Wednesday, May 22, 2019

2019 - Malkuth - Unifying Colour Theory Pt V - *UPDATED*

Hic sunt dracones

The Egg Globe

As mentioned in previous posts we are now in the endgame of a decade long project that ran from 2010 - 2019.  During each year we saw more and more of the main studios producing movies that were in line with both the colour and the themes of the Sefiroth from the Golden Dawn Tree of Life.  We are now in 2019 or The Year of Malkuth.  As we have seen in the previous posts on this topic not only do the movie and fashion industry seem to be coordinated along these lines but we are also seeing real world events coordinated as well - Extinction Rebellion, Notre Dame, etc.  Just like we could back-check our colour theory through the last decade of movies it should be possible to back-check world events to see if they were timed with the Sefira of the Year as well but this is probably beyond the limits of the time we have available for the task.

So here be dragons.  One of the most interesting things about the conclusion of Game of Thrones from a Qabalistic perspective is how they subverted one of the recurring themes we have been talking about i.e. the role of the Son (Tifereth) in restoring the Fallen Daughter (Malkuth) to the throne of the Superior Mother (Binah).  In GoT Jon Snow was clearly our Jesus figure (Tifereth) having been literally resurrected earlier in the show, but rather than restoring Daenarys (the Fallen Daughter/Malkuth) he instead murders her and then the Dragon destroys that throne.  Also worthy of note is the meaning of Malkuth itself - Kingdom - Kings Landing being destroyed by Drogon, as opposed to restored.

''Behind the shoulders of the Queen, the Bride of Microprosopus (Malkuth), the Serpent rears its head, and here is said to be the severest of judgements'' to quote Dion Fortune in the Mystical Qabalah, the text we have been using to guide us through our assessment of this By the Numbers project.  Bearing in mind that I have said that this ritual is about taking us down the Tree, as opposed to up, then this subversion of the Holy Qabalah is perfectly in keeping with the thrust of the whole operation.  It is profoundly worrying though, as if the group in charge of this project are indeed using the Golden Dawn system then the next decade may in fact be continuing the descent into the negative or infernal Tree of Life: ''The sphere of Malkuth abuts upon the hells of the inverse Sefiroth, the Qliphoth or Evil Demons.''

Dragons, Hydras and Snakes litter the esoteric writing of the Golden Dawn initiation system whereby you are attempting to rise out of the grasp of the qliphothic snake - if we are descending the Tree of Life then we descending into its embrace.  There are two sides to these dragons though, on the one hand they are representative of the Qliphoth or Infernal Forces of the Inverse Tree of Life, and on the other hand, they are likened to the Kundalini and/or Serpent of Wisdom which rises up your spine towards Kether.


Returning to 2019 we are now about half way through the Green quarter of the Four Colours of Malkuth that you can see on the uppermost diagram, a quarter that was opened by Captain Marvel - so what better time for the King of Lizards to take centre stage on the big screen and explore this dichotomy in lizard-kind with a lizard-off?  So what's the story, huh?  Well apparently Monarch a secret crypto-zoological organisation takes centre stage, providing the human POV as they and Godzilla battle with the Titans; ''Kings of Unbalanced Force'' as I am sure Dion Fortune would have put it.  Millie Bobby Brown is playing the ''Fallen Daughter'' again, bearing in mind that Stranger Things has her play the Fallen Daughter who is a victim of a Monarchesque organisation (MKULTRA).  They are even going to troll us with a giant Monarch butterfly in the form of Moth-Ra's monster design.




From the trailer the movie seems to rely on a lot of cyan, a colour halfway between blue and green, and scenes crosslit with cyan and green - alongside red scenes of destruction - but we'll have to wait and see!  I am assuming it will use all the colours of Malkuth in its overall design with a dominance of ''green'' wherever we set the limit on what green actually constitutes.


Big gains for the Green Parties of Europe in the EU Elections, coming second in Germany.  You can see here the increase is in favour of the yellow and green blocks [environmentalists and liberals].

What's interesting about the UK results is that the main victory went to the brand new cyan ''Brexit'' party.  The greens and liberal democrats [orange in the UK, but then they join the yellow block in the EU parliament] did well and like across Europe our two main parties - Conservatives and Labour got destroyed.  Looking a bit more closely at the results for the Brexit Party it is clear that not only is ''Brexit'' a key part of the overall plan for the year but I would say that with everything we now know about the change to ''Russett'' in October and that the military intervention plan in the event of a No Deal Brexit is called Operation Redfold I think a No Deal is far more likely now.  Ordo ab chao, init.   

If we go back to the original predictions you will see I mentioned blue specifically dark, navy blue as a placeholder for the black quarter of Malkuth.  Originally I predicted this colour for the final quarter but the release of the red/russett Joker in October challenged that, so the dark blue/black crossover will be for Summer instead.  Its worth looking at a colour wheel at this point.

I am no ordinary woman.  My dreams come true.

Daenerys Targaryean, Game of Thrones

1 comment:

  1. > It is profoundly worrying though, as if the group in charge of this project are indeed using the Golden Dawn system then the next decade may in fact be continuing the descent into the negative or infernal Tree of Life: ''The sphere of Malkuth abuts upon the hells of the inverse Sefiroth, the Qliphoth or Evil Demons.''

    Have you seen a horror movie called jacobs ladder? A man crosses through hell so that he can get to heaven.

    I have a bad feeling about all of this.
