Thursday, January 20, 2022

2022 - The Year of Samael, One Minute to Nadsat


Ho ho ho!  Well if isn't fat stinking billy goat Billy Boy in poison!  How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil?  Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou!


Alex deLarge, A Clockwork Orange


''Let us consider this poem:

Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down
Hickory Dickory Dock

Here we are on higher ground at once.  The clock symbolises the spinal column, or, if you prefer it Time, chosen as one of the conditions of normal consciousness.  The mouse is the ego; ''Mus'' a mouse, being only Sum, ''I am'', spelt qabalistically backwards.  This ego or Kundalini force being driven up the spine, the clock strikes one, that is, the duality of consciousness is abolished.  And the force subsides to its original level.  "Hickory Dickory Dock'' is perhaps the mantra which was used by the adept who constructed this rime, thereby hoping to fix it in the minds of men; so that they might attain to Samadhi by the same method.  Others attribute to it a more profound significance - which it is impossible to go into at this moment, for we must turn to... Humpty Dumpty.''

This quote from The Interlude in Magick in Theory and Practice by Edward Alexander Crowley (Aleister) serves to illustrate a potential source of enrichment for A Clockwork Orange.  Perhaps like its namesake, 2022 or The Year of Samael, is organised like an actual Clockwork Orange with smaller wheels and larger wheels all interacting to make up the whole.  If this is a true clairvoyant perception it may well be somewhat of a bitch to unravel (we have already established a number of potential interlocking wheels in the Alexarillion & they have access to way better visualisers than we do) but there is precedent from the Rocky Horror Picture Show Theory which was itself organised as two concentric wheels - the Inner Plot or the main narrative from the film and the Outer Plot taken from the movies referenced in the prologue Science Fiction Double Feature.  If there is a Golden Dawnesque sect operating in the Outermost Temple of the Demolition Team the ''best'' of these people will be extraordinarily familiar with the works of Edward Alexander Crowley, a man who certainly invoked Samael all the way to the six hundred and sixty sixth base and was not known for keeping his fingers out of all sorts of treachorous crevices and crevasses.  So to riff off of Old Eddie Alexander then who is this laboratory mouse running up and down the calendar-clock of the Demolition Team's ticking time bombs but the ego of humanity, an ego pumped and primed by social media leading up to 2019 to provide the most satisifying explosive ''energy'' for all the hungry ghosts below when the detonators were/are pulled.  The clock struck eight, the mouse ran down, hickory dickory cock.


A tableau of a few wasted people sitting in bars and nightclubs where the drink is only available if you have had your molocho moloko was efficiently drawn in the mise-en-scene all over Europe as various regimes imposed anti-Dionysian bans on singing and dancing as they all sought to get their quota towards the infernal statistic of 66.6% altered states.  As a libertarian friend of mine pointed out these laws didn't even serve to protect people who don't even go to bars, as transmission continued to be a problem, being the last thing the so-called protection protected against.  Reports of a continuing drink/needle spiking epidemic and the accompanying in-and-out only served to make these places even less attractive than they already were.  On a ritual magick note, Dionysus has been effectively starved to death by the last two years and when a God is starving they are known to do anything for a fix even going to a party at Number 10Ask the Birds. Just so you all know starving and trapping may form part of the metaphysical mentality at the very high end of these demolition practices and you can definitely hack that.  Just have  a party.  Any party at this point.  You and some droogs smoking a joint down the quarry will do.  Now like Socrates you may say ''hey hang on Blogos if these Gods need party ''food'' and can't get it anywhere else then are they really Gods, aren't they more like Vampires?''  Well I would just say let's save that socratic dialogue convo for the secret meeting down by the docks, little brothers.  Either way the Rise and (Temporary) Fall of the Passport is the only significant development of the V-narrative beyond Omicron which is truly the property of Rocky Horror being as it began in 2021.


The Putin Twist (where the final ''alien'' form of Riff-Raff was revealed to be Putin) as the end of Rocky Horror was first predicated by semi-legendary Erisian and neurologically still functioning chaos magician/dearly beloved reader known only as Agent Kaph Mem.  Gazprom politics; Sputnik V; Belarus; Ukraine; Kazakhstan; the Putin Twist presented us with the perfect segue into the pseudo-Slavic psychogeography and lingo of A Clockwork Orange.  With that said I think it is highly unlikely to synch ''Russia'' with only Billy Boy's gang; far more likely that ''Russia'' will track with ''Alex'' on many of his adventures this year - maybe we should pursue Alexei Navalny (in case you had forgotten him well here he is in Time yesterday) and if this is the case then our Russian Alexes may well be Operation Gladio affiliated.  Alexei then is another candidate for the prison phase of the Russian cogwork.  ''What's the difference between a droog and a White Russian?'' may be a question we have to get our head around to understand one of the major wheels in our clock.

The Icon of Free Choice, All Rights Reserved, Novax Jokervic, holding an 80% stake in Danish biotech firm QuantBioRes, is both a perfect example of the Nadsat vibe of the year and of the controlled opposition we are beginning to see take over the ''anti-vaccine'' narrative from those less responsible to the Demolition Team et al - FFS they even made non-Tennis players evoke and invoke SerbovicClockwork Orange Experience Joe Rogan is regrettably just another CIA/Wasphead asset although they are at least making that clear in the Qabalistic colouring for the astute of mind.  Point the spear at the war elephant and stay put little brothers, don't let these clockwork orangovics tempt you into breaking our precious phalanx.  The death and maiming of athletes is entirely in-keeping with an anti-mercurial ritual as athletics is one of the aspects of civilization he rules over.  Conserve your emotional energy, wrap yourself around perfect courage, keep your alienation goggles nail-gunned to your temples and stay your fucking ground.  Amen.


Alexander dePfeffel Johnson has it all - he's large, he's a liar and he's loaded - from the point of the view of the narrator of this anti-Aristophanic anti-comedy he is truly perfect in the worst imaginable way.  Repeatedly called a damned liar who desecrates the dead and almost exorcised like Samael himself by David Davis - in the Name of God, I command you to abandon the body of this innocent parliament! - this particular Alexander is going to be a fearsome study in the sheer intricacies of wheelwork the Demolition Team are capable of.  Pfeffel deLarge can carry the droogs, the boosterism, the flat scenes, the gang fighting, the prison scenes, the reform and apologies to polite society, the deception, the blinding and the poisoning - he could easily be a One Man Alex.  We could focus all our synchromystical ''energies'' here and only see one wheel amongst many, so all consuming and perfect a vehicle for Samael is he.  He is not a ''liberty candidate'', little brothers, he is possessed by a hungry ghost like all the rest of them.  Trust no-one.  I know the soft-hypothesis here is that the Alex Swarm is part of a ''CIA/ Epstein'' operation but frankly mind-control at their level should be fairly crude whereas an interdimensional telepathic mantis can just put thoughts in your head and you will be sure they are your own, the bigger your ego the likelier you are to be convinced i.e. without the torture.  Beyond mantises don't forget the absolute worst aliens you are going to meet up there are extra-human.  This is just fact within schizo-hypothesis. 

A fact like sooner or later God''ll cut you down like a mouse in your wire work.  Tick tock.

The Durango 95 purred away all horrorshow - a nice warm vibraty feeling all through your guttiwuts.


Alex DeLarge, A Clockwork Orange


  1. "On a ritual magick note, Dionysus has been effectively starved to death by the last two years and when a God is starving they are known to do anything for a fix..."

    Again, this is the deeper meaning of the stage scene:

    "The camera pans down to show a gold toned sculpture below, the head of a bearded and crowned antique deity on an archway overlooking a theatrical stage--perhaps *Dionysus*, the patron god of theater."

    1. Of course it makes it all the more fascinating that Alexander the Great IRL was merely following in the footsteps of Dionysus before him as he travelled the world ("Oh look, according to local legends Dionysus came here before us!"), and that Alexander wore a *horned helmet*.

    2. Morbius trailer for 2022 uses Jim Morrison's People are Strange rather than the original trailer which had Beethoven's Fur de Lise. If we are talking Dionysian avatars.

    3. Fur de Lise was in Rosemary's Baby" (1968).

      As for People are Strange, in 1987 the Liverpool band Echo & The Bunnymen covered this song, reaching #29 in the UK charts. Their version, which was featured in the film The Lost Boys, was produced by Ray Manzarek, who also played on the track. In a scene from the movie, the vampires' cave contains a huge poster of Jim Morrison in his Jesus pose.

      In the 1994 movie Forrest Gump, Forrest improves his ping pong game as this plays.

    4. JB, that's perfect! It's so elegant.

      I kept getting bogged down in the blending of Venusian details and the seeming malevolence of the placement of the golden head in relation to the actions onstage when the whole edifice is viewed anatomically. Ie, since the head is Venus' "pearl," then no matter how much she fights she actually enjoys it; and the whole thing is sanctioned by the gods so there's no use fighting anyway. In "The Thieving Magpie" a low-class deserter's daughter is blamed for a theft she didn't commit and threatened with death; much like how women are put on trial when they accuse a social superior of stealing more than kisses.

      Or maybe it's to do with birthing some idea into the public consciousness, or an aspect of one of Dionysus and Aphrodite's children Peitho or Priapus. Peitho - political or sexual persuasion - so persuade to do, think, or feel what? Priapus - protects (or Alexes) livestock, fruit, plants, and male genitalia - carries a thyrsus and wears a Phrygian cap, erection, and boots.

      One the one hand, it could be a simple message - go out and get some, by force if necessary. You too, ladies, it'll let you access the power normally reserved to males. Or, it could be saying if you join the vaca nation you'll not only enjoy the protection and licentious license of the gods, you'll also become enlightened as a god yourself.

      Something about all that is just off, somehow. There's either more to it, or less. Sometimes less is more.




    So long Eddie

  4. I came for the guided tour of the apocalypse but stayed for:

    'This is just fact within schizo-hypothesis.'


    The backwash of Rocky Horror has seen Eddie fall:

    1. He made it through the year at least. We thought he might actually die when Eddie dies he was one of our picks.

  5. Scooped again, that will teach me not to refresh before posting. Anyway, great work and lot's of food for thought above.

    On the technofascist solutions to life's problems embodied within Clockwork Orange:

    Yes, how much longer will they wait? The video was chilling enough for me with the subtitles.

    “The reason why we’re not approving is not from a lack of data,” Diamond said. “It’s because bureaucratic regulations, likely designed for safety reasons, is now interfering with what’s scientifically sound.”

  6. 'Perhaps like its namesake, 2022 or The Year of Samael, is organised like an actual Clockwork Orange with smaller wheels and larger wheels all interacting to make up the whole. If this is a true clairvoyant perception it may well be somewhat of a bitch to unravel'

    I am thinking thematic approach. There's some interesting material in the wiki for the novel, including the implicit suggestion that clockwork orange was never a cockney phrase to begin with, maybe Antony got his inspiration elsewhen:

    'The phrase "as queer as a clockwork orange" is good old East London slang and it didn't seem to me necessary to explain it. Now, obviously, I have to give it an extra meaning. I've implied an extra dimension. I've implied the junction of the organic, the lively, the sweet – in other words, life, the orange – and the mechanical, the cold, the disciplined. I've brought them together in this kind of oxymoron, this sour-sweet word."[15][16] Nonetheless, no other record of the expression being used before 1962 has ever appeared.[17] Kingsley Amis notes in his Memoirs (1991) that no trace of it appears in Eric Partridge's Dictionary of Historical Slang.
    The saying "as queer as ..." followed by an improbable object: "... a clockwork orange", or "... a four-speed walking stick" or "... a left-handed corkscrew" etc. predates Burgess' novel.[18] An early example, "as queer as Dick's hatband", appeared in 1796,[19] and was alluded to in 1757.[20]

    His second explanation was that it was a pun on the Malay word orang, meaning "man". The novella contains no other Malay words or links.[17]
    In a prefatory note to A Clockwork Orange: A Play with Music, he wrote that the title was a metaphor for "an organic entity, full of juice and sweetness and agreeable odour, being turned into a mechanism".[17]
    In his essay Clockwork Oranges, Burgess asserts that "this title would be appropriate for a story about the application of Pavlovian or mechanical laws to an organism which, like a fruit, was capable of colour and sweetness".[21]
    While addressing the reader in a letter before some editions of the book, the author says that when a man ceases to have free will, they are no longer a man. "Just a clockwork orange", a shiny, appealing object, but "just a toy to be wound-up by either God or the Devil, or (what is increasingly replacing both) the State.'

    The pavlovian mechanical laws applied to the organic fits well with the age of Ahriman and the increasing move from spiritual to materialistic, so perhaps there'll be increased prominence for the transhumanists of silicon valley, maybe via the Bill Gates vaccination path? I posted above on the move to vaccinate children from 5 upwards, maybe that forms a part of it. Alex after all is a child, by legal standards. It's easy to forget in the movie but he's supposedly 15.

    I have also toyed with the concept that this (mandatory child vaccination or revealed side effects) is the point at which the patsies in place go too far and the 'crimes against children' which are referenced through the Q narrative, notably here: form the point for the desired awakening and fightback against the ancien regime. All tbc and I should really stop lacing my Molocho with hopium.

  7. Very relevant, thanks, and Jim Morrison visited Teotihuacan (in the 'navel of the moon') the week of the moon-landings. Should also note that Citibank owns and operates the Palace of Augustus Iturbide, the old historical house were Alex Crowley stayed on his visit to Quetzalcoatl in 1900, and they have the only Baroque depictions of Alexander ('Crossing the Granicus' and 'The Persian Women') I've seen in local museums. Consider Monarch butterflies only nest in a few forests in central Mexico, and that Russian two-headed eagles were also a Habsburg symbol, so a few are scattered around town. Current exhibition includes dozens of Yvonne Domenge's literal clockwork oranges, starting with Kepler's Mysterium Cosmographicum.. just take a look:

    Morrison ('Lizard King') was perhaps aware Itzamna, the Mayan god, is the framer and master of the regular movement of the stars, a Grand Architect in lizard form:



      Lily got him in the end...


      This guy synched with Eddie and Dr Scott last year. Interesting they are wrapping that up now as well...

  9. I’m having a really hard time commenting here. Most of them disappear spontaneously.

    1. Nothing in spam I am afraid. Please copy and save and try a few times, sorry! There should not be a delay when you post. Unless you are under some kind of hex!

    2. All I’m trying to say is to tickle its creatures. It loves that.

    3. I design experiments aimed at warping reality. I’m trying to stay general so maybe it works. I designed quite a few. They worked. Aces. We have this general ability, I believe. I have good reason to believe. I designed experiments. None of them replicable I’m sure, but the thing doesn’t work that way. It is intelligent, not a machine.

    4. Problem is if you can do it so can they. Chaosmagic is all well and good when its Bobpunk but not so much when it has multi trillion pinkboy corporate military funding. Ps I don't believe in this model of magic although I do respect the chaos magic old school practitioners who were definitely fun to party with and had some intellectual mettle. New school chaos magic has some incredible cringe in it. Recently it's even gone as far as painful wince. But this new school is not post modern its "metamodern" ie neomodern and therefore has even more savage contradictions than the old school.

    5. X on 4chan inevitably has a cringe 'How can I use Chaos Magick to get X or Y' thread.

      I'm up for tickling though.

    6. Recovering chaos mage here who abandoned it for for greener more intellectually satisfying pastures (i.e. ceremonial magic, Rosicrucianism, Martinism and especially neoplatonism)

      Been out of the loop for awhile. They still whacking off to Cthulhu dolls?

    7. Although this is not my main beef (its more to do with problems for chaos raised by retrocausality, eternalism and the transactional interpretation of QM) this *is* where Chaos comes a bit unstuck i.e. don't tell me you are creating beings based off of fiction when those creatures are not in anyway fictional to start with... ;-)

      That 4chan stuff is part of ''results-oriented sorcery'' which is now incredibly cringey. It spammed off Chaos who had some genuinely good points about pontification and armchairism in the arts magicka but now its just a means to an end rather than a gateway into the why.

      I slap myself hard every time I say ''get'' or ''got'' as hard as I slap myself every time I say ''just'' i.e. that is just that. Sometimes I absolutely have to but I really really try my best to avoid them.


    An unidentified 49 year old man was found dead in his 5500 block of Raphael Drive, Pomfret area, Charles County, Maryland home 30 miles south of Washington DC, surrounded by 124 snakes. Among them were black mambas, cobras, and rattlesnakes. The largest is reported to be a 14 foot Burmese python.

    Looks like it happened the night of Wednesday, January 19.

    The Sun moved into Aquarius that night. Venus won't reach its closest orbital position to the Sun until January 23, when it will be a distance of 107.4 million km or 66.8 million statute miles at perihelion. During the latter half of January, Venus is near Sagittarius' Teapot asterism. Venus and Mars move towards each other, with Venus higher in the sky, during Venus' retrograde. Including the Venus stuff because this story's got a lot of 7's.

    At 22.45 seconds per day, this would be sometime between when Dim throws a guy off the balcony, and when all of Billy's Boy's boys are down getting beaten.

    1. Mary and Charles are royal names; the Burmese python might remind one of Louis, Earl of Burma and last Viceroy of India. Charles also called off a visit there a couple of years ago because of violence, I think he said.

      Pomfret is a kind of fish popular in Southern Asia often called butterfish. It seems to be quite common in the Indian Ocean, as well as being found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

      Next door to the Kennedy Center in Washington DC, is the Saudi Arabian embassy. A little less than a year ago, the Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences posted an article looking at heavy metal contamination in five fishes, pomfret among them. Turns out, the pomfret they looked at contains a lot of cadmium.

      Did you know cadmium accumulation can make the flu worse, and so maybe Liliflu as well? I had no idea until today. They only have preliminary research, but why bother following up when you've got enough to influence perception with?

      Anyway, not sure how it might fit together, but it's kind of interesting.

    2. Louie Anderson died late Thursday night or early Friday morning of cancer complications in Las Vegas.

      On Tuesday it was reported he was in hospital with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Lead, but not cadmium, has been found to raise risk of lymphomas.

      Family Feud made him a household name; he was later replaced by a Home Improvement guy.

    3. The Myanmar military was founded 77 years ago, and seems to be tightening its stranglehold on Aung San Suu Kyi, whose oldest son Alexander accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on her behalf. Even now she is facing more charges for supposedly having illegally funded a helicopter. Many of her international honors have been revoked, but she still has quite a few including the the Nobel Prize, US Presidential Medal of Honor, and Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia. Australia has the most poisonous snakes (of the animal variety) of any country in the world.

      The latest charges were announced on January 14, which runs from “It was around by the derelict casino” to when the woman onstage is held by both arms.

    4. How’s that Durango going to purr without any gas money?

      Her bro’s a US citizen who reportedly is fonder of the junta than her. Some sort of engineer.

      She got the medal of freedom, not honor. Obama gave her an award, too. Him and her other progressive supporters must be so disappointed with her performance as leader.

    5. Raphael Drive + snakes hmmm

      Nice strike in Myanmar there

      I noticed a few other petrol stories is the price of a barrel breaking a new threshold at the moment?

    6. If there’s any area which is a universal blind spot, it’s petrol politics. It’s as gooey and impenetrable as a barrel of crude. Anyway here’s a few stories touching on some current facets of the fuel situation.

      Basically, oil prices are up since a recent attack on a Mideast oil facility by rebels.

      Russia is seen as manufacturing the astronomical fuel prices in Europe this winter, by I guess only fulfilling the minimum obligations agreed to; they’ve been selling fuel instead to China, who now has so much extra they’re looking to sell it on the spot market. Russia and China are currently negotiating a new pipeline between them that would allow Russia to divert more oil sales from Europe to China in the future.

      It sounds like Russia started concentrating on the Ukraine border after Biden waived sanctions associated with the European pipeline bypassing Ukraine, which is now a wrangling point as it hasn’t been approved for use yet.

      There are websites claiming that the troubles in Myanmar didn’t start until Russia started investing in energy exploration there in 2006, at which point their Muslim minority in the area experienced heightened tensions with the Buddhist majority. Some websites go so far as to claim the minority was brought in during Britain’s reign as a destabilizing element and should be considered as Bangladeshis. I don’t know what to think about any of that, but it’s perhaps worth noting that the claim involves Lord Mountbatten. He, coincidentally, was part of a WWII project to snake fuel lines across the English Channel using a then-innovative method which is still relied upon to this day to carry fuel across bodies of water.

      The usual suspect is accused of fomenting the so-called color revolution in Myanmar at present. This is the same person accused of tanking Thailand’s economy in the nineties, which pulled down Southeastern Asian economies for years afterward.

      It’s a huge mess, and I may have gotten some details mixed up. None of the websites making the most accusatory claims seemed in any way unbiased or reliable, but maybe it’s worth noting that the rumors exist.

    7. Slight tangent, but it seems like progress on deep sea mining for minerals necessary to make the switch to the electric economy may have stalled since a certain alleged lady pervert was arrested last summer.

    8. I can't seem to delete the 10:18 comment. Ignore it, it's stupid and wrong.

  11. Blogos,

    I don't know where you're physically located but I'm worried about the physical (and of course spiritual) well being of millions of men and women in Eastern Europe and Russia as right now the cryptocracy seems to be unsheathing their sabers and gearing up for a catastrophic conflict in which countless lives could be lost.

    I'm praying that you are blessed and kept healthy and safe whatever may come.

    1. I'm remote enough that I'm good unless nukes be flying. If nukes be flying best pray for us all!

    2. 😆
      I'm still praying for you and sending you good vibes.

      God bless you, bro.

    3. Thanks brother, unending megablessings back at you all!

  12. Hermes sues Rothschild:

  13. Durango!


    2. 21/1 - transition from police sirens to the car ride:

      Also from that site, a sad Alexander story:

    3. A lot of writers who start off as realists end up as symbolists. Our 5th dimensional narrators who design reality using pentatopes may be no different.

  14. The weird thing about life is that it’s infectious.

  15. The rhizome invents itself from itself.

  16. Sorry. That was an experiment. I think if I only type a sentence or so…

  17. Bumper crop of traffic/related stories this morning.

    1. 'We fillied around for a while with

      other travelers of the night, playing hogs of the road.'


      “‘Anyone who sees or locates the monkey is asked not to approach, attempt to catch, or come in contact with the monkey. Please call 911 immediately,’ troopers tweeted, not elaborating on any specific dangers the monkey posed.”

      “ The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the agency was providing ‘technical assistance’ to state police. The shipment of monkeys was en route to a CDC-approved quarantine facility after arriving Friday morning at New York's Kennedy Airport from Mauritius, the agency said.”

  18. I had a vision after writing this post that has taken a little while to decompress but its an insight maybe into how the structure will work and I will write a post on it tomorrow but the end of the vision maybe is pushing me in a slightly different direction. There is very little EM smog here and my astral vision is very clear, there are a few other technical reasons as well but I am surprised at how much I was being impeded by living in a city.

    Personally I am not that intimidated by ACO and I've gotten myself into a position where it should not be as difficult to navigate as CoT and RHPS were. Touch wood. I did the RHPS step by step to get as many people onboard as possible but myself and what is left of my team kind of agreed to only do that one in that way as it is very time consuming. I certainly don't need to prove this to myself anymore. As I said before when I am doing it this way it kind of paralyses the blog in other aspects because the moment I move on from a page that is still running then its forgotten, if not completed. It also made it very difficult to do parallel investigations between Inner and Outer Theories.

    I see ACO as achieving a few goals from the point of view of the DT, its a valve release on ''toxic masculinity'', rage milking and then forces society to confront this, concentrated in the anti-Pfizer anti-GM movement or ''conspiracy theory''. It normalises forms of mind control through ''de-radicalistion'' and although that may be as innocent as some nice people from social services knocking on your door, it will certainly be as full on as the Ludovico Technique when we get to that bit. It talks about emptying the prisons to make room for political prisoners (i.e. the people who will not pay the extortionate 3600E or whatever being charged in Austria for avoiding mandates) and releasing low level criminals back into society (community service in orange jackets was touted by Alex DePfeffel last year). We've got police forces being swelled with thug-like fascists and a bit of toing and froing between conservative and liberal factions as well. It's a brilliant film and I want to ''watch'' it along with everyone else BUT...

    This is what I am thinking. We might need to ''split up'' for a little bit to cover more ground. If Journeyman can run the timelines for ACO up at Hotel Apophenia (one per month) or anyone else who wants to (and let's not get too caught up in the exact time division it *does* make a difference but not enough of one to invalidate the work here unless you are taking risky stock options off the back of it - a small disclaimer on wriggle room is enough) at least for a bit gives me a chance to focus on something that does genuinely concern me i.e. IoBS.

    1. I don't think you want to cull the sheep and spare the wolves. You want to cull both groups, probably by the same percentage. I am fairly sure that there will be ''another pandemic'' or perhaps a more subtle development of this one (at least at first). The WHO green passport which is where we are surely headed has room for several diseases and my own visions have made it clear that there will be several diseases (three in total) that will be required to have some kind of ''vaccination'' for to functionally live in the ''smart cities'' alongside a general health check as we get very very fascistic. Those on the ''anti'' side when the next one comes will be very reluctant to take any treatment, even more so now and rightly, and if this is more dangerous which I think is highly likely but not certain then they are going to really suffer. The other option (the treatment offered and ultimately forced) is not prettier it just delays the problem for those individuals until we reach LR in 2026 when its basically ''carousel time'' from the stacking effects of experimental treatments. If I can move on to IoBS at least for a few months while Alex is cavorting around then I can work on the alchemical cure/treatment for it. I was very solidly ahead on various anti-liliflu remedies and treated a lot of people successfully with various potions. I have a feeling that IoBS is going to be much more of a complex problem from an alchemical PoV than liliflu which was pretty much anti-vampire cocktail and I plan to look at a good range of options - soft hypothesis through to schizo hypothesis. I am happy to keep pace with ACO and also happy to host the discussions here under more general posts like this one but I could do with the map/timeline being outsourced, again at least for a few months so I can give us some *genuinely useful* information way ahead of time so we have time to each gather materials we might need. If the trailer for IoBS *starts in Halloween* then I do not want to be caught watching ACO without any idea of how I or we can handle what is coming with IoBS. There are already a lot of clues being/been distributed and they just take a bit of analytical time and vision work. If you are psychic or have some kind of psychic/magical powers I remind you that you can remote view *through* the movie or soundtrack itself - they have a kind of ''signature'' on them now in the astral (this leads into a point I will eventually make about chaos magic but with retrocausality, the egregore causes the individuals who thought they were the cause, similarly the ''reality'' of the lived movies *caused* those movie to exist in the past). Again I might be wrong about IoBS but the other options are not that pleasant either. If this is anything like initiation into the mysteries the tests (ordeals) will get increasingly harder and in my experience that has always been in ascending powers of severity. i.e. If we think liliflu here had 1% or 2%, if that, CFR then this what is coming, if it is as simple as ''deadly'' in the traditional sense, could be like 10% or 20%. Again I think its going to be more insidious than that but just to illustrate my point. Here is the trailer for IoBS it doesn't leave much out so I expect stuff to kick off pretty full on for us at least in late Oct.

      Anyway what do you all think? I know this is kind of useful, cathartic and fun in an unimaginably dark way I just think I could be usefully deployed ''in the future'' so to speak at least ''temporarily''.


      On the above note I highly recommend this film, its a little bit boring for the first 30 mins but it enters some very interesting territory as it gathers pace. Was surprised to see Reece Shearsmith as well outside of his traditional haunts. Anyway line between science, magic and nature very sensitively explored well worth the time.

    3. I've posted 'A Clockwork February' and happy to continue with the rest of the movie. Can do further water carrying if needed, although it could all end up like this: if you let me near the grimoires...

    4. Looking ahead does seem like a better idea than continuously playing catch-up.

  19. For comedy relief search on youtube for: war the day today

  20. Isn't it the simplest explanation that their plans are failing due to hubris? They may be geniuses, but their understanding of human nature is autistic at best.

    1. Most people aren't buying it anymore. Even some far-left members of the vaxx-cult are waking up and getting pissed off, even on TV, and there is applause. No one's gonna believe anything TPTB tell them anymore, about anything (especially leftist causes), it'll be "everyone for themselves", even on a government level. People will tell creepy little Greta and Leo to go f**k themselves.

    2. They play both sides though, always have.

      Consider how long this has been in the planning. Would they really expose all the breadcrumbs, the patents, the 2019 Gates led planning event, Charles Lieber, Peter Daszac et al if they didn't intend for them to be found and for an anti vax movement to form?

      If it didn't happen organically they'd have people on hand to ensure it did and they need to ensure that the division continues and intensifies in the months ahead.

      Look at the way someone has clearly pulled a switch on the MSM to allow discussion of things which were previously omerta. You can track it across multiple networks and organisations. Someone is letting the strings show. Since when did they get so comically inept? I don't think TPTB equals Creepy Klaus and his gang of cartoon villains. I think we've been presented with a set of patsies who will most definitely fail. If we want to find the controllers we should look at the solution to the Hegelian dialect they present, because that will be the path they wished us to take from the outset.

    3. Mind you, I should preface all this by saying I don't really have a scooby doo what's going on :)

      I know I wish they'd picked a lighter movie this year. ACO is quite a grim viewing after watching Richard O Brian and co camping it up in RHPS.

    4. See why can't they be like the Irish PTB who picked 'Weekend at Bernies' for their pathwork to oblivion:

    5. Blatant symbolism. Ireland is 90% vaxxed. So they're almost all a bunch of walking corpses now.

  21. Replies
    1. Have you tried using another web browser? If you normally use Chrome, try with Firefox (or Opera, Edge etc.) Ideally a fresh install version.

      I'm wondering if there's some plugin or setting on your current browser which is interfering. At least trying a different browser would be a way of eliminating that as a possibility :)

    2. Chrome is such sh*t. I had to disinstall it twice.

  22. Droog attacks with orange missile

    Could be a source of Droog violence, Wembley stadium for Euro final was already apparently very moody:

    They've just brought standing back in selected English football stadia, with warnings from Police that it will fuel trouble. Maybe a narrative that will be explored further through the year?

  23. This one’s just too on the nose. Businesses in that building include C&C Dental Lab, The Nook on Robinson lounge, Etoile Boutique vintage store, Holey Rabbit tattoo shop, and The MILK BAR Lounge.

    1. Feel free to repost it to the new article, I would like to keep the discussion and tracking going on

  24. Thanks for sharing
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