainty that Bennell is psychotic. Just then, a truck driver is wheeled into the hall on a gurney after having been badly injured in an accident. It turns out that the man had to be dug out from under a load of giant pods coming from Santa Mira. Finally believing Bennell's story, Dr. Hill alerts the police to block the roads in and out of Santa Mira; the film ends with Bennell relieved as Hill calls the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

    It was released as a double feature with the British science fiction film The Atomic Man:

    "An injured man is pulled from the Thames. He has been shot in the back and is barely alive. The science correspondent of an illustrated magazine recognises him as a nuclear physicist. But the physicist is found alive and well and working at his laboratory. When the injured man is photographed, his pictures show a strange glow surrounding him, and when he recovers enough to be questioned, his answers make no sense. It transpires that his perception of time is 7.5 seconds ahead of that of his interrogator, to the extent that he answers questions just before they are asked.

    The correspondent and his photographer girlfriend try to solve the puzzle, and in doing so uncover international industrial espionage and a terrible threat to the atomic research institute."

  20. January 12 / 13
    Henri: A good, young Burgundy, a brown stock, thyme, parsley – just a sprig, capers… / a, a, a fresh bay leaf and garlic.
    Frank: Over here, Freddy, is where we keep the fresh cadavers. We sell these to medical / schools and to the US Army for ballistic tests. Well, say hello.
    The word "barrow" is derived from its root, *bhergh-. (An Old English spelling is "beorg," which is very close to "borg.") "Young burgundy" = "Fresh cadaver"

    caper: a silly or illegal act
    "The gang's victims were taken to a medical testing lab..."
    "Post-vaccine nephrotic syndrome is not a rare condition."
    "[C]linicians need to consider the possibility that kidney diseases may be provoked by vaccines in patients who have renal symptoms."


    The picture in that story looks a lot like what little I remember from the dream I mentioned at the beginning of the year. Also this:

    When I woke up, the building hadn't collapsed; one or a couple of the balconies were smoking and starting to crumble.

    Yesterday's attack might have far reaching consequences.

    1. "Good news"

  22. Matthew didn't find a rat in the restaurant, he found its leavings. If the rats have already left, this may be the year of having to "pay the Piper."

    The link describes states cutting education programs to fund pension liabilities, a situation some might have described as a sacrifice to Baal last year. Maybe this year the conversation will move from "saving Grandma" to elderly "vampires" and even Elizabeth Bathory.
    "These actresses portrayed characters whose actions are more masculine, sexually promiscuous, and violent."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. When the rats are gone, someone's got to pay the Piper.

      Elizabeth Bathory was a famous historical "vampire."

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. January 9:

    Geoffrey: Okay, I’ll put the earphones on. There. See? You happy?
    Elizabeth: Never mind. I’ll go downstairs.

    Man: Who is it?
    Matthew: Department of Health.

    Freddy: No kidding. How come?
    Frank: How the hell do I know how come? The important question is, where do they get all the skeletons with perfect teeth? I’m going to ask you a serious question. How many people you know die with a beautiful, perfect set of choppers...

    "Section 4702 of the *Matthew* Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (18 U.S.C. 249 note) is amended by adding at the end the following:

    “(11) Mass shootings and other hate crimes motivated by white supremacy have been increasing in frequency and intensity. These heinous and virulent crimes are inspired by conspiracy theories, blatant bigotry, and mythical falsehoods such as “replacement theory”. All instances must be prevented and severe criminal penalties must be applied to their perpetrators.”."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We, as in everyone. The whole planet. How do you convince a whole planet to not assume the worst about people?

      It hardly seems possible. Maybe just not being a total nut on an individual level would be enough to get through what might become a very intense period of time.

    3. Minister: Soon we may be needing all our prison space for political offenders.

      Minister: Kill the criminal reflex, that's all. Full implementation in a year's time.

      June 21

      Cop: So then you took Elizabeth Driscoll out of here.
      Matthew: No, no! I took her from there. Her other body was in here. That's what I've been trying to explain.
      David: Please stop, Matthew. That's enough! Please stop! Lieutenant, my name is Dr. David Kibner.
      Lieutenant: The psychiatrist.
      David: That's right.
      Lieutenant: My wife reads your books. It's changed her life.
      David: Good, I'm glad. Look, this sounds terribly complicated, but my friend has had some difficult emotional experiences (during the last couple of days).
      ("That's leaves in a pot," previously, when looking into the garden area Elizabeth's double had been in. In its place is a human looking pile of leaves, some pottery and such.)

      Burt: (Man, I'm getting the car and) taking these guys to the emergency ward right now. Let's go, Frank. You're gonna be alright. I'm gonna get you...
      Frank: [RETCHING]
      Burt: Hey, Frank! Frank!
      Burt: Come here, (Ernie).
      (Ernie goes on to call the paramedics and tells them to come to "the Resurrection Funeral Home at 21702 East Central." The paramedics are stumped, because Frank and Freddy are already dead.)


    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Maybe 2023 will involve the dance of performative expectations.

      Pod people - dissociation, intellectualisms, nerdiness, low voices, ivory towers, swarming

      Zombies - emotional reactions, appeals to faith, militancy, loud voices, trenches, fighting

      Pod Zombies - ??

      Survivors - self control, unified hemispheres, vocal range, navigating

      Lists like this are silly, but sometimes a little bit helpful. It's important to remember that people are *all* still people.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Casey: Yeah? Where you supposed to meet him?
    Tina: At this medical supply warehouse where he’s working.
    Scuz: Oh, no, he got a job? What a d*ck.

    A hospital with no staff is basically a medical supply warehouse. Not even Scuz likes scabs.

  26. If pod people are dissociated and zombies are emotionally volatile, then where/what is the "blueprint" for well adjusted people? In other words, where do successful, healthy people who notice weird stuff go for their symbolic roadmap?


    It almost sounds like an article about gay N*zis(?) is in the works. Lots of interesting stuff in this article.


  29. Matthew: Did I wake you up?
    "Coffee pod carbon footprint better for planet than filtered brew"

  30. I just had a mini breakdown and purged a ton of posts. It's still only January. Time for another social media vacation.

    But first, helium!

    It fills up balloons, makes MRI machines possible, detects radiation, is used to keep things very cold, enables lots of science stuff, and is a rare and nonrenewable resource which leaves the very planet when it escapes into the air.

    Balloons for parties. The Living Dead kids are looking to party; a party is where Elizabeth meets Kibner. Politicians like to Party.

    The same day Kibner reconciles the married couple, Frank and Freddy hold down a big, bald zombie that ran out of the freezer, while Burt saws its head off. Balloons are rather head-shaped. That's on 4/11, which is 411 days after 2/24/2022.

    "Well, it worked in the movie."
    "You mean the movie lied?"


    2. 9 days after 4/11 will be a total solar eclipse visible from parts of Indonesia, Western Australia, and Timor-Leste; at least 10% partial visibility for 411,000,000 people.

      "Tall folks apparently suck up more precious resources."

      "Altman cites Yuval Noah Harari’s book Sapiens, about a population of early humans inhabiting the Indonesian island of Flores who became cut off from land masses."

    4. Flores is very near the zone of totality for the 4/20 eclipse. 1/24 - Frank: 245-Trioxin, it’s called. It was to kind of spray on marijuana or something.

    5. 4/20 Body Snatchers - Jacks walks into the spa's lobby. Nancy asks about the book party. He slams the book he's holding down angrily. The phone rings and Nancy recommends a 15-minute soak in Calistoga lava ash. Jack grabs a towel and walks through the curtain into the tub room.

      Living Dead - a naked Trash tries to seduce Suicide. He pushes her away, saying, "Show some f*cking respect for the dead, will you?" The next day, Casey and Chuck see Freddy, Frank, and Burt carrying the zombie and its head to the mortuary, wrapped in plastic.

      There's got to be some movie or something which shows good things happening this year. Energy follows attention, and this is just too morbid.

    6. I've bought Black Adam on dvd. It's by far the most fun sort of escapism I've seen in years.

    7. Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out. Some of those DC movies have been really fun to watch.

  31. Ever since 2016 it's seemed like grade school politics took hold everywhere. The same level of discourse. The trolling and provocations. The illogic and hypocrisy. In school, the bullies didn't usually get in trouble. The people they bullied would, when they reacted. Because they weren't supposed to let it bother them. Because those nice kids couldn't possibly have done or said those things. Even if they did, they didn't mean it. Don't be so *thin-skinned*. If someone shoves you, don't push back. Tell an authority. And then, if you've been good, and quiet, and dressed nice, that person might be punished. If not, no one will do anything. (And all the other kids will see that nothing happened, and then they'll know that it's okay.)

    2016 just might have been the year of the troll. Practically everyone was trolling everyone else. Pepe. Snowflakes. Russian bots. Trolls movie. All trolls, all the time.

    People sometimes say to take the high road with trolls; maybe the straight and narrow is a better metaphor. Or they might advise to rise above it, but maybe self-mastery would be a better approach.

    I don't know, though. I have a long history of letting myself get worked up over trolls. Thick-skinned, pig-headed, dissociated pod people and heart-on-sleeve, guts-spilling, overreacting zombies are just metaphors for unhealthy emotional responses. Grasp the center. Cling to the center. Keep breathing. Be conscious of feeling, and feel consciousness. Find the unity of duality, internally. Etc.

    It's going to be okay.

  32. George: St. George (and the **Dragon**)
    Dim: Eclipse
    Alex: ?? ?? ??
